1 minute read

Become A Member


The Englewood Art Center (EAC) has been a prominent member of the local arts community for more than 50 years. As a division of Ringling College of Art and Design since 2008, EAC has benefited from the College’s commitment and support–allowing the Center to plan for a bright future.

It is our goal for you to appreciate and find value in the variety of programs offered at EAC as well as to recognize the vitality the Center brings to Englewood and our surrounding communities. We encourage you to visit often and take advantage of the many creative activities, events, classes, and exhibitions we offer.

Please consider becoming an Englewood Art Center member. Your membership or tax deductible donation will support our artists, exhibitions, lectures, classes, and special events offered at the Center, and will help to ensure that EAC will be here for you and our community for years to come.

If you have questions about membership or would like more information, please call EAC and leave a message at 941.474.5548. EAC staff will return your call as soon as possible. Membership to EAC is not tax-deductible.

2020 - 2021 MEMBER BENEFITS:

[ ] New Member [ ] Renewal

[ ] $60 INDIVIDUAL: Reduced prices on classes, workshops, open studios, and exhibition entry fees; EAC e-newsletter; eligible for exhibition in Member Gallery.

[ ] $80 HOUSEHOLD: All benefits above for up to two people in one household.

Please add your membership fee to the registration form on page 15


(Please print clearly)

Name ________________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________ City/State/ZIP ________________________________________

Alternate Address _____________________________________ City/State/ZIP ________________________________________

Phone Number ______________________________ Email Address _________________________________________________

Today’s Date ______________________________ Membership Expiration Date: _______________________________________

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