1 minute read
"Awakening the African Giant Within"
from DAWN
The Africa Business Association (ABA) is pleased to invite you to be an integral part of our publication the DAWN - Awakening the African Giant Within. DAWN is a voice through which public and private entities and people share pertinent information and market business and investment opportunities in Africa and the African Diaspora. Gain access to these trillion dollar markets via ABA DAWN outreach and advertising opportunities.
• Outreach to Africa Business and Investment

• Outreach to Diaspora Business and Investment
• Advertorial/Feature story advertising
• Profiles
• Bid and Tender opportunities
Our readers are Diaspora Africans, African small business owners, African American Chambers of Commerce members, business owners, corporate buyers, prime contractor’s, importers-exporters, community organization members, elected officials and civic/social leaders in Africa and the United States. Don’t be left out. Advertise in this door opening publication. 1-240-467-6811

Afro Na on Portugal 2023
June 28-30, 2023
Por mao, the Algarve, Portugal
Informa on/Tickets Here
BlerDCon - Fae'd to Black
Hya Regency Crystal City
Arlington, VA USA
July 7 – 9, 2023
Highlightsand celebrate Blerd culture, explore a marketplace of ideas and sharing culture h ps://blerdcon.com/
Invest Fest 2023

Georgia World Conference Center
285 Andrew Young Interna onal Blvd. NW
Atlanta, GA 30313 USA
August 25 – 27, 2023
Presented by Earn Your Leisure
Find Informa on - Purchase Tickets Here

Virtual IQ
Ac onable, convenient, and focused Industry Intelligence h ps://ver caliq.com
Global Market Finder
View exports for U.S. Goods by Schedule B Commodity Codes interac vely h ps://www.census.gov/library/visualiza ons/ interac ve/export-markets.html
Google Market Finder h ps://marke inder.thinkwithgoogle.com
Iden fy new poten al markets, discover helpful opera onal informa on and start selling to customers at home and around the world.

Bo omline 2020
Bridging the divide of educa onal inequity h ps://www.bo omline.org/content/2020annual-report
Export Business Planner h ps://www.sba.gov/sites/default/files/SBA%20 Export%20Business%20Planner.pdf
Roadmap for crea ng an export business plan, exploring foreign markets and financing, developing a marke ng plan, and more.
Trade Map
Trade sta s cs for interna onal business development h ps://www.trademap.org/Index.aspx