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Region Reports
Region II
ASL Version: https://youtu.be/VEQ0emyLfR0?si=CPrGpobj8-DUSEgf
M. Antwan Campbell, MPA, Ed:K-12 Region II Representative

Hello RID, I am M. Antwan Campbell, your Region II Representative.
I am really excited to give our Region II Conference report. Our conference was held on June 2122 and it was a huge success! We made a profit from this conference which helped build our Region II account. We had a lot of really great presenters and topics at the conference, but it would not have been a success without our sponsors and all of you who participated and supported the conference. I would also like to recognize the Region II AC presidents who helped, as well as a HUGE shout out to the NCRID board who served as our host for this conference. We had representation from 27 states across the US. We were able to give a donation to HEARD. Again to all of the presenters and supporters who came to the Region II Conference, I want to say THANK YOU!!!

Region IV
ASL Version: https://youtu.be/02gvUBiUAjI?si=XGHU33TbibhRmy7G
Jessica Eubank, NIC Region IV Representative

Hello everyone, I am Jessica Eubank, your Region IV rep! We are currently in the midst of conference season in the Region, and while there is not a Region IV conference in 2024, we have had a few fantastic conferences recently occur and are looking forward to several more.
I had the pleasure of recently attending the OKRID biennial conference “Come Grow with Us”. It was my first time visiting Oklahoma and I had a wonderful time meeting OKRID members and learning more about the community there, as well as enhancing my own professional development. I was also able to provide a report on the current RID events during the membership meeting. I want to say a heartfelt thank you to the OKRID board and members for your warm welcome, and to everyone who was involved in the planning - congratulations on a successful conference! For more information about the conference please see the OKRID update below
Colorado Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (CRID)
CRID will host a Diamond Jubilee Conference from October 25th to 27th, 2024 at the Great Wolf Lodge in Colorado Springs. For more information: https://coloradorid.org/annual-conference
Iowa State Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (ISRID)
Iowa State RID will have a fall conference in Iowa City, IA on October 5-6, 2024. Focusing on interpreting for CDIs and those interested in CASLI, BEI and EIPA, there will be dual tracks including an evening event with the Deaf community. Save the date, there will be more info to come!
Nebraska Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (neRID)
Mark your calendars! In October 2024 neRID will begin hosting virtual bimonthly mini-workshops for interpreters. More information will be shared on how to register and attend closer to October
Oklahoma Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (OKRID)
OKRID hosted our biennial conference “Come Grow with Us” in Tulsa on June 20-22. We had 134 attendees and offered 20 hours of professional development over the three days. Our silent auction proceeds, which fund our scholarships, raised $2000. We are already excited for the next one in 2026!