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a. Research Platforms
Scientific research at the university is an integral part of the study process, which is implemented within all study programs. The strategic objective of the fundamental and applied research activities carried out at RTU is to analyze and provide solutions to the topical technical and social challenges. In the course of fundamental and applied scientific research, the accumulated knowledge potential is being gradually implemented in business activities. The aim of RTU is to become one of the leading universities of science and technology in Europe.
The rapid development of technology in the industry requires complex solutions to problems that exceed the boundaries of one faculty specialization, therefore, scientists from different faculties at Riga Technical University cooperate in cross-disciplinary research in six scientific fields significant for the national economy and society.
Energy and Environment Vision
Leading center of competence in the field of energy and environment in the Baltic States
Fields of Research
• Safety of energy supply systems and optimal operation modes to increase their performance and economic returns; • Methods and technologies for increasing electricity and heat generation, transmission, distribution and consumption efficiency; • Methods and technologies to promote the use of renewable energy sources in order to increase energy independence in the region and minimize environmental impacts; • Climate technology and environmental methods for the circular economy.
Cities and Development Vision
Significant competence center for urban development in the Baltic States
Fields of Research
• Sustainable living environment; • Efficient urban infrastructure; • Identification, protection and development of cultural heritage; • Urban development (development of new technologies); • Urban planning economy; • Evaluation of urban infrastructure activities and risks to economic growth.
Internationally acknowledged and Latvian leading technology platform of the knowledge societya
Fields of Research
• Exploration of the usability of e-learning systems and development of new e-learning technologies, methods and systems; • Research on the Internet of Things and Big Data transfer and processing, development of methods for improvement of energy efficiency of information transfer; • Research on the use of ICT in linguistics; • Development of smart cities and regional technologies and creation of new e-services to improve the quality of life; • Research and development of technologies for cyber-physical systems on the basis of innovative high-speed optic transmission system technologies; • Research on comprehensive data processing studies in complex distributed environments; • Comprehensive intelligence for the development and integration of smart and autonomous systems; • High-performance signal processing and rapid transformations; • Development of next generation radio frequency and microwave communication systems; • Research on transport communication systems and complex processing of information.
Transport Vision
Excellent and internationally acknowledged center of research and expertise in the field of road and aviation transport in the Baltic States
Fields of Research
• Energy efficient and safe road and rail transport; • Safe and financially efficient air transport; • Efficient transport infrastructure; • Reliable and safe methods for diagnostics of technical condition of vehicles and transport infrastructure.
Materials, Processes and Technologies Vision
Leading competence center in the field of material sciences, processes and technology in the Baltic States Fields of Research
• Development and functionality of biocompatible, biodegradable materials integrable within and outside the human body; • Development of high value-added materials from local and renewable resources; • Smart materials for environmental monitoring and purification – development, research and integration into the existing infrastructure; • Development of smart materials for alternative energy generation (water cleavage, piezoelectric nanostructures); • Electro-optical materials in construction, automotive industry and defense – research and development; • Organic chemistry and pharmaceutical processes and technologies.
Security and Defense Vision
Internationally acknowledged center of strategic significance in the field of development of security products and control of their circulation
Fields of Research
• Strategic products for international security; • Boarder security; • National economic security; • Civil defense.