Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM)

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04.............................. INTRODUCTION 05.............................. SEM PURPOSES, MISSION AND VISION 06.............................. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 08.............................. SEM PLAN GOALS 11.............................. GOALS, STRATEGIES, AND TASKS DEFINED 16.............................. CONCLUSION 18.............................. RSC SEM COMMITTEE 20 ............................ ADDENDUM I: SEM PLAN SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS AND CONCEPTS 21.............................. CULTURE PAGE 22.............................. RIO 2020: STRATEGIC PLAN 24.............................. MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD OUTCOMES



INTRODUCTION Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) is an institution-wide, research-driven approach designed to locate, attract, and retain students. It focuses on the comprehensive education of students through student support and engagement, analytics of work done, and optimization of best practices. SEM is a deliberate process that requires time for planning, development and implementation. It is based on a team effort that crosses traditional college organizational lines. SEM is integral to Rio Salado College’s effort to provide quality educational offerings and services that meet the needs of the communities we serve. To be successful, SEM efforts must take into account fluctuating levels of resources, funding support, district initiatives and environmental/demographic changes. Rio Salado College has created a SEM committee to develop an enrollment management plan that aligns with the college’s strategic plan and the Maricopa County Community College District’s mission to attain our enrollment goals in a cost-effective manner. The committee’s work is guided by the following overlying purposes.



Stabilize enrollments

Achieve the college’s desired enrollment state

Strengthen college services, retention, and


Reduce vulnerability to demographic changes and increased competition Respond to economic forces

Evaluate and optimize strategies

Improve the quality of student learning



To strategically strengthen the college’s competitiveness, reach and enrollment in support of our strategic plan, vision and mission.




engagement efforts


To foster a culture of shared responsibility for achieving enrollment goals, and to enhance the student experience, student success, and the achievement of educational goals of the communities we serve.


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The current marketplace continues to unveil new challenges for higher education, such as affordable access to education and effective enrollment planning and management strategies. Like most community colleges, Rio Salado faces a number of unique enrollment challenges. As an open door institution, we continually address the question of “controlling” our enrollment. For the most part, Rio Salado enrolls students with varying levels of needs, interests and college preparedness. It is a different approach from universities that can use selective tactics to increase or decrease enrollments and match potential students to their offerings. At the same time, the Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) has been exploring and developing a variety of initiatives to address the student experience and improve student success.


While these District-wide initiatives offer new opportunities for us to re-evaluate our efforts, Rio Salado College has unique characteristics that do not fit into a “cookiecutter” approach.

DECLINING ENROLLMENTS Rio Salado has experienced tremendous growth through the last 15 years with limited encroachment on its niche offerings. However, the college has experienced a cultural shift over the last five years. Enrollment has declined in our “niche” student markets: corporate and government partnerships, early college initiatives, and online learning. This has warranted a comprehensive review of our market position to develop ways to diversify offerings while adapting to limited resources.

The graph at left outlines the last nine years of Rio Salado College’s total and online headcount. According to the data, online learning enrollment headcount dropped 18.7% in 2014 compared to the 2013 academic year, and the overall total headcount declined by 16.4% during the same timeframe. The other issue affecting enrollment decline is the lack of adequate funding. The entire District has been impacted by the reduction of state funding. Rio Salado College has weathered budget-related issues in the past. However, the college is no longer exempt and is feeling the current budget strain where it matters most: strategic enrollment management. To address these issues the college must identify and prioritize our emergent needs and incorporate them into the SEM plan principles and goals that are outlined in this report.


SEM PLAN GOALS 2014-2015 Structural and Functional Goal 1: Identify SEM best practices. Goal 2: Implement a SEM governance structure to support and improve efforts.

Communication and Technology Goal 3: Increase college-wide awareness and involvement in SEM principals. Goal 4: Maximize and leverage technology to support SEM.

Enrollment Growth and Retention Goal 5: Identify enrollment growth opportunities and create strategies to maintain and increase enrollments. Goal 6: Expand awareness and implementation of innovative teaching practice models to better serve our students. Goal 7: Strengthen the awareness of student support services and create new ways to support student success.




SEM PLAN GOALS, STRATEGIES, AND TASKS DEFINED The SEM plan goals, strategies and task are organized in the following categories: Structural and Functional, Communications and Technology, and Enrollment Growth and Retention.

Structural and Functional Goal 1: Identify SEM best practices RSC Strategic Plan Link: Blue Ocean and Innovation KPI: Complete an analysis of internal and external best practices to include in the SEM Plan.

Strategy 1A: Inventory college business units and their student lifecycle tactics.

Strategy 1B: Research best practices and standards for SEM plan development.

Goal 2: Implement a SEM governance structure to support and improve efforts RSC Strategic Plan Link: Blue Ocean and Innovation KPI: Improve the decision-making and effectiveness of SEM Plan.

Strategy 2A: Implement a SEM sub-committee structure and a SEM projects core team.

Strategy 2B: Evaluate the effectiveness of projects during the implementation phase and monitor on a quarterly basis.

Strategy 2C: Determine SEM committee meeting frequency and review process.


SEM PLAN GOALS, STRATEGIES, AND TASKS DEFINED CONT’D Communication and Technology Goal 3: Increase College-Wide Awareness and Involvement in SEM Principles RSC Strategic Plan Link: People Development and Communication KPI: Improve faculty and staff understanding of strategic enrollment management and the importance of student success and institutional viability.

Strategy 3A: Communicate enrollment news, SEM principles, and opportunities for involvement in SEM activities through a multi-faceted

and tiered communication plan.

Strategy 3B: Explore opportunities to build a cohesive collegiate community.

Strategy 3C: Develop a process and repository for ongoing data analysis supporting SEM.

Goal 4: Maximize and Leverage Technology to Support Enrollment Management RSC Strategic Plan Link: Blue Ocean and Innovation KPI: Improve the communication and technological resources available to students.


Strategy 4A: Improve the method of communication to students.

Strategy 4B: Promote RioCompass to all students and staff.

Strategy 4C: Implement Civitas to assist faculty, staff and students.

Strategy 4D: Improve customer service standards by supporting the new “Welcome Center.”

Enrollment Growth and Retention Goal 5: Identify Enrollment Growth Opportunities and Create Strategies to Maintain and Increase Enrollments RSC Strategic Plan Link: Blue Ocean and Innovation KPI: Increase enrollments for online program seekers, supplemental students, special student populations and college bridge pathway students.

Strategy 5A: Research opportunities for enrollment growth.

Strategy 5B: Determine existing program offerings having the highest enrollment growth potential.

Strategy 5C: Develop and expand recruitment tactics focusing on relationship building in the community.

Strategy 5D: Expand high school recruitment practices through IMOR2 collaborations.

Strategy 5E: Expand dual enrollment partnerships, high schools offerings, and cross-promote concurrent enrollments.

Strategy 5F: Explore opportunities to increase veteran/military service members (and their families) enrollments.

Strategy 5G: Explore opportunities to increase international student enrollment with supplemental class offerings.

Strategy 5H: Increase enrollment in College Bridge Pathway opportunities for credit and non-credit classes.

Strategy 5I: Explore the development of a pilot program focused on completion.

Strategy 5J: Explore out-of-state enrollment expansion opportunities beyond California for promotion.


SEM PLAN GOALS, STRATEGIES, AND TASKS DEFINED CONT’D Enrollment Growth and Retention Goal 6: Expand Awareness and Implementation of Innovative Teaching Practice Models to Better Serve Our Students RSC Strategic Plan Link: Teaching and Learning / Student Success KPI: Raise student and faculty awareness of the innovations being incorporated into their programs of study.


Strategy 6A: Explore and implement teaching practices that are aligned with our student characteristics and needs.

Strategy 6B: Promote and ensure proper placement of students (college-level versus developmental education courses).

Strategy 6C: Research and support best teaching practices within courses and programs.

Strategy 6D: Work with subject matter experts to determine what degrees, certificates, and educational pathways to highlight.

Strategy 6E: Increase awareness of the benefits of prior learning credit opportunities.

Goal 7: Strengthen the Awareness of Student Support Services and Create New Ways to Support Student Success RSC Strategic Plan Link: Student Success / Blue Ocean and Innovation KPI: Improve student access to pertinent information and resources.

Strategy 7A: Improve staff knowledge and overall ability to help students achieve their educational goals.

Strategy 7B: Strengthen the internal branding of retention-based efforts being conducted by academic and student affairs.

Strategy 7C: Reinforce student advantages and college innovations through communications and marketing campaigns geared

toward the general public.

Strategy 7D: Create an alumni relations effort.

Strategy 7E: Realign the organization of Student Affairs to create a welcome/enrollment center.

Additional SEM Plan Considerations •

Set objectives that align with the institutional mission and vision.

Develop enrollment goals strategically aligned with resources.

Balance short-term vs. long-term expectations.

Identify the portions of the college’s strategic plan that are relevant to the enrollment position of the college.

Conduct an environmental scan to analyze internal and external enrollment data to better understand the issues raised by the strategic plan, as well as related strategic enrollment issues (SEM findings can also be used reciprocally to overall strategic planning). Identify the most critical issues and key strategies to resolve them. Focusing on a limited number will enable the college to concentrate its

attention and resources toward achieving the greatest impact. •

Set measureable goals wherever possible.

Identify tactics through brainstorming sessions by using data, assessing resources, and being selective about the tactics that will have the most positive response to the issues. Identify the commitments and the accountabilities for those tactics.

Create an assessment, feedback and revision schedule (PDCA cycle).

Communicate regularly through periodic meetings, college communication tools, and actively share the plan to assure collaboration and follow-up.


CONCLUSION Rio Salado College must embrace the notion

not to attend the college, remain enrolled, or

life, including online environments. Students

that enrollment management is everyone’s

drop out of Rio Salado.

who don’t feel their needs are being met will

responsibility. Each college employee plays

drop out or transfer to another institution.

a role in delivering the brand promise and

Since students have the freedom to choose

helping students reach their goals. It is also

the college they wish to attend, enrollment

Today’s students live in a culture of choice.

vital for the college to research and embrace

management should be established early on

The higher education marketplace has been

best practices, standardize terminology and

in the relationship with Rio Salado.

dramatically affected by this consumer

develop a system of checks and balances to unify enrollment efforts.

mentality. In order to survive and thrive, A student’s perspective and Rio Salado’s

institutions actively compete for the same

vision, mission, and values should always be

students. It is more than evident that a

We have the opportunity to train employees

kept in the forefront when developing and

comprehensive SEM plan that addresses

on how to better connect students to

offering services, launching new programs

student recruitment and retention is not only

the services they need to succeed. In

and initiatives, and evaluating enrollment

needed, but integral for the future success of

addition, the college can strengthen its

management plans.

Rio Salado College.

communication and outreach efforts to increase enrollment and completion rates.

The relationship between a college and

Enrollment management recognizes that

its constituents constantly changes as the

recruitment and retention are continuous

student lifecycle unfolds. Once a student


enrolls in an institution, there is still a need to provide a personalized and responsive

The quality of Rio Salado’s academic offerings


can only be developed and maintained in a


stable enrollment environment. Based on the

In fact, the delivery of such an experience

educational programs and services offered,

can become even more complex as students

students will make the choice whether or

become engaged in all aspects of campus



Acts in an advisory role to the executive team to discuss, develop, monitor, and evaluate all aspects of marketing, outreach, recruitment, retention, graduation, and support of students

Develops recommended strategies for achieving a desired enrollment (quantity and quality)

Assists in discovering ways to improve student life and the student experience

Encourages the promotion of learning and support services to ensure student success

Executive Team Strategic Plan Committee

President’s Cabinet Leadership Council


SEM Committee Development Team

Business Unit


Business Unit


Business Unit

Kevin Bilder Dean of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs

Dr. Shannon McCarty Dean of Academic Affairs

SEM COMMITTEE MEMBERS Executive Sponsors Dana Reid, Interim Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. Jennifer McGrath, Vice President of Academic Affairs Co-Chairs Kevin Bilder, Dean of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Dr. Shannon McCarty, Dean of Academic Affairs Committee Members Dr. Diana Abel, Rachelle Clarke, Lanna Dueck, Dr. Jennifer Gresko, David Hall, Matt Freed, Angela Kwan, Susan Lawrence, Lisa Mitchell, Dr. Felicia Ramirez-Perez, Jeanne Ratliff, Nanci Regehr, and Otis White Areas of Representation Academic Advisement, Academic Affairs, Business Services, Compliance, Enrollment Services, Faculty, Financial Aid, Institutional Advancement, Institutional Research, Partnerships, and Student Affairs

A special thank you to Dr. Kishia Brock, MCCCD Vice President of Strategies and Compliance, for her invaluable contributions and support in the development of Rio Salado College’s Strategic Enrollment Management initiative.


ADDENDUM I: SEM PLAN SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS & CONCEPTS Rio Salado College Culture Page: Mission, Vision and Values Rio Salado College’s Culture page is the mission, vision and

about describing the “here and now.” It also represents the

values of the institution. It is about “the big picture” and

institution’s opportunity to look to the future, to define

articulates what the college aspires to achieve (mission),

aspirations and to describe the type of organization the college

and defines the college’s character (values). It is not just

wishes to become (vision).

Learning, Innovating and Partnering Established in 1978, Rio Salado College is dedicated to

community-based learning, corporate and government

providing innovative educational opportunities to meet

partnerships, early college initiatives, online learning and

the needs of today’s students. Rio Salado offers affordable

university transfer.

access to higher education through college bridge pathways,




Vision: We reinvent the learning experience to change lives.



We transform learning through:

As an institution of higher learning we value:

Active community engagement and organizational responsiveness

Customer Focus


Customized, high-quality courses and programs


Relentless Improvement

Data analytics and institutional accountability



Flexibility, affordability and innovation



Personalized service and a commitment to student success


RIO 2020: STRATEGIC PLAN The Rio Salado College Strategic Plan, Rio 2020, provides the principles for enrollment planning, management, and decision making. The values and goals articulated in this planning document embody the following principles to guide our efforts of strategic enrollment management:

Goal 1:

Goal 2:

Teaching and Learning

Student Success

We increase student learning and

We foster student success for a diverse

successful course completion through

population by providing student-

innovative teaching and outcomes-

centered services that improve the

driven assessment.

student experience to increase retention, degree completion and goal attainment.

Goal 3:

Goal 4:

People Development

Blue Ocean and Innovation

and Communication

We innovate to support and engage our

We support individual, team, and organizational learning through a system of people development and effective communication.


current and future stakeholders to serve their educational needs.



Outcome 1: University Transfer Education and General Education

Outcome 2: Workforce and Economic Development

Outcome 3: Developmental Education

Outcome 4: Community Development and Civic and Global Engagement

2014-2015 MCCCD SEM SYSTEM-WIDE INITIATIVE GOALS 1. Establish a marketing, communication, retention and recovery process to increase the yield of students seeking enrollment in MCCCD through federal Financial Aid. 2. Establish a marketing, outreach, and retention process to target and re-enroll previous MCCCD students with 30+ credits accumulated and no certificate/degree completion. 3. Specifically target returning adult student population (25 years and older) for workforce/career programs with a “Complete at Maricopa” campaign. 4. Create and promote an integrated communication effort to increase re-enrollment of current students, term-to-term.



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December 2014

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