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Cruising - RV African Dream
Cruise - Rivers & Lakes RV African Dream
Built in 2018, the RV African Dream is one of the gems of the CroisiEurope fl eet with a magnificent setting for a dream safari-cruise in Southern Africa, overfl owing with history and wildlife. A real cocoon of charm and elegance.
Combining elegance and exoticism, comfort and refi nement, the RV African Dream is a luxury cruise ship, which sails on Lake Kariba. The ship measures 33 m long and 8 m wide, and can accommodate 16 passengers, in 8 cabins with a size of 17 m2. Of all cabins, 6 are with a French balcony and 2 with a small private terrace, off ering amenities and providing guests with all the comforts they need during their stay. The spacious areas and large windows give the ship a bright appearance. The interior is decorated with noble wood and local fabrics and blends in perfectly with the spendid surrounding
▲Victoria Falls Moonbow ◄ African Dream Dining area ◄ African Dream Bedroom Cruise-Safari Route
landscapes. Situated on the upper deck are a small pool, the restaurant and lounge / bar where binoculars are available for wildlife and fl ora watching. The sun deck remains the ideal place to relax and admire Southern Africa’s magnifi cent sites, which are among the most beautiful in the world. https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/parkrangers-enter-fray-west-africas-battle-withmilitants-2022-04-26/ Image credit: Junket, CroisiEurope