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Vaccination Top Criteria for Traveler
Industry News Vaccination Top Criteria for Traveler Confi dence in U.S.
By Mitra Sorrells
Two-thirds of travelers in the United States say receiving a COVID-19 vaccine will make them feel safe enough to travel again.
Vaccination came in as the top choice (67%), followed closely by required wearing of masks on planes and in airports (66%), according to a survey from Allianz Partners of 3,500 of its travel insurance customers in the U.S. Those surveyed could choose all answers that apply.
The majority of respondents over the age of 65 (78%) picked vaccination as the top choice, compared to 59% of those ages 45 to 64 and 47% of those under 45 years old.
After vaccination and masks, respondents named blocked seats and limited capacity on planes and trains (59%) and advanced sanitizing eff orts at airports and hotels (58%) as steps that will make them feel safe enough to travel. Respondents gave less importance to the crew and other travelers being vaccinated (47%), declining COVID-19 cases at the destination (44%) and a required negative COVID-19 test prior to traveling (41%).
When asked when they plan to travel next, 19% selected “within one to three months,” 18% selected “within four to six months” and 15% selected within seven to 12 months.
Thirteen percent of respondents say they are already traveling and 21% say they are not sure when they will travel again.
Most respondents (70%) plan to fl y to their next destination, compared to 20% that intend to drive. The most popular destinations for next trips are the continental U.S. (56%), Mexico, the Caribbean or Hawaii (21%) and Europe (15%).
“It is a huge accomplishment to have three highly eff ective COVID-19 vaccines in distribution throughout the U.S.,” says Daniel Durazo, director of marketing and communications at Allianz Partners USA.
“Our survey fi nds that increased traveler
confi dence is a direct result of improved
vaccine availability, and we are pleased to see how vaccines will impact the recovery of the travel industry and travelers’ vacation plans in 2021 and beyond.”
Allianz Partners conducted the survey from February 10 through March 1. It defi ned travel as a trip to a destination that is more than 100 miles from your home and lasts for at least two nights.
www.phocuswire.com/vaccination-top-criteria-fortraveler-confi dence-in-us Image credit: Mongabay