The Panda Roar

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THE PANDA ROAR|KEY CLUB The Official D28S Division Newsletter | Volume 5 | Issue 4


In this issue Introduction from the LTG


From the Members


Old Business


New Business


Ready for RTC?


Call to DCON


How to Dues


Golden Recognition




Letter from the Lieutenant Governor

Happy September, Pandas! Wow, where did the time go? It seems like we only just finished our last final, and now we have to start school again. With school here now comes the busy time of our Key Club year! From Club Rush to RTC and FRS there are some big events coming up in the next couple of months! At first meetings, make new mem-

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bers feel welcome! Try to be as inclusive as possible. Maybe show a video or present a "Key Club 101" workshop to educate your members! Key Club International has just released a new promotional video called "Shoes". From the people who I have talked to who have used it for their first meetings. they have said that it has been a very effec-

tive video as a promotional tool. Take a look inside to see updates on DCON, RTC, and the Dues process along with both old and new projects on the division level! I hope to see you at the September DCM on September 17, at SECTA High School!

Your friend in service, RJ Immerman

FROM THE MEMBERS We asked :what are you looking forward to this year?


As an upcoming sophomore, there are many exciting things that I look forward to this upcoming school year. The biggest thing I look forward to is meeting my new teachers and classmates. Along with this, I also look forward to meeting the great freshmen, who might even become aspiring Valley Key Club members. This upcoming school year, isn’t just a time of continuous learning and hourly classes. But, it is also a time of greater communication within our club. I believe that with the new school year approaching, I will be able to better communicate with the members of our club. With communication and a fresh new start to the educational school year, I believe that working along with Key Club will help me better become a well-rounded student.

Jennifer nguyen

There are a lot of things to look forward to during this school year since I am an upcoming senior! One of the things that I am looking forward to is “club rush” for Key Club. I have been an active member of Key Club throughout all of my years in high school, and it is always exciting to see new members join Key Club. I can’t wait to see how officers utilize the marketing tools that the Communications & Marketing Committee produces. Along with that, there are many service events at the beginning of the school year that I am excited to partake in! Service is always inspiring. In addition to, I am actually really excited to start applying for colleges. I feel like this is taking a huge step for the future that lies ahead. I strongly believe that many of the experiences that I have had through Key Club have made me the person I am today and will be in the future.

Cnh communications and marketing chair

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Ji eun bae gvkc president

One highlight I just cannot wait for this school year is Key Club. It's going to be different this year; we're stepping things up! Our first stage is RTC, where I cannot wait to show the rest of the region our club's enthusiasm and spirit! I also would love to show off the awesome cheers that Isaiah created for RTC. Other than Key Club, I'm looking forward to enjoying every single bit of high school that's left after being done with college applications this school year. Oh, am I excited to face the (hopefully many) perks of being a high school senior



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This school year, I am looking forward to participating in more Key Club events and trying harder in terms of grades and my volleyball career. I am also looking forward to spending more time with my family despite how busy I will be. Hopefully, we will have more Key Club members this year and most of them will participate in the events that will be held! I’m looking forward to Fall Rally more than anything because I joined late last year so I wasn’t able to go to Fall Rally and RTC and this year I will make it count and I will join every one of them. I really can’t wait! I believe this year will be a really good year for me and my fellow Key Clubbers!

L A S T M O N T H I N D 28 S

new year,……… new goals On August 26th the Key Clubbers of Region 5 all flooded the halls of their respective skills, eager to learn, socialize and serve!

make this a golden year! These year we’re aiming for 100 new members and 1000 more hours of service. Not to mention becoming closer as a diWith this new school vision. year, we can start tak- As the year goes on I ing serious steps to- look forward to seeing wards our goals as a all the successes I division in order to know you all have in

By: Serena Salgado

you. With a division as great as 28 South, there is no doubt that this school year will be nothing less than golden!

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August DCM At a glance

Top Left: Sabrina Fairfoot of Coronado High School accepts an award for outstanding officer from LTG RJ Immerman Top Right: Coronado delivers their president’s repot during the DCM Center: Sabrina Fairfoot was awarded outstanding officer award for her work as Secretary A at Coronado, SECTA was also awarded club of the month Bottom Left: Sabrina Fairfoot poses with her award. Photo submitted by Matt Villanueva, Coronado KC Bulletin Editor Bottom Right: The LTG’s of Region 5 run the August DCM at Desert Breeze. Photo Submitted by Matt Villanueva, Coronado KC Bulletin Editor

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August DCM IN WORDS On August 16th, region 5 gathered at Desert Breeze park for the last DCM of the summer break. The Lt. Governors from all three divisions discussed topics from their respective comittees , RTC, Fall Rally, and DCON. There was also a presentation from Jennifer Nguyen, the chair of the CNH Communications and Marketing Committee. She introduced all of the CNH social networks (see reminders page) and told us about all the great things that her commitOn August 15th I, along with my president and secretary, attended the always exciting August DCM. Since I didn’t get to go to the July DCM, this was my chance to get updated on the doings of all the clubs in area, even from clubs in other divisions since this was a joint DCM. It was great! Besides learning more about the in-

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tee has in store to benefit us! For awards, Sabrina Fairfoot from Coronado won an outstanding officer award, and SECTA won club of the month. Congrats to both on your achievements! Join us for the next DCM on September 17th and SECTA for more information as to what our division is up to!

ner workings of the division as a whole, I was able to reunite with old friends. Since some schools are very far, I don’t get to mingle with many key clubbers out of my division, and this DCM gave me the chance to do just that! I met up with other bulletin editors that I met a couple months ago at DCM, and overall, the DCM

By: Serena Salgado D28S News Editor

was yet another fun key club experience. Plus, my fellow officer, Sabrina Fairfoot, won Officer of the Month and I was very proud of her! By: Matt Villanueva Coronado KC Bulletin Editor

DID YOU KNOW? REGION 5 HOSTS THE LARGEST rtc in the cnh district

T H I S M O N T H I N D 28 S

September DCM Join us for the next DCM at SECTA at 56. We will be discussing things like RTC, Fall Rally, and DCON!

First meetings of the year One of the most exciting parts of the new school year, is the first key club meeting of the year. This meeting is where you can showcase all the work you have done over the summer and entice new members to join! Make this meeting a memorable one by Utilizing fun icebreakers to make the meeting entertaining Sharing your own key club stories Showing videos that relate to key club Have fun Pandas!

Region 5 RTC When : October 13th, 8am - 8pm Where : Centennial High School Who : All of Region 5 How much : $35 Remember : RTC fees are due at the September 17th You must attend RTC to be eligible to attend Fall Rally

Dress Code Long pants must be worn, ankle length or longer no frays, rips, holes, or tears no tape pants must be at appropriate waist level no jeggings, sweatpants, or leggings Club Shirts If club shirts are not available, you can wear a previous club shirt. If there are issues with shirts, please contact Mrs. Palmer. shirts must reach waistline no alterations, tears, or off the shoulder All undergarments must be concealed. Shoes are advised to be close-toed bedroom slippers are prohibited. NO: hats, bandanas, chains, spikes, fake weapons, costumes YES: tutus, capes, shields, hair spray & face paint (must be applied before on campus), gloves. Hoods may be worn if part of costume, face must not be covered by masks. ADVISORS/CHAPERONES are expected to follow the same dress code as students

Are you ready for DCON 2014? When : April 11th - 13th Where: Sacramento California Who : All members of the CNH district Why: District Convention is a chance for all of the CNH bees to get together and learn how to become a better leader and learn more about Key Club. It is also a chance to get to know your fellows bees and make friendships that will last a lifetime.

District Convention is an incredible event that takes place every year in California. Think of District Convention like a three day RTC filled with training, spirit, getting to meet thousands of people, and making important District decisions that will truly impact our District. Take part in the election of our new District executives for the 2014-2015 term, BEE recognized for your incredible year of service, and get down at the Governor's ball! RJ Immerman

Dues Frequently Asked Questions

When are dues due? Early dues : November 1st On time dues : December 1st Why do we pay dues ?

Process 1. Access muc with the password provided by your advisor

Key club uses revenue generated by collecting dues to fund events like RTC, Fall Rally, DCON, ICON, and large scale service events. In the end, all of the money you pay, comes back to you, in one form or another.

2. Delete members who have graduated or are no longer members and Add any new members

Out of the $11 that you pay. 4.50 goes to the CNH district and 6.50 goes to Key Club international itself.

: delete all classes on there except 2014, 2015,

Where do I take my dues? That really depends on your club. Most clubs submit their dues either via the school bank, or directly to the treasurer. From there the treasurer will send them to Key Club International office using the proper invoice What if my dues are late? If you do not turn your club dues in by December 1st your club is considered Delinquent. If dues are not turned in by February 1st, your club will be suspended. To avoid this, turn in your dues!

m u c

3. Generate invoices and 2016. Once you have deleted those classes (i.e. 2013, 2010, 2011) you can delete those who didn't rejoin your club from the classes 2014, 2015, and 2016 . Then, you can add all class of 2017 members. At the end of the process, you should have the classes 2017, 2016, 2015, and 2014. You can than generate an invoice so you can have a check cut out to international 4. If you have any questions at all feel free to ask for help!

MUC stands for the Membership Update Center. This is where you will input new members and delete old ones. This is also the place to input new faculty advisors. You will receive a unique set of login information for MUC that you will use to access your clubs data. Please remember to read all directions to avoid mistakes. | PAGE 11 |

Golden Recognition : Spotlight on the clubs BASIC Basic Key Club is hardworking club, dedicated to service and ready to make a difference in their community. They are starting off the year strong with a presence at freshman orientation, and a fun, informational first meeting approaching. They also plan to start training for RTC very soon, so beware, Basic is coming in strong!

Caslv Coral Academy may be small but they are, without a doubt, very mighty! They have started out the year by attending and advertising their club at freshman orientation. They will be having their first meeting very soon, and are prepping to stun at RTC! Green Valley Green Valley is starting the year off with a bang. They will attend their freshman orientation and have their first meeting the very first Friday of the new school year, to educate new members and introduce them to Key Club! They are advertising RTC and want to see as many of their members attend as possible.

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Chaparral The Chaparral Cowboys wrangle up service like no other! They are ready to stir up some spirit at RTC and have a highly anticipated first meeting in the coming weeks

Coronado Coronado is a rising star in Division 28 South. They are ready to start the year off strong with their first meeting coming up! They are also preparing to take RTC by storm!. LAUGHLIN Laughlin may be far away but they don't work any less than the other clubs! As their members return to school they will have a wonderful beginning of the year meeting and teach all the Laughlin Key Clubbers what they do! LIBERTY The Liberty Patriots are coming back strong! They are attendeding their freshman orientation and are confident they will attract some attention. Their first meeting is right around the corner and the current spirit stick holders for RTC are preparing to come back and do it all again!

SECTA SECTA is coming back stronger than ever! Not only will they have their first meeting soon, but they will also be hosting the very first DCM of the year on September 17th. On top of all of that they are preparing to represent their school like never before ar RTC!

Silverado Silverado is ready to return and spread the message of Key Club to every person they can! They will be organizing a fun and informative first meeting that is highly anticipated Silverado is also getting ready for the biggest region event of the year - RTC! They are aiming high this year and are getting to work training very soon.

Del SOL Del Sol is ready to serve! They have already attended their freshman orientation and are looking forward to seeing the brand new faces and their very first meeting. They also are looking forward to training all the new and old members alike to represent their school at RTC! To fundraise they are selling funnel cakes so that everyone has the opportunity to attend!

Valley Valley Key Club has been working tirelessly this month to prepare for club rush, the first month of school, and RTC. For club rush, the editor's office has been advertising social media networks, and making more and more publications. For the first month of school, the executive board of Valley Key Club has been working hard to recruit more members at weekly orientations. They have also been working hard to organize the new board meeting chambers and key club supplies. For RTC, Valley Key Club will soon be forming a 'RTC Committee' to organize materials for the big event. All in all, Valley Key Club is ready to roll on the upcoming events

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REMINDERS Fall rally


What : Fall Rally is a fun experience for all! Represent D28S in an intense spirit battle, and spend the day exploring Six Flags with your CNH family!

School has begun! Start off the year by introducing new comers and old timers alike to Key Club. It’s never the wrong time to join the Kiwanis family!

Fees : TBA, due at RTC Notes: You must attend RTC to be eligible to attend RTC

Articles and visuals Remember to take pictures at all service events. Submit them to your club editor and you could see your pictures in your club newsletter or event the division newsletter!

Cheers Do you have a cheer that you think the Division would be interested in using during Fall Rally to represent our Division? Feel free to submit these to for a chance to have your cheers preformed at Fall Rally!

Photography not your thing? Write a short article about the event and submit it to your club editor and you too can be featured in the newsletter! | PAGE 14 |




























September DCM @ SECTA 21







31 Club MRF due

Articles and Visuals Newsletters




CONTACT INFO Division board Lt. Governer RJ Immerman Email :

Presidents Basic President Taylor Fields Email : Phone: 702-379-6572

Phone: 702-503-9016 Executive Assistant Sarah DiSalvo Email :

CASLV President Stephanie Rosauri Email: Phone: 609-517-5040

Phone: 702-513-8160 Division Secretary Rachel Oshiro Email: Divisional Specialist Steven Cho Email : Phone: 702-541-0595

Coronado President Sergio Linares Email : Phone: 702-250-6758 Del Sol President Chris Lolong Email: Phone:702-493-4325

Division News Editor Serena Salgado Email : Phone: 702-277-3227

Green Valley President Ji Eun Bae Email: Phone: 702-715-4493 Liberty President Natsuda Chaoensin


Email : Silverado President Maylisa Souriyanyong

Alyson Palmer


Email :

Phone: 702-376-1293

Phone : 702-338-8239

SECTA President Travis Le Phone: 714-232-9766 Valley President Alonso Lopez Email:

Thanks for readIng!

Division 28 South | Region 5 | California-Nevada-Hawaii District | Key Club International A Kiwanis -family member 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 • 317.875.8755 • US AND CANADA : 1-800-KIWANIS

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