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Region IV Report

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Region IV Report Deb Martinez, Region IV Representative

Deb Martinez, MA, CI and CT, NIC Advanced, SC:L

Since our last update the Region IV Presidents have been meeting on a monthly basis. I am very proud and honored to serve with the AC Presidents who continue to show up and do the work of raising the standards within their prospective states, and also within the region. The Region IV Presidents work hard, are responsive, and actively engaged in making their state chapters a better place for the Deaf Community and the interpreters they lead. No easy task. Many discussions I am involved with locally, regionally and nationally pertain to member engagement and involvement. During our most recent presidents’ meetings, one president called the lack of participation in RID and the chapters “The Other Pandemic”, aptly so for many. When I was first entering the profession in the early 90s we joined the organization (state and national) and we contributed to our state chapter because “that is what you do”. You get involved, serve the Deaf community, and work to make “it”, our profession, a better place for those that come behind you. It was a means by which I met other interpreters and found my footing by listening to the experienced interpreters discuss dilemmas and issues facing the pro


YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/kJZrnDNUP3Y

fession or the Deaf community. It is nostalgic for me however the past is not the present and it is time for us to look forward instead of us looking back. It’s time for us to create more diversity in our field. It’s time we recognize that how we conduct business needs to change. By the time this article is published I will have joined with some of the chapters and will still be in the process of participating with other chapters who are completing their Town Halls, focused on RID’s motions for voting equity and restructuring. I look forward to participating in those events and continuing the conversations we as a Region and a Board regarding service and what the future holds for us.


NERID will host our Fall conference, slated for Oct 23 &24th, with Seth Gore. He will be presenting his Unlearning Words workshop and adding a second part at the conference. Bill Ross will also be presenting at the conference.

-Tina Work, President


MRID is changing their dues structure to incorporate more people into the organization. They created a way for the President of MAD and a Liaison to participate in MRID and Vice Versus. The state conference will be on Aug 7th and 8th- online.

-Katie Opp, President

South Dakota

SDIA-RID will have their annual conference Aug 21 and 22nd in person. Michael Lupo will be presenting regarding educating Deaf children. South Dakota is reviewing EIPA standards, which are currently set at 3.5. The Deaf community wants to see it raised to 4.0.

-Carmen Steen, President


ISRID held four meetings on Sunday July 12th alone. ISRID continues to offer an online book club, chapter by chapter. ISRID followed a house bill that now recognizes some licensure reciprocity. Updates to the ISRID website is nearing completion and a fun video “# I am ISRID” is prepped for it. ISRID revamped their by-laws and a new handbook is in the works. The By-law revisions will go before membership during their annual (virtual) business meeting in October. The annual fall conference will also be virtual. There will be preview webinars and facilitated breakout discussions. Prizes will also be awarded during the event.

ISRID continues to discuss a list of interpreters who are willing to interpret peace rallies, prayer vigils etc. They are working to figure out who will house that list, burnout and referral issues are a consideration.

There will be a town hall meeting which will have two separate goals, to discuss a more diverse organization and RID’s motion. Membership with the IAD, which had lapsed for a significant amount of time, has been renewed.

ISRID had a special board meeting after the BLM statement was posted. The executive board invited an IOC and a facilitator and are excited about moving forward with some concrete short term and long term goals. In addition they are also providing free CEUs for PPO webinars, this was an identified short term goal from the special meeting.

ISRID members donated membership for those struggling with expenses due to COVID and the organization had some remaining funds to be able to offer up to $10 reimbursement on masks for interpreters. They will post some clear view mask options on their website.

-Tara R von Walden, President


TSID hosted their first ever virtual membership meeting with great success. They have a full Board and will conduct a Board training on August 18, 2020. All TSID local chapters and their boards are invited to attend. During the training there will be an opportunity for our local Chapter treasurers to meet with our state Treasurer in a breakout room, local Presidents will be able to meet with the TSID President, and local Secretaries with the state Secretary.

TSID will be working closely with TAD to provide lessons learned and best practices for zoom meetings for their upcoming symposium.

TSID has established an ad-hoc RID investigation committee to report on the benefits/challenges of being an RID affiliate chapter and how they feel about the possibility of transitioning to a professional organization.

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