LivRio March - Issue No.3 - First Day of Spring

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in this issue:

DISTRIBUTION – SPRING COLLECTION – SPRING PREP on the cover: New variety! Blue Moon Spray Rose

LIVRIO THE E-MAGAZINE OF RIO ROSES Issue No.3 MARCH 2017 IN THIS ISSUE: Sales Supers t ar Disbud or N on-Disbud Dis tr ibution Chang es Spr ing Collection Spr ing P.R.E.P. Community Outreach Bir t hda ys + Anniversar ies FOR INQUIRIES

MESSAGE FROM THE OWNERS “It’s no surprise that Valentine’s Day is our biggest holiday of the year, as such, we want to thank you, our customers, for a very successful February. In an industry filled with so many choices, we thank you again for choosing us. We would also like to thank and congratulate our wonderful employees and sales associates for another outstanding Valentines Day season. Your hard work and tireless dedication is very much appreciated” -Victor & Raul



Lifelong floral professional and mother of two, Susan Mesa started her journey almost three decades ago in the traffic department at Rio before becoming Vice President of Business Development.

WE SAT DOWN TO INTERVIEW SUSAN TO COMMEMORATE HER 27TH ANNIVERSARY WITH US. If you haven’t met Susan yet, she is without a doubt one of the most vividly charismatic people you’ll ever meet. Complementing her sharp business side and negotiation skills, Susan is a warm, friendly, and compassionate salesperson who is always ready to listen to her clients’ needs. Lured by the vision of Anthony Sarandes, Susan joined Rio in 1990. Through hard work and perseverance, she is now the top-grossing member of the sales team. Susan remembers her first meeting when she strolled into the office—literally, with her then-two year old daughter in a stroller. Susan mentions, “I was ecstatic about my first meeting as a sales person, but my kids come first. Anthony knew that and had no objections. After the meeting, I felt like I had finally found my true calling and a work environment that felt like home” Susan chooses to spend her spare time with her two kids. She mentions that her “heart and soul” is her granddaughter who at the early age of 4 already has a passion for flowers. “I am blessed for all 27 years I’ve been here,” Susan says, “and I was truly blessed when Anthony Sarandes believed in me and helped me meet my calling when I started here.”

TO DISBUD OR NOT TO DISBUD? Non-disbudded spray roses are becoming increasingly more popular with floral professionals, due to the higher volume of roses per bunch. Disbudding is the practice of removing extra buds, allowing the rose to send nutrients to the remaining buds and giving a cleaner look to the bunch. This practice allows the rose to send nutrients to the remaining buds and gives a cleaner look to the bunch. Recent trends favor a more natural or “garden look,� fueling the demand for non-disbudded spray roses. It all comes down to personal preference. Rio’s farms are known to have the fullest and densest non-disbudded spray rose bunches. Our spray roses are cut when the bud begins to crack for maximum bloom development, color intensity, and head size. They have almost double the bloom count, with over 40 blooms per bunch, which gives each of our bunches more volume, bloom, and higher perceived value.

IS GOING THE BEST GOINGDIRECT DIRECT THE BEST CHOICE BUSINESS? CHOICEFOR FORYOUR YOUR BUSINESS? Gone are the days when your local flower shop was the only place to pick up a bouquet of red roses. In our Gone are the days when your local flower shop was the only place to pick up a bouquet of red roses. In our technological world, flower arrangements are at your fingertips, with flower websites promising even same-day technological world, flower arrangements are at your fingertips, with flower websites promising even same-day deliveries to your loved ones. However, like many modern comforts, these new avenues come at a price. Many retailers deliveries to your loved ones. However, like many modern comforts, these new avenues come at a price. Many retailers are sourcing their flowers directly from growers, bypassing the traditional chain of distribution that has dominated the are sourcing their flowers directly from growers, bypassing the traditional chain of distribution that has dominated the flower industry for decades. Cutting out the middle man might seem like a great idea—and a way to save money—but in flower industry for decades. Cutting out the middle man might seem like a great idea—and a way to save money—but in reality, there are significant disadvantages to this method. reality, there are significant disadvantages to this method. There are many processes and procedures that occur behind the scenes in order to get the flowers from farm to vase There are many processes and procedures that occur behind the scenes in order to get the flowers from farm to vase and many hidden costs involved in order to make this happen. Flower importers work directly with their own farms and and many hidden costs involved in order to make this happen. Flower importers work directly with their own farms and worry about things like import and airport procedures as well as assuring that proper temperature management and worry about things like import and airport procedures as well as assuring that proper temperature management and quality assurance is maintained at all times. Importers then deliver the flowers to different trucking companies, maintaining quality assurance is maintained at all times. Importers then deliver the flowers to different trucking companies, maintaining the cold chain and delivering to different markets for consumption by retail florists. This multistep process ensures quality the cold chain and delivering to different markets for consumption by retail florists. control and quick problem resolution. This multi-step process ensures quality control and quick problem resolution.

In other words, the flower supply chain was established for a reason. While it may seem cheaper for retailers to buy directly from flower farms, there are hidden expenses, such as freight costs, and practical mishaps that add up, making direct purchase more expensive and occasionally more inconvenient. These are issues that wholesalers are better equipped to handle, given their larger margin of time and experience. For example, if a retailer has a problem with an order, such as poor quality flowers or an incorrect order, it will be much more difficult to fix, given that retail orders usually have a shorter turnaround time. What’s more, wholesalers and importers have established relationships with farms for quicker problem resolution. Additionally, the increase in orders causes cluttered airports, delayed inspections, and generally slows down the process for everyone—the job is better left to a few importers who order hundreds of different flower types and thousands of boxes. While it is important to adapt to modern conveniences, the flower supply chain exists for a specific purpose. The value of the wholesaler is indisputable, particularly in maintaining inventory and moving the market forward, but there is always room for improvement. By establishing better communication and trust with retailers, tapping into popular consumer segments, and experimenting with technology such as online ordering, wholesalers can cement existing ties and forge new ones, while further promoting their purpose. THE ULTIMATE GOAL IS FOR THE END CONSUMER TO RECEIVE A LONGER LASTING, BETTER VALUE FOR THEIR PURCHASING DOLLAR. WORKING TOGETHER AND MAINTAINING THE COLD DISTRIBUTION CHAIN WILL ENSURE A SUCCESSFUL OUTCOME.





1. Jade Rose 4. Pink Ranunculus 2. “Yellow Babe” Spray Rose 5. Purple Alstroemeria 3. Free Spirit Rose 6. Menta Rose


the only time of the year it’s perfectly safe to put all your eggs in one basket The old adage “April showers bring May flowers” is a telling reminder to the flower industry of the impending spring season and all the flower holidays that come with it specifically, Easter, Administrative Professionals Week and Mother’s Day. As business kicks up again after a winter lull, wholesale and retail florists should keep in mind the following points.

I N P R E PA R AT I O N F O R T H E M O N T H S A H E A D : • MARKETS: How familiar are you with your current and future markets? Understanding why your customers buy from you is important because it can help you figure out ways to attract new customers. Knowing your audience is also important to identify more profitable customers, such as event planners who will frequent your business or big companies that regularly order from you. Similarly, it is important to be in the loop for new markets that you have yet to reach. FLORISTS: Consider selling regular weekly arrangements to local businesses, such as funeral homes, car dealerships, law firms, real estate agencies that will become annual, steady contracts. • COMPETITION: Keeping an eye on your competition is important, especially when considering market trends and your businesses’ profits compared to market share. What is your competitor offering that you aren’t? Pay close attention to specials and promotions that your competitors are running. FLORISTS: Combat cultural trends that may be hurting your business—for example, “donations in lieu of flowers” may hurt the flower business, but a solution might be offering gift baskets or flowers sent to the family’s home. • DISTRIBUTION: Finding new ways to distribute your product can help boost sales. What untapped opportunities exist in your community? There may be an opportunity to partner with another business and provide bundled packages. FLORISTS: Untapped markets may include local high school proms, partnering with photographers or limo services to offer one-stop packages for prom attendees or weddings. • PROMOTION: Do your marketing strategies need an update? Make sure to explore all options while keeping in line with the image you want to portray. Consider the benefits of active online marketing, including social media feeds such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. FLORISTS: Make sure all contact with customers is fresh and professional. Keep your Facebook page and other social media handle regularly updated and interact with customers by asking questions, offering promotions, etc. Take advantage of news exposure by posting any relevant articles or stories about your business, adding credibility to your brand and maximizing engagement potential. • PRICING: Explore all aspects of your pricing—variable pricing might make sense for different markets, perishable products, or time-based sales (such as holidays). FLORISTS: Remember to stay steady with prices and avoid offering discounts on the spot. Emphasize the value of your product and offer different options before lowering prices. Employees should be familiar with these tactics in preparation for price-sensitive customers. • SERVICE DELIVERY: Acknowledge any problems in delivery and production. Evaluate the need for more specific staff trainings that align with the standards you envision for your company. What methods do you use for evaluating satisfactory customer service? Your delivery personnel is the face of your business. FLORISTS: Follow up with clients who stopped buying from you to get feedback on your quality and customer service.


THE 3RD ANNUAL LIVE LIKE BELLA SUPERHERO 5K WAS A HUGE SUCCESS! The Live Like Bella Childhood Cancer Foundation hosted the fantastic event at Zoo Miami last Saturday, February 25th. The purpose of the event was to raise funds and awareness for the fight against childhood cancer. Participants were encouraged to come together and form their very own superhero team and create a name for it. Thus, we became known as “Rio’s Heroes.” Over 2,000 people attended the event and took part in the family fun, entertainment, good music, and great food. The day was topped off with an awards ceremony and the raffle of a 2017 white Camaro. Rio’s Heroes came to the rescue by giving away hundreds of bunches of roses to the Superheroes 5K participants. Everyone was eager to go home with an armful of gorgeous flowers. We are extremely proud to take part in this cause and help fight childhood cancer. To learn more about how you can help, please visit:


“Thank you for your years of dedication to our team. You are terrifically tireless, exceptionally excellent, and abundantly appreciated.”

“Happy Birthday, may all your B-day wishes come true on your special day.”

SUSAN MESA 03/12/90 VP Business Development

27 years

NORMA HARDISSON 03/09/04 Accounts Payable Coordinator

13 years



3 years

NINA COMPANIONI 03/08/16 Sales Manager

1 years

CARLOS ROA Director of Sourcing

1 year


GISELA FLORES 03/04 Farm Sourcing SUSAN MESA 03/06 Sales SANTIAGO MENDEZ 03/09 Farm Sourcing ROBERT FONCREE 03/28 Warehouse








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