Bicentennial Celebration - Liberia
Sites to Visit in Liberia Firestone Plantation Since 1926, Firestone Natural Rubber Company has worked with the people of Liberia to create a thriving natural rubber industry and to provide critical — and, in many cases, otherwise unavailable — social services to its Liberian teammates and their families. After almost 100 years of investment, the Firestone Natural Rubber Company location — covering almost 200 square miles — is the largest single natural rubber operation in the world.
primary tropical rainforest in West Africa, after Taï National Park in neighboring Côte d’Ivoire. Located in Liberia’s least densely populated province, it is home to one of the most intact forest ecosystems in the nation. It is within the Upper Guinean forest ecosystem, a biodiverse region hosting the “highest mammal species diversity of any region in the world,” according to
Conservation International. The park lies within the Western Guinean lowland forests ecoregion according to the World Wide Fund for Nature’s ecoregions classification scheme.
Kpatawee Waterfall Kpatawee Waterfall is a tourist attraction located in Kpatawee, Suakoko, Bong County, Liberia. Kpatawee waterfall is one of Liberia’s hidden attractions deep inside the Liberian forest. Come and experience the beautiful nature of Kpatawee.
Providence Island Sapo National Park Sapo National Park in Sinoe County, southwestern Liberia covers an area of 1,804 km² (697 sq mi). It is the country’s largest protected area of rainforest and its only national park. Included in its boundaries is the second largest area of
The site is of historical and cultural significance in the history of West Africa as the Island was one of the first places freed slaves landed on January 1, 1822. They were the second batch of African slaves who returned to their father’s land from America in 1820 and subsequently created the nation known today as Liberia. As an island it bears
26 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | March 2022