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Welcome to our 2023 Industry Partners
2023 is bound to be bigger better and bolder for RIMPA Global, and with these businesses by our side anything is possible! We asked our industry partners to share with us what they are most looking forward to working alongside RIMPA in 2023!
Diamond Ezescan
“It’s 2023 and EzeScan is excited to announce that we are renewing our Diamond Industry Partner relationship with RIMPA for the fifth consecutive year. We are looking forward to engaging with the records and information management community to help foster innovation, automation, change and assisting members to navigate through their onpremises or cloud business automation journeys.”
Chrome Consulting
“Chrome Consulting joined RIMPA as there is an industry move to expand governance beyond the unstructured world to the structured domain. These changes now see the record covering both the content and processes, something we strongly believe helps drive adoption, business benefits and compliance.”
“Compu-Stor is privileged to be a Platinum Industry Partner of RIMPA during this exciting and continued evolution. Our association with RIMPA allows Compu-Stor to gain industry insights to ensure our services continue to be of relevance in the records and information management industry. Compu-Stor is proud of the relationships we have built from being a sponsor and we look forward to fostering those relationships in the coming year.”
Gold Ave Point
“Being RIMPA’s industry partner, we have increased our brand awareness among records and information professionals and generated new leads and sales opportunities.”
Iron Mountain
“Iron Mountain are proud to be a RIMPA Industry Partner in 2023. We are committed to supporting the development and growth of the records and information management industry and all of its constituents.”
Silver Grace
“RIMPA is not only committed to promoting industry best practice and innovation but has embraced the inevitable changes within the industry as it continues to evolve – it is for this reason Grace is pleased to continue our support of RIMPA as an Industry Partner in 2023.

The industry evolution of traditional hardcopy records management to digital information management has seen Grace too innovate the services we provide. Our long-standing customers, who have traditionally had a reliance on storage of paper records and manual processes, seek guidance to adopt a plan that will see them transition to digital at their own pace.
Grace is looking forward to working with RIMPA members, familiar and new, in 2023 to create actionable and tailor-made transformation pathways, to launch their organisation into the digital future.”
Record Point
“As 2023 kicks off, RecordPoint is thrilled to once again partner with RIMPA to help support the Australasian records and information management community. Whether we're partnering on events, collaborating on industry research, or helping to build the skills and knowledge of the community, we're looking forward to a busy year working together to further the industry.”
Micro Focus
“Micro Focus is proud to continue our valuable partnership with RIMPA in 2023 and we look forward to supporting our users with our innovative Information Management & Governance solutions with RIMPA’s broad reach and influence in the industry.”
Bronze Miktysh
“Miktysh supports RIMPA to deliver organisations the best practice and industry standards of information management to achieve their full information lifecycle outcomes. Together, we can do demonstrations, deliver training, and provide collateral to companies who need to stay organised, secure and compliant with the latest innovations on records and information management.”
“Objective is excited to continue to be a RIMPA Partner in 2023. Modern organisations are creating, accessing and sharing an extraordinary amount of digital information daily. It is more important than ever for technology providers to engage directly with the records community to identify opportunities for improving information management and capitalising on this valuable asset.
Through our partnership with RIMPA, Objective has a direct line into the daily work life of practitioners who care deeply about records management and understand its core purpose in government.”

Records Solutions
“As a leader in the industry, Records Solutions are proud to be part of the Industry Partner team supporting RIMPA Global in 2023. We are looking forward to an exciting year where our long-term partnership with RIMPA Global continues to flourish and strengthen, providing benefits to all in our industry!”