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United Airlines now Off ering Direct Flights to Accra, Ghana from Washington, DC
United Airlines now Offering Direct Flights to Accra, Ghana from Washington, DC
By Parker Diakite
United Airlines is making good on one of its promises of adding more direct fl ights to Accra, Ghana as Travel Noire previously reported. The airline now has direct fl ights to Ghana, Nigeria, and South Africa.
The airline just launched its new service from Washington, DC to Accra, Ghana on May 14. It will operate three times a week from Dulles
International Airport on Sunday, Wednesday,
and Friday at 6:15 pm, arriving the next morning at 8:40 am.
The return fl ights from Kotoka International
Airport leave Accra on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday around 11:45 pm, with a return time at 6:30 in the morning the next day.
United says its new nonstop service to Accra means the airline is the only U.S. carrier off ering the nonstop fl ight from Washington, D.C. The United States has more than 116,000 Ghanaians living in the country, making the US the third-highest Ghanian population in the world. DC is home to the second-largest population of Ghanaians in the United States. “The National Capital Region is home to one of the largest populations of native Ghanaians intellivoire.net in the United States, and we are honored to welcome United Airlines’ new route from Dulles International to Accra, as we work together to forge an important new link between our two countries,” said Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority President and CEO Jack Potter. “Today, Accra joins nearly 40 other nonstop international destinations currently served from Dulles International, off ering our customers more global connectivity as demand for air travel continues to rise.”
United’s latest route to Ghana come just two years shy from when the carrier announced
nonstop routes to Cape Town, South Africa
from Newark Liberty International Airport. https://travelnoire.com/united-airlines-directflights-accra-ghana
View the celebration video at: https://twitter. com/i/status/1393302990501650434