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African Stock Exchange/Bourse
from DAWN
• Algeria Algiers Stock Market www.sgbv.dz • Angola Angola Stock Exchange and Derivatives www.bodiva.ao • Botswana Botswana Stock Exchange www.bse.co.bw
• Cape Verde Islands Bolsa de Valores of Cape Verde www.bvc.cv (in Portug
• Cote de Ivoire Bourse Regionale des Valeurs Mobilieres -
UEMOA (Abidjan) www.brvm.org • Egypt The Egyptian Exchange www.egx.com.eg • Ethiopia Ethiopia Commodity Exchange www.ecx.com.et • Ghana Ghana Stock Exchange www.gse.com.gh • Kenya Nairobi Stock Exchange www.luse.co.zm • Libya Libyan Stock Market www.lsm.gov.ly • Malawi Malawi Stock Exchange www.mse.co.mw
• Mauritius Stock Exchange of Mauritius www.stockexchangeof
• Morocco Casablanca Stock Exchange www.casablanca-bours • Mozambique Bolsa Valores de Mocambique www.bolsadevalores.co • Namibia Namibian Stock Exchange www.nsx.com.na • Nigeria Nigerian Stock Exchange www.nse.com.ng/Page www.abujacomex.com • Rwanda Rwanda Stock Exchange www.rse.rw • Seychelles Seychelles Securities Exchange https://merj.exchange • Somalia Somali Stock Exchange www.somalistockexcha • South Africa Bond Exchange of South Africa www.bondexchange.co Johannesburg Stock Exchange www.jse.co.za/Home.a www.a2x.co.za • South Sudan Khartoum Stock Exchange www.kse.com.sd • Swaziland Swaziland Stock Exchange www.ssx.org.sz • Tanzania Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange www.dse.co.tz • Tunisia Tunisia Stock Exchange www.bvmt.com.tn • Uganda Uganda Securities Exchange www.use.or.ug • Zambia Lusaka Stock Exchange www.luse.co.zm • Zimbabwe Victoria Falls Stock Exchange www.vfex.exchange • Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Stock Exchange www.zse.co.zw

Nairobi, Kenya
se.com o.mz
Stocks Mirror the Economy
Africa has around 29 stock exchanges representing 38 countries including two regional exchanges.
Africa has become the newest destination for emerging markets investors. From 2000, according to the World Economic Forum, "half of the world's fastest-growing economies have been in Africa." By 2030 one in five people will be African. Combine the continent’s soaring population with technology, economic growth, increasing demand from its growing middle class, improvements in infrastructure, political stability, health and education, and Africa could be the next century’s economic growth powerhouse. Nobody can predict the growth trajectory with accuracy, but Africa is poised for growth.
Profi le: The Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM) is the regional stock exchange of the member states of the West African Economic and Monetary Union, namely, Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo. The Exchange is located in Abidjan but maintains market offi ces in each of the affi liated countries. Being both an economic and political institution, the BRVM is governed by the provisions of the OHADA Uniform Act relating to Commercial Companies and Economic Interest Groups. The operations of the Exchange are entirely digital making it a technical success story on the continent. Dealing members therefore need not be present on the premises of the central offi ce but can engage from their own offi ces which the bourse guarantees equal access regardless of the economic operator's location. https://afx.kwayisi.org/