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Public Records Office Victoria

Update from Public Record Office Victoria

The Information Management Maturity Assessment Program (IMMAP) report for 2019-20 was published earlier this year and is available on our website.

The IMMAP 2019-20 report maps the state of information management (IM) across eight departments and two agencies within the Victorian government. It is the third IMMAP report to be issued and flags IM strengths and weaknesses as noted by participating organisations across the four dimensions of people, organisation, information lifecycle and quality, and business processes and systems.

We found that machinery of government (MOG) changes, technological changes, and the COVID-19 pandemic have strongly impacted prioritisation and resourcing available for IM activities this assessment cycle.

As a result, the maturity levels this cycle were similar to and in some cases less than the levels achieved in the last assessment cycle.

We also found that Departments and agencies with a strong digital focus and investment appear to have transitioned to remote working more smoothly than others, partially due to business processes already being embedded within a digital environment.

Regular review, reporting and management of identified gaps or risks as part of a dedicated and resourced program of work are essential to improve IM maturity.

Read through the rest of the findings or find the full report at prov.vic.gov.au.




• Effective strategies to shape and shift your workplace dynamics. • Championing your team regardless of whether they are onsite or virtual • Mastering your expertise in management • Raising the bar to get the most out of your team.

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