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Launch of the Mediacity Mauritius Hub in Africa

Translated from the article published by Thomas Moysan on April 8, 2021 on CBNews

THIS CLUSTER WILL HOST audiovisual production companies, creative agencies, video game developers, and international broadcasters, on the site of Beau Plan, a smart city in Mauritius. The MediaCity will host the infrastructure and technology needed to create content, innovate, and train. It will consist of production studios, video audio editing facilities, and captioning, as well as a dedicated data storage center – all built to the best international standards.

MediaCity Mauritius will also host the African Media Campus: an educational structure aimed at bringing out the next generation of talent. On the campus, the MediaCity School, a technical school, will train students and young professionals in multimedia production. This human resource will directly benefi t from the opportunities off ered by resident companies integrated into the MediaCity.

The project is a private and independent initiative supported by the Mauritian government and the Mauritian Economic Development Council. To ensure its completion and sustainability, MCM Ltd has teamed up with the leading real estate developer in Mauritius, Novaterra.

The fi rst phase of MediaCity Mauritius’ development will be completed in 2022, with the second phase completed in 2025. The MediaCity School will open in 2022. www.bce.lu/bce-news-articles-video-social-network/ launch-of-the-mediacity-mauritius-hub-in-africa

“Mauritius’ unique economic and political environment has enabled us to create the fi rst multimedia hub for Africa and the world. Globally, daily consumption of online content has doubled since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. MediaCity Mauritius will meet the growing demand for communications products and content creation, with a particular focus on Africa, while stimulating local economies and linking international economic actors to African talent. We look forward to welcoming creators, developers, producers, technicians and students to give them the best chance of success in Africa,” said Najib Gouiaa, Managing Director of MediaCity Mauritius.

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