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African Vibes' Mag Off ers List of 10 Educa on Apps all Parent's Should Know About
from DAWN
African Vibes' Mag Offers List of 10 Education Apps all Parent's Should Know About
By Ester Msafari
AFRICAN VIBES MAGAZINE has off ered us all a list of 10 edtech apps that parents and teachers can use to move our children toward genius status. The list was compiled and published as part of observing World Teacher's Day on October 5th.
#1 - Xander Educational Apps
This award-winning app is tailored for children between the ages of 3 and 10. It is designed for children who do not have access to mainstream costiler apps. The Xander apps can teach a child in his or her mother tongue - Shona, Swahili, Zulu, English, Afrikaans and many more.
#2 - Kytabu
Kitabu is the Swahili word for book. This app - an african school online - off ers access to a library of books, tests, videos and content in an aff ordable and accessible way. The content is available offl ine for students to learn at their own pace. It is a lifesave for parents who cannot aff ord expensive text books.
#3 - Khan Academy
This is a free app that off ers maths and computing studies to pupils of all ages. The content can be downloaded to mobile devices. The app is content rich and includes videos, aand indepth articles on maths, algebra, geometry, calculus, and others. It also covers basic music notation studies. www.khanacademy.org
#4 - Duolingo
Learning a language enhances memory skills and problem-solving abilities. This free app introduces African students to European languages such as Swedish, English, German, Italian and others. African languages are accessible also - Swahili, Zulu, Xhosa, and Portuguese. Students learn to write and can learn a new word each day. www.duolingo.com
#5 - Daily Art
The budding artist will enjoy using this app as it focuses on Western Fine Art and showcases famous works of art. The students learn about art history and famous fi gures in the art world. Also, the student can delve into the art archive within to view stunning paintins. https://getdailyart.com/en/
#6 - iHomework
The volume of assignments at school can be overwhelming. This app helps a student to get organized. The students are able to keep track of assignments, homework, exam dates, and to-do lists. The app has a feature that makes it possible for family members to synchronize their activities across other devices. www.ihomeworkapp.com/app/index.html
#7 - This is My Body - Anatomy for Kids
The app makes the subject of anatomy fun to learn. It contains colorful visual elements. Parents were involved in the design of the app accompanied by a group of doctors. The app