3 minute read

Statements of Functional Expenses

James Whitcomb Riley Memorial Association, Inc., d/b/a Riley Children’s Endowment

Consolidated Statement of Functional Expenses Year Ended June 30, 2021


Program Services Riley Museum Supporting Services Grants Home Administration Finance Fundraising Communications Total

Grants $ 35,633,599 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 35,633,599 Salaries, taxes and benefits - 115,594 873,231 340,389 4,388,450 387,212 6,104,876 Advertising and promotion - 4,778 - - - 453,492 458,270 Bank fees - 285 7,180 - 153,025 - 160,490 Central Information Systems - - - - 149,653 - 149,653 Children's Miracle Network - - - - 920,982 - 920,982 Consulting - - 18,679 1,105 91,235 3,159 114,178 Digital media - - - - 32,064 32,064 Direct mail - - - - 435,303 - 435,303 Donor relations - - - - 72,087 - 72,087 Employee engagement - - 16,188 - 362 - 16,550 Equipment and facility rental - - 4,088 - 33,334 5,140 42,562 Events - 104 - - 21,072 12,278 33,454 Insurance - 20,864 106,390 559 6,151 1,518 135,482 Marketing production - - - - - 62,829 62,829 Memberships and dues - 1,320 4,315 705 30,922 370 37,632 Fundraising platform fees - - - - 201,639 - 201,639 Postage - 279 2,212 600 28,353 7,575 39,019 Printing services - 4,432 86 - 41,038 46,361 91,917 Professional development - 259 35,004 1,023 5,514 - 41,800 Professional fees - - 162,628 1,019 - - 163,647 Recruiting - - 5,747 - - - 5,747 Rent - - 28,807 16,804 180,046 48,012 273,669 Repairs and maintenance - 16,159 3,781 1,750 18,755 5,001 45,446 Service and support contracts - 1,870 23,932 107,182 241,463 61,327 435,774 Telephone and internet - 1,848 4,313 2,516 26,959 7,189 42,825 Temporary staffing - 11,900 - - - - 11,900 Travel and related expenses - - 2,480 - 13,135 451 16,066 Other - 2,280 20,270 928 6,386 3,233 33,097 Utilities - 11,612 - - - - 11,612 Depreciation and amortization - 50,395 12,210 7,122 76,313 20,350 166,390

$ 35,633,599 $ 243,979 $ 1,331,541 $ 481,702 $ 7,142,177 $ 1,157,561 $ 45,990,559

James Whitcomb Riley Memorial Association, Inc., d/b/a Riley Children’s Endowment

Consolidated Statement of Functional Expenses Year Ended June 30, 2020

Program Services Riley Museum Supporting Services Grants Home Administration Finance Fundraising Communications Total

Grants $ 34,138,058 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 34,138,058 Salaries, taxes and benefits - 335,777 960,639 355,165 4,607,164 631,982 6,890,727 Advertising and promotion - 5,984 - - - 542,071 548,055 Bank fees - - 7,756 - 249,911 - 257,667 Central Information Systems - - - - 321,578 - 321,578 Children's Miracle Network - - - - 863,706 - 863,706 Consulting - 1,300 59,034 - 120,724 55,000 236,058 Digital media - - - - - 125,622 125,622 Direct mail - - - - 498,548 - 498,548 Donor relations - - 16 - 106,170 - 106,186 Employee engagement - 826 40,778 - 372 - 41,976 Equipment and facility rental - - 9,503 - 100,837 4,010 114,350 Events - 1,186 - - 324,759 33,666 359,611 Insurance - 22,056 98,187 401 6,720 1,003 128,367 Marketing production - - - - - 113,984 113,984 Memberships and dues - 1,773 7,631 695 52,512 325 62,936 Fundraising platform fees - - - - 268,649 - 268,649 Postage - 268 1,235 704 35,137 18,241 55,585 Printing services - 5,073 125 - 67,704 77,230 150,132 Professional development - - 11,192 1,105 37,580 2,893 52,770 Professional fees - - 153,552 3,676 17,203 - 174,431 Recruiting - - 5,772 - - - 5,772 Rent - - 35,701 17,851 178,507 49,089 281,148 Repairs and maintenance - 23,984 11,740 3,020 30,198 8,304 77,246 Service and support contracts - 2,703 26,521 49,545 433,529 64,499 576,797 Telephone and internet - 1,848 6,905 3,453 34,526 9,495 56,227 Temporary staffing - 11,900 3,304 - - - 15,204 Travel and related expenses - 183 13,966 1,509 70,843 7,839 94,340 Other - 4,005 46,995 511 4,078 14,311 69,900 Utilities - 12,659 - - - - 12,659 Depreciation and amortization - 51,000 12,309 6,155 61,545 16,925 147,934

$ 34,138,058 $ 482,525 $ 1,512,861 $ 443,790 $ 8,492,500 $ 1,776,489 $ 46,846,223

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