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TN’s Best Tips for Sheep on a Plane

the cabin wall and look out at the sky, which might help you relax. As for the middle seat, getting any real sleep there could be more challenging, but still possible. Ultimately, the best seat for sleepingonaplanedependsonyour personal preferences, so choose the one you feel offers you the greatest chance of slumber.

Develop a Relaxation Routine in Advance


Itcanbeusefultohavearelaxationroutineprior totravel.Ifmeditationorlisteningtorelaxingmusic before bed works for you at home, why not try it on the plane? Take a deep breath, slowly exhale, and prepare yourself for the journey ahead.

Michael Breus, a clinical psychologist, toldABC News it can also be useful to count backward from 300 by three. Why? “It’s mathematically so complicated you can’t do anything else. And it’s so doggone boring, you are out like a light,” he said.

Additionally, be particular about the music you choose. Sure, some people can fall asleep to metal or techno. But white noise, lo-fi and nature sounds—like falling rain and chirping birds—are more conducive to rest.

Also, try to put your cell phone down if you can. It’sincrediblyeasytogetcaughtinacycleof“doom scrolling”throughFacebookandInstagramfeeds.

Not to mention, “studies have shown that the bluelightthatscreensgiveoffcanblockmelatonin, and throw off your circadian rhythm. For proper sleep, you’ll want to shut down those electronics at least an hour before attempting to rest,” She BuysTravel notes.

Make Use of Earplugs, Eye Masks and Noise Cancelling Headphones

Some airline carriers offer eye masks and/or earplugs. However, sometimes they aren’t the best quality unless you’rein a higher class, which is why planning ahead is so critical. Bringing your own earplugs can ensure you’re never without a way to block out any unwanted noise on your flight.

There are three main types of disposable earplugs: flange, foam, and those that can be molded. Verify in advance which ones are more effective for your sleep needs. While you’re at it, consider researching the different eye masks on themarketandaddonetocartforgoodmeasure.

Last but not least, it’s a smart idea to invest in a pair of noise-canceling headphones for your next flight. Some go over your head, and others sitinyourearcanal.Becausethesetendtocosta pretty penny, you’ll want to compare and contrast carefully before choosing which headphones to buy.Butdon’tlettheirpricepointscareyou.Many travelerswillagreethattheirbenefitsfaroutweigh the cost, and they can be a must-have item you’ll never want to travel without again..


Image credit: SDI Productions, pinterest.com


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