Let's Discuss by Şengül Gökhan Kocatepe

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For Intermediate, Upper Intermediate and Advanced Leves Students

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Introduction .............................................................................................7 Acknowledgement ...................................................................................9 Judgment (1) ..........................................................................................11 Judgment (2) ..........................................................................................12 Staying in Dormitories .........................................................................14 Television and Computer Games .....................................................16 Environmental Pollution ......................................................................18 Close Relationships ...............................................................................20 Technological Improvements .............................................................22 Turning Points ......................................................................................24 Phobias ....................................................................................................26 Ufo’s .........................................................................................................28 Judgement (3) .......................................................................................30 Mistakes ..................................................................................................32 Abortion .................................................................................................34 Inventions ...............................................................................................36 Keeping Ourselves and The Environment Safe ............................38 Fortune Telling ......................................................................................40 Innovations .............................................................................................42 Pregnancy ................................................................................................44 Living Today ..........................................................................................46 Wearing a Uniform ................................................................................48 Living in a Big City .................................................................................50 Travelling .................................................................................................52 Education or Money .............................................................................54 Crime .......................................................................................................56 Friendship .............................................................................................58 Attending Universities .........................................................................60 Eating in a Restaurant ......................................................................62 Reading Books .......................................................................................64 Success ....................................................................................................66 Cutting Down On One’s Own Expenses ....................................68 Earthquakes ............................................................................................70 Unemployment ......................................................................................72 Living Together .....................................................................................74

Life ...........................................................................................................76 Religion ...................................................................................................78 Answer Key ...........................................................................................80 Judgment (2) ...........................................................................................80 Staying in Dormitories ........................................................................80 Television and Computer Games .......................................................81 Environmental Pollution .....................................................................81 Close Relationships ..............................................................................82 Technological Improvements .............................................................82 Turning Points .......................................................................................83 Phobias ....................................................................................................83 Ufo ...........................................................................................................84 Judgment (3) ...........................................................................................84 Mistakes ..................................................................................................85 Abortion .................................................................................................85 Inventions ...............................................................................................86 Keeping Ourselves and The Environment Safe .............................86 Fortune Telling ......................................................................................86 Innovations .............................................................................................87 Pregnancy ...............................................................................................87 Living Today .........................................................................................87 Wearing Uniform ..................................................................................87 Living in a Big City ............................................................................88 Travelling ................................................................................................88 Education or Money .............................................................................88 Crime .......................................................................................................88 Friendship ...............................................................................................89 Attending at Universities ....................................................................89 Eating in a Restaurant .........................................................................90 Reading Books .......................................................................................90 Success .....................................................................................................91 Expenditures ..........................................................................................91 Earthquakes ............................................................................................91 Living Together ......................................................................................92 Life ...........................................................................................................92 Religion ...................................................................................................93

This book is intended for improving speaking skills for the learners who are at intermediate, upper interme The book is a nice source, designed especially for the teachers to enable students to improve their speaking skills. The book’s main aim is to contribute developing speaking skills in English Language Teaching in Turkey. The vocabulary and the phrasal verbs and idiomatic items, included in the book ,have been selected on the basis of frequency and usefulness. The materials in the book were selected with the utmost care from wide range of books, dictionaries and media. There are 35 topics in the book and exercises vary in length from 30 minutes to 60 minutes depending on your students level and their interest in the topic. The topics and the exercise in the book have been designed to the level of the students. And you don’t have to fol choose your subject according to the students and your mood and the daily news. On the other hand you can give 7

your students a copy of the subject index before, if you want your students to prepare before for the discussions. Or you can use brainstorming as a warm up activity for some of the topics. Many of the questions in the book have been formulated so that they will avoid just saying ‘yes, no.’ It would be better if you explain your students that you won’t interrupt them while they are talking, you will note dawn the mistakes they made and later you will point. As teachers we shouldn’t think that this book is just homework about the questions that were not discussed in the classroom. And there are already some subjects for the composition in the book. The book also will teach the students lots of phrasal verbs, idioms and also the noun forms, verb forms, adjective and the adverb forms of the words. study book. They may discuss the subjects asking and answering the questions to each other.


! "!#! I had got the idea of writing this book for a year. It is because that we face the problem of the inability of ers and the students in our country. The main problem is not grammar, not writing, but especially speaking in our classes in English Language Teaching. So, I thought that writing a speaking book would be helpful for myself as an English Language Teacher, for my colleagues and for our students. First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to my dear husband Gรถkhan Kocatepe for his support, encouragement and for his help during the process of writing this book. I would like to express my gratitude also to Metin !" # his comments, his proofreading . I thank very much for my dear teacher Nejat Alperen, $ ciency exams, for his proofreading and help. Also, I would like to express my dearest thanks to % & '&*" $ + / " : '& ; 9

: especially for recording the listening materials. < = / * studying architecture, for designing the book cover of the book. And, I should say that I couldn’t write this book without the deep love of my son that gave me the energy to write this book.


$ % &'( ) * George ,against his better judgment ,thinking that time killed a child. He was taking his pregnant wife to hospital. '+ Would it change anything if George hit the child on green light? ,+ It could be an ambulance instead of an automobile. Would it be again the same crime? -+ How would you judge this person if the child was deaf ? )") . / 0! ! 1 "#! : even though you know you shouldn’t 0! 2 3! !..! !: be a very important factor * kill 4 3! 0 ) . 3 ! 53 ).) 6! 0.* '+ @ time _______________________. ,+ _________________________, I lent him the money. -+ The man was ________________ wildly just because of the money.


!7! .!. difference

6! 0

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judge deaf delivery

‌‌‌‌ ‌‌‌‌

wildly blind

$ % &,( ) A man shot the thief who had broken into her house. He is in hospital now and it is not known yet to live or not? '+ According to you, what should be the punishment if the thief is dead, alive, or paralyzed? ,+ How can a person defend herself/himself legally? What is the poetic justice in this situation? -+ If you have got a gun with you; would you try to kill the person who broke into your house or set upon him or do something else? 0 !) : to go into somebody’s house without permission especially to steal something. 5 ! 1 . !: an appropriate or deserved punishment/ reward .! 5 : attack


7! .!. 4 3! 0 ) . 3 ! 53 ).) 6! 0.* '+ After telling me off for driving too fast, dad got booked for speeding. That is what I call ___________________ ____________. ,+ I saw this man ____________________________ my neighbor’s house last night. -+ The enemies are preparing to ____________________ on a suitable occasion. 4 3! 0 ) . 3 8 9 6! "! .+ '+ I didn’t try____________________________ (climb) that tree. It is very risky. ,+ Please try _________________________ (earn) more money. We need more. -+ The school enabled him __________________ (take) scholarship. :+ He is unable _________________________ (get up) from his bed. He is bedridden now. ;+ Have you got the permission________________ (go) into?


<% < ) Some students at university stay in dormitories and some others don’t. It is investigated before and if the fami State enables these students to stay at State dormitories. '+ Did you graduate from university? Where did you stay? ,+ What are the advantages and disadvantages of staying in dormitories and renting houses as students? -+ What is your opinion, should they stay in dormitories or should they rent a house? "! 0/X 7! .!.

6! 0 graduate


) 1! 6! investigated

) 6! 0 =====+ =====++

7! .!. 4 3! 0 ) . 3 ! 5 !5 . .* 1. Which university did you graduate _______________? 2. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY < back. 3. After her husband’s death she had to get __________ with his pension. 4. Another advantage _________________ renting a house is you can go into your house whenever you want. There is not a proper time for you. > " @ universities? Write a short paragraph.






ĂşHQJ O <DQJĂ–Q .RFDWHSH was born in Zonguldak in 15 september 1980. She graduated from secondary school in Çelikel Anatolian High school for four years. She started to in the women and also the 3. prize in women and men in Zonguldak. During that period she participated in the competitions of drawing picture and she earned many prizes too. She graduated from foreign language department in high school in 2000 and earned Selçuk University English Language Teaching Department that year. In her second year at university she started to work in several jobs. She gave English lessons and worked in Mevlana Ceremony as a guide every year in November. On the other hand she worked as a translator for a short ! ! for DSI which raised to 1st league team in Turkey. That year she participated in chess teaching course and started to give " # $ % in 2004 with an honor degree thanks to her academic success. She took the exam of KPSS that year and she was appointed to Sakarya in 2004. After working two years in Sakarya, she got ! & '

( ) ! * took the exam to be the teacher of Anatolian schools and she was appointed to Kartal Anatolian Vocational High School. She has been still working there as an English language teacher. She also has got a son at the age of two. She participated in many teacher training seminars and courses (entitled; class motivation in foreign language, international exams, keeping yourself up to date, exploring elt trends, promoting intercultural communication, did the cat get your tongue? heart and mind friendly, a bridge where all the skills integrate).

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