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Region V Report

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Region IV Report

Region IV Report


Krystal Sanders, Region V Representative

Krystal Sanders, CDI Region V Representative

Ibelieve we all can agree that 2020 is the year we do not want a replay of. Despite the many challenges and traumatic happenings all over the country, we can say that we have learned and can hopefully begin to make progress toward a better future for our communities and the communities we serve.

Region V banded together and worked on how we can better serve the members that are financially impacted. Virtual conferences and workshops were open to all the Region V members. We supported learning new skills with different technical platforms to support the Deaf community’s access. Several ACs changed board members throughout the year. Resources were shared in getting our essential interpreters who work at the frontline in medical and in proximity within the community. But you don’t have to take my word for it, here are some comments from the Affiliated Chapters throughout Region V:


AKRID would like to spotlight an upcoming conference, The Alaska Educational Conference will be online from Feb 26 to 28. For more workshops and seminars please go to their website: alaskarid.org. Arizona

Good things are happening in Arizona! Interpreters who work in healthcare settings can get the COVID vaccine in phase 1A and educational interpreters are able to get the vaccine in phase 1B. Stay tuned for an Town Hall event that is in the works, and keep your eye on their website here: arizonarid.wildapricot. org

In Northern California, they just transitioned to their new board. They are looking forward to starting the year with a workshop offered in partnership with the sister agency DCARA (Deaf Counseling Advocacy and Referral Agency). Some of the topics will cover new DCS of interpreting during COVID, defining risk assessment, and using PPE. You do not want to miss this! Their website will have more details coming up soon: norcrid.org.

Sacramento Valley

Sacramento Valley RID (SAVRID) is working to make a positive change by unlearning old habits and learning new and better ways to be; the board had their two-day retreat, moderated by Ritchie Bryant.

They are currently working on developing a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) audit committee to objectively track and report the organization’s accomplishment in achieving its DEI goals.

They also hosted a workshop in December on “Unlearning Words.” They were excited to have one of their members, Erica WestOyedele, present her insight on “Exploring Our Roots: A Self-Actualization Activity for Interpreters” during their general meeting on January 15. Stay tuned for more workshops

here: savrid.org. Southern California

Despite the exhaustion that everyone has experienced from the pandemic and political activities, Southern California is still working on promoting change for better. Plans are underway to begin a monthly anti-ism discussion group, as well as a February panel workshop on isms from a local perspective. For more upcoming information: scrid.org. San Diego County

In San Diego, they recently implemented a BIPOC committee to see how they can better serve their community and members. As with all progress, we must shed the old to begin the new. They are now in the process of cleaning and archiving old documents and videos from years past. If you would like to get your hands on copies, best contact them soon!


Idaho has been on a roll lately with providing free workshops for ALL of Region V members and several more coming up (idahorid. org). Congratulations to Steven Stubbs on being awarded with the Distinguished Service Award for his service to the Deaf community by providing interpreting services during the Governor’s news conferences during the COVID pandemic. Congratulations to Jackie Baxter on being honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award for her work to ensure interpreting services for members of the Deaf Community well before the ADA was passed. Please send your congratulations to both for all the work they have done for the Deaf community in Idaho.


After experiencing, not just the pandemic but also wildfires that took over most of the state, Oregon was able to come out of the rubble with positive news for their interpreters, with the announcement that health care interpreters are included in the state’s phase 1a of COVID-19 vaccinations. More informa-

tion for different community-based interpreters will be upcoming (orid.org). Washington

As Washington also transitions to a new board, they have continued to progress in their work; reestablishing a strong foundation for the board regarding policies and procedures, enhancing membership and community engagement with more consistent communications, and prioritizing their resources towards laying the groundwork for the DEI and inclusion focused recommendations brought forth by their work with consultant, Ritchie Bryant. Keep your eyes on their website: www.wsrid.com.

With 20/20 hindsight, we can go forward knowing that all the challenges and lessons we have learned can be applied in our current and future work and lives. Please go to your Affiliated Chapters’ websites and Facebook pages, as well as the Region V Facebook page, to keep up with current offerings. There are already several workshops and seminars lined up.


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