Portfolio_Ringo Ye_2010-2016

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WORKS 2010-2016


YE | O I L O F


-2016 0 1 0 2 hina

C rsity, Unive g geles n n i os A ongq L h , C a i , h rn ram B.Arc Califo Prog ty of i T s C r A e to logy , Univ ission chno e M.Sc m T d f A o e For stitut cant tts In e Appli s u ach Mass

freezing tango

01 -- 06

Time-Track Sculpture Design

Interactive Voxels

07 -- 14

Projectipon Mapping Design

pipe organ of coachella

15 -- 22

Installation Design If the interdependence of space and time expresses the evolution of things, I think the interdependence between time, space and spirit expresses the evolution of humanity. What interests me most is the interdependence and interaction of these elements.


23-- 32

Gymnasium Design


33 -- 42

Installation Design


43 -- 52

Symbols and Markers Design

Supplement works

53 -- 58

freezing tango [Time-Track Sculpture Design] Type: Solo, personal work Duration: 2016.09--2016.11


Exploring the movement of tango by analysis the choreography is to discuss the physical tension of human body and conceptual volume shaped by subtle emotion with the rhythm of music and fascinating interaction between the dancers. The space created by time can be captured, traced and recreated. Studying the relationship between the physical path of the motion and the field where the objects exist and occupy is the approach to perceive a space of the whole process of the phenomenon itself.



Dance Selection (Tango)

Capture the motion track

Select segments from tango





From abstraction

keep the emotion of the dance


Snapshot Re-creation

Different color, scale and material







Influenced by Site-Oriented Theory Originally, sculpture is bounded by physical boundary-site specific. But this sculpture is influenced by a broad range of knowledge. The site of it is not a closed entity space form, but the interrelation between people and object in different scales. Moreover, this practice is not defined in relation to a given medium-sculpture but rather in relation to the logical operations on a set of context terms, for which any medium — photography, music, lines or sculpture itselfcan be used.




Interactive Voxels [Projection Mapping Design] Type: Collaborate, design studio Collaborator: Jiantong Gao, Li Yin, Eliza Boghossian Mainly responsibility: ideas, structure, sensor, video, post production Supervisor: Mark Mack, Steve Lee Duration: 2016.09--2016.12

INTERACTIVE VOXELS is an easy-to-assemble interactive projection-mapping installation based on a voxel structure as the name itself suggests. The idea behind the installation is to a have sculptural object that can be displayed as an art piece with or without visual projection. In order to engage the public as a public installation, the project allows passers-by to play their own music and light show through the control table placed in front of the main piece.



Concept The installation consist of three groups of different size voxels (three-dimensional pixel) or cubes and a background connective screen that have been assembled in a way to conceptually resemble a pop-up art , a kirigami. The installation, once liberated from its function as a three-dimensional screen for projection mapping , is treated as an object of art in itself. While it creates an immersive environment of light and sound while being projected on, the installation is lit up from the back, creating an intense interplay of light and shadow as the light travels thought the openings on the top and bottoms of the cubes. This dual nature of the project allows it to be displayed not only during performances, but also in-between.

Projection Mapping A series of visuals have been generated to highlight the details and spatial qualities of the project through projection mapping. Abstract images of lines and shapes either accentuate the three-dimensionality of the piece (through image distortion) or completely diminish it. I n s o m e i n sta n ce , t h e s e v i s u a l s a re projected on individual voxels or groups of voxels separately from one another. In others, the whole installation is treated as a single solid screen. While the first one offers a pixelated world, the latter combines everything into a unified whole.

Interacive Nature of the Project The installation also allows the audience to play their own music and light show through the control table placed only a few feet from the project itself. Two sets of four and twelve keys are placed on the top and bottom portions of the table. Each one of the bottom twelve keys plays a different pitch and lights up one of the cubes on the installation. The four keys on the top portion of the table, allow the performer to change the sound of the notes (piano, organ, etc.) or record/play their piece.



“Piano T able” (control panel)


“Piano-K (capacitiv ey” e sensor) Lighting

and teno

n joint





Rope Connecto


Connect to the compute r progra m Projecte


Blue LED

High brig

htness b

Blue LED


MDF boa


Speaker MDF boa


MDF boa


Lighting effects a n effects c an be ma d piano sound nipulate the comp uter prog d through ramming

Blue LED

Keep by



to the Ard


uino bora



The installation is also meant to be mobile, and therefore, it is easy to assemble and disassemble in order to transport it from one location to another. The idea behind this project can also be projected forward to apply not only small public installations of this size, but also larger architectural projects such as exterior pixelated facades of buildings with balconies or interior spaces like large auditoriums with mezzanine levels and series of balconies. These spaces can be transformed into virtual environments through the projection mapping techniques used for this specific installation.



pipe organ of coachella [Music Festival Installation Design] Type: Collaborate, design studio Collaborator: Felix Gao Mainly responsibility: Idea, model, drawings Location: Coachella Valley, CA Supervisor: Mark mack, Steve Lee Duration: 2016.10--Present

The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival is an annual music festival. The three-day event features many genres of music as well as art installations and sculptures, provides ample opportunities to young artists. This project is to create an art installation for Coachella. Professor Mark Mack got a authorized item from Coachella organizer and gave us the chance to explore more possibilities of design in this great realistic significance project.  The project is aimed at to create a diverse and interactive space. The installation design with a decoration effect and increase the entertainment, providing a platform to make folks to meet. In order to ensure the artist effect, practicality and economic efficiency simultaneously, the design takes Coachella spirits and tourist demands at the top of the priority list, takes construction costs, difficulty and security in consideration at the same time. So far, this project is submitted to the Coachella’s organizer, attracted their attention.



PIPE ORGAN OF COACHELLA is designed for The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival 2017. It is a installation which people could enjoy different sound games and have a shadow space to relax in. During the daytime, by using group of pipes, the installation can provide shadows, people can find a relax area under the installation. During the night, by using LED wires, the installation also can create a atmosphere full of the sense of the future.



Interactive Sound Games

Live music


Variety of Functions

Public Rest Place


Shade Pipes

20 ft


Voice Pipes

Brass Trump

Leisure Chair

Connectors Between Pipes

Chair-Like Pipes

0.5’ Brass Pipes 0.5’ PVC Pipes



The advantage of the design is it diversity and interactivity, the interaction between humans, between human and soundings; between human and the installation. Tourist can enjoy the music live form different stage while relax under the installation, meanwhile, people can also get to know each other via music interacitve game.  As of December, the design of this project has been submitted to the Coachella’s organizer. This innovative idea triggered judges’ interest. We are waiting for the feedbacks from the organizer. In the next few months, we are going to develope the project and make adjustments accordingly, expect to get the chance to present our artwork in Coachella, and then makes the installation come true before April.



GENIUS LOCI REMODELING [Gymnasium Design] Type: Collaborate, design studio Collaborator: YiTian Shu Mainly responsibility: Ideas, model making, drawings Location: Jiangbei District, Chongqing Supervisor: ZhaoXia Wang Duration: 2014.03--2014.06

The design of contemporary architecture has a trend of diversification, globalization, complication and "de-spirituality"; the originality, artistry and profession of design are no longer distinguished, as they are mixed into the mass of multiple interest demands, thus the content on spirit level in architecture is rapidly losing, and architecture would gradually be out of its own meanings, which is called "location's loss" in Norbert-Schulz’s views. The purpose of this gymnasium design is to regress to the reflection on “Genius Loci”, help people to rebuild the relation between people and city from the ramshackle demolition debris, build up cohesive symbols by the design of the building and location, so as to express a relief through the building, and reinforce people’s existential sensation and belonging sensation.



ien ce & Technology Muse um


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r id


t el nb ree Urban g

Chongqin g Grand Theatre

Shoreline & Traffic

Great Public Buildings

Urban Greenbelt

Activity Needs

Environmental Needs

Actual needs

n Co

Status quo Con vergence

ne eli hor er s ze riv The Yangt

Functional Needs ve rg en ce


nce Converge

g tz

ge nc e


Analysis of Needs

Co nve rgence


Convergence Of The City





Fitness Equipment








The design spot locates in the demolition debris of the city, as the pedestrians on the street are in hustle and bustle, this city lacks intimacy and kindness which it should have deserved. The aim of this project is to act upon the site, to build a gymnasium that will reshape the connections between human and the city, and deliver genius loci to the site. We make attempt from the angle of environmental psychology (environmental behavior), we attempt to make up a location of being unpretentious, psychic, and blending varieties of behaviors, activities, and occurrences which would take place in it, so as to trigger the liveliness of the city.

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The main gymnasium’s top is equipped with retractable circular roof, like Pantheon in Rome; the light hole from the vertex allows a bunch of dramatic light to pour into the building; symmetrical repetitive patterns in its surrounding create a sensation that time would never end, and moreover add a touch of sacred sensation to the gymnasium’s space, which makes it in the same time of meeting the functions of the gymnasium, satisfy people’s spiritual needs to some extent -- having a kind of space with grandeur and charisma.

Retractable roof’s space truss structure

Spoke type roof truss

Connecting beam

Steel truss beam Secondary beam

Metal sheet roofing

Spherical bearing

Concrete load-bearing column

External metal plate

Point supported glass curtain wall


Steel grid

Huge-building cast-in-place reinforced concrete column

First-class steel truss beam structure system

Second-class steel truss beam structure system

Purlin for roof panel lap-joining

Exterior steel framework mounting

Exterior steel framework connected in pairs

Ring beam

Exterior glass curtain wall

Exterior steel plate laying

Roof light steel plate laying

Mobile roof supporting beam

Mobile roof steel framework

Mobile roof exterior

The overall framework 28

Retractable Roof 1. The state when the roof is completely closed

The roof is made up of eight same components with each one locating next to each other; the sliding tracks are paved on the main trusses.

In the course of opening, each component is making parallel shift towards the rectilinear direction of its own sliding rail, fitting in with each other in the moving, which forms an integral system.

After the roof is completely opened, a hole with a diameter of around 30 meters will appear in its center. To close the roof, just reverse the operation of its opening course.

2. The state when the roof is completely opened

lubricating grease screwed nipple slip gauge

sliding block sliding block

slip gauge

lubricating grease screwed nipple slip gauge

sliding block sliding block slip gauge

The sliding rails of the roof adopt ball-bearing sliding rails set above eight main truss beams, and within the octagon formed by the main truss beams, supporting beams are lap-joined, so as to support the structural load of the roof components and the dynamic load of the roof. 29


Reconnect With Loci (Place) From the Egyptian architecture of expressing nature's power, to Roman architecture of expressing universe order, then to Gothic architecture of expressing religious authority, human beings never stop their appeals in the aspect of architecture spirit. The design of this gymnasium does not aim to draw people's attention by its odd appearance as the other public buildings in its surroundings do, but to pursue content on architecture spirit level. The form processing of silence but unification and the design of the retractable roof, reply to the context by combining human beings’ functional appeals, and render the location design and functions display being more humanized. The gymnasium and spinning-retraction form generate dominant cohesion, while the affects on people by the architecture space and the occurrence in its location generate recessive cohesive. Through this gymnasium design, I want to give location spirit to this building, this area, and even this whole city, create symbols depending on modern technology and methods, to express one relief, and rebuild the relation between people and locations (buildings, areas, cities).



TIME capture [Installation design] Type: Collaborate, personal work Collaborator: Wei Xie, Baitao Sheng Location: The architecture department building, ChongQing university Duration: 2014.11--2015.01


People’s sense of space is never an accumulation of senses of every infinitely small spot; they get the sense of some space all of a sudden and as an entirety. So does time. Normally our sense of time also comes periodically instead of instant by instant, and the length of that period depends on human’s perceptive threshold of time. This Installation is designed to express time in phenomena. And to emulate human’s sense of time, time is divided into periods within human’s perceptive threshold, so that man could realise how time is split into slices and organised together orderly.


absolute sensory threshold instant 1

Sense of Time Human’s sense of time is not an accumulation of many consecutive instants, because we can hardly sense the elapse of an instant. Our normal experience towards time is not in instants but in periods. Just like our sense of space which is never the accumulation of senses of many infinitely small space spots but the sense of the whole space all of a sudden. Now that our sense of time does not come in instants, how long is the basic unit? How long is the shortest time slice that our humans’ brain could seize on earth? This is about the perceptive threshold as we studied in psychology. How do we express time in phenomena? How do human perceive time? This is the subject to be discussed in this design.

instant 2

static apple

instant 3

instant 4

instant 5

a bullet is ripping through the apple

instant 6

instant 7

instant 8

the apple is bursting

instant 7

instant 2

A Physical Change External Stimulus




“Sense” is the process of individuals organising sensory information into the meaningful entirety. And “sense of time” is a reflection of human brain towards the consecutiveness and sequentiality of objective phenomena. Human’s sense of time cannot be separated from the sense of stimulation from both inside and outside. As is told in Einstein’s time view, time doesn’t exist if it is isolated from other things. The moment aggregation of the transformation of objective phenomena is referred as fragment, and time is made up of fragments one by one in a sequential order. Just like dancing, people cannot capture every detail of choreographic elements but are able to sense a set of continuous movements for their being played out chronologically,and this is called as the time causality.



Design Methodology Continuity Continuous Physical Change

Continuing Stimulus Sequentiality



sensory threshold

Time sense Space sense


Time Perception

reflect & measure

time perception threshold

controlled (The drip, flow and duration can be adjusted as needed by infusion set)

Circular Suspended Ceiling



The circular suspended ceiling in the central location realizes its stability by the strings tied to the four posts in the encirclement.

Curtains The strings tied to the suspended ceiling form curtains, make the space around the installation are relatively independent.



Cube-shaped Ink Box

The Principle

The cube-shaped ink box, with black ink encased, has a hidden automatic control in it, through which the speed of the ink dripping can be controlled.

In the design, I apply ink marks as “causes”, formed images as “results”, gravity and wind as inducement, referring to medium of time, and make connections between the “causes” and the “results”. Time is the origin produced by causes and results. In specific operation, we imitate the concept of “round heaven and square earth” in Taoism -- square symbolizes “nothing” and round “existence”, selecting square ink bottles and round plates as visualized “causes” and “results” and circling curtains around the field, in order to create a sense of ceremony.

Circular Plate




For the convenience of observing images, the circular plate is filled with white pigment which is insoluble in ink.


Capture The Realtime Changes By using camera to capture the realtime changes of images, the photos can intuitively reflect the interaction of changes on time and space, namely the relationship of changes (movements) of ink’s positions in different photos. We may consider any two of the pictures as a time fragment and the change of images as the result of this time fragment. And the people, as an individual who exists in the time axis, will carry out physical motions with the deducing of time.



Sensitivity And Concentration We can herein talk about the sense of time of some specially trained individuals. For those Yoga practitioners with excellent virtue, meditation and wisdom, their units of sense of time are much shorter than that of average people, because their qualities such as the sensitivity of disposition and concentration of mind increase above the normal levels as the result of relevant training. Being contemplative is a very unique status, and many gymnosophists are able to temporarily detach themselves from the distracting thoughts of mundane awareness by being contemplative. But how can they achieve this?

Continuity And Sequentiality We have attained visualized pictures of time progress through sorting out pictures, and then we have to answer the question of how time comes into one piece in an orderly and organized manner? According the entropy law, the overall chaos level of an isolated system (namely “the entropy”) will not diminish in the natural process. Therefore, we can determine the causal relationship between two pictures, namely the position relationship in their time axis by observing the chaos level of ink marks in the pictures. After we put these time fragments in order, we can finally connect them together and complete the interpretation of the continuity and sequentiality of time. 41

There are many ways to help to sit quietly and meditate, one of which is to continue to focus your mind on the present moment. But as we already mentioned, human’s sense of time will not be acute enough to capture the infinitesimal moments. All that the practitioners can do is to get their sense of time to the perceptive threshold as closest as possible and make continuous and further efforts to break it, so as to make the perceptibility of their psyches more and more acute. As people focus their attention on breaking through the threshold of sense of time and their sense of time becomes much sharper than the normal level, they will gain amazingly fantastic feelings, for example, they will regard the present moment as eternity and get rid of all distracting thoughts. Maybe we can use this installation to experience the change of time’s lapse before and after the concencration of people’s mind, and even leverage it to train our psychic sensitivity and level of attention. This must be a very interesting endeavor. 42

COAGULATION OF BELIEF [Symbols and Markers Design] Type: Solo, design studio Location: Tibet Supervisor: Ezio Blasetti Duration: 2015.08--2015.12

“Pilgrimage� is a part of every Tibetan life. However, due to various difficulties coupled with the distant journey , pilgrimage is always accompanied by pain and regret. In this design, I tried to abstract the symbolic language of the Tibetan Buddhism out, refine the core spirit, make use of the modern art language to create a coagulation composed of signs and contexts, which would act as symbols and markers in the pilgrimage of the earth to search for more possibilities for Tibetan pilgrimage.





The Sacred manifestation

make sense convert means

Through out the worlds of the ten directions, in the past, in the present, and also in the future, With Body, Speech and Mind entirely pure, I bow down before them all, omitting none.

The holy world in mind

Pilgrimage carrier


With the awesome power of Samantabhadra’s Vows, I appear at the same time before every Buddha, And in transformed bodies as numerous as motes of dust in all lands, Bow to the Buddha’s as numerous as motes of dust in all lands. from Tibetan Tripitaka chapter one

The holy world in physical

Long journey

Starting point

The holy land

the difficulty

the ultimate goal

In the Tibetan areas, pilgrimage to Lhasa on foot is the desiring thing for every believers, but it needs to spend a few weeks even months of time, and the journey is distant, coupled with the constraints of economic conditions and factors of time . Therefore many Tibetans have to regret lifelong. Then is there anything we may do for them? We are unable to change the distance between their starting point and Lhasa, but we can create some alternatives of pilgrimage for the mobility of the Tibetans, or add some symbols and markers during the way to pilgrimage, which relatively uniform distributing between the villages and towns to let the body and the spirit of believers being able to rest here and giving them the power to move on.

92 0m

s ile 900 miles




1020 miles


540 mil es Kailash




es mil Nagchu










580 mile







Design Methodology

Religious Faith


Precious Umbrella: The upper part of the architecture and texture





Pattern2 Pattern3

comes from the traditional symbol

architectural translate graft

of the precious umbrella. In the art

Modern Carrier


Religious Icons

of religion, it is a natural emblem of honor and respect when the p re c i o u s u m b re l l a i s a b o v e


one’s head. It is the reason why the precious umbrella became obvious, non-idol emblem symbol

The design method is to extract and express the abstract elements, and draw out the spiritual symbol when featuring the traditional symbol at the same time, and finally use the language of modern art to combine and induce it again.

in the early Buddhist art.

Vajra Pestle: Vajra Pestle is the middle part of structure of Mandala, and the middle part of the structure also uses

Tibetan Buddhism Semiotic Diagram

the morphology of the Vajra Pestle as cohesion. There are three oblique rising circles on both sides of the Vajra Pestle ‘s center point. The three circles ring


around two symmetrical lotus pedestals of the Vajra Pestle, forming the shape of pearl necklace. The three rings symbolize Goldfish Sanskrit: suvarnamatsya

Precious Bottle Sanskrit: nidhana-kumbha

the “ three doors “, being the typical indestructible symbol of Vajrayana.

Five Desire: Every detail in the architecture comes from the five sensory projection as the color, sound, smell, taste, touch, i. e. Five Desire.

Yin and Yang & pulse


Power, authority and rule

Worldly wealth

Victory, conquer

Movement, continuity and change


Color, sound, smell, taste and touch

White Screw Sanskrit: dakshinavarta-shankha

Precious Umbrella Sanskrit: chatra,atapatra

Five Desire Sanskrit: pancha

The Banner-of-victory Sanskrit: dhvaja

Golden Wheel Sanskrit: chakra

Silk Sanskrit: sparsha

Indestructible & The great perfection


Vajra Pestle Sanskrit: vajra

Buddhism Name

Precious Bottle: In the middle part of the architectures at the junction of the handover relationship and the lower part of the texture come from the Precious Bottle that is worshiped in the Tancheng. As a symbol of the God of wealth, each part of the Precious Bottle is scattered with the pattern of lotus petals, which are extremely magnificent. Its role is to make the surrounding area rich and never dry.

Containing the mandala of wealth of the whole world, Tancheng is dedicated to the highest etiquette in the Buddhist tradition. In Tibetan Buddhism “sNgon-vgro” , the Tancheng constitutes one of the Vajrayana four major repairs. The design of the building mimics a multilayer structure for the mandala, divided into Mandala base, Vajra and Sumeru Mountain. According to tradition system, the metal base bulges of disk was decorated with cut flower pattern, providing with a ring around Xumi mountain four jambudvipa it and eight small Zhan continent and seven times Jinshan mountain, the vastness of the Aral Sea, Tieshan outer ring and the “wealth”. The architectures retained some traditional standard, abandoning the harassment rules and the important part of them will be refined. Besides, they combined with other traditional symbol and intergrate the Buddhist spiritual symbol into them.

The Banner-of-victory: the shape of the lower part of the architecture comes from the Banner-of-victory. The Bannerof-victory means flag, banner or flag, the cylindrical Bannerof-victory is covered layer upon layer with silk curtain and hangs numerous jewelry. The bottom is decorated with silk curtain of wave pattern. It divides four directions and is an emblem of conquering and victory.



In memory of Buddha’s Parinirvana without regret under the twin salas in Kushinagar.

In memory of Buddha’s miracle defeating the infidels in the woods of Gion, Sravasti.

In memory of the Buddha’s birth in Lumbini.

Sizes And Patterns The pagodas vary in sizes and patterns, being categorised into 8 forms: “Lotus”, “Bodhi”, “Duomen”, “Abhijnana”, “Nirvana” and so on, embleming the 8 great things in Shakyamuni’s life. The pagodas of different sizes and patterns emblem different things. They present themselves in places appropriate for them to show up, providing sensory stimulation of different degree and guidance of various functions to the followers. These sensory stimulation and guidance are mixed together, making the journey of Tibetan pilgrimage easier and meaningful. The pagodas’ shapes of other forms are also abstractions and extractions of symbols in Tibetan Buddhism, and only one is listed here for lack of space here.



Accept And Recognise The problem is whether the coagulation of faith designed by modern means could be accepted and recognised by Tibetans or not? I think the process would be very difficult. However, we presented this probability, and we hoped that over time, these emblems could gradually get integrated into Tibetans’ life and become a part of their spiritual support, then be maintained for next generations and finally be accepted, recognised and remembered by followers.



SUPPLEMENT WORKS PHOTOGRAPHY website: https://500px.com/ringo_ye

Zhangjiajie, Hunan, China 2015

Cairo, Egypt 2016

Luxor, Egypt 2016

NYC, United State 2015




Spacial Substrate

©Cloud Nine Studio Personal work (design, 3D print, reverse mould, cast, polishing, electroplate) 2013-2015

[Algorithm Design] Collaborate, Lecture, 2015

EMANCIPATION OF SKY [Skyscraper Design] Solo, design studio, 2013-2014





[Museum Design] Solo, competition, 2013

Internship (BIAD UFo) , 2014-2015 Participated in lecture hall design, building skin design, drawing and report

BEIJING BOOK CENTER (The second phase) Internship (BIAD UFo) , 2014-2015 Participated in building skin design, structure transformation, drawing and report


LIZE SOHO (Zaha Hadid) Internship (BIAD UFo) , 2014-2015 Participated in structural modeling, report



Education • 08/2016-persent University of California, Los Angeles School of Architecture and Urban Planning Major: Architecture Program: Master of Science degree (06/2017) GPA (For now): 3.71/4.0 Rank: 1/18 • 08/2015-11/2015 University of Pennsylvania School of Design Major: Architecture Program: Master of Architecture Post-professional degree • 09/2010-06/2015 Chongqing University School of Architecture and Urban Planning Major: Architecture Degree: Bachelor of Architecture Core GPA: 3.66/4.0 Rank: 6/125 • Proficient in design software usage: AutoCAD, Rhino, Grasshopper, Maya, ZBrush, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, After Effects, Resolume Arena, Arduino, SketchUp

Internship 11/2014-08/2015 UN-Forbidden Office, Beijing Institute of Architectural Design(BIAD UF-o) • LIZE Soho (Zaha Hadid), participated in structural modeling, report • INSPUR Co.Ltd. Beijing Headquarters, participated in lecture hall design, building skin design, drawing and report • The Chinese new embassy in Australia, participated in documents writing, PPT making, design plan discussion • Beijing Phoenix Center, participated in drawing revision 10/2013 Chongqing University Architectural Design Institute • Library design of Chongqing Technology and Business University, participated in case analysis, text writing • Chongqing Wansheng Riverside Park design, participated in part case design and expression 04/2013 China Northeast Architecture Design & Research Institute Co., LTD • Renhuai No.1 Middle School planning, participated in project design and expression • Tongren Motor Market planning, Guizhou, participated in case design and expression • Dalongtan Hot-spring resort, Guizhou, participated in part case design and expression 10/2012 China State Construction Engineering Corporation • People’s square transformation, Yibin city, participated in project design, expression and report making


YE Runzhou

(Chinese, Male, DOB: 09/20/1991)

Telephone: +1 4243332299 E-Mail: runzhou_ye@126.com Current Address: 3420 S Sepulveda Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, United State Post Code: 90034

01-06/2014 Organizer and Band Drummer, “Run With Dreams” music festival 06/2014 Leader, Basketball Team of Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning 06/2013 Captain, Basketball Team of Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning 11/2012 Organizer and Participant, Faculty Annual Meeting 07/2012 Sketched in Wuyuan County, Jiangxi Province 2010-2011 Monitor, organized Faculty Annual Meeting 07/2011 Sketched in Guiyang, Guizhou Province 06/2011 Group Third Place, Basketball Contest, Chongqing University

Scholarship 2014 Second Prize Scholarship, Chongqing University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning 2015 Second Prize Scholarship, Chongqing University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning

Hobby • Painting: Watercolor; pencil sketch; • Music: drum set (Professional level); snare drum (Professional level); music theory; timpani; good at composing and having personal works • Sports: basketball; track and field; table tennis; badminton • Photography: had 7 years photography experience (website: https://500px.com/ringo_ye)

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