1 minute read

Her Majesty the Queen


Stewards Committee continue to put in major effort on behalf of the Freemen of Newcastle upon Tyne. Grazing, Town Moor maintenance and management of our land and leases are all progressing well. As well as the significant work of business as usual the Committee are undertaking a number of important projects, these include: Engagement Strategy - improving our communications with all Freemen. As part of this project, we are developing the ‘brand’ of the Freemen so that we are identified and easily recognised by both Freemen and the general public – a new Freemen logo has been designed and will be implemented across all of our communications, including letterhead, website, FaceBook and other social media. You can see our new logo in this issue of the magazine. Our website is currently being redeveloped, including security enhancement after being hacked. As part of our contribution to climate change mitigation and protection of the environment we have completed several tree and hedge planting projects. These are being registered as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy in recognition of the Platinum Jubilee, the trees are also part of the Great North Forest initiative. We have also earmarked several sites for tree planting in the autumn planting season as part of our ambitious tree planting strategy. Events – we’ve had a busy programme of events this summer, including of course the Hoppings at the end of June. Relatively new to the Town Moors we’ve hosted two music festivals; the Rock and Roll Circus with Noel Gallagher in June and the LooseFest Music festival at the end of July. We also hosted Holi, Eid prayers, Pride and Mela events. In order to protect residents around the Town Moor, we have had several meetings with them and Newcastle City Council regarding noise control rules. Finally, on behalf of all members of the Stewards Committee, thank you for all of the work you do for your Companies. We send best wishes to you all and look forward to meeting with you again at Michaelmas Guild in October.


Please feel free to contact us at any time through our Moorbank Lodge Office.

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