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27 Strategic Framework to Promote Philippine Culture and Values, PDP 2017-2022

One such evaluation criteria for judging outcomes are value commitments underlying a social program or policy. This must be made clear in policy or concept documents. A value-centered framework is the essence of Governance. A value-centered approach provides a means of combining strategy and performance management so as to move beyond efficiency and efficacy to the production of public value (Morgan & Cook, 2014).

This qualitative sensing of the PNoy administration’s performance in social development has adopted the SPI as framework for analysis, while pursuing the New Public Governance lens and adopting a value-centered approach. The key result areas spelled out in the Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan (2011-2016) are used as guide to the values assumed in this study. Moving forward, this values-based approach will hopefully provide opportunity for participants with multiple perspectives to build an agreement around shared values to be more imaginative in creating solutions in a future dialogue. Building a high trust government and culture or values-oriented society that will be able to generate innovative solutions will be one key to strengthen the Opportunity pillar of Social Progress. Results of this study will hopefully form as bases for fleshing out Chapter 7 of the new Philippine Development Plan on “Promoting Philippine Culture and Values” (Figure III.27) , whose overall envisioned goal is laying down the foundation for inclusive growth, a high-trust and resilient society, and a globally competitive knowledge-based economy.

Figure III.27. Strategic Framework to Promote Philippine Culture and Values, PDP 2017-2022 (Ch. 7)

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