Comparison of Angular Vs React – Which One Is Powerful?
While starting with front-end programming, you may quickly run behind Angular and React. In the present scenario, JavaScript is changing very rapidly, and newer technologies are coming out very frequently. However, currently, Angular and React are the major players used by everyone. Here is a quick analysis between the two JavaScripts that may help you identify the most suitable as per your need.
Packaging is an ability to run and execute the code in the way you desire. For the faster loading time, we would like to load the minimum at first and then the remaining on demand. This also provides an ability to develop new features without degrading the loading time. Angular offers a limited capability to do so, and when we twist it to do as per our demand, it will look like an assembly code. On the other hand, React is plain JS and allows to use requirejs to load the code as per the require ment.
Abstraction offers rapid development and hides the details that are not required for the developer with the use of a library. It has been found that Angular’s abstraction is leaky, which means you need to properly understand the underlying model in order to work with it. Thus,
many people are required to debug the Angular’s internals while debugging the code. React’s abstraction being less flexible in parts, does not possess an ability to add attributes to the HTML tags for a component. Ho wever, this is solved by React’s implementation of mixins, which overlaps only on the lifecycle methods. Moreover, it does not leak like Angular’s abstraction so, we do not need to open its code.
You can just bind to scope in Angular. This means th at in complicated scenarios such as binding to async service / a server / to a large model, you will require an intermediate model. You will also need to deal with explicit watches and digest cycles. On the other hand, React only offers syntactic sugar for binding, which is called valueLink (single attribute for “value” as well as “on Change” properties). This concept is very simple yet it performs its job. Moreover, if it is understood properly, you can easily create your own linkState or similar functionalities for all your binding needs.
Learning Curve
The learning curve or lifecycle of Angular is very complex. In order to master it, you require reading the code. Link and compile are not spontaneous, and specific cases like recursion in compile, etc. can be confusing. In contrast, React has very few lifecycle methods, which are self -explanatory. Moreover, its best feature is, we do not require reading its code even once. React can be learned easily to a standard level within a week. Both Angular and React frameworks are highly useful and exceptional at their own space, making it difficult to pick one as a choice. Being opinionated, Angular can be useful if it suits your development criteria. On the other hand, React offers simplicity and freedom, but it doe s not possess the declarative power of Angular. However, while you use react -templates, you can use a lot many features that you love of Angular without any mess. For the people having strong command in vanillajs, possessing complex projects as well as car e for file packaging and want to use the framework along with other libraries, React and react-templates is a winning solution.