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Trevor Noah is on the Cover of the 'Wall Street
Trevor Noah is on the Cover of the 'Wall Street Journal' September Issue By Entertainment Reporter
SOUTH AFRICA’S VERY own comedian Trevor Noah, has graced the cover of yet another international magazine.
The “Wall Street Journal” interviewed Noah and made him their cover star of their September issue in celebration of his fi fth anniversary as host of “The Daily Show”.
Noah took to his Instagram account to post a picture of the cover, with the caption: “Thank you for the great write-up @WSJmag @bystodghill @gioncarlovalentine,” he wrote. www.iol.co.za/entertainment/celebrity-news/local/ look-trevor-noah-is-on-the-cover-of-the-wallstreet-journal-september-issue-bc452b66-de824062-ad5e-f20c77b9f629 Image credit: thefashionisto.com

installed 5 million small home solar systems in Bangladeshi villages. In one project, with the local social enterprise Grameen Shakti, the company plans to create 100 tiny grids over the next 18 months. The “nanogrids” could eventually connect with the national grid and continue to provide power when the national grid goes down.
Groh, who calls the system the Airbnb of the energy world, says that the same technology could be used elsewhere as power becomes increasingly decentralized. Competitors have already tested small peer-to-peer trading systems for solar power in New York City and cities in Australia. But while those working in bigger cities are working at small scales, Solshare may be able to grow much more quickly as it works with thousands of homes in less-regulated rural Bangladesh, and soon also in India. As that technology helps rural areas leapfrog traditional power grids, it can also be tested and brought back to the developed world. “The algorithms used to exchange electricity in villages of Bangladesh will be the same algorithms, with machine learning empowered, in Bangkok, Singapore, Frankfurt, or New York,” Groh told judges at an MIT IDE Inclusive Innovation Challenge event. The company is now a finalist for the challenge’s $1 million prize. Solshare also announced an investment round of $1.66 million on September 28, led by Silicon Valley-based Innogy New Ventures LLC. www.fastcompany.com/90241777/this-startup-letsvillagers-create-mini-power-grids-for-their-neighbors Image credit: antinuclear.net