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Ease Your Business into Crypto
from DAWN
3 Simple Ways to Ease Your Business into Crypto
By Tor Constantino, Cryptocurrency Contributor
You don't have to go 'all-in' on crypto. Easing into it is a great, low-risk entry strategy to learn about the space.
Facing your fears is part of being a business owner. Over the years, one of the best ways I've found to overcome a fear is to learn all I can about it. Then I break it down into less intimidating parts that are easier to understand, address, and overcome.
That approach also applies to any owner who's curious about blockchain and cryptocurrency, because it seems a lack of understanding is the main barrier keeping founders from dabbling in digital assets.
According to research published last month, 62% of participants are uncomfortable investing money in crypto assets because they didn't know enough about digital currencies. Conversely, only 33% blamed being short on funds for not buying into crypto.
It's understandable that a lack of understanding is a major barrier to entry when it comes to e-money. But here are three easy ways that you can ease your business into the crypto sphere.

Work from page 13
cases, includes behavioral telemedicine.
Pre-pandemic, employees would have to spend outlandish amounts of time and resources fi nding mental health providers that accepted insurance within driving distance. Now, instead, employees can receive behavioral telemedicine support within minutes. Investments in technology allowed employees to have conversations with trained professionals—immediately and at a fair price. This was a timely change. Moreover, one that I predict will stick for the long haul.
Within hybrid-work arrangements, preliminary evidence suggests that females are more likely than males to opt for days at home. Unfortunately, within heterosexual dual-income couples,
females still tend to engage in more domestic
responsibilities than males. Thus, females might be opting for virtual work over in-offi ce work so that they can more easily manage non-work responsibilities from home.
This is problematic. Hybrid organizations need to be aware of what’s called the “in-offi ce advantage.” Employees that are physically present are more likely to build rapport with other colleagues. They are also more likely to be viewed as more productive because they are physically present. Such physical presence, in turn, can give these employees an advantage with respect to social capital and leadership opportunities. Along those lines, my prediction is that diversity and inclusion personnel have another variable to evaluate, which will be work location. www.fastcompany.com/90707392/4-predictionsfor-2022-after-a-complete-shift-in-the-world-ofwork Image credit: Make Use Of, iStock
Provide a cryptocurrency ATM to customers.
There are more than 9,000 cryptocurrency
Automated Teller Machines (ATM)
currently in the U.S., and the majority of those crypto ATMs are placed within small-to-medium size businesses for their patrons' use. Here are examples of the main types of merchants that off er crypto ATM access to their customers. • Casual dining restaurants • Accommodations, such as Airbnb locations • Convenience stores and independent bodegas • Gas stations • Pizzerias • Grocery stores and supermarkets • Tobacco shops • Laundromats • Bars, pubs, and nightclubs • Professional services offi ces such as accountants, lawyers, etc. • Wine, beer, and liquor stores • Fitness centers and workout facilities
Providing a cryptocurrency ATM at your point of sale is an easy way to set your business apart from competitors and provide a unique service to your client base. You can even conduct your own market research to see if other nearby businesses or competitors off er e-money ATMs.
Use your PayPal account.

More than 30 million merchants have a small-tomedium business account with PayPal. Merchants use their respective accounts to accept customer payments online, in person, or on-the-go. PayPal also enables owners to take out loans, automate bookkeeping, and generate invoices.
It also allows you to easily accept cryptocurrency payments from clients, or you can buy select cryptocurrencies for yourself. PayPal currently supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash and you can start with as little as $1.
Get a merchant account with a cryptocredit card.
There are several business credit cards to choose from, but one in particular stands out from the rest to me because it provides a wide range of merchant services. It also enables founders to earn a percentage of the total amount spent using the card as a cryptocurrency reward.
I think the best payment card for business owners is the merchant version of the Crypto.com credit card. The Crypto.com dashboard allows you to easily manage vendor payments and send invoices with a few clicks. With your account, you pay zero fees for all settlements using cryptocurrencies and 80% discounted fees when using fi at. That's a tangible benefi t compared to the merchant fees ranging between 1.5% and 3.5% per transaction for most credit cards.
Using Crypto.com also allows your customers to pay with more than 30 diff erent types of cryptocurrencies including Dogecoin, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Crypto.com Coin (CRO). Lastly, when you pay vendors using your card you can earn up to 10% back in the CRO token just for paying your bills.
However, several reviews of the Crypto.com mobile app said customer support was lacking, the app was slow, and there's a minimum withdrawal amount of $100 for any e-currencies on deposit. So a couple of solid crypto-credit card alternatives to consider include the Coinbase card or Gemini card.
We're still in the early days of adoption for programmable money, with only 13% of Americans investing in it over the past 12 months. Your customers are just beginning to get there. Getting you and your business ready for them is easier than you think. www.inc.com/tor-constantino/3-simple-ways-toease-your-business-into-crypto.html
Image credit: mbbaglobal.com, ledgerinsights. com, Dreamstime