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Architect Tosin Oshinowo is Considered Nigeria's 'Beach House Queen,' Here's Why
from DAWN
By DeAnna Taylor
TOSIN OSHINOWO IS ONE of thirteen African architects, product designers, and interior designers featured on Netflix’s Made By Design. The show, which released at the end of 2021, aims to highlight the extraordinary talent coming from the continent— while also making an impact mark globally.
Oshinowo is featured on Episode 2 in which she talks about her journey to becoming Nigeria’s ‘beach house queen,’ a nickname given to her for her work in designing some of the country’s most luxurious beach houses to-date.
Of note, is Acquabella, a home she fi nished in 2017. Her client asked for a bungalow-style home with major emphasis on the pool, and Tosin did not disappoint.
The home features an outdoor barbecue area for cooking with friends, a stunning pool that extends the length of the home, 3-bedrooms overlooking the pool with the master suite looking at the ocean, and a private outdoor seating area with a unique sky view.
“Being a great designer or and architect is thinking about the experience. It’s not just about creating buildings or rooms. What aura do you create? Do they remember that when they leave? What senses are invoked in them,” Tosin Ochinowo said during her Netfl ix episode.
Tosin currently runs Lagos-based CM Design Atelier as well her own custom furniture brand that translate to House of Lions in Yoruba. She went to secondary school in Nigeria before going to the UK for her university and post-graduate studies. After working in London and Rotterdam, she moved back to Nigeria before opening her own offi ce in 2012.
Tosin Oshinowo

Her style, she says, is afro-minimalism. It’s a way for her to marry her love for clean lines and spaces with traditional Yoruba styles.
“I believe in strong use of color. It can be a powerful thing. I embody my architecture in my real life. It’s a holistic approach.”
Tosin Oshinowo recalls her fi rst Nigerian project in Dream Plaza in Victoria Island— it was the Café Neo coff ee shop, which she ended up designing several of the locations.
“It was an interesting project because we literally only started with a logo. The owners knew they wanted it to be young, hip, and for a young Nigerian who had a bit of understanding about coff ee. We were able to create something very unique, authentic, and very African. Nobody had done anything like that.”
To see more of Tosin’s work, visit her website: cmdesign-atelier.com.
Netfl ix - Made by Design
2020 | TV-G | 1 Season | Lifestyle
Thirteen African architects, interior designers and other creatives share their process and off er insight into the paths they took to achieve career success. www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/architect-tosinoshinowo-is-considered-nigeria-s-beach-housequeen-here-s-why/ar-AASmKtk?ocid=msedgntp www.netfl ix.com/title/81504530

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