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CÚmoJ ^dZ, {VbH$ _mJ©, O`nwa - 302 005 \$moZ … + 91 141 5113201, 222 7551 · \¡$Šg … + 91 141 510 4804 e-mail : riico@riico.co.in • website : www.riico.co.in Published in April, 2012

print 'o' land, jpr # 2210284

amOñWmZ ñQ>oQ> BÊS>pñQ´>`b S>dbn_oÝQ> EÊS> BÝdoñQ>_oÝQ> H$m°anmoaoeZ {b{_Q>oS>

_hÎdnyU© CncpãY`m± Ed§ gabrH¥$V à{H«$`mE§ {Xgå~a,2008 - \$adar,2012


RIICO has made remarkable progress in last 3 years due to some landmark decisions taken between 2008 and 2012. Procedures have been simplified to ensure easy and quick availability of land to entrepreneurs. This has also helped providing financial assistance on simple terms and highly competitive rates to various types of eligible projects.

Whether it is large, medium or small-scale projects, every enterprise gets the same response from staff. Motivated by its motto of Achha Vyavhar, Tatpar Kaam. (Good behavior, prompt work). The entire management of RIICO is geared towards making the experience of entrepreneurs hassle free. A responsive and efficient management backed by some innovative decisions in the past few years have contributed to making Rajasthan an attractive destination for investment from both within and outside the country. RIICO is truly playing its catalytic role in the industrial development in the state by upgrading its facilities and services to keep pace with the requirements and expectations of the business community.

arH$mo Zo df© 2008 go 2012 Ho$ ~rM {cE JE AnZo Hw$N> _hËdnyU© {ZU©`m| Ho$ H$maU JV 3 dfm] _| emZXma àJ{V H$s h¡& Bggo à{H«$`mAm| H$mo AmgmZ ~ZmZo _| _XX {_cr h¡, {OZ_| ^y{_ CncãYVm H$mo AmgmZ ~ZmZm ^r em{_c h¡& Bggo Am¡Úmo{JH$ ŠbñQ>am| Ho$ {dH$mg Am¡a CÚ{_`m| Ho$ {cE [a`m`Vr G$U H$s CncãYVm H$mo ^r AmgmZ ~ZmZo _|§ _XX {_cr h¡&


H$s _hËdnyU© CncpãY`m± Ed§ gabrH¥$V à{H«$`mE§

Achievements & Simplifications

{ZJ_ Ûmam {Xgå~a, 2008 go \$adar, 2012 VH$ A{O©V CncpãY`m±

n[a`moOZm Mmho ~‹S>r hmo `m _§Pmocr `m {\$a cKw, ha n[a`moOZm Ho$ à{V arH$mo H$_u g_mZ ê$n go à{V~Õ aho h¢& AÀN>m ì`dhma, VËna H$m_ H$s ^mdZm go ào[aV nyam arH$mo à{VîR>mZ CÚ{_`m| Ho$ AZw^d H$mo naoemZr go _wŠV ~ZmZo H$s {Xem _| VËna h¡& {nN>co Hw$N> dfm] _| Hw$N> A{^Zd {ZU©`m| Ho$ ~yVo EH$ Odm~Xoh Ed§ gj_ àemgZ Zo amOñWmZ H$mo Xoe Ho$ ^rVa Am¡a Xoe go ~mha AmH$f©H$ {Zdoe Ho$ÝÐ ~ZmZo _| `moJXmZ {X`m h¡& dmñVd _| `h amÁ` Ho$ Am¡Úmo{JH$ {dH$mg _| CËàoaH$ H$s ^y{_H$m {Z^m ahm h¡ Am¡a ì`mdgm{`H$ g_wXm` H$s Oê$aVm| Ed§ AnojmAm| na Iam CVaZo Ho$ {cE gw{dYmAm| Ed§ godmAm| H$m ñVa gwYmaZo _| ^r AJ«Ur h¡&

Key achievements from December 2008 to February 2012 3

arH$mo H$s _hËdnyU© CncpãY`m± Ed§ {ZU©` 1. Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌm| H$m {dH$mg : {ZJ_ Ûmam ZdrZ ^y{_ Adm{á Ho$ gmW-gmW dV©_mZ Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌm| _| CÀM H$mo{Q> H$s AmYma^yV gw{dYmE§ CncãY H$am`o OmZo na ^r ~c {X`m Om ahm h¡ & amÁ` _| ñWm{nV Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌm| H$s Hw$c g§»`m \$adar, 2012 VH$ 323 h¡ & dV©_mZ gaH$ma Ho$ H$m`©H$mc {Xgå~a, 2008 go \$adar, 2012 VH$ 7922.75 EH$‹S> ^y{_ Admá H$s JB© h¡, 4748.25 EH$‹S> ^y{_ {dH${gV H$s JB© h¡ Ed§ 4188 Am¡Úmo{JH$ ^yIÊS> Amd§{Q>V {H$`o J`o h¢& Bg g_`md{Y _| Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌm| Ho$ aIaImd Am¡a {dñVma na 1172.55 H$amo‹S ì`` {H$`o J`o h¢ Ed§ Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌ go 2148.02 H$amo‹S> é. H$s dgycr H$s JB© h¡& 2. Am¡Úmo{JH$ n[a`moOZmAm| H$mo {dËVr` ghm`Vm … gmd{Y G$U H$s ñdrH¥${V VWm {dVaU {ZJ_ H$s _hËdnyU© {dH$mg ~¢qH$J J{V{d{Y h¡ & dV©_mZ gaH$ma Ho$ H$m`©H$mc {Xgå~a, 2008 go \$adar, 2012 VH$ 538.92 H$amo‹S> é. ñdrH¥$V, 373.15 H$amo‹S> é. {dV[aV {H$`o J`o h¢ VWm Bg g_`md{Y _| dgycr 407.15 H$amo‹S> é. ahr h¡ & 3. Ho$ÝÐr` ghm`Vm àmá n[a`moOZmE§ AgmBS> `moOZmE§ … BZ `moOZmAm| Ho$ AÝVJ©V {Z`m©V g§dÕ©Z hoVw AmYma^yV gw{dYmAm| Ho$ {dH$mg Ho$ {c`o Ho$ÝÐr` ghm`Vm go n[a`moOZmE§ McmB© Om ahr h¢& 4

dV©_mZ _| 30 n[a`moOZmAm| _| go 20 n[a`moOZmE§§ nyU© H$s Om MwH$s h¢ d eof 10 n[a`moOZmAmoo§ H$m H$m`© àJ{V na h¡ & BZ n[a`mo O ZmAmo § na Bg g_`md{Y ({Xgå~a, 2008 go \$adar, 2012) \$adar, 2012 VH$ 49.92 H$amo‹S> é. ì`` {H$`o Om MwHo$ h¡& dht `moOZm àmaå^ hmoZo go \$adar, 2012 VH$ 162.64 H$amo‹S> é. ì`` {H$`o Om MwHo$ h¢ & ^maV gaH$ma H$s {_{ZñQ´>r Am°\$ H$m°_g© EÊS> BÊS>. {S>nmQ>©_|Q> Am°\$ H$m°_g© ZB© {Xëbr Ûmam AgmBS>> `moOZm Ho$ AÝVJ©V BÝgopÝQ>d ñH$s_ Ho$ VhV amOñWmZ amÁ` H$mo arH$mo Ûmam g§Mm{cV AgmBS> n[a`moOZm qcH$ amoS> (4 coZ) {XëbrO`nwa Am¡. joÌ {JcmoQ>, Zr_amZm hoVw 16.54 H$amoS> é. H$m A{V[aŠV AZwXmZ ñdrH¥$V {H$`m J`m h¡ & 4. {dH$mg Ho$ÝÐmo§ H$s ñWmnZm … Am¡Úmo{JH$ {dH$mg _| joÌr` Ag_mZVm H$mo Xya H$aZo hoVw ^maV gaH$ma Ûmam cJ^J 30-30 H$amo‹S> ê$n`mo§ H$s cmJV go amÁ` _| 5 {dH$mg Ho$ÝÐm| H$s ñWmnZm H$s JB© h¡ & CŠV n[a`moOZmAm| na H$m`© {d{^ÝZ MaUm| _| àJ{V na h¡& 5 n[a`moOZmAm| _| go Am~yamoS> pñWV EH$ n[a`moOZm H$s {H«$`mpÝd{V nyU© H$s Om MwH$s h¡ d Imam Ed§ H$aUr (~rH$mZoa), Ym¡cnwa Ed§ na~Vga (ZmJm¡a), Pmcmdm‹S> Ed§ ncgmZm (grH$a) d h_raJ‹T> (^rcdmS>m) _| H$m`© àJ{V na h¡& BZ n[a`mo O ZmAm| na Bg g_`md{Y ({Xgå~a, 2008 go \$adar, 2012) _|

Key Decisions and Achievements 1. Development of Industrial Areas : RIICO is emphasizing on acquisition of new land and creation of high quality infrastructure in the industrial areas. Upto February 2012, 323 industrial areas were established across the entire state. From December 2008 to February 2012, 7922.75 acre land was acquired, 4748.25 acre land developed and 4188 industrial plots allotted. During this period, Rs 1172.55 crore were spent on the maintenance and expansion of industrial areas while Rs. 2148.02 crore were recovered from the industrial areas. 2. Financial Assistance To Industrial Projects : Sanction and disbursement of term loan is a key developmental activity of the Corporation. During the present government’s regime (from December 2008 to February 2012), loans of Rs. 538.92 crore were sanctioned and Rs. 373.15 crore were disbursed. A recovery of Rs. 407.15 crore has been made during this period. 3. C e n t r e - a i d e d P r o j e c t s ASIDE Projects : For the growth of exports, various projects are being implemented under this scheme to develop infrastructure.

At present, 20 out of 30 projects have been completed and work is in progress for the rest of ten projects. During this period, (December 2008 to February 2012), Rs. 49.92 crore were spent on these projects. A total of Rs. 162.64 crore have been spent since inception of the scheme till February 2012. Under the ASIDE scheme, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry Department of Commerce, Government of India, has approved Rs. 16.54 crore as an additional grant to Rajasthan under the incentive scheme. RIICO is the implementing authority under this scheme to develop Link Road (4-lane) in Ghilot, Neemrana on Delhi – Jaipur Highway. 4. Establishment of Growth Centers : To address the regional inequality in industrial development, the Union Government has established five growth centers with the cost of Rs. 30 crore each in the state. Currently, the projects are under implementation in various phases. The project at Abu Road has been completed while the work at Khara & Karni (Bikaner), Dholpur and Parbatsar (Nagaur), Jhalawar and Palsana (Sikar) and Hamirgarh (Bhilwara) is in progress. During the period (from December 2008 to February


29.73 H$amo‹S> é. ì`` {H$`o Om MwHo$ h¢& dht n[a`moOZmE§ àmaå^ hmoZo go \$adar, 2012 VH$ Hw$c 137.60 H$amo‹S> é. ì`` {H$`o Om MwHo$ h¢& 5. bKw {dH$mg Ho$ÝÐm| H$s ñWmnZm … J«m_rU Ed§ {nN>‹S>o joÌm| _| cKw CÚmoJm| H$mo EH$sH¥$V AmYma^yV gw{dYmE§ CncãY H$amZo Ho$ {cE Ho$ÝÐ àd{V©V `moOZmÝVJ©V cJ^J nm±Mnm±M H$amo‹S> én`o H$s cmJV go cKw {dH$mg Ho$ÝÐm| H$s ñWmnZm H$s JB© & amÁ` go Bg `moOZm Ho$ AÝVJ©V ñdrH¥$V g^r 9 Ho$ÝÐm| _| gm§J[a`m (OmoYnwa), H$c‹S>dmg (CX`nwa), {ZdmB© (Q>m|H$), JmoJocmAmo (ZmJm¡a), ~`mZm (^aVnwa) Ed§ IweIo‹S>m ({^dm‹S>r), {hÊS>m¡Z{gQ>r (H$am¡cr), ~mam§ (~mam§) Ed§ \$mcZm (nmcr) _| H$m`© nyU© hmo J`m h¡& BZ n[a`moOZmAm| na \$adar, 2012 VH$ én`o 50.93 H$amo‹S> ì`` {H$`o Om MwHo$ h¢& Bg AmcmoÀ` Ad{Y _| \$adar, 2012 VH$ 16.56 H$amo‹S> é. H$m AZwXmZ ^maV gaH$ma go àmá hmo MwH$m h¢& BZ n[a`moOZmAm| na ^maV gaH$ma go 40 à{VeV AZwXmZ (A{YH$V_ én`o 2.00 H$amo‹S>) CncãY H$am`m J`m & ^maV gaH$ma Ûmam 11.02.2010 H$mo Bg `moOZm H$mo n[ad{Y©V> H$a {X`m J`m h¡& ZB© `moOZm Ho$ AÝVJ©V amÁ` _| A~ VH$ Mma n[a`moOZmE§ Hw$c cmJV én`o 2132.00 cmI (g§emo{YV) H$s `Wm {H$eZKmQ> (O¡gc_oa), ncgmZm (grH$a), ~rN>dmc (~rH$mZoa) Ed§ {eënJ«m_ (OmoYnwa) 6

ñdrH¥$V H$s J`r h¡& BZHo$ {cE Hw$c J«mÝQ> am{e én`o 12.79 H$amo‹S> ñdrH¥$V hþB© h¡& 6. amÁ` Ho$ {^dmS>r Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌ _| 610 EH$‹S> ^y{_ _| 2000 H$amo‹S> én`o H$s cmJV H$s hmoÊS>m H$ma n[a`moOZm ñWm{nV H$s Om ahr h¡, Omo amÁ` _| H$ma CËnmXZ hoVw àW_ g§`§Ì hmoJm& Bg_| go 455 EH$‹S> _| H$ma CËnmXZ BH$mB© H$s ñWmnZm H$s Om ahr h¡ d 155 EH$‹S> _| BgH$s ghm`H$ BH$mB©`m± ñWm{nV H$s Om ahr h¡ & Bg g§`Ì _| H$ånZr Ûmam Hw$N> H$cnwOm] H$m CËnmXZ àmaå^ H$a {X`m h¡ & Bg BH$mB© _| nyU© CËnmXZ j_Vm na 2000 H$amo‹S> H$m {Zdoe hmoJm d 4000 ì`pŠV`m| Ho$ {c`o amoOJma Ho$ Adga CncãY hm|Jo& H$c nwO} ñWm{nV H$aZo Ho$ {c`o Omo 155 EH$‹S> ^y{_ Amd§{Q>V H$s J`r h¡ Cg_| go 60 EH$‹S> ^y{_ Xmo n{h`m dmhZ {Z_m©U hoVw hmoÊS>m Jw«n H$ånZr H$mo H$a Xr J`r h¡& hmoÊ‹S>m _moQ>a gmB{H$c d ñHy$Q>a²g BpÊS>`m àm.{c.amÁ` _| ñHy$Q>a d _moQ>a gmB{H$c ~ZmZo H$s BH$mB© Q>nyH$‹S>m _| ñWm{nV H$a ahr h¡ {Og_| nyU© j_Vm go CËnmXZ hmoZo na én`o 1100 H$amo‹S> H$m {Zdoe d 3000 ì`pŠV`m| H$mo àË`j amoOJma Ano{jV h¡& Bg BH$mB© go 10,000 ì`pŠV`m| H$mo AàË`j amoOJma CncãY hmoJm & AJñV, 2011 go Xmo n{h`m dmhZ H$m dm{UpÁ`H$ CËnmXZ àmaå^ H$a {X`m h¡& 7. Am¡Úmo{JH$ {dH$mg _| d¥{Õ hoVw {ZJ_ Ûmam AÝVam©ï´>r` ñVa

2012), Rs. 29.73 crore were spent on these projects while a total of Rs. 137.60 crore have been spent since the commencement of these projects till February 2012. 5. Establishment of Mini Growth Centres : To provide integrated infrastructure in rural and undeveloped areas for the small-scale industry, mini growth centres have been established, at a cost of Rs. 5.00 crore each. Earlier the Government of India used to extend a grant of 40% (maximum Rs. 2.00 crore) for each of these projects till 2009-10. Under this scheme the approved works for all nine centres in Sangria (Jodhpur), Kaladwas (Udaipur), Niwai (Tonk), Goregaon (Nagaur), Bayana (Bharatpur), Khushkhera (Bhiwadi), Hindaun City (Karauli), Baran (Baran) and Falna (Pali) have been completed. GOI has modified this scheme w.e.f. 11.02.2010. The cost of each centres has been enhanced to Rs. 10.00 crore approximately and grant to 60% with a maximum Rs. 6.00 crore for each centre under modified scheme. GOI has sanctioned four projects worth Rs. 21.32 crore at Kishanghat (Jaisalmer), Palsana (Sikar), Bichhwal (Bikaner) and

Shilpgrampal (Jodhpur) under this scheme. A grant of Rs. 12.79 crore has been approved for these four projects by GOI. Since inception, the Government / Corporation has spent Rs. 50.93 crore on IID projects of the State till February 2012. During the mentioned period, Rs. 16.56 crore grants have been receive from Government of India till February 2012. 6. With the cost of Rs 2,000 crore, the Honda Car Project is being implemented on 610-acre land in the Bhiwadi industrial area. This would be the first car manufacturing plant in the state. The main car production unit is being set up on 455-acre land while its ancillaries are being built on 155-acre land. The company has already began production of some auto parts in this plant. The Rs 2,000-crore unit will generate jobs for nearly 4,000 people. The Honda Group Company has been allotted 60acre land for manufacturing of two-wheelers. Honda Motorcycle and Scooters India Pvt. Ltd. is setting up a plant in Tapukada for the production of scooters and motorcycles. The state expects an investment of Rs 1,100 crore and direct employment for 3,000 people when the plant begins production. Over 10,000


na OmnmZr g§ñWm, O¡Q´>mo Ho$ gmW E_.Amo.`y. hñVmj[aV {H$`m J`m h¡, {OgHo$ VhV O¡Q´>mo Ho$ gh`moJ Ûmam amOñWmZ Ho$ Zr_amZm Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌ _| {d{^ÝZ OmnmZr BH$mB`m± ñWm{nV H$s OmdoJr & Bg à`mg go ~hþamï´>r` OmnmZr H$ån{Z`m§ O¡go {Z{gZ, {_ËgwB©, S>mB©{H$Z, {_Ëgw{~gr S>mB©H$s H$ca Am{X Zo BH$mB© ñWm{nV H$aZo Ho$ {c`o O_rZ Amd§{Q>V H$am cr h¡& Bg joÌ _| 11 BH$mB`m| Zo CËnmXZ ewê$ H$a {X`m h¡ d 9 BH$mB`m| _| {Z_m©U H$m`© Omar h¡ & OmnmZr OmoZ _| 34 H$ån{Z`m| H$mo ^y{_ Am§d{Q>V H$s JB© Wr, co{H$Z {dídì`mnr _§Xr Ho$ H$maU 3 H$ån{Z`m| Zo Amd§{Q>V ^y{_ dmng H$a Xr h¡& VXZwgma A^r VH$ 31 BH$mB`m| H$mo 347.51 EH$‹S> ^y{_ Amd§{Q>V H$s Om MwH$s h¡ & Amd§{Q>V ^y{_ na cJ^J 2770 H$amo‹S> é. Ho$ {Zdoe H$s gå^mdZm h¡ d cJ^J 5700 ì`pŠV`m| Ho$ {c`o amoOJma Ho$ Adga CncãY hm|Jo& Bg E_.Amo.`y. H$mo AJñV, 2012 VH$ ~‹T>m {X`m J`m h¡ & `h g_Pm¡Vm ^maV _| BÊS>mo-OmnmZr gh`moJ H$m AZyR>m CXmhaU h¡ & 8. {ZJ_ Ho$ à`mgm| go ~hþamï´>r` H$ån{Z`m| O¡go {H$ Am°ËgwH$m H¡${_H$ëg, _¡Q²>gmo BpÊS>`m, gmCW E{e`m ~o«darO, Q>mQ>m ãë`yñH$m°n ñQ>rc, H$nmamo \«$mñQ>Zg©, O¡Zn¡ŠQ>, Q>¡Šgm BpÊS>`m, cm\$mO© BpÊS>`m {c. BË`m{X Ho$ Ûmam amÁ` _| {Zdoe {H$`m J`m h¡¡ VWm {ZJ_ Ho$ Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌm| _| H$B© 8

~‹S>r {ZdoeH$Vm© H$ån{Z`m| `Wm amoOZ~J© (IweIo‹S>m), `y ~r Jw«n (Mm¡nmZH$s), BÝ\$mo{gg (grVmnwam), ardmoZm BÊS>ñQ´>rO (OmoYnwa), hodëg BpÊS>`m (Zr_amZm), lrgr_oÝQ> {c{_Q>oS> (IweIo‹S>m), B©.AmB©.S>r. n¡ar (Acda) BË`m{X Ûmam {Zdoe {H$`m J`m h¡& amÁ` _o H$B© ~S>r {ZdoeH$Îmm© H§$n{Z`m| `Wm lram_ {nñQ>Z, _Xag§g gy_r, Q>r.nr.Eg. BÝ\«$mñQ´>ŠMa, gZ~r_ H$mpñQ>§J, ŠbM Am°Q>mo, dr.Ho$. nmocrH$moQ²>g BË`m{X Ûmam amÁ` _| {Zdoe {H$`m Om ahm h¡¡& 9. amOñWmZ _| gm¡a COm© H$s d¥h²X gå^mdZmAm| H$mo X¥{ï>JV aIVo hþE ""amOñWmZ gm¡a COm© Zr{V-2011'' H$s KmofUm H$s JB© h¡, {Og_| amOñWmZ Ho$ OmoYnwa, O¡gc_oa, ~rH$mZoa d ~m‹S>_oa {Ocm| _| 1000 MW go Á`mXm j_Vm H$s ñWmnZm H$s Om`oJr & amOñWmZ Ho$ àW_ gm¡a COm© nmH©$ Ho$ {c`o J«m_ ^mXcm {Ocm OmoYnwa _| 10,000 h¡ŠQ>o`a ^y{_ H$mo {MpÝhV {H$`m J`m h¡& {KcmoQ> Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌ {Ogo H$m±M d {gao{_H$ CÚmoJm| H$s ñWmnZm Ho$ {c`o {MpÝhV {H$`m J`m h¡, H$mo H$m±M d {gao{_H$ AmYm[aV gm¡a H$ånmoZ|Q²>g Ho$ CËnmXZ hoVw ^r Cn`moJ _| cm`m Om`oJm & 10. ~hþamï´>r` H$ånZr goÝQ> Jmo~oZ Jw«n Xw{Z`m H$s \$moaMwZ 500 H$ån{Z`m| H$s gyMr _| h¡, {OgH$s ghm`H$ H$ånZr goÝQ> Jmo~oZ ½cmg BpÊS>`m {c. Ûmam {^dm‹S>r, {Ocm Acda _| 1000 H$amo‹S> é. H$m {Zdoe H$a âbmoQ> ½cmg H$m g§`§Ì

people will get indirect employment from this unit. The commercial production of twowheelers has started since August 2011. 7. RIICO has signed an MoU with the Japanese company JETRO for industrial development, under which, various Japanese units would be established in Neemrana industrial area. Land has been allotted to multinational companies like Nissin. Mitsui, Daikin, Mitsubishi, Daiki Color etc. In this zone, 11 units have started production while the work in nine units is in progress. The land was allocated to 34 companies in the Japanese zone, but due to global recession, three companies have returned the allotted land. Hence, 347.51-acre land has been allotted to 31 units till date. An investment of Rs 2,770 crore and employment generation for over 5,700 people is expected upon the commencement of operations under these projects. The MoU period has been extended till August 2012. This collaboration is an ideal example of the Indo-Japanese cooperation in India. 8. With RIICO’s consistent efforts, multinational companies like Autsuka Chemicals, Matso India, South Asia Breweries, Tata Bluescop

Steel, Kaparo Fastners, Genpact, Texa India, Lafarge India Ltd, etc. have invested in the state. Several big companies have invested in RIICO industrial areas, i.e. Rosenberg (Khushkhera), UB Group (Chaupanki), Infosys (Sitapura), Havells India (Neemrana), Shree Cement Limited (Khushkhera), E.I.D. Perry (Alwar), etc. Several major players like Sriram Piston, Motherson Sumi, T.P.S. Infrastructure, Sunbeam Casting, Clutch Auto, Veekay Polycoats, etc have entered the state. 9. Keeping in mind the vast opportunities in the field of solar energy in the state, the ‘Rajasthan Solar Energy Policy-2011’ has been announced. Under the scheme power generating units with over 1,000 MW capacity will be established in districts like Jodhpur, Jaisalmer, Bikaner and Barmer. In Bhadla village of Jodhpur district, 10,000 hectare land has been earmarked for the state’s first solar energy park. Ghilot Industrial area, earmarked to set up glass and ceramic industries, will also be used for the production of glass and ceramic-based solar components. 10. Saint Gobain Glass India Ltd., a subsidiary of multinational Saint Gobain Group listed in Fortune 500 companies, is investing Rs 1,000


ñWm{nV {H$`m Om ahm h¡, Omo Xw{Z`m H$m g~go ~‹S>m âbmoQ ½cmg g§`§Ì ñWm{nV hmoJm & dV©_mZ _| `h H$ånZr VH$ZrH$s gd} H$m H$m`© H$a ahr h¡& arH$mo Zo O_rZ Am§d{Q>V H$a Xr h¡& n[a`moOZm H$m`© àJ{V na h¡ & 11. amÁ` gaH$ma Ûmam dm{UÁ` Am¡a CÚmoJ Ho$ {dH$mg H$mo J{V XoZo Ho$ {c`o 2010-11 Ho$ ~OQ> ^mfU _| arH$mo Ho$ O`nwa pñWV grVmnwam Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌ _| cJ^J 42 EH$S> ^y{_ na nr.nr.nr. (npãcH$ àmB©doQ> nmQ>©Za{en) na AmYm[aV EH$ àXe©Zr Ed§ gå_ocZ Ho$ÝX« (EŠOr{~eZ H$_ H$Ýd|eZ goÝQ>a) H$s ñWmnZm H$s KmofUm H$s Wr& arH$mo Zo nrS>rH$moa {b. H$mo Bg n[a`moOZm Ho$ {dñV¥V {\${O{~{cQ>r ñQ>oS>r Ed§ {~S> S>m°Š`y_|Q>g² H$s V¡`mar Ho$ {c`o g§MmcZ gcmhmH$ma (Q´>m§OŠeZ H§$gëQ>|Q>) Ho$ ê$n _| {Z`wŠV {H$`m& VXZwgma, _wha~ÝX {Z{dXmE§ Am_§{ÌV H$s JB©, {OZ_| go _¡gg© ^mñH$a B§S>ñQ´>rO {c{_Q>oS>, ^monmc (H§$gmo{Q©>`_) CƒV_ ~mobr cJmZo dmco Ho$ ê$n _| C^am& arH$mo Ho$ {ZX}eH$ _ÊS>c (~moS©> Am°\$ S>m`aoŠQ>g©) H$s 19 AŠQy>~a 2011 H$mo Am`mo{OV ~¡R>H$ _| Bg àñVmd Ho$ AZw_moXZ Ho$ ~mX, Bgo B©.gr.AmB©.S>r. H$s 18 Zd§~a 2011 H$mo Am`mo{OV ~¡R>H$ _| aIm J`m Wm& {Og_| `h {ZU©` {c`m J`m {H$ Bg _m_co H$mo amÁ` H¡${~ZoQ> Ho$ g_j aIm Om`o& H¡${~ZoQ> Ho$ {ZU©` Ho$ AZwgma arH$mo Zo 13 \$adar, 10

2012 H$mo _¡gg© ^mñH$a B§S>ñQ´>rO {c{_Q>oS>, ^monmc (H§$gmo{Q©>`_) H$mo àmW{_H$ ~mocrXmVm ({à\$S©> {~S>a) Ho$ nj _| c¡Q>a Am°\$ AdmS©> (Eb.Amo.E.) Omar H$a {X`m Am¡a Bg n[a`moOZm Ho$ {H«$`mÝd`Z Ho$ {cE _¡gg© ^mñH$a B§S>ñQ´>rO {c{_Q>oS>, ^monmc (H§$gmo{Q©>`_) Ûmam ~ZmB© JB© Eg.nr.dr. _¡gg© {S>{cO|Q> qnH$ {gQ>r goÝQ>a àm. {c., ^monmc Ho$ gmW 10 _mM©, 2012 H$mo àm{YH$ma g_Pm¡Vm (Am°WamB©OoeZ EJ«r_|Q>) H$m {Zînm{XV {H$`m J`m h¡& 12. {ZJ_ Zo df© 2010-11 _| O`nwa H$s _oQ´>mo aoc n[a`moOZm Ho$ àW_ MaU Ho$ {c`o O`nwa _oQ´>mo H$manmoaoeZ H$mo é. 100 H$amo‹S> H$s A§eny§Or (eo`a Ho$nrQ>c) ñdrH¥$V H$s VWm Bg_| go é. 42.33 H$amo‹S> AXm`Jr H$a Xr h¡& 13. {ZJ_ Zo amOñWmZ ñQ>oQ> noQ´>mo{c`_ H$m°anmoaoeZ {c. H$s A§eny§Or (eo`a Ho$nrQ>c) H$s gh^m{JVm Ho$ {c`o 10 H$amo‹S> é. ñdrH¥$V {H$`o J`o h¡& 14. dV©_mZ _| amÁ` _| VrZ goO gaH$mar joÌ _| h¡, {OZ_| go Xmo O¡åg EÊS> Ád¡car AmYm[aV grVmnwam, O`nwa _| Ed§ EH$ h¡ÊS>rH«$mâQ> AmYm[aV OmoYnwa _| ñWm{nV h¡ & df© 2010-11 _| 778.00 H$amo‹S> é. H$m {Z`m©V hþAm h¡ & Bg {dËVr` df© 2011-12 _| `hm§ go H$ar~ 245 H$amo‹S> é. H$m {Z`m©V hmo MwH$m h¡ &

crore to set up a float glass plant in Bhiwadi, Alwar district. This will be the largest float glass plant in the world. Presently, the company is conducting technical survey. RIICO has allotted land and the work on the project is in progress. 11. In order to give thrust to development of commerce and industry the State Government in its budget announcement for the year 201011 declared for development of an Exhibition Cum Convention Centre on approx. 42 acres land situated at Sitapura Industrial Area of RIICO at Jaipur on PPP basis. RIICO appointed PDCOR Ltd., Jaipur as Transaction Advisors for detailed feasibility study and preparation of bid documents. Accordingly, bids were invited and M/s Bhaskar Industries Ltd. Bhopal (Consortium) emerged as the highest bidder. After the approval of this proposal by the board of directors of RIICO in its meeting held on 19th October, 2011, the matter was placed before ECID in its meeting held on 18th November, 2011 wherein it was decided to place the matter before the state cabinet. In accordance with the decision of the cabinet RIICO has issued Letter

of Award (LoA) in favour of M/s Bhaskar Industries Ltd., Bhopal (Consortium) the preferred bidder on13th February, 2012 and has also executed Authorization Agreement on 10th March,2012 with M/s Diligent Pink city Centre Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal, the SPV created by M/s Bhaskar Industries Ltd., Bhopal (consortium) for implementation of this project. 12. RIICO has approved participation in first phase of Metro Rail project in Jaipur through an investment of Rs. 100.00 crores by way of equity subscription. The Corporation has already released Rs. 42.33 crore. 13. RIICO has approved a participation of Rs. 10.00 crore in the share capital of Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 14. There are three SEZs in the State. Two SEZs are situated in Sitapura (Jaipur) for Gems and Jewellery industry while one SEZ is in Jodhpur for the development of handicraft industry. In 2010-2011, SEZ’s achieved exports of Rs 778 crore. In fiscal year 2011-12, the exports have reached over Rs. 245 crore till date. 15. The Mansarovar Industrial Development


15. _mZgamoda BÊS>pñQ´>`c S>dcn_oÝQ> H$m°anmoaoeZ Zo AnZo h¡ÊS>rH«$mâQ> goO H$mo S>rZmo{Q>\$mB© H$adm {c`m h¡ gmW hr gmW nmíd©ZmW EgB©OoS> S>dcng© Zo ^r AnZo O¡åg Ed§ Ád¡car goO H$s g¡Ûm§{VH$ ñdrH¥${V ^maV gaH$ma go àmá H$a br h¡& BgHo$ A{V[aŠV amÁ` _| 08 goO A{Ygy{MV {H$`o J`o h¢ {OZ_| AmB©.Q>r./Eg.B©.O¡S> Ed§ cmBQ> B§Or{Z`[a¨J Ed§ Am°Q>mo_mo{Q>d goO O`nwa _| H$m`©aV h¡ & BZ_| H$ar~ 155 H$amo‹S> én`o H$m {Z`m©V df© 2010-11 _| hþAm h¡ VWm H$ar~ 1600 cmoJmo H$mo amoOJma {_cm hþAm h¡& Bg {dÎmr` df© 2011-12 _| `hm§ go H$ar~ 59 H$amo‹S> é. H$m {Z`m©V hmo MwH$m h¡ & 16. _hoÝÐm J«wn arH$mo Ho$ gmW {_cH$a O`nwa _| {deof Am{W©H$ OmoZ H$s ñWmnZm H$a ahm h¡, {Og_| 10,000 H$amo‹S> é. H$m {Zdoe Ano{jV h¡& Bg {deof Am{W©H$ OmoZ _| {d{^ÝZ goŠQ>a Ho$ {c`o OmoZ ñWm{nV {H$`o OmdoJo & Amaå^ _| 155 hoŠQ>o`a _| AmB©.Q>r. d AmB©.Q>r.B©.Eg. OmoZ _| {d{^ÝZ BH$mB`m| Ho$ {c`o ^y{_ Amd§{Q>V H$s Om ahr h¡ & {OZ_| à_wI BH$mB`m± BÝ\$mo{gg, {dàmo, Ý`ypŠb`g gm°Q>do`a, Q>¡H$ _hoÝÐm, S>m°`e ~¢H$, ZJmamo BË`m{X ~S>rµ H$ån{Z`m§ Ûmam AnZr BH$mB`m± ñWm{nV H$aZm àñVm{dV h¡ & BÝ\$mo{gg ~r nr Amo {c., B©.EŠg.Ec. (EXL) Ed§ S>m°`e ~¢H$ Zo AnZr BH$mB`m± ñWm{nV H$aHo$ ì`mdgm{`H$ H$m`© àmaå^ H$a {X`m 12

h¡& AmB©.Q>r., AmB©.Q>r.B©.Eg. OmoZ Ho$ Acmdm cmBQ> B§Or{Z`[a¨J, hñV{eën OmoZ d Ooåg EÊS> Ád¡car Ho$ {c`o ^r ^maV gaH$ma Zo Zmo{Q>{\$Ho$eZ Omar H$a {X`m h¡ & BZ OmoZ _| ^r ^y{_ Amd§Q>Z {H$`m Om ahm h¡ & Eg.B©.OoS>. _| cJZo dmcr BH$mB© Ý`ypŠbg gm°âQ>do`a H$mo ^maV gaH$ma Ûmam gh {dH$mg H$Vm© H$m XOm© {X`m h¡ & _hoÝÐm dëS©> {gQ>r (O`nwa) {c. _| cmBQ> B§Or{Z`[a¨J/Am°Q>mo_mo{Q>d goO ^r OyZ, 2011 go H$m`©aV hmo MwH$m h¡& Bg_| ZrQ>àmo Zm_ H$s H$ånZr Zo {Z`m©V ewê$ H$a {X`m h¡& _hoÝÐm dëS©> {gQ>r (O`nwa) {c. _| H$ar~ 875 H$amo‹S> H$m {Zdoe hmo MwH$m h¡ & Bg {dËVr` df© 2011-12 _| `hm§ go H$ar~ 59 H$amo‹S> é. H$m {Z`m©V hmo MwH$m h¡ VWm H$ar~ 1700 cmoJmo H$mo amoOJma CncãY hmo ahm h¡& _hoÝÐm goO _| h¡ÊS>rH«$mâQ> goO àmaå^ hmo MwH$m h¡& 17. dñÌ _§Ìmc` H$s EH$sH¥$V XjVm {dH$mg `moOZm Ho$ VhV ^rcdm‹S>m, {^dmS>r, nmcr, ~mcmoVam Am{X dñÌ CÚmoJ ~mhþë` joÌm| _| AmJm_r 2 dfm} _| Apparel Training and Design Center (ATDC) Ûmam 10 "ñ_mQ>© Ho$ÝÐ' ñWm{nV H$a BZHo$ _mÜ`_ go cJ^J 12 hOma `wdmAm| Ed§ _{hcmAm| H$mo à{e{jV {H$`m OmH$a CÝh| dñÌ CÚmoJm| _| amoOJma Ho$ Adga _wh¡`m H$am`o OmZo H$s `moOZm {H«$`mpÝdV H$s JB© h¡&

Corporation has got its handicraft SEZ denotified while Parsvanath SEZ Developers has also received the policy-based approval for its gems and jewellery SEZ from the Government of India. Additionally, eight SEZs have been notified in the state, out of which, IT, Light Engineering and Automotive SEZs are operating in Jaipur. In 2010-11 employment for 1600 people was generated and export of Rs. 155 crores was achieved. During 2011-12, exportes of Rs. 59.00 crores have been achieved till date. 16. Mahindra Group, in collaboration with RIICO, has set up an SEZ in Jaipur. It is expected to catalyze an investment of Rs. 11,000 crores. This SEZ will have zones for the various sectors. Initially, 155-hectare land is being allotted for various units in the IT and ITES zones. Proposals from major companies like Infosys, Wipro, Nucleus Software, Tech Mahindra, Deutsche Bank, Nagarro, etc. to set up their units have been received. Infosys BPO Ltd, EXL and Deutsche Bank have already started their operations. Apart from IT and ITES zones, the Government of India has notified SEZs for Light Engineering,

Handicraft and Gems and Jewellery too and the land is being allotted for these SEZs. The Government of India has given the status of codeveloper to M/s. Nucleus Software. Light Engineering /Automotive section in Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. has been operating since June 2011 and KnitPro has started exports from here. So far, over Rs. 875 crore have been invested in Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Exports worth Rs. 59 crore have been achieved in fiscal year 2011-12 while 1,700 people have got employment. Handicraft SEZ in the Mahindra World City unit has been started. 17. Under the Integrated Skills Development Scheme of the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India, Ten ‘smart centres’ will be established by the Apparel Training and Design Centre (ATDC) in textile industry hubs like Bhilwada, Bhiwadi, Pali, Balotra, etc in the next two years. Under this scheme, over 12,000 people will be trained and given employment in the textile industry. 18. RIICO is setting up a new industrial zone for the food processing industry, especially for forest products. In this zone, a special package will be


18. arH$mo Ûmam H¥${f àg§ñH$aU, {deofH$a dZ CËnmXm| hoVw EH$ Z`o Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌ H$s ñWmnZm H$s Om ahr h¡ & Bg joÌ _| gh[a`m `wdmAm| H$mo amoOJma CncãY H$amZo H$s eV© na {Zdoe H$aZo hoVw {deof n¡Ho$O cmJy {H$`m OmdoJm, {OgHo$ AÝVJ©V `wdmAm| H$mo RIPS go ^r A{YH$ gw{dYm`| Xo` hmoJr& 19. amÁ` gaH$ma Zo Eg.B©.OoS> H$mo ~‹T>mdm XoZo hoVw {ZU©` {c`o h¡& Eg.B©.OoµS> ({deof Am{W©H$ joÌ) H$mo àmoËgm{hV H$aZo hoVw Eg.B©.OoS> EŠQ> cm`m Om ahm h¡ {OgHo$ CnamÝV H${Vn` [a`m`Vo§ Xr Om gH|$Jr& amÁ` gaH$ma Zo Eg.B©.OoS> H$mo ~‹T>mdm XoZo hoVw {ZåZ {ZU©` {c`o h¢ :1. ^y{_ ê$nmÝVaU ewëH$ _mÌ 100 é. _|& ^y{_ ê$nmÝVaU ewëH$ _| Ny>Q> Ho$ AmXoe amOñd {d^mJ Ûmam 1 Zdå~a, 2010 H$mo Omar H$a {X`o h¢& 2. {dÚwV ewëH$ _| Ny>Q> 10 df© Ho$ {c`o& AmXoe {XZm§H$ 29.6.2010 H$mo Omar H$a {X`o J`o h¢ & 3. hmoQ>c Ed§ _Zmoa§OZ BH$mB`m| H$mo {dcm{gVm (100 à{VeV) Ed§ _Zmoa§OZ H$a (50 à{VeV) _| Ny>Q> 7 dfm} Ho$ {c`o {dcm{gVm Ed§ _Zmoa§OZ H$a _| Ny>Q> Ho$ AmXoe 3 {Xgå~a, 2009 H$mo Omar {H$`o J`o h¡& 4. gh {dH$mgH$Vm© Ed§ BH$mB`m| H$mo _wÐm§H$ ewëH$ _| Ny>Q>& AmXoe 29.6.2010 H$mo Omar H$a {X`o J`o h¢ & 14

5. {H$am`o na ñWm{nV hmoZo dmcr BH$mB`m| H$mo {H$am`mZm_m Ho$ n§Or`Z hoVw _wÐm§H$ ewëH$ _| Ny>Q> & AmXoe 29.6.2010 H$mo Omar H$a {X`o J`o h¢ & 20. arH$mo Ûmam EH$ AÝVam©îQ´>r` ñVa H$s Q>¡ŠgQ>mB©ëg Ed§ Anoac Q´>oS> \o$`a H$m 22 go 25 Zdå~a, 2012 _| Am`moOZ {H$`m Om ahm h¡ & Bg Q´>oS> \o$`a _| {\$ŠH$s gh Am`moOH$ h¡, {OgHo$ gmW 7 Zdå~a, 2011 H$mo EH$ MOU {Zînm{XV {H$`m J`m h¡ & 21. àXoe _| {gao{_H$ CÚmoJ H$mo ~‹T>mdm XoZo Ho$ {c`o arH$mo Ûmam gr.AmB©.AmB©. d BpÊS>`Z {gao{_H$ gmogm`Q>r Ho$ gh`moJ go O`nwa _| {gao{_H$, ½cmg d EcmBS>> CËnmXmo§ H$s AÝVam©ï´>r` ñVa H$s àXe©Zr {XZm§H$ 11 go 14 Zdå~a, 2011 _| cJm`r J`r, {Og_| 16 {dXoer H$ån{Z`m| g{hV 180 H$ån{Z`m| Zo ^mJ {c`m & 22. amOñWmZ _| {gao{_H$ Ed§ ½cmg AmYm[aV CÚmoJm| _| Z`o {Zdoe H$mo àmoËgm{hV H$aZo Ho$ {c`o amÁ` gaH$ma Ûmam {deof àmoËgmhZ n¡Ho$O H$s KmofUm H$s h¡ & BgHo$ VhV Z`m {Zdoe H$aZo dmco CÚmoJm| H$mo ì`mdgm{`H$ CËnmXZ ewê$ H$aZo H$s {V{W go 31 _mM© 2018 VH$ d¡Q> g_oV g^r Vah Ho$ Q>¡Šgm| _| 75 \$sgXr VH$ H$s Ny>Q> {_coJr co{H$Z {dñVma Am¡a AmYw{ZH$sH$aU H$aZo dmco CÚmoJm| H$mo O_m H$amE JE A{V[aŠV Q>¡Šg na hr [a`m`V {_coJr & BgHo$ Acmdm ZE

implemented to provide employment to ‘Sahariya’ youth. The scheme will give greater facilities to youth than given under the Rajasthan Investment Promotion Policy (RIPS). 19. The state government has taken key policy decisions to promote SEZs. An SEZ act is also under consideration. So far, the state government has taken following decisions to promote SEZs: i. Rs 100 as Land Conversion Charge. The Revenue Department has issued order for concessions in Land Conversion Charge on 1 November, 2010. ii. Concessions in electricity charges for 10 years. Orders have been issued on 29 June, 2010. iii. Concessions in luxury tax (100%) and entertainment tax (50%) for hotel and entertainment industry for seven years. The order in this regard has been issued on 3 December, 2009. iv. Concessions in stamp duty for co-developers and their units. The order was issued on 29 June, 2010. v. Concessions in stamp duty for registering

rent deed to the units being established on rent. The order was issued on 29 June, 2010. 20. RIICO will organise an international ‘Textiles and Apparel Trade Fair’ from 22-25 November, 2012. An MoU has been signed on 7 November, 2011 with FICCI as the co-organiser. 21. To promote the ceramic industry in the state, RIICO, in association with the CII and the Indian Ceramic Society, organised an international exhibition of ceramic, glass and allied products in Jaipur from 11-14 November, 2011. Over 180 companies, including 16 foreign firms, participated in the event. 22. To promote investment in ceramic and glassbased industries in Rajasthan, the state government has declared a special incentive package. Under this package new investors will get up to 75 percent concessions on all kind of taxes, including VAT, from the day of starting commercial production till 31 March, 2018. The industries that adopt modern technology and expand its businesses will get concessions on additional tax paid. Moreover, new industries will get concessions on electricity charges, land tax and stamp duty while buying land. This package will last for seven years.


CÚmoJm| H$mo BcopŠQ´>{gQ>r S²>`yQ>r, c¢S> Q>¡Šg, O_rZ IarX na ñQ>mån S²>`yQ>r Ho$ ^wJVmZ go ^r Ny>Q> {_coJr & `h n¡Ho$O gmV gmc Ho$ {c`o hmoJm & 23. ½dmaJ_ VWm CgHo$ {d{^ÝZ CËnmXm| H$mo Q>oñQ> H$aZo Ho$ {cE VWm Cggo {d{^ÝZ CËnmX ~ZmZo Ho$ {c`o ~moamZmS>m _| _m¡OyXm EJ«mo Q>oñQ> c¡~ H$m ZdrZV_ {dñVma {H$`m J`m h¡, {OgHo$ {cE arH$mo d EonoS>m (APEDA) Ho$ ~rM 14.12.2010 H$mo H$ama hþAm h¡ & H$ama Ho$ AZwgma EonoS>m arH$mo H$mo é. 3.83 H$amoS> CŠV c¡~ H$mo ñWm{nV H$aZo Ho$ {cE XoJm & AZwXmZ H$s 40 à{VeV H$s nhcr {H$íV àmá hmo MwH$s h¡ & c¡~ H$s àmoOoŠQ> [anmoQ>© ~ZdmZo H$s H$m`©dmhr H$s Om ahr h¡ & 24. ñQ>moZ_mQ>©- 2009 Ho$ g\$c Am`moOZ Ho$ CnamÝV AmJm_r ñQ>moZ_mQ>© àX{e©Zr 20-23 OZdar, 2011 H$mo O`nwa _| Am`mo{OV H$s JB© & 25. amÁ` Ho$ Am¡Úmo{JH$ X¥{ï> go {nN>So> OZOm{V ~mhþë` {Ocm| `Wm ~m§gdmS>m, Sy>§Janwa, {gamohr _| CÚmoJm| H$mo àmoËgm{hV H$aZo hoVw 5.00 H$amoS> é. H$s "OZOm{V ~mhþë` joÌr` Am¡Úmo{JH$aU àmoËgmhZ `moOZm-2010-11' cmJy H$s JB© h¡& Bg `moOZm Ho$ VhV _mh \$adar, 2012 VH$ 137.52 cmI én`o H$m nwZ^©aU {H$`m Om MwH$m h¡ & BgHo$ A{V[aŠV {gamohr _| 547.00 cmI é. Ho$ àñVmd {dMmamYrZ h¡& 16

26. Am¡Úmo{JH$ X¥{ï> go {nN>‹S>o H$am¡cr, gdmB©_mYmonwa, Ym¡cnwa, ~m§am VWm àVmnJ‹T> {Ocm| _| {Zdoe H$mo àmoËgm{hV H$aZo H$s X¥{ï> go arH$mo Ûmam Amd§{Q>V ^yIÊS>m| na CËnmXZ erK« àmaå^ H$aZo hoVw EH$ ZB© `moOZm ""joÌr` Am¡Úmo{JH$aU àmoËgmhZ `moOZm ({nN>So> {Oco) 2011-12'' {ZJ_ Ho$ g§gmYZm| go {H«$`mpÝdV H$s Om ahr h¡& 27..Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌ grVmnwam Ho$ BÝH$`ydoeZ goÝQ>a _| à{V^mdmZ `wdH$-`wd{V`m| H$mo ZdmMma hoVw [a`m`Vr Xa na gw{dYm àXÎm H$aZo H$m {ZU©` {H$`m J`m h¡ & 28. {ZJ_ àemgZ Zo df© 2011 _| arH$mo ñWmnZm {Xdg àË`oH$ df© 28 _mM© H$mo _ZmZo H$m {ZU©` {c`m & {ZJ_ Zo arH$mo H$m ñWmnZm {Xdg 28 _mM© 2011 H$mo àW_ ~ma _Zm`m, {Og_| a§Jma§J gm§ñH¥${VH$ H$m`©H«$_ àñVwV {H$`o J`o Ed§ arH$mo Ho$ CËH¥$ï> H$_©Mm[a`m| H$mo nwañH¥$V {H$`m J`m& 29. 28 _mM© 2012 H$mo AnZo ñWmnZm {Xdg Ho$ Cncú` _| arH$mo Ûmam ñWm{nV amOñWmZ pñWV {d{^ÝZ Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌm| _| Am¡Úmo{JH$ BH$mB©`m| H$mo {ZåZm§{H$V loUr Ho$ nwañH$ma {X`o Om`|Jo :1. ar-gmB©H$qcJ, ar-MmO© Ûmam Oc Ho$ nwZ: Am¡Úmo{JH$ Cn`moJ H$aZo dmcr BH$mB© 2. gå~pÝYV Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌ Ho$ {dH$mg _| A{YH$V_

23. To test Guar Gum (guar) and its various products and to develop new products Agro Test Lab situated at Boranada, Jodhpur would be equipped with state-of-the-art technology. RIICO and APEDA signed an agreement for the same on 14 December, 2010. According to the MoU, APEDA would provide RIICO with Rs. 3.83 crore to set up the lab. First installment of the grant has already been received and the lab project report is under preparation. 24. After the success of ‘Stone Mart-2009,’ next Stone Mart exhibition was successfully organised in Jaipur from 20-23 January, 2011. 25. Tribal area regional industrial promotion scheme 2010-11 was launched in industrial backward district as Banswara, Dungarpur, Sirohi with an of amount 500.00 lac. to promote industrialisation in Tribal area. Rs. 137.52 lac. has been reimbursed upto February 2012 and proposals for Rs. 547.00 lac. an under consideration in Sirohi District. 26. Regional Industrial promotion scheme (backward district) 2011-12 has been launched by RIICO through its own sources in industrially backward districts like Karoli, Swai Madhopur, Dholpur, Baran, Pratapgarh

to promote industrial investment in the area by providing production incentive for starting production with in stipulated time period under scheme. 27. To promote entrepreneurship, RIICO has decided to provided ready built up space on concessional rate to establish incubation centre in industrial area Sitapura, Jaipur. 28. From 2011, the management has decided to celebrate RIICO's 'Foundation Day' on 28th March every year. The first such event was organized on 28th March, 2011. A graceful cultural program was organized and meritorious RIICO employees were given awards. 29. RIICO has decided to institute awards in following categories on the foundation day i.e. 28.03.2012 for best performing Industries setup in RIICO industrial areas of Rajasthan: i. Industrial unit with most efficient water use, recycling and recharge. ii. Industry with maximum contribution to the surrounding industrial area in terms of Corporate Social Responsibilities . iii. Most environment friendly- "Green" Unit


`moJXmZ H$aZo dmcr BH$mB© 3. h[aV Am¡Úmo{JH$ BH$mB© 4. ZB© VH$ZrH$s H$m {dH$mg {H«$`mÝd`Z {OgHo$ Ûmam CËnmXZ _| d¥{Û Ed§ cmJV _| H$_r AmB© h¡ &

{ZJ_ H$_©Mm[a`m| Ho$ H$ë`mU hoVw {c`o J`o _hËdnyU© {ZU©` : 1. {ZJ_ _| 1 Aà¡c, 2010 H$mo H$m`©aV H$_©Mm[a`m| Ho$ {c`o godm{Zd¥{Îm Ho$ níMmV² {M{H$Ëgm nwZ^©aU hoVw A§eXm`r AmYma na EH$ \$ÊS> H$s ñWmnZm H$s JB© h¡ & Bg \$ÊS> go godm{Zd¥Îm H$_©Mmar H$mo A{YH$V_ 10,000 é. dm{f©H$ ~{ha§J amoJr (AmCQ>S>moa) Ho$ ê$n _| CnMma hoVw Ed§ A{YH$V_ 40,000 é. à{Vdf© A§Va§J amoJr (BZS>moa) Ho$ ê$n _| CnMma hoVw nwZ^©aU {H$`m OmdoJm & 2. {ZJ_ Ûmam AdH$me nwZ©^wJVmZ hoVw H$_©Mm[a`m| H$s gm_y{hH$ ~r_m nm°{cgr cr JB© h¡& Cg nm°{cgr Ûmam eof ~Mo AdH$mem| Ho$ ZJXrH$aU Ho$ gmW-gmW H$_©Mmar H$s godm _| ahVo hþE gm_mÝ` _¥Ë`w na EH$ _wíV 2 cmI é. Ed§ XþK©Q>Zm go _¥Ë`w hmoZo na 4 cmI é. H$s am{e Xr OmVr h¡ & 3. {ZJ_ àemgZ Zo H$m`©aV d[að> {ZOr g{Md, {ZOr g{Md, 18

{ZOr ghm`H$ Ed§ dmhZ MmcH$m| H$mo arH$mo Ho$ `wOrgr ßbmZ Ho$ AÝVJ©V ~rEgEZEc nmoñQ> noS> ßbmZ ê$. 225/- + Q>¡Šg _mo~mBc {~c H$s nyZ©^aU gw{dYm CncãY H$adm`r h¡& 4. {ZJ_ àemgZ Zo _hmà~ÝYH$ Ed§ Cƒ A{YH$m[a`m| H$mo Ka go H$m`m©c` AmZo OmZo Am¡a H$m`m©c` H$m`© hoVw Q>¡Šgr dmhZ Ý`wZV_ IM}na CncãY H$adm`r h¢ & 5. AmcmoÀ` Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ 173 A{YH$m[a`m| Ed§ 119 H$_©Mm[a`m| H$mo nXmoÝZV {H$`m J`m Ed§ 215 A{YH$m[a`mo/H$_©Mm[a`m| H$mo {d{^ÝZ joÌm| _| à{ejU {Xcdm`m J`m & 6. {ZJ_ àemgZ Zo arH$mo ñQ>m°\$ doc\o$`a \$ÊS> Ho$ gÝX^© _| {ZåZ{cpIV {ZU©` {c`o h¡ : nyd© _| {d{^Þ loUr Ho$ H$_©Mm[a`m|/A{YH$m[a`m| Ho$ doVZ go ê$. 20/-, é. 25/-, é.30/-, é. 40/- H$s H$Q>m¡Vr H$mo ~‹T>mH$a H«$_e… é. 25/-, é.30/-, é.35/-, é.45/H$aZo H$mo {ZU©` {c`m h¡& A) {ZJ_ _| H$m`©aV A{YH$m[a`mo/ H$_©Mm[a`m| H$s _¥Ë`w hmoZo na VËH$mc Xr OmZo dmcr ghm`Vm é. 5000/H$mo ~‹T>mH$a é.10000/- {H$`m J`m & ~) _¥Ë`w Ho$ EH$ _mh ~mX Xr OmZo dmcr é. 5000/- H$s

v. Innovative Practices

Key Decisions for the Welfare of RIICO Employees: 1. On 1 April, 2010, the Corporation created a fund for its employees after completing the service on contributory basis for medical compensation. Through this fund, retired employees will get maximum Rs. 10,000 as annual (outdoor) compensation and maximum Rs. 40,000 as annual (indoor) compensation for treatment. 2. The Corporation has bought a group insurance policy for employees for the payment of leave encashment, through which, apart from the encashment of balance leaves, the employee’s kin get Rs. 2 lakh cash in the case of natural death and Rs. 4 lakh in case of accidental death during the service period. 3. Management of the Corporation has provided mobile charges reimbursement under the BSNL's post paid plan of Rs. 225/- + tax to the Senior Private Secretaries, Private Secretaries, Personal Assistant and Drivers. All these employees have been covered under the CUG

plan. 4. All officers of the Corporation above General Manager have been provided car taxis for commuting between residence to office as well as for official purposes on payment of nominal charges. 5. During this period 173 officers and 119 employees were promoted and trainings of various fields were organized for 215 officers/employees. 6. The Management of the Corporation has amended Regulation for RIICO Staff Welfare Fund as follows : i. The monthly contribution of Members of the Fund is revised upward w.e.f 1.7.2011 as under : Category Existing Revised A 20/25/B 25/30/C 30/35/D 40/45/ii. Financial Assistance being given on death of the employee of the Corporation is enhanced as under :


^y-Amd§Q>Z g§~§Yr Zr{V`m| H$m gacrH$aU

ghm`Vm H$mo ~‹T>mH$a é. 10000/- {H$`m J`m & g) _¥Ë`w Ho$ Xmo _mh ~mX Xr OmZo dmcr é. 10000/- H$s ghm`Vm H$mo ~‹T>mH$a é. 20000/- {H$`m J`m & 7. godm{Zd¥pËV {X`o OmZo dmco ñ_¥{V {MÝh H$m \$ÊS> é. 5000/- go ~‹T>mH$a é. 10000/- {H$`m J`m & 8. A) {ZJ_ H$_©Mm[a`m|/ A{YH$m[a`m| Ho$ AÜ``ZaV ~ƒm| H$mo amOñWmZ ~moS©> `m gr~rEggr Ho$ _mÜ`{_H$ ~moS©> _| àW_ go n§M_ ñWmZ àmá Ed§ 70 à{VeV go A{YH$ A§H$ A{O©V H$aZo na é. 2500/-, é. 2000/-, é. 1750/-, é. 1500/- Ed§ é. 1250/- H$mo ~‹T>mH$a é. 5000/-, é. 4000/-, é. 3500/-, é. 3000/- Ed§§ é. 2500/- H$m d{O\$m {H$`m J`m h¡& ~) {ZJ_ H$_©Mm[a`m|/ A{YH$m[a`m| Ho$ AÜ``ZaV ~ƒm| H$mo amOñWmZ ~moS©> `m gr~rEggr Ho$ Cƒ _mÜ`{_H$ ~moS©> _| àW_ go V¥Vr` ñWmZ àmá Ed§ dm{UÁ`/H$cm g§H$m` _| 70 à{VeV Ed§ {dkmZ g§H$m` _| àW_ go V¥Vr` ñWmZ Ed§ 75 à{VeV go A{YH$ A§H$ A{O©V H$aZo na é. 3000/-, é. 2500/-, é. 2000/-, H$mo ~‹T>mH$a é. 6000/-, é. 5000/-, é. 4000/- H$m d{O\$m {H$`m J`m h¡ &


1. {ZJ_ Ûmam {Z`_m| _| gacrH$aU H$a Am¡Úmo{JH$ ^yIÊS> na hmoQ>c, Y_©H$m§Q>m, noQ´>moc nån cJmZo H$s ñdrH¥${V {~Zm A{V[aŠV ewëH$ dgyc H$a {X`o OmZo H$m àmdYmZ {H$`m J`m h¡& nyd© _| Bg àH$ma Ho$ ^y-Cn`moJ n[adV©Z H$s ñdrH¥${V A{V[aŠV ewëH$ cr OmH$a Xr OmVr Wr & 2. {Z`_ 3 (S>ãë`y) Ho$ AÝVJ©V nyd© _| EZ.gr.Ama. Ed§ O`nwa {Oco _| hr {d{eï> loUr Ho$ CÚmoJm| H$mo d[a`Vm Ho$ AmYma na AmYma na Amd§Q>Z H$m àmdYmZ Wm & A~ 20 H$amo‹S> go A{YH$ {Zdoe H$aZo dmco CÚ{_`m| H$mo g§V¥á Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌ _| {~Zm Zrcm_r à{H«$`m AnZm`o ^yIÊS> Amd§Q>Z {H$`o OmZo H$m àmdYmZ gånyU© amÁ` _| cmJy {H$`m J`m h¡ & 3. A{YH$V_ nmaX{e©Vm Ho$ CÔoí` go g§V¥á Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌm| _| Am¡Úmo{JH$/ ì`mdgm{`H$ ^yIÊS>m| H$m Amd§Q>Z Iwcr Zrcm_r Ho$ ñWmZ na {c\$m\$m ~ÝX {Z{dXm`| ({~S>) àmá H$aHo$ Amd§{Q>V {H$`o OmZo H$m {ZU©` {c`m J`m h¡ & 4. Am¡Úmo{JH$ ^yIÊS>m| _| nyd© _| A{YH$V_ Xmo _§{Ocm ^dZ {Z_m©U H$s gr_m Ho$ ñWmZ na A~ 15 _rQ>a VH$ D§$MmB© AmÀN>m{XV joÌ H$s gr_m Ho$ AÜ`mYrZ ñdrH¥$V H$aZo H$m àmdYmZ {H$`m J`m h¡ & 5. Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌm| _| H$m`©aV l{_H$mo§ Ed§ {ZåZ V~Ho$ Ho$

S.N. Particulars Existing Revised A. Assistance in cash 5000/- 10000/to be provided immediately on death B. Assistance to be 5000/- 10000/provided after one month of the death C. Assistance to be 10000/- 20000/provided after two months of the death 7. The Cost of memento being given to a Member of the Fund at the time of retirement from the services of the Corporation is enhanced from Rs. 5000/- to Rs. 10000/8. i. Scholarship to wards of the Members of the Fund is enhanced from Rs. 2500/-, Rs. 2000/-, Rs. 1750/-, Rs. 1500/- & Rs. 1250/- to Rs. 5000/-, Rs. 4000/-, Rs. 3500/-, Rs. 3000/& Rs. 2500/- for I, II, III, IV & V position holder who have secured minimum 70% marks in Secondary Examination conducted by Rajasthan Board as well as Central Board. ii. Scholarship to wards of the Members of the

Fund is enhanced from Rs. 3000/-, Rs. 2500/- & Rs. 2000/- to Rs. 6000/-, Rs. 5000/& Rs. 4000/- for I, II & III position holders who have secured minimum 70% marks in Commerce/Arts faculty and 75% marks in Science faculty of Sr. Secondary Examination conducted by Rajasthan Board as well as Central Board.

Simplification of Land Allotment Rules & Policies 1. The Corporation has simplified the rules and made provisions for setting up hotels, electronic weigh bridges and petrol pumps on industrial land without levy of any additional charges, liberalising previous policies of charging for land use change. 2. Under rule no. 3 (w) entrepreneurs keen to establish special category industries in Jaipur / NCR region are exempted from participating in bid process for getting allotment of plots even in saturated area. This policy now has been extended to all RIICO industrial areas. 3. Sealed bid are invited for allotment of industrial /commercial plots through auction to


ì`pŠV`m| H$mo gñVr Amdmg gw{dYm CncãY H$amZo Ho$ {c`o ~hþ_§{Ocm Amdmgr` n[aga {Z{_©V H$aZo hoVw ^y{_ Amd§{Q>V H$aZo H$m àmdYmZ {H$`m J`m h¡ & 6. {ZJ_ Ûmam 27.02.09 H$mo Amd§{Q>`m| Ho$ àH$aUm| Ho$ {ZñVmaU hoVw EH$ E_ZoñQ>r `moOZm Omar H$s J`r Omo 31.03.10 VH$ à^mdr ahr& Bg `moOZm Ho$ A§VJ©V {d{^ÝZ H$m`© `Wm: CÚmoJ ñWmnZm Ho$ g_`~Õ H$m`©H«$_ _|o Ny>Q>, ~H$m`m godm ewëH$ O_m H$admZo na ã`mO _| Ny>Q>, Am¡Úmo{JH$ ^yIÊS>m| _| AZm{YH¥$V {Z_m©U H$m`© H$mo {Z`{_V H$admZo hoVw noZëQ>r _| Ny>Q>, XÊS>Zr` ã`mO _| Ny>Q>, Am¡Úmo{JH$ ^yIÊS> _| A{YH$ ^y{_ Ho$ {Z`_Z/Amd§Q>Z BË`m{X& Bg `moOZm Ho$ A§VJ©V Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌ Ho$ Amd§{Q>`m| H$mo cm^m§{dV {H$`m J`m& 7. Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌm| _| Amd§{Q>V ^y{_ go A{YH$ ^y{_ H$m {Z`_Z E_ZoñQ>r ñH$s_ (19.10.2010 go 30.09.2011) Ho$ VhV 10 à{VeV VH$ A{V[aŠV ^y{_ H$m {Z`_Z Cg joÌ Ho$ àM{cV {dH$mg ewëH$ H$s Xa na VWm 10 à{VeV go A{YH$ ^y{_ H$m {Z`_Z àM{cV {dH$mg ewëH$ H$s Xa H$m 1.25 JwUm Xa na {H$`o OmZo H$m àmdYmZ {H$`m J`m h¡ Ed§ Am¡Úmo{JH$ ^yIÊS>m| Ho$ goQ> ~¡H$ E[a`m _| 50 à{VeV VH$ H$m AZm{YH¥$V {Z_m©U H$m`© H$m {Z`_Z {XZm§H$ 30.09.2011 VH$ [a`m`Vr Xa na {H$`o OmZo H$m àmdYmZ 22

{H$`m J`m Wm& 8. CÚ{_`m| H$s g_ñ`mAm| H$m _m¡Ho$ na hr {ZñVmaU H$aZo hoVw g§^mJ ñVa na Am¡Úmo{JH$ {e{dam| H$m Am`moOZ {H$`o OmZo H$m {ZU©` {H$`m J`m h¡ & A~ VH$ OmoYnwa, CX`nwa, {^dmS>r Ed§ AO_oa, Acda, ^aVnwa, ~rH$mZoa, H$moQ>m, grH$a d O`nwa _| {e{da Am`mo{OV hmo MwHo$ h¢ & BZ Am¡Úmo{JH$ {e{dam| Ho$ VhV 662 àH$aUm| H$m {ZñVmaU {H$`m J`m& 9. ImVoXmam| H$s Admá H$s JB© ^y{_ Ho$ ~Xco Amd§{Q>V H$s OmZo dmcr {dH${gV ^y{_ Ho$ g§~§Y _| ImVoXmam| H$mo A{YH$ [a`m`Vo§ àXmZ H$aZo H$m {ZU©` {H$`m J`m h¡, {Og_| Imcr ^yIÊS> H$m {dH«$`, {Z_m©U/CËnmXZ H$m`m] hoVw H$moB© g_` gr_m Zht Am{X à_wI h¡& 10. Z`o Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌm| _| ^yIÊS>m| H$m Amd§Q>Z Cg joÌ _| AmYma^yV gw{dYm`| {dH${gV hmoZo VWm ^yIÊS>m| H$m gr_m§H$Z hmoZo Ho$ níMmV² hr {H$`o OmZo H$m àmdYmZ {H$`m J`m h¡ Vm{H$ CÚ{_`m| H$mo _m¡Ho$ na {H$gr àH$ma H$s g_ñ`m H$m gm_Zm Zm H$aZm n‹S>o Ed§ ^y{_ {ddmX CËnÝZ Zht hmo & 11. {ZJ_ Ho$ {Z`_mZwgma {H$gr ^r Am¡Úmo{JH$ ^yIÊS> na H$_ go H$_ 20 à{VeV joÌ _| (N>V Zmn g{hV) {Z_m©U H$aZm Amdí`H$ h¡& A~ H$B© àH$ma Ho$ CÚmoJm| H$mo CŠV àmdYmZ _| {e{WcVm àXmZ H$s JB© h¡& Eogo CÚmoJm| Ho$ {cE





maximize transparency by discontinuing earlier process of open bidding. To facilitate vertical expansion in industrial area, height up to 15 mtrs for construction has been allowed by replacing the earlier norms of construction up to 2 storeys on plots in RIICO industrial areas. Land is earmarked in various industrial areas for construction of multistory residential premises to benefit labourers and low income group employees in industrial areas. An amnesty scheme was introduced on 27th Feb. 2009 which remained in operation upto 31st March 2010 for various purposes viz., relaxation in project implementation time schedule, relaxation on interest for depositing of outstanding service charges, compounding of unauthorized construction in industrial plots, waiver of penal interest, allotment / regularization of strip of land etc. Large number of entrepreneurs were benefitted by this scheme. Excess land beyond allotted area was regularised under amnesty scheme (19.10.2010 to 30.09.2011) vide which upto 10% area

regularised on prevailing development charges and more than 10% area was regularised on 1.25 times prevailing development charges. unauthoriesd constructions in setback area upto 50% was regularised on concession rate. 8. For redressal of grievances and providing speedy relief to entrepreneurs, divisional level camp chaired by Hon’ble Industries Minister and senior key officials of RIICO were organized at Jodhpur, Udaipur, Bhiwadi, Ajmer, Alwar, Bharatpur, Bikaner, Kota, Sikar and Jaipur. A total of 662 cases were disposedoff through these campaign. 9. Provision for allotment of development industrial / commercial land to land owner whose land has been acquired for setting up of industrial area without any rider of time limit for starting production has been made. 10. To check land dispute relating to industrial plots decision has been taken to start allotment of plots in any new industrial area only after demarcation of plots and availability of infrastructure facilities. 11. It is compulsory for allottee to complete construction of atleast 20% of the plot area with


Am¡Úmo{JH$ à`moOZmW© {~Zm {H$gr MmO}O Ho$ n[ad{V©V H$aZo hoVw {Z`_m| _| gacrH$aU {H$`m J`m VWm Am¡Úmo{JH$ ^yIÊS> go ~m`mo-VH$ZrH$s {ejU g§ñWmZ hoVw ^y-Cn`moJ n[adV©Z {~Zm H$moB© MmO©oO Ho$ ñdrH¥${V {X`o OmZo H$m àmdYmZ {H$`m J`m& 17. {ZJ_ Ûmam Amd§{Q>V Am¡Úmo{JH$ ^yIÊS>m| Ho$ _yc n[a`moOZm Ho$ AZwgma CÚmoJ ñWm{nV H$aZo go nyd© `{X Amd§Q>r ^yê$nm§VaU H$admZm Mmho Vmo Cgo A{V[aŠV ^y-ê$nm§VaU ewëH$ O_m H$admZo na CŠV gw{dYm àXmZ H$aZo H$s {e{WcVm àXmZ H$s Om`oJr& 20 à{VeV {Z_m©U joÌ _| H$ƒo _mc Ed§ V¡`ma _mc _| H$m_ _| {cE OmZo dmco joÌ H$mo ^r em{_c {H$`m J`m h¡& 12. nyd© _| Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌ _| pñWV {H$gr ^r Cn {d^m{OV ^yIÊS> Ho$ Cn-{d^mOZ H$m {Z`_m| _| H$moB© àmdYmZ Zht Wm& A~ {XZm§H$ 01.05.2008 VH$ nyd© _| Cn-{d^mOZ go ~Zo ^yIÊS>m| H$mo ^r _yc ^yIÊS> _mZ {c`m OmH$a CŠV ^yIÊS>m| H$m ^r Cn{d^mOZ dV©_mZ Zr{V AZwgma {H$`o OmZo H$m {Z`_m| _| àmdYmZ H$a {X`m J`m h¡& 13. _yc Amd§Q>r H$s _¥Ë`w Ho$ níMmV CgHo$ Ûmam H$s JB© dgr`V Ho$ AZwgma ^yIÊS> Ho$ Cn{d^mOZ _| {ZYm©[aV Zr{V Ho$ àmdYmZm| _| {e{WcVm àXmZ {H$`o OmZo H$m {ZU©` {c`m J`m h¡& 14. arH$mo Ho$ ^yIÊS> Amd§Q>Z {Z`_m| _| {ZeŠV ì`pŠV`m| H$mo 2,000 dJ©_rQ>a VH$ ^yIÊS> Ho$ {c`o 15 à{VeV [a`m`V XoZo H$m àmdYmZ Wm Bgo ~‹T>mH$a 50 à{VeV {H$`m J`m h¡& 15. _{hcm CÚ{_`m| hoVw dV©_mZ _| 2,000 dJ©_rQ>a VH$ Ho$ ^yIÊS> hoVw Amd§Q>Z am{e _| 10 à{VeV [a`m`V XoZo H$m àmdYmZ Wm {Ogo ~‹T>mH$a 25 à{VeV {H$`m J`m h¡& 16. {ZJ_ Ûmam Zqg©J hmo_, AñnVmc, ñnm Ed§ Ý`yQ´>reÝg Ho$ÝX« Ho$ {cE Amd§{Q>V ^yIÊS> H$m ^y-Cn`moJ n[adV©Z dm{UpÁ`H$ à`moOZmW© ^y-ê$nm§VaU MmO}O coH$a Ed§ 24

18. H¥${f ^y{_ go Am¡Úmo{JH$ à`moOZmW© AWdm Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌ H$s ñWmnZm Ho$ {cE `m gm_m{OH$ godmAm| `Wm ñHy$c hoVw Zm_ _mÌ H$m n[a{Y` ewëH$ coH$a AZmnpËV à_mU-nÌ Omar H$aZo hoVw {ZU©` {c`m h¡& BgHo$ Acmdm hmoQ>c n`©Q>Z CÚmoJ hmoZo go n[a{Y` ewëH$ go _wŠV {H$`m J`m& 19. AmB©Amogr _| 29.10.09 H$mo hþE A{¾H$m§S> go nr{‹S>V Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌ, grVmnwam Ho$ Amd§{Q>`m| H$mo g{d©g MmO©, \$m`a MmO}O Ed§ gmd{Y G$U H$s {H$ñVm| H$s AXm`Jr _| Ny>Q>| àXmZ H$s J`r h¡& 20. Am¡Úmo{JH$ ^yIÊS> Amd§{Q>`m| H$mo {~Zm H$moB© ewëH$ O_m H$am`o H¡$pßQ>d do`a hmCqgJ Ho$ {cE ^yIÊS> Cn`moJ H$aZo H$s {ZJ_ Ûmam Ny>Q> Xr J`r h¡& 21. nrEMS>r Moå~a Am°\$ H$m°_g©, {\$ŠH$s, grAmB©AmB©, EgmoMo_ H$mo amÁ` Ho$ {H$gr EH$ Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌ _| 500 d._r. VH$ ^y{_ EH$ én`o H$s Q>moH$Z am{e na Amd§{Q>V {H$`o OmZo H$m {ZU©` {c`m J`m h¡& 22. {ZJ_ Ûmam ^yVnyd© g¡{ZH$/`wÕ _| ehrXm| H$s {dYdmAm|, _{hcm CÚ{_`m|, AZwgy{MV Om{V/ OZOm{V H$s loUr Ho$ CÚ{_`m| Ed§ {Z:eŠVOZm| H$mo {ZJ_ Ho$ Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌ g§V¥á hmo OmZo Ho$ Cnam§V ^r Ama{jV loUr Ho$ eof ^yIÊS>m| Ho$ Amd§Q>Z _| _` [a`m`V AmajU H$m àmdYmZ {H$`m J`m h¡&

a pucca structure where roof has been built up. For some special category units this stipulation has been relaxed for calculating 20% constructed area. The land being utilized by allottee as stock yard of raw material and finished goods may also be considered for the purpose of calculating constructed area. 12. In any industrial area any further sub division of sub-divided plot are not allowed under the prevailing rule. Now those areas where sub division has taken place before 01.05.08 will be treated as original plot and sub division of such sub-divided plot will be allow as per prevailing norms. 13. In case of death of original allottee relaxation in sub division policy has been allowed by permitting sub-divisions as per the will of deceased person. 14. Earlier there was provision of 15% concession in development charges for plot allotment with ceiling of area 2000 sq. mtr for physically handicapped. This concession has now been increased to 50%. 15. Earlier there was provision of 10% concession in development charges for plot allotment with ceiling of area 2000 sq. mtr. for woman entrepreneur. This concession has now been increased to 25%. 16. Corporation has allowed change of land use from nursing home/ hospital/spa & nutrition institute to commercial use on payment of applicable charges. Moreover, land use conversion by such institutions for industrial purpose has been allowed without levying any charges. Provision for conversion of industrial plot into Bio-Tech Educational institute without levying any charges has been made. 17. Corporation has allowed land use conversion of the vacant plot by relaxing the condition of

setting - up of original project on payment of additional conversion charges. 18. NOC for conversion of Agriculture Land for industrial/social infrastructure purpose like school, hospital and also for industrial area/industrial estate purposes has been allowed on payment of nominal pehripheral charges. However Hotel, as tourism industry have been fully exempted from payment of such peripheral charges. 19. Corporation has allowed relief in service charges, fire service charges, re-payment of term loan to the allottees of Sitapura Ph. I to IV, EPIP institutional area, SEZ Ph. I & II and Ramchandrapura area which were affected by fire incident on 29.10.09 in IOC depot. 20. Corporation has permitted the use of a plot by an allottee for captive warehousing purposes without payment of any additional charges. 21. Corporation has decided to allot land up to 500 sqm. at any single location in the state to PHD Chamber of Commerce in Industries, FICCI, CII & ASSOCHAM at a token amount of Rs.1. 22. Provision has been made for Reservation of industrial plots for Ex-Serviceman/War


Am¡Úmo{JH$ n[a`moOZmAm| H$mo {dÎmr` ghm`Vm H$s Zr{V`m| H$m gacrH$aU : 1. {ZJ_ Ûmam Am¡Úmo{JH$ BH$mB`m± H$mo {ZJ_ Ûmam gmd{Y G$U àXmZ H$aZo H$s àM{cV Zr{V`m| _| gacrH$aU {H$`m J`m h¡, {Og_| So>Q> BŠ`y{dQ>r aoemo, A{YH$V_ G$U ñdrH¥${V H$s gr_m Am{X em{_c h¡ & 2. G$U ñdrH¥${V {Z`_m| H$mo gacrH¥$V H$a à~ÝY {ZXoeH$, BÊS>pñQ´>`c H$_oQ>r H$s ñdrH¥${V gr_m H$mo H«$_e: 10 H$amo‹S> d 10 go 25 H$amo‹S> VH$ ~‹T>m {X`m J`m h¡ BgHo$ A{V[aŠV àmogoqgJ \$sg d g{d©g MmO}O _| ^r H$_r H$s JB© h¡, Omo 30 {Xgå~a, 2009 go à^mdr hmo JB© h¡ & 3. BgHo$ A{V[aŠV G$U MwH$mZo H$s eVm] _| ^r gacrH$aU {H$`m J`m h¡ d A~ CÚ_r Ûmam g_`nyd© G$U MwH$mZo na ~H$m`m G$U am{e na 1 à{VeV H$s Xa go ewëH$ dgyc {H$`m OmVm h¡ & `h {ZU©` 2 Zdå~a, 2010 go cmJy {H$`m J`m h¡ & 4. EH$c pI‹S>H$s A{Y{Z`_: amÁ` gaH$ma Ûmam {dËVr` df© 2011-12 go EH$c pI‹S>H$s A{Y{Z`_ cmJy {H$`m J`m& Bg A{Y{Z`_ Ho$ VhV {ZJ_ Ûmam àmá {Zdoe àñVmdm|, Omo {H$ 1.00 H$amo‹S> ê$n`o go A{YH$ h¡, CÝh| EH$ g_` gr_m _| ñdrH¥$V {H$`m Om ahm h¡&


widows, Women Entrepreneurs, SC/ST category entrepreneurs and Disabled persons irrespective of declaration of the industrial area as saturated at the prevailing rate of development charges with the admissible upfront concessions.

Simplification of Financial Assistance Policies for Industrial Projects: 1. RIICO has simplified its policies relating to sanction of term loans to industrial units. Norms related to Equity Ratio, Maximum loan ceiling etc. have been relaxed. 2. With the simplification of rules for sanction of term loans the delegation of powers to the Managing Director and the Industrial Committee has been liberalized. The terms loans of upto 10.00 crores can be sanctioned by the Managing Director and the loans of over 10.00 crores and upto 25 crores can be sanctioned Expert Industrial Committee. Apart from this, processing fees and service charges have also been reduced, which is effective from 30 December, 2009. 3. The terms and conditions related to the prepayment of loan have also been simplified. Now, only 1 percent charge is levied on loan outstanding once the entrepreneur has prepaid the loan before time. This rule is effective from 2 November, 2010. 4. Single Window Act: The State Government has introduced Single Window Act from the Financial Year 2011-12. Under the provisions of this Act, all Financial Assistance proposals of Rs. 1.00 crore and above are being sanctioned within a fix time frame.


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