Interior and exterior painters and decorators serving the greater London area
Established in 1975, company specialized in domestic decorating and only got into commercial decorating quite some time after. We deal in decorating service, residential decorating, commercial and school decorating service.
With years of expansion, we have approx 40 - 50 decorators operating along with three estimators and five supervisors. We do not offer advice in colors or any other design. We keep only to what we can do well.
We are the leading painters and decorators London and offer tips to our clients regarding painting. Tips from our expert will help you to get the best result from painting and staying the wall free from dust.
Lessening the shine of gloss by adding small amount of undercoat for better cover ability.
Why US?
We have 35yrs of work experience with professional service. Your calls returned within 24 hours, 90% of the time. Efficient, clean and professional service. Membership in professional trade organizations which are hallmarks of quality. 2yrs of guarantee on corrections
Phone 020 8949 2553 8 Seaforth Avenue New Malden Surrey KT3 6JP Email Fax number 020 8949 8210