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Studio Fotografico Righi A Beautiful New style...Yours!

A fashion photographer for your wedding

Based in its original location in the heart of Tuscany since more than 60 years, STUDIO FOTOGRAFICO RIGHI travels around the world to tell the most beautiful stories through images. Whether you’re looking for pictures for a fashion editorial, an advertising campaign, a design or lifestyle editorial, or a private or corporate event, the strong and elegant character of RIGHI’s images has a compelling editorial taste that makes them unique.

STUDIO FOTOGRAFICO RIGHI is primarily a laborator y of ideas where a team of 12 people develops visual projects and conducts technical and creative research in a multi-generational environment: it ’s a space where a young and talented staff can capture and cr ystallize innovative trends and contemporar y ideas thanks to their sensibility, but it ’s also the environment where the experience and reliability of the senior team can translate those ideas into concrete projects. Overall, the principles that inspire all the team and permeate their work are the commitment to an uncompromising quality that puts the customer at the centre, together with the passion for things that are well made, beautiful and unique.

Video Production The Entertainment of Your Love




Customaized on Your Event

Your Wedding Movie

The Wedding Movies! HAPPY Let’s Dance!

VIDEOCLIP Are you ready to sing? Don’t worry, it’s a playback...

SELFIE BOOTH Let’s get the Party Started!

Video productions for the art and advertising world that have inspired new trends, innovations that have cascaded into video making for both private and corporate worlds, a cinematographic approach to video photography, the meticulous attention to details in shooting and a modern editing style have al been our trademark since 1954.

The Argentique Project... d r ea m s er i o us l y!


A Jum p back i n the Futur e A woode n box de sig ne d spe cial l y for y ou that contains 1 0 pr e ciou s fine ar t sil v e r pr int photos hand- de v e l ope d in the dar kr oom. A n ancie nt te chniqu e m ade to l ast du r ing the y e ar s, the bl ack of the photo is a me tal l ic sil v e r on a bar y ta pape r to hav e a shiny white that inte nsify the tr idime nsional ity, the ar tifacts m ade with this m e thod hav e a l ong e r pr e se r v ation of any othe r photog r aphic te chniqu e. T he Lar g e For m at C ame r a u se or ig inal 4 x 5 inch ne g ativ e that ar e de v e l ope d one by one in the compl e te dar kne ss. Each photo is dr y mou nt on a mu se u m fr e e acid car dboar d com pl e te with passe - par tou t to e x al t the be au ty and pr ote ct the m for e v e r.

Our Linhof Technika designed in the 1934 with his incredible Schneider lense


info@studiofotograficorighi.it mobile +39 335 6586628 studio +39 0574 28166

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