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es with a d lu c n o c e rogrammntation during our p ie m e d al prese duation Exhibition. veld Aca nted n t fi ie R it r r e G The orie l Gra y a ll u a n n ie also n o a m ti e a d n r a s c e te c A in n n ld ie is a pplied sc n with The Rietveart-time Bachelor’s c a f o 1.Preparator y it s r e iv ti ig p s un u a e e d s D r e d a fe f n p o a o r cou for Fine Aratstely 900 students. mme. Thempe students a rses r g o r p y ti im tx r o a r ’s p p r r lo ap fo e y h e b s c d a a e h B w p a Orien o years, foallros. We providroegramme in Fine w tation t ts s 3 la 0 e p y a S e s th e a r a p ll g e turda year de ined in-d s we a a t e b e n r o ig th e s v e a ys D h d u Prep nce yo A in Art and Arts an of Master’s degree O 3 to 4aratory number mes. iploma (Bn choose to d r u o y a week sessio course, c u o t y s program owing the ), ti r n a ig l for 30 ns a Des s a visua ssible a Foll g in k e r week o th w r, t a po star c ye o ti ls u a e s d is e It a ts r. p n e o r e n p d ig s ’s tu r e s te d r, s r a a o e y M two-year stance at the a foundatioinn the four-year e k a t to enrolled ’s programme spend programme, for inut, which is rg Institu ld Academie. Bachelor rs on in-depth e b d n a S three yeaone of our twelve f the Rietve o t r a p 3. Master study in ations. The study degree ’s specialis 2. Bachelor’s program degree promes Pro b y t h vid e S gramme in Fine Instituut andberg ed (2 years Arts and Design ):



Full-time total of 4 years (1 foundation year, 3 specialisation years)

Part-time DOGtime total of 5 years (2 foundation years, 3 specialisation years)

—Maste —Maste r’s in Fine Art Arts r’s in Applied s —Ma —Masstteer’s in Design Architerc’s in Interior www ture.




O on ur vision education art

ld The Gerrit Rietvseto Academie aimted support talen h people in suc y a way that the can operate y in independentl ual the field of vis . We arts or design want to enablein them to susta their work on their own and es of become sourction artistic inspiraf in their area o . specialisation


The Academy wants to optimally develop the capacities and creativity of the individual. We respect the individual and his freedom to develop a personal approach and to develop his own future. We value research, experimentation and authorship and attach great importance to maintaining an open attitude towards the environment while supporting involvement with others and society. We do this on the basis of our own individual vision of what art education should be.

We ar intern e an acadeational than h my. More stude alf of our from onts come Nethe utside th repres rlands, e dozen enting count s of diffe over thries from rent There e world. all the ch fore we re the wo aracter o flect and c rld of art f We re ulture tod s bringi gard the ay. of diff ng togeth in our erent cult er as a s Academyures challe trength, stude nging lectur nts and take ders to persp ifferent ective s.



Open day open day each an es nis ga or ie em ad Ac eld etv Ri rrit The Ge al way to sample the ide the y; ar nu Ja of y ida Fr t las the on year d lecturers. atmosphere and meet the students an

Graduatio Visiting the a n exhibition academic ye nnual graduation ex Academie a ar will give you a go hibition at the end o graduation. nd the type of work od impression of th f the e Rietveld final-year stu www.rietvelda d e n ts produce fo r /gradu


Do it yourself What makes our Academy unique is that students are actively encouraged to take part in all aspects of the Rietveld community. This is not only our philosophy: as a student you might find yourself working in the canteen, setting up the graduation exhibition, designing a campaign or working as a DJ for Radio Rietveld (the Academy’s radio station).


Our vision on art education NEXT PAGE

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