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Publisher's Message
from DAWN
Ricky Muloweni Publisher's Message
THANKS FOR TAKING TIME to read this October edition of the "DAWN. "
In this publication, we are sending a shout out to "Bally", the newly elected President of the Republic of Zambia. We wish him and his team success in their mission to transform the economy of Zambia.
We are also thrilled to feature the work of Lin Crowley on our cover-page. Her painting of Princess Yenenga of Bukina Faso gives an absolute aesthetic pleasure. Make it a must to read page 109 to learn more about Lin Crowley Fine Art and her outstanding renderings of historic Africans. The Dawn will continue to play it's roll in encouraging Art in our society, particularly to future generations.
As we all transition through this pandemic our societies are facing many challenges in business processes as you can read beginning on page 54.
North America is having supply chain challenges as they turn the corner on vaccinations, while in Africa more people need to get the vaccinations. As such, we implore all developed nations to make available their excess vaccines to the underserved nations and for the pharmaceutical companies to ramp up production. Africa should learn from this pandemic. We need to have more on-continent production facilities of pharmaceutical products and more robust medical service systems.
The IMF article on page 33 regarding favors in world rankings for doing business is of serious concern. These rankings have, overtime, positioned African countries at the bottom of the list
AFRICAN TIGRESS interviews Dr. Wilmot Allen to share his experience starting a business in Kenya - Venture Lift Africa: https://vlafrica.com; http://www.indygeneus.ai (35 minutes)

- not good for business by merely being in Africa. It is time for the IMF to apologize to all African nations because actions like those their leaders have taken will continue to have generational consequences and impacts on the African people. The program of the Tony Elumelu Foundation to mentor young Africans (page 34) should be supported. Africa Business Association is calling upon all Diaspora Africans to participate in this noble program. We also bring to your attention the issue of Africa warming faster than the global average during this period of climate change as discussed on page 48. If the trend continues the continent will face unsurmountable challenges including farming, mining, immigration and more. A note to all our North American audience. The Africa Business Association will be conducting education programs on AGOA (Africa Growth and Opportunity Act) beginning in Spring 2022. AGOA is a United States Trade Act, enacted on 18 May 2000 as Public Law 106 of the 200th Congress. AGOA provides eligible sub-Saharan African countries with duty-free access to the U.S. market for over 1,800 products, in addition to the more than 5,000 products that are eligible for duty-free access under the Generalized System of Preferences program. American small businesses have a huge opportunity to tap into the wide range of imports of raw materials from Africa. Its ORGANIC time baby……
Ricky Muloweni Publisher/President dawn@africabusinessassociation.org aba@africabisinessassociation.org www.africabusinessassociation.org

About the Africa Business Association
The Africa Business Association is an independent international business development organization. We off er access to the latest resources, information, and best practices in advocacy and communications for the African Diaspora and the African entrepreneurs in Africa.
We work to help you have access to news and events as starting points for constructive conversations and calls to action. We seek to cut through the froth of the political spin cycle to underlying truths and values. We want to be so focused on progress that together we can provide a credible and constructive generation of Africans that take seriously our previous generations and act upon all their wishes, our hopes and aspirations to make lasting change for all future generations.
Africa Business Association "DAWN"
Ricky Muloweni
Earl 'Skip' Cooper, II, CEO, Black Business Association H.E. Sheila Siwela, Ambassador H.E. Kone L. Tanou, Ambassador
Ricky Muloweni
Lion Communications
6564 LOISDALE COURT, SUITE 600 Springfi eld, VA 22150 USA 1-972-908-9312 aba@africabisinessassociation.org dawn@africabusinessassociation.org www.africabusinessassociation.org
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