Rhode Island Parent Magazine April 2017

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April 2017




“Listen To Your Mother” Living offline Giveaways

Graduation Rates How is your public school doing? Naffisatou Koulibaly, 17, of Cranston

Camp & Summer Program Guide

2017 camp & summer program guide


Rhode Island Parent Magazine  April 2017

2017 camp & summer program

Whatever you are looking for, you’ll find it in our Guide! Find the Guide throughout the magazine with the title at the top of the pages. Some advertisers offer services year-round, so check the Guide even if you aren’t looking for a camp/program.

April 2017  Rhode Island Parent Magazine






Win Yowie chocolates with an animal prize inside at www.RIParentMag.com The Yowie company will hand out free candy at Roger Williams Park Zoo’s Spring Festival at Carousel Village on April 8. But there’s another way you can get Yowies for your kids (or yourself, we won’t tell) – visit our website, www.RIParentMag.com, to enter for your chance to win these treats! Your kids can also play games and learn about conservation and ecology at www.Yowieworld.com.

Join us on @Instagram and show the world how cute your kids are

Tag @riparentmag with #familytime on Instagram and we may share your pics!


Rhode Island Parent Magazine  April 2017



April 2017 / vol. 2 / no. 9


4 Online Fun Giveaway and Instagram “party.”


6 A Note from the Publisher Introducing phase 2. 10 A Better Life Living offline. 12 Education Graduation rates by school.

15 News Briefs Recycle toys; pet fashion show.

16 Get Active Preparing for camp.

18 Calendar What to do in April. Check our website,

www.RIParentMag.com to enter for your chance to win great prizes. And while you’re there, take a look at our latest calendar of events and directory of businesses and organizations for whatever you need.

Features 8 Cover Feature:

Graduating high school in Rhode Island

14 Last chance to “Listen To Your Mother”

2017 Camp & Summer Program Guide

Find information about camps and programs throughout the magazine.

Looking for entertainment?

For birthday parties and other events, see pages 19 and 21.

On the web: Our website is a one-stop shop for parents in Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts. Find the current magazine and past issues on the website too, both as a digital magazine and searchable articles. The digital edition is great for reading on a tablet, phone, or computer. Also online, sign up for our email newsletter and join our Facebook and Twitter pages. Visit www.RIParentMag.com, Facebook.com/RIParentMag, and Twitter.com/@riparentmag April 2017  Rhode Island Parent Magazine


A Note from the Publisher


hode Island Parent Magazine was always meant to be more than just a magazine. I imagined a community of parents, a go-to place for information, events, resources, and businesses. The magazine was just the first step – getting our feet wet and hopefully, making a splash in Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts. We are now entering phase 2! In the fall, we had our website redone to incorporate more of what we offer for parents, grandparents, extended family, child care workers, teachers and so on. We’ve worked to make the site easy to use and as helpful as possible. There is still much to do as we aim to build lists of local people, places, and things you might be looking for. If you have ideas or suggestions about the site, please contact me at publisher@RIParentMag.com to let me know. We are now shoring up our social media to deliver daily support for parents, to connect parents with one another, and to offer a little bit of fun too. As part of this, Stephanie Bernaba has come on as Sales and Marketing Manager. You are probably familiar with Stephanie, of Richmond, as she has been writing for the magazine for some time and recently started a monthly column called A Better Life. Stephanie’s “jumping feet first into parenting” style is infectious and she is committed to helping other parents. She has a lot of experience with social media and will be much better at it than I am! Keep watching – we will be giving you lots of ways to connect. We are holding our first social media “party” this month to celebrate your beautiful families – send us photos of your family time together. Tag @riparentmag with #familytime on Instagram and we may share your pics! Speaking of family time, I cheated a little this month and put my own child on the cover! Naffi is a senior at The Met in Providence so she fit our story on graduation rates perfectly. This photo is from a spaghetti dinner she organized to raise money for her senior project, in which she and another student will travel to South Africa to work with children. She has been accepted to seven colleges with one more decision still to come at the time of this writing. We are so very proud of her. Thanks for your support,

Susan Gale


Rhode Island Parent Magazine  April 2017

57 Rolfe Square, Box 10094 Cranston, Rhode Island 02910 (401) 337-9240 Founder and Publisher Susan Gale publisher@RIParentMag.com Art Director/Graphic Designer Rob Kenney artdirector@RIParentMag.com Copy Editor Sheila Flanagan editor@RIParentMag.com Business Manager Lisa Koulibaly sales@RIParentMag.com Sales and Marketing Manager Stephanie Bernaba (401) 337-9240 sales@RIParentMag.com On the cover: photo by Susan Gale Publisher photo taken by Keith Jochim. KeithJochimPhotography.com Rhode Island Parent Magazine is published monthly by Gale Force Communications. Unless specifically noted, no advertisers, products, or services are endorsed by the publisher. Editorial submissions welcome.

©2017 All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited.

Like us on Facebook and Twitter: Facebook.com/RIParentMag @RIParentMag

2017 camp & summer program guide

April 2017  Rhode Island Parent Magazine


Cover Feature By Susan Gale

RI public schools earn a “B” grade for graduation rates


hode Island’s public high school graduation rate has risen steadily from 70% in 2007 to 85% today. High school graduation rates are an important marker for both individual success and the state’s economy. Between 2011 and 2015 in Rhode Island, adults without a high school diploma were four times more likely to be unemployed as those with a bachelor’s degree. During the same period, the median earnings of adults without a high school diploma or equivalency was $23,247, compared to $31,196 for adults with a high school degree, and $51,769 for those with a bachelor’s degree. Rhode Island KIDS COUNT, a non-profit children’s policy and advocacy organization that provides legislative information, publications, resources, and news, released a report in March which looks at a variety of statistics about RI’s graduation rates and makes recommendations to improve them. (To see your public school’s graduation rate, go to page 12.) The results show overall improvement by schools but that disparities still remain. Of 56 high schools, 57% of them graduated 90% or more of their students in four years. In 2016, 79% of low-income students graduated in four years, compared to 93% of higher-income students. There were similar disparities among different racial and ethnic student subgroups and children with disabilities. According to the KIDS COUNT report, 92% of Asian students, 88% of white students, 81% of black students, 79% of Hispanic students, 78% of Native American students, and 63% percent of students with disabilities graduated in four years. “We can’t just look at overall graduation rates going up, we can’t miss students who are not seeing the same achievements,” said Stephanie Geller of KIDS COUNT. “There is increasing attention on middle school, on where kids fall off the track and issues of transition between middle and high schools.” Here is a brief summary of the recommendations made by KIDS COUNT. Visit www.riparentmag.com to read the full recommendations.


Rhode Island Parent Magazine  April 2017

Ensure that all children read proficiently by the end of third grade, focusing on school readiness, reducing absence, and increasing access to high-quality summer learning. Establish early warning systems to identify students at risk of dropping out and provide personalized interventions. Reduce chronic absence at all school levels by looking at why it is happening, rewarding good attendance, and incorporating families and the community in solutions. Improve school climate and disciplinary practices through behavior expectations, consistent consequences, and alternative disciplinary approaches. Help students better transition from middle school to high school through individualized support and preparation, accelerated learning programs, and school collaborations. Focus on closing achievement gaps between low-income and higher-income students and white and minority students by monitoring data on them and offering support. Continue providing dedicated funding for English Language Learner instruction in the education funding formula. Provide multiple pathways to graduation for all students who need them, including credit recovery programs, online learning, and dual enrollment programs (college courses). Offer a rigorous and engaging curriculum aligned with standards and tied to college, careers, vocational opportunities, and hands-on, individualized learning opportunities. Ensure equitable access to advanced coursework through easy-to-use information about programs available. Ensure that all middle and high school students have robust Individual Learning Plans (ILPs), which are regularly reviewed and updated. Offer opportunities for students to provide input and participate in decision-making that affects their individual learning as well as their larger school community.

The view from the RI Department of Education

State Education Commissioner Ken Wagner agreed with many of the recommendations during an event put on by KIDS COUNT. “Grade 3 reading is so important. If we can nail fluency for all kids – as many as possible – that makes everything else more achievable,” he said. In 2016, only 40% of Rhode Island third graders met expectations on the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) English language arts assessment. Wagner brought up a few other areas that he is concerned about. “I still worry about the disconnect between completion and readiness,” he said. “If we do more of the same, even if we do better, we’re still hitting the plateau. Education is famous for trends but not famous for how we reinvent performance.” He pointed out a few ways that the Education Department is working to bring schools forward. “We’ve cleaned up the definition of a course to allow for integrated learning opportunities. We’ve back-mapped it to the standards, with any reference to seat time taken out. Schools are about validating the learning. Learning is happening everywhere vs. providing all the services in one place,” he said. “We’ve focused on competencies, allowing students to move forward at their own pace. There is no reason why, if a student is very good at one subject, they can’t knock that out in a short time and have more time for their interests and what they struggle with,” he said. Wagner also noted that if learning happens everywhere, transportation is an important component and that the Education Department has started allowing schools to drive students in vans. “Transportation is pretty important to opening up learning opportunities,” he said. “We still turn a $10 Uber ride into a $400 bus ride.”

How one school is improving rates

Four schools that have made the greatest increases in graduation rates are in Pawtucket, Central Falls, Johnston, and Newport, though these districts started lower than other schools in the state. In Central Falls, the school district’s Superintendent, Victor Capellan, said that the graduation rate has risen from 48% in 2009 to 72% today. To achieve this, he said, “It’s not just the mechanics, it was about that culture.” One of the more interesting aspects of Central Falls improvements is that the schools changed attitudes about when and how learning happens. “We built multiple pathways and met students where they are,” said Capellan. “We brought back kids who dropped out and did programs for them.”

These programs include classes on Saturdays, evenings, and in the summer. “Teachers came in on Saturdays, we just had to ask them,” he said. Graduations also began to happen in August and December at school board meetings to provide for students who took a bit longer or came back after dropping out. Additionally, the school works with Rhode Island College so that students can receive conditional acceptances in their junior year. “That changed the outlook for a lot of students,” Capellan said.  KIDS COUNT is the source of statistics used in this article. Susan Gale is Founder and Publisher of Rhode Island Parent Magazine.

The future of graduation in RI

To graduate in Rhode Island, the classes of 2021 and later must: Demonstrate proficiency by meeting high school content standards in English language arts, math, science, social studies, the arts, and technology. Complete at least 20 courses, including four English language arts courses, four math courses, three science courses, three social studies courses, and six other courses. Complete at least one performance-based assessment, demonstrating applied learning skills and proficiency in one or more content areas. Starting with the class of 2021, graduates can earn the following designations from the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education: Commissioner's Seal: Proficiency in English language arts and math. Seal of Biliteracy: Proficiency in English and one or more other world language(s). Pathway Endorsements: Deep learning in a chosen area of interest and preparedness for employment or further study. Source: Rhode Island Department of Education.

April 2017  Rhode Island Parent Magazine


A Better Life By Stephanie Bernaba

Share your family memories with us!


hen I think about the past, I get very nostalgic – about reading, music, playing outside. I think about the hours-long games of Monopoly my cousins and I used to play; rolling meatballs with my grandma; and riding my bike. It’s hard to say where life is these days. We’re out here in the real world, but so much of ourselves is out there, online. We’re nothing without our Facebooks, our Twitters, our Snapchats. It’s like we’re all part digital now. And that worries me. I thought about giving up social media for Lent this year, but how could I, as social media is where I get my news, entertainment, and much of my social interaction? It’s the place I find things for my family to do; clothing and restaurant recommendations; – it’s the place where I find everything. I need it. It seems the line in the sand has been erased and moved so many times that there’s no point drawing one anymore. The Internet isn’t going away, period. My daughter is on YouTube watching Katy Perry videos, my husband’s catching up on his continuing education, and my sons are learning to read – all in the fourth dimension. We’re all physically home, but we’re not. And this is every day. And we’re getting worse, socially, aren’t we? Go ahead and try to make a plan with someone you haven’t seen in a while, then come back and tell me how many tries it took to get it right (if at all). I took a (very popular) board game out a few weeks ago, and many of the children I was with had never seen it before. Can you imagine? Don’t get me wrong – I love how creative the Internet makes us. I love the ideas and talent that spring up from all over the world. I love the joy it creates, but I also worry. I worry that my kids will only ever learn to interact with people online. I worry they won’t appreciate the fresh air, the sights and smells of this world, because we’re always with our devices. And I know I’m not the only person who worries about this. People seem to be documenting their individual journeys – alone. And offering their lives up for the approval of strangers, and I think it’s definitely hindering the creation of family memories. So how do we fix it? How can we achieve balance? How can we start living our lives in 3D, while not compromising our screen time? Here are a few ideas: Start an album collection. Yes, I said albums. Like, records. Vinyl. You can find great records all over the state on the 10

Rhode Island Parent Magazine  April 2017

cheap. (Try Savers in North Attleboro – they have a great selection!) Choose from kids’ picks (soundtracks, nursery rhymes, or silly songs), world music (creating a platform for discussion), or family favorites. Make it a habit. My kids now come home from school each day and beg us to play records. Take up a family hobby. This winter, my family got organized. In the spring, we’ll plant our first vegetable garden. Mama may Instagram a few plants along the way, but we’ll all be working together this summer to feed our family. Play games. In our house, we’ve recently gotten into board games and puzzles. There are five of us, so we’ve found games we can all play together. Cook together. Instead of going out to get your faves, try making them at home. Want corn dogs? Find a recipe online and involve the kids. Feel like sushi? Grab the tools you need and let your family try their hands. Not only will you be working together, you’ll also be teaching your children valuable cooking skills. Pro Tip: Try thrift or consignment stores for extra utensils and appliances like fryers, bread machines, and electric griddles that can be placed in kid-friendly locations. Get crafty. There are many places that will allow entire families to craft together. Check out Michael’s for very affordable family art classes, and paint and pottery studios where all family members can participate. Try something new. Try ziplining, bowling, family go-karts, skating, travel, or biking – an activity in which everyone can participate. The key is keeping everyone active, engaged, and focused on a common goal. Now get out there and make some family memories – and then share them with us on Instagram!  Stephanie Bernaba, of Richmond, is Sales and Marketing Manager for Rhode Island Parent Magazine. She is also an independent journalist specializing in life in the digital age and entertainment, writing at several sites around the ‘net. Check out her recent work and digital portfolio at www.whiteorchidmedia.com.

Send us photos of your family time together! Tag @riparentmag with #familytime on Instagram and we may share your pics!

2017 camp & summer program guide

Special deal for camps advertising in May and June: Act now and save $114!

(401) 337-9240

April 2017  Rhode Island Parent Magazine



Rhode Island graduation rates by public school # in class

Graduation rate

# in class

Graduation rate

Academy for Career Exploration (ACE)



Mount Pleasant HS



Barrington HS



Narragansett HS



Beacon Charter High School for the Arts

NEL/CPS Construction and Career Academy





Blackstone Academy



North Kingstown Sr. HS



Burrillville HS



North Providence HS



Central Falls Sr. HS



North Smithfield HS



Central HS



Paul Cuffee Charter School



Chariho Regional HS



Pilgrim HS



Charles E. Shea HS



Ponaganset HS



Classical HS



Portsmouth HS



Coventry HS



Providence Career and Technical Academy



Cranston HS East



Rogers HS



Cranston HS West



Scituate HS



Cumberland HS



Smithfield Sr. HS



DCYF Schools



South Kingstown HS



Dr. Jorge Alvarez HS



The Greene School



E-Cubed HS



The RYSE School



East Greenwich HS



Times2 Academy



East Providence HS



Tiverton HS



Exeter-West Greenwich Regional HS



Toll Gate HS



Hope HS





Jacqueline M. Walsh School for Performing and Visual Arts





Johnston Sr. HS





Juanita Sanchez Educational Complex



West Warwick Senior HS



Lincoln Sr. HS



Westerly HS






William E. Tolman Sr. HS



Middletown HS



William M. Davies Jr. Career & Technical HS



Mt. Hope HS



Woonsocket HS





Rhode Island Parent Magazine  April 2017


Trinity Academy for Performing Arts Village Green Virtual Public Charter School Warwick Veterans Memorial HS

2017 camp & summer program guide Artists’ Exchange

50 Rolfe Square, Cranston 401-490-9475 www.artists-exchange.org Fantastic day camps for the creative mind! Art, Theater, Rock ‘N’ Roll, and Ceramics. Ages 5–15. Camps start June 19th and run through August 25th. Monday–Friday, 9 am–3 pm, before and after care available. See ad, page 7.

Community Boating Center

Kingston’s Camp on Larkin’s Pond Peace Dale 401-783-8620 www.kingstonscamp.com See ad page 11.

Mother of Hope Camp

1589 Putnam Pike, Chepachet 401-568-3580 www.motherofhopecamp.com See ad, page 11.

India Point Park, Providence 401-454-7245 www.communityboating.com Two-week youth sailing camps offered June–Aug. Mon–Fri 9am–3:30 pm. NEW one-week Save The Bay Camp. Two age groups, 8–11 years old and 12–16 years old. Waterfront “Sailabration” skippered sailing events, room/deck rentals, youth afterschool programs, and evening or weekend adult lessons, recreational sailing, and NEW kayaking also available. See ad, page 11.

2 College Street, Providence (401) 454-6200 CE.RISD.EDU Summer is busy at RISD, where kids shape their creativity and imagination, and teens develop their personal style as artists and designers. Camps and classes for kids and teens ages 6–17. See ad, page 17.

Dream Big Academy

Rock Spot Climbing

41 Comstock Pkwy, Cranston 70 Industrial Rd, Cumberland 401-228-8946 www.dreambiggym.com See ad, page 7.

Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England

Glocester, West Kingston, Newport, Swansea, MA 401-331-4500/1-800-331-0149 www.gssne.org Get ready for a summer filled with activities like archery, hiking, sailing, reaching new heights on the challenge course, swimming, and don't forget campfires & s'mores! Financial aid available. Visit gssne.org to register NOW! See ad, page 17.

J-Camp at the Dwares JCC

401 Elmgrove Ave, Providence, RI 401-421-4111 www.jewishallianceri.org June 26–August 25, Mon–Fri 9am–4pm. For children ages 3–15. Welcoming all faiths and backgrounds. Enjoy a variety of activities with themes such as mystery, construction, Olympics and carnival. Daily schedules filled with sports, swim lessons, art, cooking, science, drama, field trips, and more. Lunch and snacks included. Early arrival and extended day options; half-day options for 3–4 year olds; sibling and early bird discounts; payment plan options; counselor-intraining opportunities for teens.

RISD Young Artists

100 Higginson Ave, Lincoln, (401) 727-1704 1174 Kingstown Rd, Peace Dale, (401) 789-SPOT www.rockspotclimbing.com See ad, page 7.


170 Jefferson Blvd, Warwick 401-463-5565 www.teamworkswarwick.com See ad, back cover.

The Children’s Workshop

Multiple locations 401-334-0100 www.childrensworkshop.com A fun, active, and educational summer experience. Bi-weekly themes cover every interest from sports to discovery science to travel. Field trips, special guests, arts and crafts, swimming, dancing, singing - you name it, we do it! Also, special events for both children and families. See ad, page 7.

YMCA of Greater Providence

Barrington; Cranston; Warwick; Peace Dale; Seekonk, MA. See website for telephone numbers www.ymcagreaterprovidence.org See ad, inside cover.

April 2017  Rhode Island Parent Magazine


Feature Story By Stephanie Bernaba

Last chance to “Listen To Your Mother!”


he Listen To Your Mother Show (LTYM) is a nationwide phenomenon that has, since its inception in 2013, garnered the attention of major media outlets and individuals all over the country. The show is planned and executed by talented organizers from the local community, and has grown from one performance in one city to 29 shows around the country this year. LTYM offers individuals from all over the country, all ages and races and walks of life, the opportunity to share their stories of motherhood with the audience (and via YouTube, the world) in a theatrical format. From stories of adoption and loss, to miraculous births and the struggle to conceive, to the everyday struggles of being (or having) a mother, they pour their hearts onto paper, hoping for the chance to share. Hopefuls then audition for producers, and, if chosen, present their pieces on stage in five- to tenminute readings. There’s truly nothing like the LTYM experience. The show provides a very powerful platform for our struggles as women, mothers, daughters, sons, spouses, and friends, and allows stories to shine that might otherwise never be heard. Everyone who walks into that show – men, women, children, friends, and relatives alike – walks away a changed person. Local writer and 2014 participant Jennifer Cowart of Cranston, felt participating in the show was memorable. “I loved sharing a story about my mom, and loved being a part of the cast. I still keep in touch with so many of them!" I recently sat down with the producers of this year’s Providence show – Brianne DeRosa of Cranston, Michelle Martinka of North Attleboro, and Kirsten DiChiappari of Bristol - to learn why this show has garnered so much public affection over the past four years. In what way do you feel LTYM honors motherhood? Brianne: I feel Listen to Your Mother honors a shared experience and language, and unites us all around a common idea. What’s your favorite part of the process? Michelle: The connection to motherhood, and how the show combats our society’s disconnectedness. I feel the show brings people together in person far better than we manage in our daily lives. Why should people come to see the show in Providence on May 4, 2017? Brianne: The past year has been draining for all of us – has made us feel like we all need connection. The show is unlike anything else I’ve been involved in. It gives a voice to people


Rhode Island Parent Magazine  April 2017

who need one, and allows us to share our humanity with each other through storytelling. People are sometimes hesitant about the show due to its name, and, year after year, we have had tremendously positive feedback from attendees sharing (many men) their feelings that the show was moving, versatile, and dynamic, and is absolutely not a ladies-only affair. What can people expect to take away from your show? Brianne: A surprising moment of feeling seen and the ability to gain understanding of another person. People leave our show profoundly inspired by the feeling that they’re not alone. Kirsten: Empathy, appreciation, and respect. And that everyone is welcome. What charity will your show support this year? Brianne: Ten percent of ticket proceeds will benefit Foster Forward of Rhode Island, in East Providence, which supports mentoring and connecting foster children with families. We feel Foster Forward benefits parents, mothers, children, and motherhood in general, and we are proud to continue to support their operations. To date, LTYM has raised over $114,000 for local nonprofit causes supporting women and families in need. Where will the show take place this year? Kirsten: Since this is the last year for the Listen to Your Mother Show in its current form (it will continue in a scripted theatrical format after the 2017 season), we wanted to hold the show at the site of its premiere, the Providence Public Library. We are very excited about this grand finale.  Stephanie Bernaba, of Richmond, is Sales and Marketing Manager for Rhode Island Parent Magazine. She is also an independent journalist specializing in life in the digital age and entertainment, writing at several sites around the ‘net. Check out her recent work and digital portfolio at www.whiteorchidmedia.com. What: Listen To Your Mother Show When: May 4, 2017 Where: Providence Public Library, 150 Empire Street, Providence How: Early bird tickets are $10 each (with a small fee), and regular purchase tickets (including at-thedoor) are $15. Tickets can be purchased online at Brown Paper Tickets: www.ltympvd17.brownpapertickets.com

News Briefs Recycle old and broken toys this month During April, Tom’s of Maine will be working with TerraCycle on a new toy recycling program – #LessWasteChallenge. It’s an ideal solution to get rid of broken toys so they don’t wind up in a landfill or take up needless space in your home and/or apartment. It’s simple to get involved: Visit www.tomsofmaine.com/lesswaste Enter contact information to receive a free UPS shipping label via email Fill an old box with up to ten pounds of broken toys Attach the free shipping label to the box and drop it off at UPS

Save the date: RI Pet Fashion Show May 12 Pets in the latest fashions? What could be more fun? And it’s all for a good cause. The RI Pet Fashion Show will take place from 7:30–9:30 pm on May 12 at Bow Chicka Wow Town, 27 Meadow Street, Warwick. Funds raised will be used by non-profit PetsEmpower towards helping 20 domestic violence victims find short-term pet fostering this year in Rhode Island. Proceeds will provide veterinary care, transport, and food for pets while they are in fostering until they can be reunited with their owners. Fear for their pet’s safety, or being required to give them up, keeps some domestic violence victims from leaving their situation because shelters cannot take pets. Emily Volz of Channel 10 is the MC for the show. Tickets are $20 until May 4, $25 from May 5–12, and $30 at the door. Tickets are $10 for students. Includes prizes for Pet Fashion Show winners, a 50/50 raffle, live entertainment, and food. Visit www.petsempower.org for information.

Apps for traveling with kids With Spring Break upon us and summer approaching, there may be traveling with children in your future. Below is a list of apps, compiled by TravelOn Hand Soap Sheets, which you can download to keep your children entertained and yourself sane. (Editor’s note: This is for information purposes. RI Parent Magazine does not test or endorse products.) Roadtrip Bingo: This game allows kids to check off things they spot while on a trip. Similar to the old license plate spotting game, this app also includes options for airplane travel. (iOS + Android – free) FamilyTime Dashboard: Kids have a tendency to wander off. Better to be safe than sorry, and download FamilyTime Dashboard. Prior to leaving the house, install the app on your mobile device and their phones or tablets. The app safely monitors your child’s location, as well as any Internet or smartphone activity. (iOS + Android – free) GetBeen: Use GetBeen to see your friend’s restaurant, hotel, and amusement kid-friendly recommendations during your travels. Explore what’s nearby while sharing your experiences. No more frantic Facebook statuses asking for restaurant recommendations in the middle of nowhere! With GetBeen you have your friends’ opinions at your fingertips. (iOS – free) HERE WeGo: This app provides detailed turn-by-turn directions for more than 100 different countries, which you can download and access offline, making it a great app to help avoid data fees. HERE WeGo also offers directions for various forms of transportation, including car, bike, or public transportation and updates prices, traffic conditions, and where to park, for any drive. (iOS + Android – free) TravelOn Hand Soap Sheets are paper-thin, pocket-sized biodegradable soap sheets which dissolve almost instantly in water, giving you a handful of cleansing suds anywhere.

April 2017  Rhode Island Parent Magazine


Get Active By Susan Gale

Develop a “Camp Bag” now to be ready for summer


hy not enjoy the ending of school with your kids by preparing for summer camp and programs now? We hope you’ve taken a look at the camps and summer programs spread throughout the magazine to find what will interest your children. We offer a wide variety of types of camps and programs and add new ones every month through July, so keep checking. If you need quick access to the list, you can also visit www.RIParentMag.com for up-to-date listings and ads. Camps and programs are an important part of summer because they reinforce the learning your children do all year. Fun is combined with education – helping kids to improve in areas such as self-confidence, self-esteem, listening, and social and friend-making skills. More than 14 million children and adults attend camp each year, according to the American Camp Association (ACA), a nationwide organization that accredits children’s camps. The ACA reports that more than 14,000 camps exist in the U.S., with 8,400 overnight camps and 5,600 day camps. Camps employ more than 1.5M people, with nearly 20% of those staff being from other countries.

Prepare a Camp Bag

The idea: Develop a Camp Bag (or Bucket) filled with necessary camp items that you can access year after year. After developing this bag/bucket the first time, you will only need to replace perishable items each year. Imagine the time you will save, not to mention the aggravation! Here is a list of needed items for camp to get you started on your own Camp Bag or Bucket: Hat, bandana, sunglasses, sun block, lip balm with SPF Swimsuit, swimming goggles, swim shirt with UV protection, swim shoes Toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, comb, soap, shampoo, wash cloths, shower shoes Rain gear, umbrella, warm clothing, extra clothing including socks and underwear Sneakers, hiking boots, flip flops, sandals, extra pair of shoes Hand towels, beach towels, tissues, wet wipes, hand sanitizer, eyeglass cleaner 16

Rhode Island Parent Magazine  April 2017

Flashlight, spare batteries, insect repellant, first aid kit Laundry bag, plastic bags for small or wet items Reusable water bottle or canteen, small backpack or tote for day trips Sleeping bag, bedding, blankets, pillow, tarp, air mattress Family photos, writing paper, pre-addressed envelopes, stamps, pens/pencils Books, deck of cards, games, camera, spending money

Choosing a camp and preparing your children

Jack Conway of Active Learning Services, which runs chess camps and video game creation camps in Rhode Island, urges parents to do their homework when it comes to choosing a camp. “It’s important that they look for programs that are going to be challenging and fun for their children,” he said. “Make sure the camp is highly rated, at a good location, and that the company they are entrusting their kids to is property licensed.” It’s also a good idea to start talking about camp and summer programs now to prepare your children, especially if they are attending overnight camp for the first time. Don’t promise to come rescue your child from camp if they are homesick or otherwise unhappy because it can sabotage their ability to succeed. But rest assured, camp counselors are prepared to help your children with any issues. To improve their chance for success, add these items to your Camp Bag or Bucket – family photos and items that allow your kids to write home during camp.  Susan Gale is Founder and Publisher of Rhode Island Parent Magazine.

Attention Camps and Summer Programs! Rhode Island Parent Magazine is offering a special deal to new camp customers for quarter page ads in May and June. We will put you in front of thousands of local parents in both the magazine and online. Act now to save $114! 401-337-9240

2017 camp & summer program guide

April 2017  Rhode Island Parent Magazine


April 2017 Always check with event sponsors for updated information. Visit the calendar at www.RIParentMag.com for the latest information and the best way to submit calendar items. Or email to editor@RIParentMag.com.

hunt, play areas, lady bug releases, and Frenchy’s Popcorn Food Truck. Visitors encouraged to dress as fairy folk. 11 am–4 pm. Closed on Mondays. 1000 Elmwood Avenue, Providence. $7/ages 13–64; $4/ages 6–12 and seniors. www.bccrwp.org/events

April 17–18: School Vacation:

Free event on April 4 with the National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature For kids from 8 to 80, Books on the Square and Moses Brown School are bringing Gene Luen Yang, author of Secret Coders and American Born Chinese, to Providence. Yang was named the National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature by the Library of Congress, Children’s Book Council, and Every Child A Reader. Books will be available for purchase at the event at 4 pm on Tuesday, April 4, at the Woodman Family Center at Moses Brown School, 250 Lloyd Avenue, Providence.

Special events April 7: Pawtucket Red Sox Home Opener. Kick off the 2017 season at McCoy Stadium and experience the excitement and fun of AAA professional baseball. See website for details on time and tickets. McCoy Stadium, 1 Columbus Avenue, Pawtucket. www.milb.com April 15–30: Family Garden Days

2017. More than 100 handmade homes in the Roger Williams Park Botanical Center greenhouses with a scavenger 18

Animals. Providence Children’s Museum. 100 South Street, Providence. $9/person; free/children under 12 months. www.childrenmuseum.org April 17: Meet an awesome assortment of live animals. Children have close encounters with dozens of furry friends, slithering snakes, and other incredible creatures, and learn fascinating facts about them from animal expert Dave Marchetti of Animal Experiences. Shows at 11:30 am, 1 pm, and 2:30 pm; recommended for ages 3 and up. April 18: Families learn about majestic birds of prey with licensed raptor rehabilitator Julie Collier. Meet a red-tailed hawk, a falcon, a tiny owl, and other magnificent raptors. Shows at 10 am, 11 am, 1 pm, and 2 pm; recommended for ages 4 and up.

April 20: Special Author Storytime. Author Jill Austin celebrates the release of her newest book, "Where Did All The Rs Go? The Curious Case of the Rhode Island Accent" with a reading, a special activity, and book signing. Barnes & Noble, 1350 Bald Hill Road, Warwick. Free. April 21: Paranormal Event at Slater Mill. Ages 15+ event. Samuel Slater Death Paranormal Investigation at Slater Mill Historic Site. 7 pm. 67 Roosevelt Avenue, Pawtucket. Call 401-725-8638 x100 to register, or visit brownpapertickets.com, search term “Slater Mill.” $20. www.slatermill.org

Rhode Island Parent Magazine  April 2017

April 17–21: Party for the Planet at

Roger Williams Park Zoo. Activities, demonstrations, and performances daily. Animal encounters, animal ambassadors, entertainment, games, and music, as well as special “Keeper Talks” to learn more about exhibit animals in each featured region. 10 am–5 pm. Roger Williams Park Zoo, 1000 Elmwood Avenue, Providence. Free with Zoo admission.

April 21: Audubon Party for the Peregrines. Live and silent auctions, hors d’oeuvres, and cocktails. Audubon’s live owls, hawks, and a kestrel will be presented and the Providence Peregrine Webcam featured. Proceeds support the Audubon Society of Rhode Island raptor care. 7–9:30 pm. Squantum Club, 1 Squantum Road, East Providence. $80–$150/admission.

Fridays Every Friday until April 28:

Tools of the Treasures Exhibit. A unique exhibit of locally made jewelry and silverware from 1860–1960 displayed with the tools that made them. Examples from Gorham, Tiffany, Walter Lampl, Monet, and more. 10 am–3 pm. Providence Jewelry Museum, 1 Spectacle Street, Cranston. $10/admission.

Every Friday: Messy Arts! Bring

the kiddos for a unique craft each week, story time, and open play gym. 10–11:30 am. Dream Big Academy, 41 Comstock Parkway, Cranston. $12.

Every Friday: Toddler Try-It. Young

children, ages 18 months to 3 years, use real tools and explore the creative process as they delve into different hands-on art and science activities. 10 am–noon. Providence Children’s Museum. 100 South Street, Providence. $9/person; free/children under 12 months. www.childrenmuseum.org

(continued on page 20)


April 2017  Rhode Island Parent Magazine


April 2017 Every Friday: Bring Your Own

Improv. Family–friendly comedy show. 7–8:30 pm. Warwick Museum of Art, 3259 Post Road. $8/adults; $4/ children under 12 and seniors. www.bringyourownimprov.com

Every Friday: Frosty Drew Observatory & Sky Theater. Public stargazing. 6:30–11:30 pm. 61 Park Lane, Charlestown. $1/person suggested donation. www.frostydrew.org

Weekends April 1/Saturday Free Family Fun Days at Audubon Environmental Education Center. Open free to the public the first Saturday of every month. Crafts, nature stories, animal discoveries, hikes, and more. No need to register. 9 am–5 pm. 1401 Hope Street, Bristol. Free. www.asri.org Rhode Island Home Show 2017. Large home and property improvement trade show. Attend seminars, cooking demonstrations, and send your children to activities for kids. 10 am–9 pm on Saturday; 10 am–5 pm on Sunday. RI Convention Center, 1 Sabin Street, Providence. $10/adults; $8/seniors; free/ children under 15.

April 2/Sunday Celebrate National DIY Day. A handson experience featuring whimsical miniature Fairy Gardens that you make and take. Twenty percent of the proceeds donated to AdoptAClassroom.org. Advanced registration to ensure enough materials. Walks-ins welcome while supplies last. 11 am–3 pm. The Arcade, 65 Weybosset Street, Providence. $35/one house; $55/2 houses; $75/three houses; $100 /four houses. www.bloomingartisan.com Watching Woodcocks: Supper and Saunter. Join Audubon for a soup and salad supper and an introduction to the 20

Woodcock and its exuberant mating flights. Then venture outdoors to watch and listen for the mating flights and songs. Wear sturdy shoes, dress warmly, and bring a bright flashlight. For ages 9 and older. 6–9 pm. Powder Mill Ledges Refuge, 12 Sanderson Road, Smithfield. $30. Rhode Island Home Show 2017. 10 am–5 pm. See April 1.

April 8/Saturday 2nd Annual Drums & Music of the Americas. A variety of drumming performances, artisans, food, and more. Sample of performers: Velekete African Percussion, American Indian Drums, West Indian Drums, and Traditional Native Blues. 1–5 pm. 40 South Main Street, Woonsocket. Free. www.neighborworksbrv.org Traditional Easter Egg Hunt. Warren Parks & Recreation Department will host the annual Easter Egg Hunt, open to all children. Bring a basket. Special prizes will be given out for special eggs. 9–10 am. Warren Recreational Veteran’s Field, 99 Orchard Avenue, Warren. Free. Spring Festival 2017 at the Carousel Village. Meet the Easter Bunny, enjoy animal encounters with ambassador animals, take unlimited carousel rides, and enjoy endless jumps in the bounce house. A pop-up interactive art wall, exhibitors, coloring activities, and more. 10 am–2 pm. Roger Williams Park Carousel Village, 1000 Elmwood Avenue, Providence. $7/advance online; $8/at the door. Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Children ages 1–8 will enjoy hunting for Easter eggs and meeting the Easter Bunny and Lucky the Duck in Wilcox Park. Bring a basket to collect the eggs. 1 pm. 44 Broad Street, Westerly. Free. www. oceanchamber.org

Rhode Island Parent Magazine  April 2017

Camouflaged Egg Hunt. Ages 3 to 10 hunt for brown eggs in a natural setting and learn how well the eggs camouflage. Prizes awarded. Must bring a basket. Check-in 9:30 am with hunt promptly at 10 am. Advance registration required. Held rain or shine in three locations: Audubon Environmental Education Center, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol; Powder Mill Ledges, 12 Sanderson Road, Smithfield; and Fisherville Brook Wildlife Refuge, 99 Pardon Joslin Road, Exeter. $5/member child; $7/non-member child. www.asri.org Urban Agriculture Kick-off. Southside Community Land Trust hosts four events with an agriculture expert to answer questions about chemical-free gardening and how to get the most out of small plots, containers, and backyard gardens. Includes giveaways. 11 am– 1 pm. All in Providence: Sessions Street Community Garden, 160 Sessions Street; Joslin Community Garden, 40 Florence Street; Davey Lopes Recreation Center, 227 Dudley Street; and Groundwork Community Garden, 16 Ring Street. Free. www.southsideclt.org

April 9/Sunday Festival Ballet Providence’s chatterBOXtheatre presents The Little Prince. One of the best-selling books ever published, Antoine de SaintExupéry’s charming, interplanetary adventure comes to life in this new adaptation by choreographer Boyko Dossev. 1 pm and 4 pm. 825 Hope Street, Providence. $15-$25. www.we.ovationtix.com/trs/pr/960543 (continued on page 22)


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April 2017 April 15/Saturday

Sparky’s Puppets: Tricksters and Noodleheads. Sparky’s Puppets dramatize favorite children’s stories with colorful hand puppets, lively humor and plenty of audience participation. 11 am–noon. Artists’ Exchange, 50 Rolfe Square, Cranston. Suggested $5 donation. Stick Structures. Families build huge three-dimensional structures from wooden dowels and rubber bands. Create structures that are large enough to climb inside and construct a giant cube that stands up on its own. 10 am–3 pm. Providence Children’s Museum. 100 South Street, Providence. $9/person; free/children under 12 months. www.childrenmuseum.org Wild Art at Roger Williams Park Zoo. Artist and educator Eric Fulford. Visit the focus animal to observe the animals' unique adaptations and form before returning to the classroom to create works of art. 10:30 am-noon. Roger Williams Park Zoo, 1000 Elmwood Avenue, Providence. $20/members; $30/ non–members. Includes materials. www.rwpzoo.org Eleventh Annual Casey Farm Easter Egg Hunt. Collect plastic eggs for prizes. Explore the farm, play games, have light refreshments, and make an Easter craft. 10:30–11:30 am. Historic New England's Casey Farm, 2325 Boston Neck Road, Saunderstown. Pre-registration required. Rain or shine. Free/Historic New England member children; $10/non-member children.

April 16/Sunday

Happy Easter! Easter Sunrise Service. All are welcome for this Easter service followed by a free breakfast. Organized by the 22

First Baptist Church of Narragansett. 6:15 am. The Towers, 35 Ocean Road, Narragansett. Free.

Del's Lemonade will be available. 10 am– 5 pm. Herreshoff Marine Museum, One Burnside Street, Bristol. Free.

April 22/Saturday

Pawcatuck River Duck Race 2017. 20,000 rubber ducks race the Pawcatuck River to benefit 40+ local charities and schools. Buy a duck for a chance to win over 90 prizes. Grand Prize is a trip to Walt Disney World in Florida. Children's games, food booths, and other activities. To purchase a duck, contact the Ocean Community Chamber of Commerce. 11:30 am– 2 pm. Free. www.oceanchamber.org

Eco Explorers. In celebration of Earth Day, try a variety of activities exploring conservation. Play a recyclable sorting game, stamp with tree pieces to create designs and patterns, craft with recycled materials, and more. 10 am–3 pm. Providence Children’s Museum. 100 South Street, Providence. $9/person; free/children under 12 months. www. childrenmuseum.org Sesame Street Live “Make a New Friend.” Elmo, Grover, Abby Cadabby, and their Sesame Street friends welcome Chamki, Grover’s friend from India, to Sesame Street. April 21-23. Providence Performing Arts Center, 220 Weybosset Street, Providence. $21-$71/tickets. The Growing Season Begins. Join Casey Farm's experts as they lead you through the best techniques for growing early crops in this hands-on workshop. Take home your plants. Planting materials included with registration, but bring own gardening gloves. 1–3 pm. Historic New England’s Casey Farm, 2325 Boston Neck Road, Saunderstown. $6/members; $10/non-members.

April 23/Sunday Where the Wild Things Are Character Appearance. From “Where the Wild Things Are.” Get pictures taken with Wild Thing. 1–1:30 pm. Barnes & Noble, 1350 Bald Hill Road, Warwick. Free. Eco Explorers. See April 22.

April 29/Saturday Opening Day at the Herreshoff Marine Museum. Enjoy guided tours, family activities, arts and crafts, games, tournaments, prizes, spring fun, and more!

Rhode Island Parent Magazine  April 2017

Money Smart Week Activities for Kids at Weaver Library. Drop-in to the Children’s Room to have some fun while helping your kids learn about money. Kids can use a cash register to check out shoppers at our “library market,” match coins to $ amounts, and more. 9–5 pm. East Providence Public Library. 41 Grove Avenue, East Providence. Free.

April 30/Sunday Hobey Ford Presents “Animalia.” Puppeteer Hobey Ford delights families with his exploration of the magical world of animals. Hobey turns the whole theater into his performance stage, as animals swoop over the audience with realistic movement. 2 pm. The Towers, 35 Ocean Road, Narragansett. Free. www.thetowersri.com

Robot Block Party. More than 40 exhibitors, including handson activities and demonstrations. Features the Brown University Robotics Olympiad, a micro mouse competition, demos of the FIRST LEGO League, a robot parade, and more. 11 am–4 pm. Brown University, 235 Hope Street, Providence. Free. www.risf.net

April 2017  Rhode Island Parent Magazine


2017 camp & summer program guide

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