Issue 17 final

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ISSUE 17 | April-June 2016


EXECUTIVE EDITOR Mark Shetler EDITOR Melissa Shetler



elcome to River City Christian! I’m so glad you picked up this issue of the COMPASS. I hope you find a story or article on these pages

that speaks to you where you are.

Each of us has a story. Some of the chapters may be exciting and emotionally


PHOTOGRAPHY Tina Harris, Will Race CONTRIBUTORS Aaron Brackney, Jennifer Briggs, Jane Daly, Dawn Jeske, Kyle Kerchener, Jeff Koons, Mark Shetler, Matt Newton, Suzanne Pennington, Jessica Ripley, Dan Wade, Robin Waldron

moving. Other chapters may seem dark and shameful. When you put them all together they form a unique story, your unique story. I believe that Jesus knows all the intimate details of your story—the good and the bad—and that He cares. He rejoices with the victories you experience. He identifies with your brokenness and pain. He longs to redeem your story, to take the parts



that you are tempted to hide or ignore and turn them into something good.

RIVER CITY CHRISTIAN (Formerly First Covenant Church)

That’s what this issue is about.

P.O. Box 276450 Sacramento, CA 95827 916.861.2240 •

I want you to know that the River City staff is here to help you grow in your

Physical address: 10933 Progress Court, Rancho Cordova

faith. If you have questions about Christianity and the Bible, if you are facing a personal struggle, if you desire to get closer to a community of believers—we’re here for you. Feel free to contact the church office and one of our pastors will be glad to talk with you.

ABOUT THE COMPASS COMPASS Magazine is River City Christian’s quarterly publication. In a church our size, it can be an overwhelming task to meet everyone and know everything that is happening.

Thanks for reading! God bless you!

The COMPASS serves as a platform to bring our church family closer together. Within its pages, you will find true stories about the people and ministries of River City Christian. And, most importantly, it will help guide you farther along The Path to becoming a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ.

Jesse Smith, Senior Pastor

CONTENTS 04 • “Redemption Story” Devotionals 08 • Introducing Peggy 10 • Unexpected Season 12 • Miss Dawn’s Chair 14 • A Wretch Like Me? 16 • Exposed! 18 • A Story Worth Living 19 • I Sing

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. “Scripture quotations taken from the Amplified® Bible, Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.” (www. Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.


DEVOTIONALS “Redemption Story” has been a major theme around River City Christian this spring. We

wanted to encourage our readers to consider how the Bible could impact our personal redemption stories. On the next few pages are some devotionals (short spiritual reflections) written by members of our church staff. We hope that they will inspire you on your own journey of faith.







I found myself sitting in the basement of a youth hostel somewhere in the

Our global outreach team just arrived back from a week of ministry in

outskirts of Nairobi. I was on a global outreach trip with some good friends.

Mexicali, an annual event for our church for over 30 years. It’s amazing

My 20-year-old eyes filled with tears. I looked up at the circle of my peers.

to see so many lives transformed through the decades of partnership

For the first time in over a year, I had felt God speak to me. His voice came

with the Mexican churches. Literally thousands of high school and college

through so clear, "I am not done with you."

students, adults and children from our church have served the needs of the Mexicali community during the annual spring break. Our lives,

Let me rewind. Growing up, my mom had great spiritual influence on my life.

the lives of Mexican Christians with whom we partner and the lives of

I had decided to follow Jesus in middle school. Sports played a large role

residents not connected to a church have all experienced the Good News

in my teen years. In high school, I lettered in three varsity sports and was

in transformative ways.

named captain of the football team. I felt great about myself and trusted Jesus with my future. Life was awesome.

On my first day in Mexicali nearly 25 year ago I met a group of humble pastors who were serving their city. I was impressed with their faithfulness

I attended Cal Poly-SLO to be a civil engineer. After a year of college, I

and am thankful that we have become close friends. My heart has been

had to face some unpleasant realities. My GPA resembled the price of a

altered as I have witnessed their love for God and their contentment

soda from a vending machine. I had failed. Engineering wasn’t for me. The

despite little material wealth. I have been inspired by watching my wife

financial burden of college only added to my problems, so I loaded up my

Betty and many other women from River City use their gifts to connect with

belongings and headed home.

ladies from another culture with the love of Jesus.

For the first time in my life I felt like a failure. I had let my parents down. I

I’ve been further impacted by seeing how God has used each of my kids

had let myself down. I felt like I had let God down. Worse than the sense

in Mexicali. I will never forget seeing my daughter Lauren, along with other

of failure was the experience of being directionless. Where would I

students, share her own redemption story for the very first time in the

go from here? How would I face people who only knew me as a driven,

public setting of a Mexicali church. It was incredible to see our students

successful young man? How would this “all-star” recover from such a

be so excited and effective in leading children to faith by sharing a simple

miserable fumble?

“salvation bracelet”.

My story is similar to one I read in the Gospel of John. After Jesus suffered

My trust in the Lord was tested as my son Dustin, accompanied by other

on the cross, the disciples found themselves without clear direction.

adult men, entered a prison in San Luis to face off with some inmates in

Standing beside a lake, Peter says something I have always found comical,

some highly competitive basketball. Following the game, our guys shared

"I'm going out to fish." I can picture the other disciples shrugging their

how Jesus had redeemed their lives. Dustin was gifted to see a number of

shoulders as they determine they’ve got nothing better to do.

prisoners set free by the truth of Christ. Then a few years ago my youngest

Peter's choice is significant. When Jesus initially called him to be a disciple,

Mexicali trip. What a joy it was for him to be able to lead this friend into a

Peter’s world surrounded the simple profession of fishing. The Rabbi had

personal relationship with Jesus!

child Brandon invited a friend who didn’t know the Lord to join him on the

given the fisherman a new direction. Now that Jesus had been crucified, Peter found himself lacking direction. So Peter searches for some guidance

All of these Mexicali experiences have had significant influence on my own

by returning to the very place he first met Jesus. His search, not unlike my

spiritual journey. When Jesus was asked what was the most important thing,

own when I moved back home, led to a fresh encounter with the Savior.

He responded, “Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.” Read Mark 12:28-34. You don’t have

Have you ever had a season in which you were seeking direction—

to go to another country to love God or to share your story. God is at work all

desperately trying to hear from God? Sometimes our best option is to

around you. Go across the street or across the office or across the hall

remember where and when we have encountered Him in the past. Read

at school. Love God where you are. Love people where they are. Spend

John Chapter 21 and learn from Peter’s experience. God just might be

some time in prayer and ask yourself who God has placed on your path.

waiting for you right where He met you before. RIVERCITYCHRISTIAN.ORG





What comes to mind when you hear the word “redemption”? What I think

God called Moses to lead his people out of bondage in Egypt to the land

of is a rescue, a buying back, a discovery of something lost. The word

He had promised them. Moses so doubted his ability to accomplish this

“redemption” makes me smile, because of the emotions attached to it—

huge task that he questioned God multiple times. Even after God gave

emotions of hope, joy and relief.

Moses tangible and physical examples of the power He was bestowing

Biblical redemption is a rescue plan set forth by God the Father and

“Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the

upon him to get the job done, Moses still questioned God’s decision. enacted by God the Son. How remarkable that because of the work of

past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech

Jesus—His perfect life, death, burial and resurrection—we now have the

and tongue.” The Lord’s answer was, “Who gave human beings their

privilege of partnering with God to communicate this rescue plan with

mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes

people in our “other places”! There is no greater joy than seeing someone

them blind. Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will

pass from death to life by finding new life in the transforming grace

teach you what to say.” (Exodus 4:10-12). Yet again…Moses doubted

of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. The joy increases as you

and questioned God’s decision. “Pardon your servant, Lord. Please send

walk with them in a relationship of discipleship, seeing the individual’s

someone else.” (Exodus 4:13).

life transformed before your very eyes as they become more and more like Jesus. This is the mission that Jesus has called us to­—to be disciple-

Has God ever called you to do something and you have had so much

makers. We are privileged to be dispensers of the redemption story.

self- doubt that you ignored Him or said “No”? Exodus 4:14 says that

At River City Christian, we are seeing more and more people leverage

God give up on Moses? Of course not! We know from further reading in

the “Lord’s anger burned against Moses” after all of this questioning. Did their lives as disciple-makers in their “other places” (places they already

Exodus that He used Moses (in spite of the self-doubt) to save the people

naturally exist with non-believers). Many in our church family are being

of Israel and lead them to the land He had promised (just as He said He

challenged—and encouraged—by their growth group to intentionally help

would do). God can always redeem our mistakes, if we seek His will and

those who don’t know Jesus to experience a redemption story of their own.

allow Him to work in the situation.

In one growth group, an elementary teacher identified his “other place”

Early in my Christian faith, I felt called to professional ministry. God had

as his school. He began building more meaningful relationships with

opened so many doors and He had miraculously led my path toward

several of his fellow staff members. One of these individuals eventually

seminary (a free seminary education, no less). Self- doubt overwhelmed

began to ask questions about River City Christian and about Jesus. Over

me after the first three quarters. “Lord, I’m not smart enough to do

time they shared many discussions about faith. Soon this staff member

this….not a good enough writer. All of these other students are so much

began attending River City Christian, even bringing her husband with her

more capable than I am.” I was consumed with fear of failure and I used

a few times. Eventually, she accepted an invitation to join the growth

my impending marriage to quit school using the excuse that I didn’t have

group. She was warmly welcomed and received their support as she

enough time. A move to Northern California and three kids later, I put the

wrestled with questions of faith. She eventually decided that she was

subject behind me. “Lord, I’ll volunteer my time in ministry and that will

ready to turn from her sin and accept Jesus as Savior and Lord. Her

be good enough.” Fast forward three decades and God again called me

redemption story continues as she is learning more and more about what

to work at professional ministry—a job here at River City Christian. Self-

it means to be His disciple.

doubt loomed again, but this time I answered His call and faced the fear. Although my job here is mostly administrative, it’s become much more

You, too, have the privilege of living as an ambassador of redemption

than that over time. I regularly have opportunities to participate in the

to those in your “other places”. A growth group is a great place to find

work of the Kingdom of God. I’m glad that this time I said “yes” to God

accountability and support as you intentionally build relationships with

and allowed His redemptive power over that part of my life.

those who have not yet experienced redemption. Read 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 to find out what Paul says about being an ambassador of Jesus’

Read Exodus Chapters 3 and 4. What is God asking you to do that you

redemption story.

are resisting due to self-doubt? What steps can you take to give the situation to the Lord and allow His redemptive power to work in your life?







Have you ever been confused or angry with God because of a disappointment,

If I told you I was extremely strong, you’d likely take a second glance at

an illness or the death of a loved one? I have.

me and doubt my words. After all, my appearance more closely resembles Olive Oyl than Popeye. But what if I told you I was talking about emotional

A few years ago I lost my younger daughter Stephanie. I remember waking

strength? Perhaps then you would believe me; for a long time I even had

up on the morning of August 9, 2013. As I sipped my coffee I heard an

myself convinced of this. I felt I was so emotionally strong that I could not

unexpected knock at the door. The knock came from the law enforcement

only carry the weight of my own problems, but also those of friends and

chaplains. Their news would change my life forever and send me into a


battle with anger and fear. Their problems varied: illness, unhealthy relationships, loneliness, worry. If The reality of going through life without Steph was nearly impossible to

I knew of a hurt, I immediately felt the need to intervene, to fix it. After all,

comprehend. All of the dreams and hopes I had had for her will not come to

I was the strong one, right? I thought I could speak enough encouraging

be. Accepting a new normal does not come easy. I found myself wrestling in

words, text enough advice, purchase enough flowers and listen for enough

a conflict between God’s sovereignty and my desires as a dad.

hours to make their pains disappear. I kept myself fooled for some time, until the weight of it all became too much. My emotional strength waned.

I also began to worry about my own future. If Steph’s life could be taken so

My façade of having it all together failed and I was losing joy in the

abruptly, I wondered what other tragedy might be next.


That’s when I started to ask God questions I had never thought of before.

I should have turned to God for strength, not internally to myself. I

Why did He allow Stephanie to die? Why did this happen to our family?

should have pointed others to the Lord as the source of strength rather

If God cares for me, why does He let me suffer? My questions turned to

than trying to be their hero. In Psalm 28, David calls to a listening,

blame. But the Lord had not abandoned me. Along the way, He sent many

compassionate God for help in his time of struggle. As a result, David’s

to encourage me and my family. He knew what we needed. There were

joy and trust are strengthened! “Praise be to the LORD, for he has heard

specific moments that God showed up in real and tangible ways. (Feel free

my cry for mercy. The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts

to ask me about these experiences sometime!)

in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him” (Psalm 28:6-7). David had learned that he should not try to face

Through GriefShare (a ministry at our church) my wife and I were able to

life’s difficulties in his own power. He admitted his need for God and that

find support and healing from the deep pain of loss. I learned to stop asking

surrender actually lifted him up and gave him a song to sing.

“Why?” and instead have learned to seek strength and grace from the only one who can truly help me grow through my pain. I started having faith again.

True, I might have the outward strength and appearance of Olive Oyl, but

Even though I still cannot see my future, I now have faith that God will be

I desire the inward strength and heart of David. I, too, want renewed joy

with me regardless of the circumstance. I believe that He will provide all that

and trust. Our strength truly should stem from God, because He is the One

I need for whatever trial or loss I might face.

who hears, protects and helps. I have been learning to give things over to God, asking Him to take control of my life, as well as the lives of others. I

With the comfort of the Holy Spirit I have learned to start praying again,

ask Him to guide, heal and comfort those I love. Much like David, I feel

sharing my brokenness with my Savior. Reading God’s Word has given

such a weight being lifted from my shoulders as I turn to God for help. I

me guidance on how to live with my new normal. I have grabbed hold of

encourage you to do the same.

many promises in scripture including Philippians 4:13 which says “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” This verse regularly

Identify what your needs are. Cry out to Him asking for mercy. Allow Him to

reminds me that I can bear every problem I face because He will not leave

strengthen and renew you.

me alone. Over the past two and a half years I have been learning to put my trust more fully in the Lord. When we have faith in God, we can stand firm in our weakness, knowing that He redeems all situations. We may never know the reason for our trials and suffering, but we can lean on His power and surrender all our weaknesses to Him. RIVERCITYCHRISTIAN.ORG


You grew up in a ministry family. How did that

to stay. Come in today.

help shape your faith?

Come into my heart,

Our life was centered around church. I used

Lord Jesus.” I knew I

to sit on the front pew while my Mom sang.

wanted Him to be in my

Dad played the piano or preached. Prayer and


knowing God’s Word were instilled in me at an early age. My parents’ relationship with the Lord

As you were growing

was very real to them and I believed it to be true.

up, was it assumed that you would go into the

In what ways did growing up in a ministry

ministry in some form?

family pose obstacles to your personal spiritual

When and why did


you decide to pursue

What an interesting question! It is true that


being a pastor’s kid came with a certain level of

No, it was not assumed

expectations, whether from church folk or from

that us kids would go

teachers and kids at school who didn’t even go

into ministry. I have

to church. There were certain activities we didn’t

always been involved

do because it may have posed a stumbling

in ministry in some

block for some people in the church—but we

way. I started teaching

didn’t always have the money to do those things

three year olds in

anyway so it wasn’t that big of a deal. It was

Sunday school when I

embarrassing whenever my parents picked me

was 12. At 15, I started

up in the church van at school—ugh! I never

leading worship at

questioned whether God was real, but I did

youth events. I also

struggle with church people and whether they

had the “privilege” of

were really genuine.

helping clean the

When and how did you come to a personal

finishing up my college

church. As I was decision to follow Jesus?

degree, I felt the

I recall this event plainly even though I was only

Holy Spirit calling me

four years old. My Mom oversaw the children’s

back to Sacramento to help my parents at a home missions church in North Highlands. That was an

ministry and my dad was the associate pastor

interesting time; I was 23 and had been pursuing my goal of entering the music business in Southern

at a church in Ashland, Oregon. It was during

California. But, I truly believed the Lord was changing the direction of my life and He led me back

children’s church on a Sunday morning. I knelt

to Sacramento. I moved back and life changed. One of my mentors told me if I really wanted to see

at the altar while we sang a song called “Into My

people’s lives changed, it would not come from the one night stands of concerts but the day to day

Heart.” The lyrics are, “Into my heart, into my

investment in people’s lives. That statement strongly influenced my decision to pursue ministry in the

heart, come into my heart, Lord Jesus. Come in

local church.



GET ON THE PATH The COMPASS recently interviewed Peggy Mathews, River City Christian’s Director of Women’s Ministries. We wanted to get to know a little bit more about one of our newest staff members.

WORSHIP Modern: Sundays at 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. attends Lee University online. He is studying If you had not decided to go into ministry, what

leadership with an emphasis in discipleship.

Classic: Sundays at 8:30 a.m.

other profession might you have pursued? Why?

We have two girls, McLaen and Halle. McLaen

Music. It was my dream.

is 17. Halle is 14. McLaen is planning to go

Doing women’s ministries is a new direction for

meantime, she is attending Sierra College where

you. Why do you think the Lord has you in this

she is a criminal justice major. McLaen is also a

position in this season of your life?

musician and plays with me at Wednesday night

I believe the Lord has brought River City and my

Bible study. She is also helping a church plant in

with knowledge and skills to help them

family together on purpose for His purpose. I

Sacramento. Halle attends Forest Lake Christian

become more fully devoted followers of Christ.

believe my experiences and training have been

School. She loves sports and art. I have a couple

Class schedule available at

stepping stones for this time. I believe the Lord

of her pieces in my office. She does play the

has given me a mission to engage, equip and

bass and drums, too.

away to Lee University in the fall but, in the

EQUIPPING CLASSES Short-term classes designed to equip believers

encourage women of all ages and backgrounds to pursue God and find their true identity in Him.

What would you say is your redemption story? My redemption story started when I was four

Music has been very much a part of your life

but continues today. The Lord has done a

and your own spiritual experience. How will you

miraculous work of healing and redemption in

incorporate music into women’s ministries here

our marriage. As a wife and mother, I regularly

at River City Christian?

realize the need for a Savior to intervene in my

Music is an expression of our worship to the

life. My faults and imperfections, my fears that

Lord. Music is an opportunity to bring unity. Also,

my poor decisions will interfere with my girls’

Sign up for a group in your area at

music teaches biblical truth. I believe that is

relationship with the Lord and even eternity—all

fundamental to understanding who God is and

of that sometimes is more than I can bear. I

being a disciple of Christ. We have incorporated

have to daily learn to trust in the Lord and not

music and singing at our Bible studies. I am

lean on my own understanding or my ways. This

enjoying hearing the ladies lift their voices

is why knowing what the Lord says in the Bible is

together in song and declaring praise to Him.

critical to me. The Bible is how I discover more

Tell us a little about your husband and children.

Him. My life verse is Colossians 3:16-17, “Let the

Rick and I met during a youth choir tour with

word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and

our church. We come from very different

admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing

backgrounds. He did not grow up in church. As

psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with

a matter of fact, he had only been a Christian

thankfulness in your hearts. And whatever you

GROWTH GROUPS Build significant relationships with other believers by joining a Growth Group.

of who God is and how to live a life pleasing to

for about a year when we met. We have been

do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of

married for 20 years. He works in Auburn

the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father

at Sundowner Trailers of California and also






efore heading to work on the morning of

to the upcoming births of her great-nephew

January 6 of this year, Amelia Riley spent

and great-niece, which she had been joyfully

some time alone with the Lord and meditated


on Solomon’s poignant words, “To everything



there is a season and a time for every purpose

A few hours later an El Dorado County Sheriff’s

under the heaven: a time to be born, a time to

deputy appeared at Amelia’s work. He hoped

die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that

that his arrival preceded Amelia seeing the

which is planted” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2, KJV). As

tragic news now being televised. At 11:18 a.m.

she closed her Bible, Amelia thanked God for

Amelia’s husband Jim had been killed in a

His Word and in her mind applied the scripture

horrific car accident.

“A time for every purpose under the heaven.”

of obedience to the Lord, Amelia tithed. Jim

wanted to dedicate his life to God and desired

With tears and a broken heart, Amelia

noticed God’s blessing on their finances. Though

that they partner together in serving the Lord. On

remembered the Word the Lord had spoken to

the rationale of giving away ten percent of

Sunday, January 3, Jim got up early, intent that

her earlier that morning. “A time to be born, a

one’s income wasn’t easy for Jim to accept, he

they would not be late for worship. To Amelia

time to die.” Though grieving heavily, she was

eventually encouraged Amelia to follow God’s

he seemed a bit sad, but determined. During

comforted by the thought that she had such a


the message and invitation to communion,

loving Father who had graciously prepared her for the unexpected tragedy she now faced. “To

Jim seemed to be putting pieces of a puzzle The couple decided to move to Northern

together. He leaned over to Amelia and said that

everything there is a season.” Jim’s season had

California near the end of 2014 in order for

it all made sense to him. They took communion

passed. He was gone. But Amelia was not alone.

Amelia to pursue a career advancement. For a

together and after the service Jim requested a

And she was not without hope.

short period of time, Jim remained in Southern

special time of prayer with his wife. The sadness

California in order to sell their home in Fountain

was gone. Assurance invaded his heart.

Jim and Amelia met in 1995. She worked

Valley while Amelia sought to establish a life

at McDonnell Douglas, the aerospace

in the Sacramento area. She prayed to find a

For the next couple of days Jim and Amelia had

manufacturing corporation. His employer

church home, one in which both she and her

individual morning devotional times but came

was a supplier to McDonnell Douglas. Their

husband could grow. After a couple of months,

together for prayer in the evening. It was a

positions necessitated that they interact with

Amelia met Marilyn Gibson who invited her

beautiful season of spiritual renewal and unity.

each other regularly and it wasn’t long until a

to join her at River City Christian. Amelia was

This season was cut short by the deputy sheriff’s

romantic relationship was born. They married on

blessed by the worship and teaching and knew

arrival to Amelia’s office. “A time to plant, and a

September 7, 1997. They shared a general faith

she had found the answer to her prayers.

time to pluck up that which is planted.” Amelia

in God and similar values. Their commitment to one another was strong, although there were challenges to meet, particularly with some family members who were not supportive of

felt the Holy Spirit’s assurance—though Jim was


their interracial marriage. It took several years


for those issues to be resolved.


Though no marriage is perfect, Jim and Amelia experienced a lot of joy in their relationship. Jim supported Amelia’s decision to attend real estate school and complete her Master’s


gone, he was now with the Lord. Amelia readily admits the pain she faces. A chair is vacant. The house feels empty. This is not what she had expected. But the Lord has spoken to her heart and she knows that He is always present with her, even in her loneliness.


Already she sees that her story can be used to


help others. Amelia’s dear friend lost her sister several months ago and is struggling to cope

degree. He also supported her more recent

Jim eventually joined Amelia in Sacramento and

with the loss. The peace that Jesus has given

decision to pursue a second Master’s in

first attended River City in July 2015. During

Amelia in the midst of grief has given her an

Christian studies.

the course of the next few months he spoke of

opportunity to share Christ with this friend. The

her recent spiritual growth and indicated that

woman admitted she just couldn’t understand

he wanted to deepen his own faith. Amelia was

the calmness apparent in Amelia’s life. The

while they were dating, it also proved to be a bit

encouraged. Though she knew her husband

woman did not own a Bible. Amelia gave her

of a disconnect during their marriage. Amelia’s

believed in God, she was uncertain that he had

one and encouraged her to read it, which she is

While faith in God had been a source of unity

relationship with Christ seemed to have greater

a full understanding of what it meant to have

doing. Perhaps she, too, will find comfort in the

impact on her life than did Jim’s more subtle

complete assurance of a relationship with Jesus.

words, “To everything there is a season, and a

faith on his daily existence. Yet Amelia sought

time for every purpose under the heaven.”

to be faithful to the Lord and prayed for her

On New Year’s Day 2016, Jim announced to

husband to truly fall in love with Jesus. Out

his wife that it was going to be a good year. He RIVERCITYCHRISTIAN.ORG




There is a chair in the preschool office that

director: listening, loving, counseling, fixing boo-

has come to be known as Miss Dawn’s chair.

boos and celebrating victories.

It is a consignment store find, a bit gaudy with its gold faux painting and floral upholstery,

But that chair is also a symbol of my redemption.

but nonetheless just the right size for both

You see, I grew up in an angry home. I swore that

preschoolers and parents.

when I had children I would raise them differently. I would do it right. I just had no idea how to do

So much life has happened in that chair­–laughter

that. I knew a Christian family that seemed so

and tears, anguish and joy, prayers and hugs. It

much better than mine. I was a new mom and

is a symbol of what I do each day as a preschool

figured that if I became a Christian that my family

“So much life has happened in that chair­– laughter and tears, anguish and joy, prayers and hugs.” 12


would be like theirs. I was convinced that with

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you


Christ in my heart our family would be like a

great and unsearchable things you do not


Norman Rockwell painting with parents and kids

know. –Jeremiah 33:3.

each happily perched in their own special chairs around the dining room table.

ignored this part of the verse for a long time, but God never wastes a syllable. Many years later

This was not what I wanted to hear. I had hoped

I was challenged to write a personal mission

for a fortune cookie verse, something like, “All

statement. As I prayed about what to write, it

But it didn’t work that way. My children sometimes

your troubles will be over by the end of the week.” became very clear. I had made a lot of mistakes

misbehaved, whined and made messes. I

But I politely wrote the verse down, thanked the

as a parent and God wanted me to use what I

sometimes yelled at them and at other times spent

woman and dismissed the incident. Yet no matter

had learned to help others. My mission was to

hours crying due to exhaustion and frustration.

where I went, that verse kept popping up! God

encourage parents, to share with them the love

Even though I was a Christian, parenting was hard

finally had gotten my attention.

and I was messing it up big time!

and acceptance and hope that comes from our perfect God, not from being perfect for God.

CALL TO ME–My road to redemption started with

Through my failure He had taught me so much that

prayer, oftentimes flat on my face prayer. I learned

would be used for the good of others. I could never

angry at God for failing me and beating myself up

to stop asking God to give me what I wanted and

have seen that one coming in a million years!

for not being a better Christian. I believed that if I

instead gave Him what He wanted, which was me.

I spent a lot of time vacillating between being

just worked harder, God would fix my life.

And so there is a chair in my office, Miss Dawn’s I WILL ANSWER YOU–The turning point was

chair, a chair in which parents and children can

One day a woman at church came up to me

when I realized that He was just asking me to

sit and know that they are understood. It’s a daily

and said, “I have a verse for you.” I must have

trust Him to answer. The what, how and when

reminder of God’s redemptive work in my life, as

had that harried-mother-on-the-verge-of-going-

were up to Him.

well as in the lives who rest there.

insane look on my face and she was wanting to placate me.




“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound!” I have heard and sung those words countless times. They are words of hope that quickly usher me into worship.

DAILY REPENTANCE. Make it a regular practice to incorporate

But there is one phrase in the song that has at times proven difficult for me

confession into your prayer times. Take inventory every day of the ways

to belt out with conviction: “That saved a wretch like me.”

you have fallen short of God’s standard and ask for His forgiveness.

If you’re like me, you generally consider yourself to be a good person. If

We don’t need to dwell on our sin and shortcomings, but we do need to

you’re being honest, you sometimes feel you’ve got this Christian walk

acknowledge them before our Savior.

down. You go to church and Bible study, you pray and have your quiet time regularly, you are kind to others, you even tithe. Sure, you might tell a little white lie here and there, or swear under your breath when you stub your toe, but all in all, you’re pretty obedient to Jesus’ teachings. So when you sing,

KNOWING GOD’S WORD. The Bible provides ample reminders

“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me,” do you

of what God has done for us. It reminds us of God’s perfection, His

find it hard to see yourself as a “wretch”?

holy standard, and how short we fall. As we allow God’s Word to seep

I have often struggled with relating to that line of the song. Even before I

into our heart, its truth will transform our thinking. Memorizing and/or

became a Christian over 30 years ago I was a very moral kid and wanted

meditating on the following passages would be a good start.

to please God. Rebellion was just not in my nature. You could say I was a goodie-goodie (some of my friends did). Never smoked. Never got drunk– ever. There are not even any speeding tickets in my name. My record is pretty squeaky clean.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. –Romans 3:23-24

Am I perfect? Of course not. Do I recognize that I am still sinful? Yes. But do I really get that I am indeed a wretch? Not often enough. AFTER BEING A

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were


still sinners, Christ died for us. –Romans 5:8

I TEND TO FORGET THE MAGNITUDE OF WHAT CHRIST DID FOR ME. I forget that my “little” sins still require the covering of his death on the cross. That should regularly bring me to my knees in confession and worship.

For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed

So, how do we make our need for a Savior sink in? How can we prevent

down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of

ourselves from taking our redemption for granted? Practicing the following

Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. –1 Peter 1:18

disciplines should deepen our level of gratitude and awe for our salvation.



BANISHING COMPARISON. You don’t usually have to look far to find someone we judge as a “worse” sinner than ourselves–and we humans have a tendency to look until we identify one. Our inclinations to find fault in others and compare our “holiness” to that of our neighbor’s are ugly habits. When we disobey Jesus’ command in Matthew 7–don’t look at the speck in someone else’s eye and ignore the plank in your own–we feed the inner dialogue that says we really aren’t that bad.

IGNORING CULTURAL PHILOSOPHIES. The belief that people are generally good is pervasive in our culture. Sin is considered a fourletter word. If we are not careful, these ideas creep into our way of thinking and without realizing it, we can forget our true nature. Yes, when we accept Jesus’ gift of salvation we are new creatures and no longer slaves to sin. However, our sinful nature does not just disappear (see Romans 7). Like Paul, we will still do what we ought not do, and do not do what we ought. Despite what the world says, we are sinners in need of grace. Every. Single. Day.

CULTIVATING GRATITUDE . Even the secular world understands the benefits of having a grateful heart. The Internet is awash with the teachings of various “experts” on the subject, as well as ideas to put gratitude into practice. If you were to start a gratitude journal, would your salvation make it on the top of the list? Even the simple practice of thanking God every day for redeeming us is likely to help us sing with conviction, “Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me!”

want to hear that sermon again? Find an archived library of podcasts at


One of my favorite Bible stories is found in John 8:1-11. In this passage,

and take over our hearts and souls. Sin has this way of taking over our lives

we see two examples of how we can deal with our sin. The first example

in such a way that when it is not dealt with, we lose ourselves and who we

is from a woman caught in adultery and the second is from the men who

are meant to be. Although it was not her choice to be thrown before Jesus,

accused her.

naked and completely exposed, her sin and shame were not something she could hide from. Jesus did not scold her, belittle her or make any comment

Filled with shame, hurt and confusion, she lay there on the ground before

about her naked body. He helped her deal with her sin by confronting it. He

her accusers and a stranger she had never met before. She could hear

asked her about her accusers. They ran away when Jesus told them that

them shouting and telling the stranger what her punishment should be.

the one without sin could throw the first stone, as he continued to write

She had no defense. She had been caught in the act of adultery, literally

in the sand. There is a theory that He wrote the names of women they

in the act. According to their laws, she should be put to death by stoning.

had committed adultery with, but I believe they knew He would meet their

Real, hard, legitimate stones. Not the pebbles used to skip across smooth mountain lake water. The stones they were holding would cause severe pain with each impact on her body. She would be bruised, broken and bloodied. But who would care? Certainly not the man she had been with. He was not her husband. And he was not at her side being accused of the same crime. He was not being threatened with a stoning. She had no choice but to face her crime and her accusers. She lay there on the ground, unable to look up at the stranger. Forced to stand up, she prepared herself for the judgment that was to come. She stood before this

challenge with confronting them with their sin. They


man, naked and completely exposed. She could see

ran away, unable to deal with the confrontation. We have a choice in how we deal with our sin. We can either run from it and let it fester, ultimately driving us further and further away from the close, intimate relationship our Father and Savior desires from us. Or we can expose it and bring it to the surface. When we do that, not only are we confessing our imperfection, but we are admitting our inability to do this on our own. The woman caught in adultery could have tried to run, but instead of doing that, she stood naked before the man she would call her Savior. The fact that she had

that every time her accusers confronted him that he would drop to the

been caught in the act left her with no defense. She had nowhere to run to.

ground and write in the sand with his fingers. She dared not even look at

No one else she could turn to. Ready for the judgment she would receive,

whatever He was doodling in the ground. It would forever be a mystery to

she answered his question telling Him that those who condemned her were

her. Instead of picking up a stone and joining her accusers, He challenged

no more. Instead of throwing a stone at her, He tells her: “Neither do I

them. They ran away from Him. She did not understand what they were

condemn you. Go and sin no more.” With those words, He forgives her and

trying to do in that moment, and she did not need to. When He spoke to

gives her instructions on how to live a life filled with freedom in a relationship

her, He asked her where they had gone and if anyone was left to condemn

with Him. He wants us to stand before Him as we are. In doing so, He is able

her. She answered that no one was left to accuse or condemn her, and He

to meet us where we are and we are able to have intimacy with Him.

graciously responded that He would not either.

Is there something in your life that is holding you back from experiencing

I have never been forced to face my accusers fully naked. In today’s culture,

freedom and intimacy with your Savior? Do you let the condemnation and

we would likely be told to get dressed first. We are often even told to cover

judgment of others prevent you from trusting the fact that He does not

up the thing that we are most ashamed of and bury it deep so that no one

condemn you of your sin any longer?

ever finds out about it. The problem with that is that when we bury things and hide them, we do not deal with them. They begin to fester and grow






Summer Camps for Students

678 (MIDDLE SCHOOL) July 7-10 | Camp Santa Cruz RENOVATE (HIGH SCHOOL) July 24-29 | Jenkinson Lake 18.25 (COLLEGE/YOUNG ADULT) Join us as we brave the wilderness of Santa Cruz on a camping excursion. Dates to come soon. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT PMIGUEL@RIVERCITYCHRISTIAN.ORG



A Story Worth Living BY KYLE KERCHNER


am going to die one day. Haha , obvious statement of the year! But I'm in

testing the windshield wipers. You wouldn't tell your friends you saw a

my early thirties and my youthful ignorance is just now acknowledging this

beautiful movie or go home and put a record on to think about the story

reality. If you are 40 or older I most likely have very little clue what life is like

you had seen. The truth is, you wouldn't think about that movie a week

for you. Please be generous with me—I haven’t had all of the experiences

later, except you'd feel robbed and want your money back. Nobody

that you might have had. I mean I've had some of them. I was born. I lived in

cries at the end of a movie about a guy who wants a Volvo.

a house with a family. I went to school. I had a first job, a first kiss. I've been fired. I've been hired. I've had money and I’ve been broke. I graduated from

But we spend years actually living those stories and expect them to

college. I've been to something like 86 weddings. I've seen babies born and

feel meaningful. The truth is, if what we choose to do with our lives

I’ve frolicked in a meadow. As James Taylor sings, "I've seen fire and I've

won't make a story meaningful, it won't make a life meaningful either."


want a good story.




want a story worth

want to have interesting things

said about me when I die. Solomon had similar desires in his life. What is a good life? What is a story worth knowing?

seen rain," but, honestly, these things seem pretty common. In fact, a lot

I want a good story. I want a story worth watching. I want to have interesting

of my memories sound pretty common. Part of me looks at my life so far

things said about me when I die. Solomon had similar desires in his life.

and wonders what stands out at all. I mean, if I died tomorrow, what would

What is a good life? What is a story worth knowing?

even be said about me? What stories would be told? Would the Starbucks employees who I see every day (OK, sometimes two or three times a day)

I’m 32 years into this story and 16 years into this story with Jesus as an

even notice that I was gone? Would I have left a memorable life? Does my

involved character. The problem is I think that somewhere along the way I

story stand out? Am I in anyway remarkable?

messed up reading the cast list. In my arrogant ignorance I started to think of myself as the protagonist—as though the spiritual side of the story was

One of my favorite quotes comes from the opening page of Donald Miller's

Jesus’ to write and the corporeal one was mine. In vanity I have striven for

book A Million Miles in a Thousand Years:

the highest mountains to climb and the grandest laughs to ensue. In vanity

"If you watched a movie about a guy who wanted a Volvo and worked for years to get it, you wouldn't cry at the end when he drove it off the lot



I sought for remembrance in the things I pursued for myself.



b in g

e c au

se I’m happy. I si


be c





fre i s eye i s on the sparr ow e. H an

The truth is, the greatest story in the history tches me.”

have no knowledge of the freedom, salvation and victory offered by the great King. And here is the kicker: He’s invited you to join in the cast of characters playing a part in telling this great story.

e wa

broken world with billions of lonely people who


God is redeeming a fallen world—a desperate,


redeeming a fallen world. Did you hear that?


scurry around trying to feel important, God is


of stories is already being written. While I



ow can God redeem a parent’s worst nightmare, the death of a child? It seems

• Why did Bobby have to get cancer two times in his young life?

impossible, doesn’t it? That’s what I thought,

until I found the truth and depth of God’s promises.

• Could I have done something to prevent the recurrence of this life-stealing disease?

King Solomon spent much of his life pursuing

“Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing

his own story, his own fame, his own wealth.

comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5, NIV) As

answers to those questions to make sense of

anyone who has lost a loved one knows, grief

our loss? The answers are found in scripture,

But the Book of Ecclesiastes seems to indicate

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could find

that near the end of his life he had a spiritual

lasts longer than a single night. The truth in

but they may not be the answers we want

this verse is, even though we grieve, God will

to hear. Jesus said, “In this world you will

awakening and remembered what was truly

enable us to find joy.

have tribulation (and trials and distress and

important. Solomon writes:

frustration). But be of good cheer, for I have I was riding in the car one day and heard a

overcome the world. (I have deprived it of

strange sound. It was my own voice, singing

power to harm you and have conquered it for

final conclusion: Fear God and obey his

along with the radio for the first time since

you.)” (John 16:33, Amplified Bible)

commands, for this is everyone’s duty

my son died, a year prior. I was shocked into

That’s the whole story. Here now is my

(Ecclesiastes 12:13, NLT).

silence. How could I make a joyful noise

This is the true message of the resurrection.

when my son was no longer in this world?

Jesus can redeem even the greatest loss, the

What kind of a mother was I?

loss of a child. God Himself experienced the loss of His own child. The cross, for a time,

I know we all want a good story, a good life, good memories. My challenge and promise is this: There is no better saga than the redemption of a sinful mankind to a holy God. So join in the story, chances are you already know what that next step is and just need to decide to take it.

In Abide in Christ, author Andrew Murray

separated Father and Son.

discusses how to stay in Christ during seasons of suffering. His admonition is to,

Though I still live with grief, I can now sing.

“spend much time alone with God.” During

He gives me joy in the midst of pain. “I sing

that first year after Bobby’s death, I spent

because I’m happy. I sing because I’m free.

“much time” crying to God, pouring out my

His eye is on the sparrow and I know he

heartache. I asked the usual questions:

watches me” (“His Eye Is on the Sparrow” by Civilia D. Martin).

• Why did he have to die at such a young age? • Why do bad people live, and good people die?



SUMMER BLAST 2016 JUNE 20-24 5:30-8:30 P.M.



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