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Superintendent’s Report
As planned, on 31st March, we welcomed the first cows onto the Town Moor. The weather was exceptionally changeable this Spring, so the Town Moor herd spent their first few days in the smaller paddock at Moor Bank. Machinery arrived to start the Town Moor demarcation fence line on 5th February, heavy snow on the 8th slowed our progress but we were well prepared in time for the returning cattle. It’s disappointing that many of the newly installed fences were vandalised, with the obvious dangers this presented to cattle, pedestrians and our staff. This has been reported to the City Council and to Northumbria police and we are working together to prevent this antisocial behaviour. Collaborating with Newcastle City Council, we have restored the original footpath on Nuns Moor Central. The original path was 2.5mtrs wide but encroachment of the grass over the decades reduced it to 1.2mtrs. The team carried out an inspection and restored the path to its original 2.5mtrs and installed new entrance gates.
In line with Forestry Commission guidelines we began a programme of thinning out to promote healthy growth and remove damaged and diseased trees in the wooded areas. You will remember the significant work to rectify the derelict allotment site at Nuns Moor South. We are happy to report the site, now seeded for future grazing, has had its first cut of the season and it looks amazing. We’ll leave it to stand, roll it to promote better root growth, then it will be topped and rolled over the coming season to achieve a better sward.