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CaseSt udy El evat eYourCust omerSat i sf act i onLevel s Wi t hI THel pDeskSol ut i onsof Ri gelNet wor ks!

CLI ENTOVERVI EW &BACKGROUND Al eadi ngI Tser vi cepr ovi deri nUSpr ovi desonl i nesuppor t ,ser ver management ,dat abackupsuppor t ,andsecur i t yt ovar i ouscust omer s acr osst hegl obe. I ndust r y

Or gani zat i onSi ze

Headquar t er s

Sol ut i on

I nf or mat i onTechnol ogy

400+Empl oyees

Cal i f or ni aAr ea,U. S. A

I THel pDeskSer vi ces

THEPROBLEM Maj or i t yoft heser vi cer equest swer ei ssuedvi aemai lorcal l .Of t en,t hese r equest swer emi ssedduet odi f f er entt i me–zonesr esul t i ngi npoor cust omerser vi ceandsat i sf act i onl evel s.



Themanualpr ocessesdi dnotal l ow hi st or i calt r acki ngof t hei nf or mat i onr el at edt ot heI Tsuppor tandmai nt enance act i vi t i esper f or medbyt hecl i ent .I twasessent i alt o mai nt ai naccount abi l i t yf oral lt heact i vi t i esper f or medi n or dert okeepacheckonbi l l i ng.


RI GELDELI VERY Ri gelNet wor kspr ovi dedadedi cat edt eam whi chwast r ai nedand ski l l edt omanageI Tser vi cet i cket si nat i mel ymanneri mpr ovi ng cust omersat i sf act i onl evelsi gni f i cant l y .Weof f er ed24* 7suppor twi t h I Thel pdeskexper t savai l abl er oundt hecl ockt oat t endt her equest s i r r espect i veoft hel ocat i on.

bpo. r i gel net wor ks. com pr esal es@r i gel net wor ks. com +19498912571

KEYFEATURES 24* 7Li veSuppor t Easyi nt egr at i onofemai lt oandf r om t hecl i ent si nasi ngl esyst em.Easyf or cust omer st ovi ew t hei rt i cketandt hecur r entst at us. Ef f ect i vecommuni cat i onbet weenCl i ent ,Suppor tEngi neer s,andhi scust omer s. Seaml essi nt egr at i onwi t hot herof f i cet ool s Schedul i ngt oolal l owseasyassi gnmentandr eassi gnmentoft hewor k. Pr ovi deshi st or i calr ecor dsofal lt heser vi cet i cket sandwor kcompl et edbyeach engi neer . Reduceddupl i cat i onandel i mi nat i onofer r or s.

CUSTOMEREXPERI ENCE “ I tshowst hatever yoneatal ll evel soft hecompanyr eal l ycar esabout t hei rcust omer s.Compar edt oourpr evi oushel pdesksyst em,we’ ve exper i enceda100% i mpr ovement ! ”–Chi efTechnol ogyOf f i cerofourcl i ent

RESUL TS Decr easedmi ssedappoi nt ment sf r om 25% t ol esst han1%. Secondf ol l ow upcal l sf r om t hecust omer swer eel i mi nat ed Decr easedt i cketr esol ut i ont i me. Si ngl epoi ntofsour cef oral lt hei nf or mat i onr el at edt oacl i ent Easyandef f i ci entt ocol l abor at ewi t ht hecust omer s

bpo. r i gel net wor ks. com pr esal es@r i gel net wor ks. com +19498912571

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