megan rieger
p o r t f o l i o interior design class of 2013
{ megan rieger }
curriculum vitae 585.305.8330 4750 highridge ave cincinnati, oh 45238
references available upon request.
{ education }
{ awards and honors }
2008 - present Interior Design class of 2013 University of Cincinnati College of Design, Art, Archtiecture, and Planning Recent quarterly G.P.A.: 3.8
Angelo Donghia Foundation Senior Scholarship Thomas Persons Scholarship 1st place, Scripps Networks Creative Space Design Knoll & Contract Scholarship Susan Butch Travel Scholarship Phyllis C. Lynch Scholarship 1st woman 50-mile North Country ultramarathon, ‘12 1st woman Run for the Red marathon, ‘12 VW ZRPDQ Ă€QLVKHU 3LUDWHV &RYH . UXQ Âś Dean's List quarterly Cincinnatus Scholar University of Cincinnati Honors Program Hands of Christ award
Professional Practice Cooperative Education 2004- 2008 Webster Schroeder High School Webster, NY G.P.A.: 3.7
{ supplementary education }
{ service and volunteer work }
2012 spring travel quarter in New Zealand spent working on organic farms, learning eco-building methods & gaining perspective
Vacation Bible School Music Leader Geva Theater usher St. Rita Parish volunteer Seton High School cross country Assistant Landscaper for Spring Grove Cemetery Peace or Hunger Conference Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms, NZ
{ extracurriculars: a timeline } 2012
Backpacking in New Zealand 1st pl. woman North Country 50-mile ultra 1st pl. woman Run for the Red marathon UC Running Club rockclimbing
1st pl. woman Pirates Cove Ultramarathon 4th pl. woman Flying Pig Marathon 6th pl. woman Rochester Marathon 3rd place woman NIRCA Half Marathon UC NIRCA Running Club Soprano in Unity choir San Francisco Walk for Life Ecstatic Dance UC Club Soccer & Women's Soccer League UC Mountaineering Club
OSID UC NIRCA Running Club UC Intermural Volleyball San Francisco Marathon
{ work experience } 2012
2009 - 2010
HGTV, Scripps Networks Knoxville, Tennessee fall semester Interior Design Intern
BAMO, Inc. San Francisco, California winter quarter Interior Design Intern
Smith+Associates Architects Rochester, New York summer quarter Interior Design & Marketing Intern
Engstrom Design Group San Rafael, California summer & winter Interior Design Intern
2009-2010 LaRosa’s Restaurant Cincinnati, Ohio summer-fall waitress
2008 Bristol Mountain Ski Resort Canandaigua, New York fall-spring Ski Instructor
Hand drafting, freehand drawing & rendering in a wide variety of media
$GREH &UHDWLYH 6XLWHV SURĂ€FLHQW LQ Photoshop, InDesign & Illustrator, exposure to Dreamweaver & Illustrator
Maya, 3DS Max, Rhinoceros, Revit, AutoCad, Form-Z (3d modelling and animation), SketchUp
Laser cutting, rapid prototype milling, shop work, basic construction, FDUSHQWU\ SDLQW ÀQLVK ZRUN
Spexx (creates and manages design VSHFLĂ€FDWLRQV ,PDWFK SKRWR OLEUDU\
0DWHULDO ÀQLVKHV ERDUG composition (2d & 3d)
Training in Papermaking, Painting, Jewelry, Ceramics, Sculpture, Basic &RQVWUXFWLRQ ÀEHU DUWV LQWDOLJR
High School
UC Students for Life UC Mountaineering Club UC Ultimate Frisbee Club UC Intermural Volleyball UC Intermural Softball
MVP & Captain, Varsity XC, Indoor & Outdoor Track Varsity Soccer Varsity Alpine Ski team National Honor Society Spanish Nat. Honor Society Webster Soccer Assn. Piano
Interior Design & Marketing intern for Smith+Associates Architects, out of Rochester, NY. The new company specializes in healthcare design, although they also had a number of designers on the retail team, and have also dabbled in corporate design. The team’s slogan, strongly upheld by president Ken Smith, is “digging deeper,â€? a commitment to working closely with the client to deliver a product that not only meets their needs, but exceeds them. I assisted across a broad range of disciplines in my time here, including doing client SURSRVDOV WKURXJK WKH 0DUNHWLQJ GHSDUWPHQW PDWHULDOV Ă€QLVK ERDUGV Ă€QLVK VFKHGXOHV DQG legends, and AutoCad and SketchUp work for the Interiors department, facade visualization and renderings for various architectural facade renovations, and reorganization of and updating the materials library. At Smith+Associates, we were encouraged to think of architecture as art. An LQĂ XHQWLDO VW\OH LQ WKH 5RFKHVWHU DUHD LV WKH LQFRUSRUDWLRQ RI ZRUNV DQG GHFRUDWLYH HOHPHQWV E\ local artisans. This style was apparent in the work designed by the team, including sculptural pieces supplementing the designs, made by an artisan on staff. An important cotribution I made during my time here was the design of the compay’s Ă€UVW QHZVOHWWHU , GHYHORSHG D WHPSODWH WKDW FDQ EH HDVLOW DGDSWHG IRU IXWXUH LVVXHV LQWHQGHG WR be released quarterly, and was in charge of researching current trends, notable projects and UHOHYDQW GDWD ZLWKLQ WKH Ă€HOG RI GHVLJQ IRU WKLV QHZVOHWWHU , FRPSRVHG RU HGLWHG WKH PDMRULW\ RI the columns, and had it printed and put online for alternate circulation. This experience led me to work closely with the company’s Graphic Designer, with whom I design ed and developed a number of discipline bifolds, to be used in client relations and advertisements through the marketing department.
My Cooperative Education internship with Engstrom Design Group, a competitive &DOLIRUQLD UHVWDXUDQW GHVLJQ ÀUP ZDV D YHU\ WKRURXJK DQG UHZDUGLQJ OHDUQLQJ H[SHULHQFH 7KH VFRSH RI WKHLU SURMHFWV HQFRPSDVV ÀQH OX[XU\ GLQLQJ SULYDWH XQLYHUVLW\ GLQLQJ KDOOV FDVXDO ELVWURV DQG HYHU\WKLQJ LQ EHWZHHQ Throughout the course of the 6 months I spent with them, I was given the opportunity to assist in many different phases of many different projects, each unique in its scope, clientelle QHHGV DQG FRQFHSWXDO DQG SUDFWLFDO GHVLJQ LQWHQW $PRQJ RWKHUV P\ UHVSRQVLELOLWLHV included pulling together FF&E palates, creating material presentation boards, contacting, meeting with, and working with local representatives, keeping the designers updated on QHZ SURGXFWV VHUYLFHV FDWHORJXLQJ +' DQG ,&)) UHVHDUFK FUHDWLQJ HGLWLQJ VSHFLÀFDWLRQV XVLQJ 6SH[[ FUHDWLQJ 6NHWFK8S PRGHOV EDVLF $XWR&DG GUDZLQJV WRXFKXSV FUHDWLQJ ,Q'' presentation packets and presentation boards, table top accessory research reorganizing DQG PDLQWDLQLQJ WKH PDWHULDOV DQG OLWHUDWXUH OLEUDULHV 3KRWRVKRS HOHYDWLRQV DV VHHQ EHORZ VHDWLQJ SODQV
My most recent with Scripps Networksâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; HGTV Home Studio was extremely valuable, and offered me great experience in project management. While interning here, I designed a temporary informative installation on the current trend of â&#x20AC;&#x153;curation,â&#x20AC;? and the iconic designer Louis Comfort Tiffany. This project I saw from research through conceptual design, was UHVSRQVLEOH IRU IXUQLWXUH Ă&#x20AC;QLVK VSHFLĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQV DQG SXUFKDVLQJ FRQVWUXFWLRQ GRFXPHQWDWLRQ and worked closely with our fabricator, lighting technician & facilities department as well as my client, the HGTV Home Studio, to create this and build it. Furniture assembly, adjustments DOO Ă&#x20AC;QLVK ZRUN ZDV GRQH E\ KDQG $GGLWLRQDO SURMHFWV , GHVLJQHG PDQDJHG FUHDWHG XVLQJ WKH VDPH SURFHVV ZHUH WZR KXGGOH URRPV ZLWKLQ WKH RIĂ&#x20AC;FH WKH ´(DPHVÂľ URRP DQG the â&#x20AC;&#x153;HGTV Gardensâ&#x20AC;? room, and a hallway designed for the HGTV Creative Services Dpt. I also assisted in the staging of the HGTV Product Home and the new product lines photo shoot, event design services for the HGTV Gardens Gala, Media Summit, trend research for the digital department, assembly and creative assistance for the HGTV retail & display at WKH 0DOO RI $PHULFD GHVLJQ IDEULFDWLRQ FROODERUDWLRQ RQ D WHPSRUDU\ KDOOZD\ GLVSOD\ ZLWK
independent brewery & gardens
senior capstone | spring 2013
elder & elm { findlay neighborhood } Located directly across from Findlay Market in Cinicinnatiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Over-the-Rhine Brewery District, portions of buildings 1739, 1737 & 1735 Elm Street will be home to Root Brewery & Gardens. The buildings have entrances from both Elm St. and Campbell St. at the rear. Root will be located directly between one of the primary parking lots for Findlay and the Market itself. For this reason, Root will have immediate exposure to patrons using this lot, as well as the other 800,000 who visit the market annually. The urban context, proximity to the Market and the future streetcar will draw a diverse demographic to this location.
rom the beginning, we have sent out roots. We do so seeking that which gives us life, to anchor us to the firmness of what we know. Roots give us strength, allowing us to grow and extend our reach; they sustain us and nurture us. Our roots, vast and intertwined, mimic those of the earth and all life it supports.
Beer is the craft of tradition; the art of creating a legacy. The realization of exquisite technique, passed between generations, across oceans and expansive terrain, it is an expression of the perfection of simplicity, refined and given depth through diligent attention and commitment to perfection. Beer is a work of art, designed to bring satisfaction to its master, and enjoyment to those with whom it is shared. In the Over-the-Rhine Brewery District of Cincinnati, the rich brewing history is defined by eras of exuberant progress, refined technique and mastery of the craft, and punctuated with exhausting periods of economic frailty.
campbell st. beer garden
beer garden open kitchen
The conceptual metaphor which drives the design of the space is the metaphorical interpretation of “root.” The root symbolizes the roots of Cincinnati’s brewing heritage, the roots of the community and the natural representation of root, which appears as the visual motif and spatial directive.
root retail
The potential for growth manifest in a root symbolizes that potential for the space to take root in the community and influence its invigoration. The root anchors to the site, the history and the people of the OTR Brewery District, allowing it to begin the process of physical and figurative ecological transformation. The space will be imbued with life, as revisiting the concept of root will be a constant reassessment of the interrelationship & interconnectedness between part & whole, as it is the roots that give these arrayed “parts” life, it is this vital connection tying the two together that retains and continually exchanges living energy.
root marketing materials
sephora rinse A pop-up retail store, Sephora rinse is inspired by lines of the body in repose, the form evokes sensuality, spirituality, and fluidity. Water, symbolic of cleansing + purification greets explorers at the entrance and draws them through. Cleansing of the skin is the primary step in traditional ethnic makeup rituals + commonplace in traditional cultures worldwide.
retail studio
br az
The Sephora sailboat transports the pop-up, Sephora Pure to ports along the coast of Brazil, to accentuate the current market there. The pop-up will be raised on the dock, boardwalk, beach, or plaza adjacent to the port, for ease of assembly, and eliminate the need for additional modes of transport.
male | yang | white white is pure, the absence of color. Assuming the form of water + glass, it It is the dominant element in the day as the negative space, and assumes physicality in the evening, through the freezing + illumination of water. female | yin | black black is rich, bold, the absence of light. Assuming the form of leather + stone, it is the subordinate element during the day and the dominant texture in the evening
Water greets the intrepid explorer at the threshold of Renew. The sweeping entry gesture creates visual allure, but redirects the explorer instead through the cleansing portal. Explorers cleanse their hands and faces in the basins on either side of the dramatic water feature, immediately engaging them in sensory awakening. Water, as a visual + physical element, dictates circulation, drawing one through the ultimate sensory experience. The stream, acting as an oasis, draws people together from male + female sides to interact with one another, frangrance display, beauty baristas, and the latest touch-screen beauty technologies. It is the primary water + structural element.
water represents interaction. This is the oasis, where man meets woman and gender blurs, as human instinct, purity, vitality + sensuality overpower.
Daylighting becomes theprimary source of internal light during daylight hours, dematerializing the solidity of theframework, and giving the void between slats physicality. The white lines created bythe light become the dominant frame during the day. The exterior of the frame also responds to the daylight, borrowing its visual presence from its context.
Pure undergoes a transformation in the evening.The intrepid explorer is seduced to explore the illuminated pop-up, turned wet bar. Water features freeze, and are illuminated with ribbon LEDs. The exterior receives minimal uplighting, to ground the fixture.The interior lighting becomes integral to accentuating natural textures. The slatwork nowbecomes the dominant fabric, while the void is downplayed.
Pureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s construction is composed of C+C milled cross-section members, that are secured using unobtrusive interlocking rods. The stream acts as the primary struture, on which the shell leans. Mirrors along the periphery walls allow for face-level lighting, interactive touch-screen for access to product information, online purchasing, and sample request. Shelves are hung in suspension from the shell, using marine rope and carabeners, for ease of assembly and removal. new york city
pave competition
ri ad
ft fall
furniture design
Inspired by the form of a canoe, Adrift mimics the streamlined fluidity evoked by watercraft. The Adirondack chair, which we were to redesign, is the classic outdoor lounge chair, developed for the steep pitch of the Adirondacks, but found on beaches everywhere, seems to be created for the waterfront. Adrift should appeal to this subconscious association, inviting its user to float into blissful relaxation. The chair was designed in Rhino, then the major components were CNC milled in the Rapid Prototyping Center. The finishing and assembly was hand done.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Henis dolobore faci eummy nismodignim duisit, quisit lore magna feu..â&#x20AC;? - peter opsvik
design development
The forward rocking of the chair also enables this ease of use. The problem generated by this positioning of the slats created an uncomfortable head rest at the taper. The solution generated was to raise the seat slats to the surface of the framework. Armrests evolved from the traditional language of the Adirondack chair to a function serving that more of delicate resting, and an arm rail, which assisted with getting into and out of the chair. Their form takes inspiration from oars, as on a canoe. A highly smoothed surface on these primary contact points was critical for maximum comfort.
Erganomic studies for the Adrift chair were primarily conceived of and developed through sketching. The form, which was constantly evolving and shifting, maintained much of the same reclining position, keeping the feet below the head, but barely resting on the ground. The intent is to sink back into the smooth form, which should map the contour of the back, when in this position. The original intent followed much of the same formal language researched in Peter Opsviskâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chair designs, as seen left. A sling seat was originally intended to allow for a constant free movement. However, this seemed to stray to far from the form intent of the Adirondack precedent. By maintaining the same curve that would be such generated by the sling, the base curvature was developed. This curve cradles the body while still allowing some movement.
adirondack chair
scrippse a r t h
The Scrippsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Network Creative Space Design was a collaborative studio between 3rd and 4th year interior design and architecture students. Scripps Networks broadcasts home improvement and design-related television programs such as D.I.Y., the Food Network, and HGTV. The goal was to create a space on the existing company campus, in Knoxville, Tennessee where the employees can gain exposure to the latest design trends that they write and broadcast about. My design should evoke a pleasant intimacy of home, while retaining a dialogue with the architectural composition of the existing office buildings within the Scripps Network campus.
spring 2011
architecture -interiors
The spatial composition is derived from an intricate web ofoverlapping circulation paths, which we sought to accentuate. Through site analyses, I selected the ideal pedestrian and vehicularentrances to our pad, which was also selected based on ideal sunangles, natural wind protection, relative proximities, and potential for radiant heating. The diagram shown on the previous spread becomes the conceptual diagramof the navigation web. This is then used to dictate the composition of the internal spaces in plan, and in volume, when extruded. The creative space consists of highly flexible spaces, anchored bystatic, functional space. The program for the interior spacesbecomes a void, which serves as the nucleus for the adjacentspaces. This allows us to bring natural light and ventilation into the entire interior.
form | s p a t i form al| composition spatial composition
©½º ¾ÃɺǾÄÇ »ÄÇ »ÄÁÁÄÌÈ ¶ ÅǾø¾ÅÁº Ä» Èɶɾ¸ ijºÍ¾·Áº The interior form follows a principle of static-flexible space, space, conceived in a static, womb-like entrance thatto conceived of in a of static, womb-like entrance that opens opens to successively more kinetic, spacious area. successively more kinetic, spacious area. From the conceptual diagram and model shown previous,
From the conceptual diagram and model shown previous, I ¹ºËºÁÄź¹ ijÄÌ ¹¾¶¼Ç¶ÂÈ Ì½¾¸½ ̺Ǻ ¶Åź¹ ÄÊÉ ÉÄ ¸Çºdeveloped flow diagrams, which wereThe mapped out to point create ate the most intriguing experience. central axis the most intriguing experience. central axis point allis is designed as void, so as to allowThe daylight to permeate designed as void, so asutility to allow daylight to permeate all adjacent and ancillary, space. adjacent and ancillary, utility space. The building is intended to emerge from a hillside, which will create opportunities radiant heating & cooling, priThe building is intended tofor emerge from a hillside, which will vacy, and visual greenspace from all 3 levels. The section create opportunities for radiant heating & cooling, privacy, cut is generated from the conceptual model, with three and visual greenspace from all 3 levels. The section cut is ÅǾ¶ÇÎ ijÄÄÇÈ ¶Ã¹ ¾ÃɺǺ¹¾¶ÇÎ ÈŶ¸º
generated from the conceptual model, with three primary floors and intermediary space.
working naturally The 5 primary interior spaces were developed around the idea that people work, learn, and create in different environments. Interactive Vignettes we developed as room settings displaying current trends in Living, Dining, and Kitchen, in which meetings could be held. Huddle Rooms take on two forms. The smaller, organic spaces are ideal for brainstorming and creative ideation & collaboration. The larger, orthagonal spaces are good for transmission & discussion of developed ideas to a larger audience. The Demonstration Space is a glorified glass garage, where Scripps Network personalities can come and give DIY demonstrations and host workshops for employees and visitors. All walls on this large space overlooking the lake are operable, opening the space and adjacent atrium to the outdoors. The Collaborative Kitchen features a iving herb wall which slopes down from the vegetated roof of the Demonstration space. Ample counter space allow for celebrity chefs from Scrippsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Food Network to give cooking classes, and employees the opportunity to prepare a healthy lunch. The Resource Library is the spine of the building, and at 3 levels, invites employees to explore design trends & an extensive inventory of designer chairs. The upper level is a raised walkway, originating at the existing office building.
first place recipient
scripps networks competition
sensĂş ultra-luxe ensuites
at the 32 ndfloor montĂŠ carlo las vegas, nevada
ultimate relaxation Sensu, a luxury boutique hotel on the 32nd floor of the Monte Carlo Hotel and Casino in downtown Las Vegas, Nevada, is designed to give the V.I.P. guest the ultimate sensory experience. Inspired by the intimacy of human contact with natural elements of water and fire, symbolic of sensuality and passion, and influenced by the rich, colorful materials of Middle Eastern textile & the complexity of the patterns and textures, Sensu becomes an escape into relaxation. Daybeds overlooking pools that empty into reflecting basinsoffer a lounge to take drinks from the bar en-suite, while the water casts luminous patterns on every surface. Decadent detailing and luscious materials are layered over brilliant stones and handsome woods, to create an atmosphere of ultimate luxury, tantalizingly seductive and sensual.
fall 2010
conceptualization patterns & textures creating a sensate experience
The conceptual premise of Sensu, is looking at the sensuality of the human figure. The sculpted, cabriol curves of the body, and its relation to its environment, both in a sensory and physical experience became the parti, from which all design descisions were then generated. Providing comfort and a highly sensate experience for the client began to develop a mood of low lighting, plush, generous seating. These seating areas often became alcoves, tucked away in an interior landscape which created intrigue and invited exploration. Selective views, created by ornate screens & luminous, multi-layered sheer curtains, create a feeling of escape into a lush garden of sensual delights. Textural depth is created by layering different varieties of transparency, mate-
detailing textiles & furniture creating a luxurious experience
5-bay suites offer en-suite spa & massage services, and both rooms feature private bar & pools overlooking the Strip for entertaining guests, generous lounge and alcove seating, private, swim-out spa baths & warm fireplaces. Private master bed and baths leave nothing to be wanted when it comes to abudant comfort and playfulness. Read the morning paper and enjoy your coffee served to you in the breakfast nook as your darling drifts past you to light the candles.
Exquisite textiles create warmth and visual delight for â&#x20AC;&#x153;Entourageâ&#x20AC;? clients staying at Sensu. A younger, well-to-do crowd, these young adults are looking for a luxury experience that is fresh and invigorating. A varied palate, of bright hues and multiple textures imbue the space with a lushness that radiates with energy and liveliness.
Chiquita Global corporate design A corporate rebranding: Chiquita International shifts its perspective to become ¶ žÄúºÇ ¾Ã º¸ÄÁļ¾¸¶ÁÁÎ ¶Ã¹ Èĸ¾¶ÁÁÎ ÈÊÈɶ¾Ã¶·Áº ÅǶ¸É¾¸ºÈ ¶È ¶Ã ¾ÃijʺÃɾ¶Á Áº¶¹ºÇ in the produce market on a global scale. This design was an exercise in designing ¶ ÌÄÇÀÅÁ¶¸º ÉÄ Çº¾Ã»ÄǸº ɽ¾È ǺIJú¹ ¸ÄÇÅÄǶɺ ¾¹ºÃɾÉΠǺ¹ºÈ¾¼Ã Ä» ÉÄÅ ijÄÄÇÈ Ä» ¶Ã ºÍ¾Èɾü ½¾¼½Ç¾Èº ¾Ã ¹ÄÌÃÉÄÌà ¾Ã¸¾Ãöɾ ɽº ÃºÌ Ä»IJ¸º ÈŶ¸º Ä»»ºÇÈ ¶ ǺÁ¶Í¾Ã¼ ¶Â·¾ºÃ¸º ÉÄ Ë¾È¾ÉÄÇÈ ¸Á¾ºÃÉÈ ¶Ã¹ ÌÄÇÀºÇÈ ¶Ã¹ ¶ ½º¶Á¾Ã¼ ºÃ˾ÇÄúÃÉ ¾Ã ̽¾¸½ öÉÊǶÁ Á¾¼½É¾Ã¼ ¾È ¶;¾Ϻ¹ Äźà ÉÄ É½º ijÄÄÇÈ above, which concludes in a spectacular ì intelligentî PA-LC glass ceiling. Collaboration rooms feature whiteboard walls and tables, to nurture creativity and promote innovation, while clear planters resting on the rafters (herb & Èʸ¸ÊÁºÃÉÈ Ë¾È¾·Áº ÉÄ ¶Ã¹ ¶¸¸ºÈȺ¹ »ÇÄ ijÄÄÇ ¶·Ä˺~ Ǻ¾Ã»ÄǸº ɽº Ħ¾Ã Ⱦ¾¼½É ¾Ã mindî mentality.
ludlowl i t e r a r y
A comprehensive look at designing environmentally responsive public space in Clifton, Cincinnati. Detailed site analysis studies were taken, including solar charts, wind effect, noise exposure, drainage patterns, and topographical maps, to influence the design of the literary center. I have designed it to perform ideally with passive heating and cooling systems; the south-facing overhangs and sliding wooden panels in the lower reception area were tested with digital and physical models to visualize its projected insolation, and allows adequate sunlight in winter months and complete shading during the summer. Adjustable east walls open during summer and draw cool air in to cool the space, as the central arborated atrium releases the warm, humid air, creating a passive cooling air-flow system.
fall 2009
immersion studio
smith + associates architects
My third internship was spent at Smih + Associates Architects, a relatively new firm in Rochester, NY, owned by principal Ken Smith. The firm specializes in healthcare, municipal and retail design, and is currently tapping into the residential market. Shown this page are basic, conceptual sketches I developed for a potentiial residential client in Upstate New York. The design reflects an eclectic mix of sculptural elements, modern lines, and the undercurrent of the intimacy of â&#x20AC;&#x153;home.â&#x20AC;? The next spread is a sample of a newsletter I designed and developed while working in the visual marketing department.
summer 2011
architecture + marketing
notable projects
Inhabitat Design Sponge Plane Tree Stray Dog Designs Haiti Metal Art
new products + technology
scottish parliament
designed by Miralles
“The Parliament sits in the land. We have the feeling that the building should be land, built out of land. To carve in the land the form of gathering people together... The land itself will be a material, a physical building material… (Miralles.)” Full of democratic references, the built forms are designed to encourage interaction as well as provide inglenooks for solitude. Rich materials reference the Scottish mainland, while dramatic skylights in the common space hearken to overturned ships.
great design online
out there
Did you know... People are 25% more productive when exposed to natural daylight.
mushroom packaging eco-packaging
to styrofoam, but with a distinctively earthy quality. These packages are Cradleto-Cradle certified, a biomimetric, closed-cycle approach to design, meaning that from the raw materials used in creation to the end of its useful life, there is no waste generated. This classification is almost inherent in this case, as the packages are grown, rather than made. The mushroom packages compost in your own backyard, landfill, etc.
spotlight on sustainability
Two students, fresh out of Rensselar Polytechnic Institute, have developed an alternative packaging solution that could be the answer to our current dillema of excessive material waste, particularly that instigated by and perpetuated by the rampant use of styrofoam. Styrofoam, a oil-based product, takes millenia to break down completely, and suffocates vegetation. The solution: environmentally sustainable mycelium-based packaging. The boys develop molds to fit “x” product, then fill these molds with agricultural by-products like wheat + barley husks. The molds are then injected with the fungi and allowed to grow for 5-7 days, then baked to kill the active spores. What you have left is a package that looks strikingly similar
cool projects
While at EDG Design, I helped a couple of the Interior Designers to develop a couple iterations of an interior rendering for a restaurant design in the design development phase. Shown below is the evening setting for one such design. Image property of Engstrom Design Group.
fall 2009
immersion studio
home studio
the curated home exhibit
home studio
hallway designs
huddle rooms
gardens & eames
While traveling abroad in New Zealand, I was privelage to some of the most breathtaking scenery. The pristine nature of the wilderness there is testament to the care of its citizens, who preserve it against development or exploitation, so that it may continue to exist as a treasure to those behold it, and a reminder to the rest of the world to coexist harmoniously with the natural world, if we are to continue to enjoy its beauty.
spring 2012