The top 3 benefits of choosing the growth medium of brick of coco coir

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Thetop3benefitsofchoosingthe growthmediumofbrickofcococoir

In this new era, most horticulturists are increasingly captivated by the sustainable propagation medium of coconut coir fiber for cannabis crop production. Such completely biodegradable and optimally effective marijuana plant growth medium of coco coir comes with zero carbon footprints on the surrounding environment.

Moreover, this premium quality and super-washed coconut coir bricks from RIOCOCO prove to be the ideal organic aeration amendment medium for cannabis crops. It helps commercial marijuana growers to produce robust cannabis crops at a faster rate, in which case, they can reach the gold standard in hashish cultivation of five crops a year.

The coco coir chip bricks from RIOCOCO come with 100% organically occurring useful bacteria like the Trichoderma. These micro-organism-rich natural bricks prove to be the perfect medium by adding aeration and structure to the compressed organic soil mixtures. In this context, the lignins, a unique natural polymer found in the coconuts furnishes optimum Water-Holding Capacity (WHC) and Air-Filled Porosity (AFP) for effective moisture retention. Let’sgothroughtheintegralmeritsto usethecoirbrickforcannabisplants fromRIOCOCO: 1.CoirChipsIncreaseLivingSoil

2.SustainableGrowingMedium OfferingSuitableNutriment

Unlike peat moss, the 100% organic and OMRIcertified coir fiber operates as an optimally effective and sustainable growth medium, as they are obtained directly from the ripened coconut husks. Such completely biodegradable coco coir substrate comes with increased CEC (Cation Exchange Capacity), in which case the ion exchange can supply the nutrient cations as the hydroponic growth medium. Moreover, this CEC helps to absorb the nutrients of calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc from the nutrient solution.

3.AppropriateAerationoftheRoot Network

Moreover, the coir fiber or substrate can also be mixed with the leaf mould for absorbing a sufficient and equitable proportion of air to water for creating maximum air circulation to the root network. In this context, the root zone offers greater breathability, helping the cannabis crops to get better growth. Again, the agriculturists can also opt for the pre-mix coir substrate, or blend the custom nutrient formulation for sustaining the optimum growth of the marijuana plants.

Furthermore, the coir pre-mix formula delivers oneof-a-kind germ-destroying abilities, as they are enriched with lignin, an organic polymer protecting the support tissues of hashish seedlings, and removing the issues of pests, and allied plant ailments.

RIOCOCO proves its worth by furnishing the foremost organic medium of the brick of coco coir to effectively propagate cannabis crops. Thus, it is highly recommended that agronomists utilize such an organic coir fiber mix for the optimum proliferation of marijuana plants and save significantly in labor utilization expenses and money. Moreover, the coco coir with neutral pH of 5.5-6.8 serves as a perfect medium to grow cannabis in a controlled indoor environment of aquaculture, as the growers never have to add any pH modification items. InEssence Contact us 214-492-0803

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