Ripon College 2011-2012 Annual Report

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ANNUAL REPORT 2 0 11 – 12

threshold to the future »

threshold to the future » With the inauguration of our new president, Zach P. Messitte; the acceleration of our capital campaign, Imagine Tomorrow; and a series of fresh-looking renovations across the campus, fiscal year 2012 brought invigoration and anticipation for the future to the Ripon College community and our friends and supporters around the world.

Our 2011-12 Annual Report is an overview of the significant and exciting achievements that are happening on campus and how your generous contributions continue to support Ripon as we move forward into a new era – while always remembering and appreciating the support and loyalty of the past.

The evolving vision of Ripon continues to make the institution stronger as we adapt and excel in the new world of today.

Thank you for all that you do to help advance and strengthen Ripon College as we build our tomorrow upon a foundation laid by yesterday’s leaders.

On the cover: Dr. Zach P. Messitte at his inauguration Tsering Yangchen ’14, Brian Schumacher ’15 and Crystal St. Germain ’13

ANNUAL REPORT 2 0 11 – 12

Dr. Zach P. Messittee, Adriana Zeriu ’14 and Sam Poullette ’13

Strong foundation


a springboard for change for new Ripon president

It is a great honor to be named the 13th president of Ripon College. While my family and I still are settling in to the president’s house at 1 Merriman Lane, we already are forming a strong bond with the Ripon community. We are proud to call Ripon and Wisconsin our new home. Our first few months at Ripon confirm what we perceived on our initial visit to campus last winter when I was a candidate for the president’s job: people care deeply about the College, and there is confidence about the future. I owe a debt of gratitude to my predecessor, David Joyce, to be able to enter into such a stable situation. David assembled a thoughtful administrative team and a committed Board of Trustees who also deserve credit for keeping the College focused on the future. There is precious little of the usual drama between administration and faculty that often tears at the fabric of many schools. Our faculty remain fundamentally committed to the student experience and the higher calling of teaching and learning that has



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been lost in many other American universities. My wife and I also have been overwhelmed by the Ripon College staff’s dedication to excellence. There are so many people who have gone out of their way to make us feel at home in our first few months on campus. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that “The Chronicle of Higher Education” selected Ripon College to its honor roll of “Great Colleges to Work For” in its 2012 annual survey. Ripon was the only school in Wisconsin recognized in the national survey of 47,000 employees at 294 colleges and universities across the country. We rated highly in six specific categories, including: ▪▪ Collaborative Governance ▪▪ Teaching Environment ▪▪ Confidence in Senior Leadership ▪▪ Supervisor/Department Chair Relationship ▪▪ Respect and Appreciation ▪▪ Tenure Clarity & Process

Only a third of the participating institutions achieved “Great Colleges to Work For” status, and fewer than 15 percent were named to the Honor Roll for best practices and policies. As I have started to travel around the country meeting with alumni and members of the Board of Trustees, there is a palpable sense that Ripon is at a pivotal point in its 161-year history. As you will read in the pages ahead, the state of the College is solid. We have highachieving students, newly renovated facilities, brilliant faculty, a successful fund-raising operation, a growing endowment and a vibrant student campus life. This sense of optimism and strength does not mean that there are not real challenges ahead of us. There are significant issues that we must confront together. Many of these matters do not have easy answers and will not be solved in days or weeks. The competition for the best high school graduates is intense among colleges and universities. There are many good options (both public and private) for those entering college today. While Ripon’s tuition remains a value among our peers in the Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM), the restructuring of the American economy continues to make it difficult for some of our prospective, as well as our current, students to pay for college. Keeping costs down while continuing to find new sources of revenue will be a real test for all of us. The desire to attract and retain geographically and ethnically diverse students means we have to be even more aggressive in our efforts to bring the best and the brightest to Ripon. This is not just the responsibility of our dedicated admissions staff, but it is incumbent upon all of us to make the case that a Ripon education is money and time better spent. Ripon is rightfully proud of its heritage. Walking through campus on a bright fall day when the trees are changing and the paths are filled with students is a thrill. The College is lucky to have historic buildings that remind students of Ripon’s traditions and its past. Unfortunately, some of these same buildings are in need of significant upgrades. Other facilities, constructed during the 1960s, are dated and also must be renovated. To continue

to attract excellent students, Ripon’s facilities, quite simply, must be better. Ripon also must continue to invest in its people. The numbers of alumni who have mentioned to me that a specific professor “changed my life,” or a certain coach “believed in me,” is astounding. We must continue to nurture and reward the tradition of excellence among our faculty and staff that has been cultivated over decades. As a political scientist by training and a student of American foreign policy, I often am reminded of President John F. Kennedy’s dare to the American people about landing a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s. Speaking to students at Rice University he said, “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.” The question of where we want to be at the end of the decade is relevant right now. I’ve been asked by a couple of the senior members of the faculty that if I had three wishes for Ripon, what would they be? First, I’d like to build our endowment to the $100 million mark. Second, I’d like to see significant renovations to our athletic and science facilities. And for the third wish? I’d like to have 100 more wishes because we should never stop thinking about ways we can be a better institution. I am excited and ready to get to work with my colleagues on the faculty and staff as well as alumni and trustees in order to take on the big issues confronting the College. It will take sacrifice from everyone to achieve the kinds of results we all hope for in the coming years, but we are fortunate to be building from a position of strength. The passion and commitment that alumni, faculty, staff and students have for Ripon is no small matter. They have been nurtured over decades, and they bind us all together in a responsibility to leave the College stronger for the next generation. In the pages that follow, you will get a glimpse into our dedication and our desire to reach new heights. b

Our first few months at Ripon confirm what we perceived on our initial visit to campus last winter when I was a candidate for the president’s job: people care deeply about the College, and there is confidence about the future.” Zach P. Messitte President




Faculty achievements » invigorate student learning

JoHanna Burton ’13

In the 2012 College Student Survey, given every two years, 95 percent of students said they were satisfied or very satisfied with their contact with faculty – a truly impressive number that matches our goal and helps us stand out.” Gerald Seaman Vice President and Dean of Faculty



RIPON College

For much of the past fiscal year, I had the honor of serving as interim president while the competitive search for a new president was held. During that time, the academic program was led very ably by Russell Blake, professor of history, whose insight, perspective and thoughtfulness were crucial to the College’s ongoing success. Russ has earned our enduring thanks and greatest respect for his many significant accomplishments. These include, most notably: hiring the first ever Pieper Family Chair in Servant-Leadership; recruiting several very promising new faculty members, including an ACM-Mellon Post-doctoral Fellow in sociology/gender studies; and creating fulltime opportunities for coaches in several athletic programs. Our faculty continue to provide the quality educational and personal mentoring experiences that alumni remember long after they have left the campus. Here is a shortened list of noteworthy faculty accomplishments during the past year: ▪▪ Eddie Lowry, professor of Greek and Latin, has received the 2012 Distinguished Educator Award from the Wisconsin Association for Language Teachers. ▪▪ Joe Hatcher, professor of psychology, received the 2011-2012 Dick Ringler Distinguished Peace Educator Award from the Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies. ▪▪ Jacqueline Clark, associate professor of sociology, wrote the article, “Engaging Students’ Minds and Emotions: Using Multiple Strategies to Teach About Suicide,” (2011) Sociological Imagination 47(2):17-20. ▪▪ Brian Bockelman, assistant professor of history, published articles in a 2012 special issue of “The Journal of Latin American Geography” and the June 2011 issue of “American Historical Review.” ▪▪ Travis Nygard, assistant professor of art history, published an encyclopedic








essay, “Food and Art,” in the Routledge International Handbook of Food Studies, released in 2012; and several book reviews. Kristine Kovack-Lesh, assistant professor of psychology, co-wrote several articles about cognition and development. Touorouzou Hervè Somè, assistant professor of educational studies, published two chapters in the book “Space, Transformation and Representation: Reflections on University Culture.” He also published an article in the “Journal of Higher Education in Africa” and a chapter in the book “Critical Pedagogy in the Twenty-First Century: A New Generation of Scholars.” Lamont Colucci, associate professor of politics and government, published the two-volume set “The National Security Doctrines of the American Presidency: How They Shape Our Present and Future” (Praeger, 2012). Colucci spent much of 2012 in Austria as a Fulbright Scholar. Robert Wallace, professor of biology, co-authored “Towards a list of available names in zoology, partim phylum Rotifera,” which appeared in a recent issue of Zootaxa (2012) 3179: 61–68. Rafael Salas, associate professor of art, exhibited his work in several locations: Portrait Society Gallery in Milwaukee’s Third Ward; EFFJAY Projekts in Sheboygan, Wis.; and Circa Gallery in Minneapolis. He also designed the cover for Margaret Rozga’s book, “Though I Haven’t Been to Baghdad” (Benu Press, 2012) and the album cover for Brian Seymour’s recording, “Speak to Me of Young Love.” Diane Mockridge, professor of history, planned and helped to host the ACM conference, “The Power of Place: Facing the Challenges of On-Site Teaching and Researching,” at Ripon College March 9 and 10, 2012. Brian Smith, professor of religion, took six college students to Panama for 10 days in

Russell Blake, left, and Gerald Seaman

January to help Fr. Wally Kasuboski complete a dam in the mountains to bring fresh water to hundreds of those in his mission territory. Fr. Wally (a native of Ripon) received an honorary degree from Ripon College in 2010 for his 25 years of humanitarian work in Panama. ▪▪ Jody Roy, professor of communication, and Shawn Karsten ’09 collaborated with nearly three dozen medium-security inmates to produce “Breaking Through to Boys in Crisis: Insights from Inmates,” a resource guide for those trying to help critically at-risk youths. The document is available

free from the National Association of Students Against Violence Everywhere at boysincrisis. Students continue to be positively impacted by their interactions with Ripon faculty inside and outside of the classroom. The student/faculty ratio stands at 13.5:1. In the 2012 College Student Survey, given every two years, 95 percent of students said they were satisfied or very satisfied with their contact with faculty – a truly impressive number that matches our goal and helps us stand out. b




Personal contacts » enhance College’s support

The Imagine Tomorrow comprehensive fund-raising campaign has moved along steadily, despite the uncertain financial atmosphere of the past few years. In February, we announced that we had raised $25 million in cash, pledges and deferred commitments since the silent phase of the campaign began in July 2010. Another $14 million in commitments and gifts came in the past year during a time of presidential transition and other major developments on campus. As we now near the halfway point in fiscal year 2013, our goals and priorities are building on the successes of the past fiscal year and preparing for the public phase of our comprehensive campaign. The official public launch of the Imagine Tomorrow campaign will take place Feb. 1, 2013, in Milwaukee. During FY’12, more than $6 million in gifts were receipted, the third highest total in the past decade and just slightly below the FY’11 mark of $6.4 million. Nearly $3.8 million in gifts were added to the endowment compared to $2 million in FY’11. A focus on restricted gifts versus unrestricted gifts has led to the diversion of some gifts from the Annual Fund, resulting in a $250,000 decrease in gifts to the annual operating budget. The 1851 Club, however, welcomed 68 new individuals for inclusion in the first full year of the recognition group’s existence. This year, personal contacts with donors and prospective donors were emphasized. The result has been increased participation in many areas. The 713 face-to-face visits in



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FY’12 were an increase of 92 from FY’11, and many of our new monetary commitments were a direct result of these visits. We also secured 19 new Partners in the Legacy estate commitments, and several more Partners increased their deferred commitments. Proving that our alumni are looking for fun and social ways to connect with their alma mater, there were significant increases in attendance at Alumni Weekend and an expanded number of off-campus Ripon gatherings. We look to continue to provide more and improved social opportunities like these to continue to foster our relationships with our alumni. We also will be placing additional focus this coming year in engaging alumni to assist the College in our admissions and career development efforts. Our alumni, as well as our parents, also have been more active and vocal on their respective boards of directors since both bodies have been restructured. A change in governance for the Alumni Board makes its structure similar to that of the Board of Trustees, and members now are able to address more significant College issues. Similar progress was made with the Parents’ Board, including revisions to their constitution. We are very grateful to have strong, passionate and dedicated leadership on both of these important advocacy boards. We continue to improve our print and online communications with alumni, parents and friends of the College. Several upgrades to print and online resources are

making it easier to keep abreast of College happenings. The e-newsletter now is published monthly, making Ripon news more timely. Our new athletic website went live in August, providing a more modern and compelling look for prospective and current student-athletes and Ripon College Red Hawks fans. A soon-tobe-released upgrade to will provide a fresh look and functionality to the website. It will be both attractive and easy to navigate for our prospective and current students, as well as our alumni, parents and friends. The impact of donor contributions continues to be a major focus in all of our efforts. In recognizing some of these generous donations, a new daylong event, Tuition-Free Forward Day, focuses on donor impact at Ripon College and symbolically represents the day tuition payments end and donor support (including the endowment) carry the College through the rest of the year. Some of the students’ heartfelt thanks were captured on video and can be viewed at Also, a series of videos focused on the “More. Together.” theme can be viewed at

Support came in other ways, as well. In our foundation and government relations efforts, 16 grant proposals were submitted to a variety of federal and foundation funding sources, eight of which were approved to date for a total of $1,225,781. Of those eight, four came from new funding sources for the College. The introduction of Zach P. Messitte as Ripon’s 13th president in March drew attention from regional print and television media, and it marked our first livestreaming event — a welcome addition to alumni, parents and friends who could not attend. We have had subsequent recent success placing stories around our new president, including several articles in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. As we celebrate the successes of FY’12, we thank each of you for your various contributions to the mission of Ripon College. The time, talents and philanthropic gifts you share with us are incredibly vital to our work and provides our students with the resources necessary to make their Ripon education accessible and excellent. b

Proving that our alumni are looking for fun and social ways to connect with their alma mater, there were significant increases in attendance at Alumni Weekend and an expanded number of off-campus Ripon gatherings.” Wayne P. Webster vice president for Advancement




Quality highlights Class of 2016; » exciting initiatives on the horizon

The Office of Admission and Financial Aid strives to attract the best and brightest students to Ripon College. As we work with students, we seek those who will contribute to the Ripon College community both inside and outside of the classroom. In doing so, the place that so many have called “home” for more than 160 years continues to thrive and the Ripon story continues to be told. That story, told by current students, faculty, staff and alumni, helps to explain to prospective students what their four years will be like on campus and how it will prepare them for lives of productive, socially responsible citizenship. As of fall semester census day, Aug. 31, 2012, a total of 205 first-time, full-time students with an additional 16 full-time transfer students had joined the Ripon College community. We received 1,046 applications for admission to the Class of 2016 – the fifth consecutive year we have had more than 1,000 applications. Prior to this, 1965 was the only other year 1,000 applications were received. We extended offers of admission to 811 students for the Class of 2016. The resulting acceptance rate of 78 percent and the academic profile are in line with our most recent classes.



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The Class of 2016 has an average high school grade point average of 3.42 on a 4.00 scale, with an average ACT score of 24. For those students whose high school provided a class rank, 25 percent were ranked in the top 10 percent of their class. We also are honored with 29 legacies – students who are continuing the tradition of their family’s history of attendance at Ripon. The Class of 2016 brings a wealth of geographic, ethnic, socioeconomic and religious diversity to campus. Out-of-state students represent 32 percent of the class, with students from 13 other states joining 139 students from Wisconsin. The highest state representations following Wisconsin include Illinois, Minnesota, California, Pennsylvania and Colorado. There are nine international students. The male-to-female ratio for this class is 44:56. We continue the tradition of access and making a nationally recognized, liberal arts education affordable to all qualified candidates regardless of their financial background. Ninetynine percent of students received some form of financial assistance. Based on self-reported information from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), 28 percent of

the class is first generation – meaning neither parent had attended a college or university. The end of the 2011-2012 recruitment cycle has brought exciting changes to the admission office and to our overall recruitment efforts of students to Ripon College. Before his departure, Steve Syverson, who had helped as an enrollment consultant, made a number of recommendations to the Board of Trustees for recruitment initiatives that will help Ripon take the next step in recruiting students during this incredibly competitive time. Many of the initiatives have been implemented or currently are being implemented. A number of hires across campus – including those in the athletic department, marketing and communications, and admissions – are helping to bolster our recruitment efforts and will positively impact the size of the next first-year class.

On July 1, Ruth Vedvik was engaged as an enrollment consultant in charge of admission and financial aid, bringing with her more than 35 years of experience in the field. For the last 10 years, she has worked with schools similar to Ripon College and has helped them reach enrollment goals. Under Ruth’s guidance, we have initiated more outreach and personal touches from the counseling staff to prospective students. We are spending more time on the road meeting prospective students where they live, and are planning new programs to draw more students to visit campus. We are also busy implementing a new software system to help us better communicate with students at all stages of inquiry. These exciting new strategies and recruitment initiatives will help us to successfully recruit the Ripon College Class of 2017 and many classes to come. b

As we work with students, we seek those who will contribute to the Ripon College community both inside and outside of the classroom.” Leigh Mlodzik ’02 Dean of Admission

Ruth Vedvik, left, and Leigh Mlodzik




Molly Gruettner ’13, left, Chris Ogle and Darcie First ’13

Involvement in many new outlets » binds students together in a special way

Close contact with faculty, approachable administrative staff, competitive financial aid packaging and excellent teaching all contribute to a sense of belonging that binds students closely together.” Chris Ogle Vice President and Dean of Students



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More. Together. Fact or fiction? In the ever-changing student life world – where technology in particular alters formerly established behavioral patterns – students remain constant in their commitment to one another and to cocurricular opportunities. Participating and learning outside the classroom remain alive and well at Ripon College. On weekday nights, between 150 and 200 students flocked to: ▪▪ A presentation by Coach Herman Boone, inspiration for the movie “Remember the Titans.” ▪▪ The film “Miss Representation,” reflecting on how women are portrayed in the media. ▪▪ A talk by a Holocaust survivor. ▪▪ “Take Back the Night,” a Greeksponsored walk through the campus and streets of Ripon. We can surely conclude that students remain actively engaged in their total college experience. Record numbers of students participated in Residence Life’s annual “Ripon after Dark” series that included creative events like Grocery Bingo, Battle of the Sexes and Tie-Dyeing (some things never fade away!).

On the heels of generations of imaginative Ripon College students, one would think that the well of new student organization ideas would have run dry, yet seven new groups formed, including Ripon Students for Animal Welfare, Tabletop Games and the Ripon Arts Appreciation Society. Tutoring contracts reached all-time highs with students actively assisting their peers. Student traffic continued to flow into health and counseling services, often the result of staff, faculty and fellow students referring


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students for assistance. And who would believe that on an early Saturday morning, throngs of seniors would attend a Kaplan-sponsored session designed to further prepare them for the Graduate Record Exam? At a time of increasing college costs and tightening budgets, retention rates at Ripon College continue to be enviable. The 86 percent first-to-second year return rate exceeds national averages by more than 10 percent. Close contact with faculty, approachable administrative staff, competitive financial aid packaging and excellent teaching all contribute to a sense of belonging that binds students closely together. Facilities matter, too! Upgrades this year included carpet replacements, completely redesigned dining areas and a refreshed first-floor area of the library that all enhanced venues for student interactions. No longer are Ripon students restricted to congregating in a lounge around the one television set in the building, or even sitting around a keg with their of-age 18-year-old classmates. They now bond and learn from one another

in group projects, field trips, intramural teams, student organizations and Facebook groups, as well as many interactive elements that span the student landscape. It’s not surprising, then, as documented by the 2012 National College Senior Survey, that 95 percent of Ripon graduates indicated being satisfied or very satisfied with their overall college experience, a score that surpasses the average of other four-year colleges. Scores on the 2012 National Survey of Student Engagement indicate that last year’s Ripon College seniors enjoyed their relationships with other students, faculty members and administrative personnel and offices at higher levels than the average of students at 83 similar colleges. The 2012 National College Senior Survey also reports that Ripon seniors felt a stronger sense of belonging to campus than the average of 5,500 students at other four-year colleges. Ripon remains a special place, one where memories in and out of the classroom are cementing lifelong relationships. b

Sophomores Jason Winkelmann, left, Dylan Whitman, Danny Wohlfert, Derek Saxon and Alexander Baldschun




Positive steps forward »

in facilities and personnel offset financial challenges

Accomplishments in fiscal year 2012 in the functional areas of finance, business, conference services, physical plant, printing and mailroom highlighted a slower financial year. Twenty-one new employees were welcomed to campus, including President Zach P. Messitte, who was inaugurated as Ripon College’s 13th president. The presidential search was conducted throughout the year and was supported by Chris Sabel, administrative assistant in the finance office. This finance office supported the searches and campus establishment of all of the new employees. The annual Employee Recognition Breakfast, held May 10 this year, honored employee service to the College in fiveyear increments. This year, we recognized 43 employees, including three who were retiring. Several areas of campus received upgrades and renovations during the summer, which provide a fresh look. Lane

Library was updated with new carpet and furnishings, and the entry to the library is much more inviting. The library improvements were funded by donor gifts. Within the student residences, several areas received new carpeting. A new roof was placed on the Collaborative Learning Center, several coaches’ offices were remodeled in the J.M. Storzer Center, and new asphalt was laid in the parking area between C.J. Rodman Center for the Arts and Storzer. Many significant improvements were made to the dining area in Pickard Commons, funded by an investment of more than $1 million by Sodexo, our food service partner. Conference Services accommodated 12 income-producing conference groups between May and early August, bringing in gross revenues of about $171,000. Conference Services also accommodated eight weddings on campus, which generated $12,800 in revenues for the College.

Mary deRegnier in the newly renovated South Reading Room of Lane Library



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Controller Lori Schulze spearheaded the request for proposal (RFP) process for an audit firm to conduct the College’s financial audits. The Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees made the final selection of the Grant Thornton firm. Grant Thornton began with the retirement plan audits and currently is finishing the financial audit for FY’12. Financial statements were prepared during the summer and ready for the auditors the day they arrived. Bills have been paid on a timely basis, and revenues were collected promptly. The College ended the FY’12 with an operating deficit of $332,000. This deficit was funded through gifts received to make debt payments. Operating revenues were lower than anticipated, primarily because of lower-thanexpected gifts to the Annual Fund and the number of first-year students for fall 2011.

Financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2012, reflect an unrestricted decrease to net assets of $857,176. Total net assets increased by $1,052,630. The College Composite Financial Index (CFI) for the year ended June 30, 2012, is 0.8. This is below the minimum recommended CFI of 3.0. The value of the endowment at June 30, 2012, was $62,280,732. This reflects a decrease during the year of more than $92,186. The market value of the College’s pooled endowment was above the historical cost value at June 30, 2012. The covenants for the WHEFA Adjustable Rate Put Option Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, were met during the year. The purchase of M&I by the Bank of Montreal resulted in lower interest rates on our bonds. We are excited about our progress in the new fiscal year with momentum on the Advancement front and the February launch of the public phase of the Imagine Tomorrow capital campaign. b

… Despite the challenges, the spirit of employees and students on campus remains high.” Mary de Regnier Vice President for Finance




Ripon welcomes President Messitte, looks to the future More. Together. One College. One Family. More. Together.

Dr. Zach P. Messitte, front and center, with the inauguration platform party.

Fireworks light up the sky as inauguration and homecoming wind to an end.



RIPON College

Messitte wearing Ripon College’s Presidential Medallion after his formal inauguration.

Presidential Spouse Julia Messitte and the two Messitte sons, Jules, center, and Sam. Special guest speaker George Tenet

With grand pomp and circumstance, Zach P. Messitte was formally inaugurated Sept. 29 as the 13th president in the 161-year history of Ripon College. College presidents and dignitaries from across the country; Ripon Mayor Gary Will; and Congressman Thomas E. Petri, who represents Wisconsin’s 6th Congressional District, all welcomed Messitte and expressed confidence in his ability to bring vibrancy and leadership to the College. The special guest speaker was George Tenet, former director of Central Intelligence, U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Tenet and Messitte have known each other for nearly 25 years, when both worked for the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. “What he will convey to all of you is a deep appreciation of your history and yet challenge each and every one of you … to up your game, think bigger, engage the world and be the crown jewel of small liberal arts colleges that are so absolutely essential to the success of our country and this world,” Tenet said. “A college community is often compared to family,” Messitte said. “We all belong to multiple kinds of families. They help define us and shape us. I am humbled to become part of the narrative of this institution. The experience the College gives has the power to unlock a lifetime of learning.” b

The Red Hawks’ homecoming game culminated in a 42-17 victory over Knox College. Han “Honey” Zaw ’13 sports a “Rally” mascot temporary tattoo. Behind her is Peter Crowell ’14.




The newly renovated North Reading Room in Lane Library.

Reactions to library renovation

A presen tation in the Dahm in Pickard Heritage Common Room s highlig new furn hts the ro ishings a o m’s nd treatm ents.

Here is a selection of comments people made as they entered the newly renovated library during the first week of school: “Lots of ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ ” “This is great!” “It’s so fancy.” “Oh, it’s beautiful.” “Wow, this is so nice. It looks very elegant.” “Whoa, I like it. I like it a lot!” “It looks so amazing!” “This should be in ‘Homes and Garden’ or ‘Southern Living.’ ” “Holy Cow!” “It’s niceeee in here!” “Isn’t the library pretty?” “It’s so much cooler in here!” “This makes me happy.”



RIPON College

Will Crist ’16 in the dining area of Pickard Commons. Behind him to the right is the newly refurbished South Reading Room of Lane Library.

Campus facelifts »

create fresh, updated looks

As Ripon College took a reinvigorated step forward during fiscal year 2012, several areas of campus received physical upgrades and renovations – giving a fresh look and functionality to highly active areas. New carpeting and furnishings create a more comfortable and attractive look to the North and South reading rooms in Lane Library, as well as an inviting entry. There also are new computer setups, new popular magazines and newspapers, white boards and group work space. The library improvements were funded by donor gifts. An investment of more than $1 million by Sodexo, Ripon’s food service partner, funded significant improvements and updates to the dining area in Pickard Commons. There is updated food preparation equipment, new dining furnishings, more stream-lined food pickup areas, and separate food stations for salad bar, sandwiches, desserts and made-to-order specials of the day. Also within Pickard Commons, donor gifts made possible the upgrade of the Dahm Heritage Room, Pickard Dining Room, the Mihaly Room and the hallway between them. The small dining/meeting areas were extensively upgraded with new furnishings, wall and window treatments, lighting, carpeting and ceilings. Several other campus buildings also received attention: ▪▪ New carpeting within the student residences. ▪▪ A new roof on the Collaborative Learning Center. ▪▪ Remodeled coaches’ offices in Storzer Center. ▪▪ New asphalt in the parking area between C.J. Rodman Center for the Arts and J.M. Storzer Athletic Center. b

Dylan Hamlin ’16 at the dining area’s new sandwich station

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Meeting First Lady » caps volunteer experience

Meg Schwemmer, academic support specialist for Farr Hall, was selected to meet Michelle Obama when the First Lady made a campaign stop Sept. 29 at Lawrence University in Appleton. Here are her impressions: “I was honored recently to meet Michelle Obama when she visited the Meg Schwemmer Ripon College Lawrence University campus. I became involved in the Obama campaign this summer when I received an online invitation through a Democratic website to train to be a volunteer. There I met Samir Paul, a young activist who is working with Wisconsin for Obama. He shared information about how to engage with potential supporters by talking about the issues that are important to them. I later attended a gathering of Women for Obama. We talked about issues that affected each of us. I heard what their experiences have been lately in the education, health care and social service fields. “I felt a connection because preserving educational opportunities and access to health care are especially important to me. Through my job, I daily witness the hard work of students, many of them first-generation college attendees. Here, they prepare for graduate programs. Here, they gain skills that will help them to find meaningful employment in the future. Also, I have three sons, and their dreams are being brought within reach through education, partially funded by federal grants and loans. “After those experiences, my husband and I volunteered to have a weekly phone bank at our house during the early stages of this fall’s campaign. When responsibilities for the core group were given out, I was asked to help with volunteer recruitment. My husband’s job is the ‘comfort coordinator,’ which means he supplies water and healthy snacks for the phone volunteers and canvassers. The operation has moved to an office at 227 Watson St., where I lettered the front door and windows. I continue to volunteer as often as I can. “When Michelle Obama’s Appleton visit was announced, one campaign volunteer was chosen to represent each of the northeast Wisconsin field organizers’ districts. I was thrilled

to be asked. It was a long day of standing and waiting, but it was well worth the effort. Groups that went ahead of our contingent included Wisconsin Democratic office-holders, Lawrence University dignitaries, representatives from the Oneida Nation and the Hmong community, and chiefs of the area police, sheriff and fire departments. We waited in line for a personal embrace and thank you from the First Lady. We were allowed to say a short statement. I can’t remember my exact words, but they ran along the lines of, ‘Thank you for all you do for us; it’s an honor to meet you.’ “Then we were grouped at the front of the room. The First Lady thanked us for our involvement and urged us to keep up the hard work in the weeks ahead. Finally, she stood with our group for a photo. I felt humbled and elated at the same time. We were an eclectic bunch, representing lots of constituencies – a good cross-section of ages and beliefs and reasons we have chosen to be active. We live in an exceptional country, where someone with my background can have an opportunity to meet someone I respect so much. Michelle Obama is elegant and eloquent, radiating joy, confidence and compassion for others. “The rally itself and her speech to the crowd were icing on the cake. The main message was that the president is truly concerned with the plight of working families in our country. He believes that strengthening the middle class is the best approach to making our economy work for everyone. Also, Mrs. Obama stressed the fact that she and President Obama are living proof that the American Dream does exist for those who will work hard to achieve it. “The crowd was wildly enthusiastic. It seemed very appropriate that the speech was given on a college campus because our young people have so much at stake in this election. They see the connection between educational opportunities, their future job prospects, and the health of our nation’s economy. “I will never forget the experience of meeting the First Lady, looking into her eyes, and seeing in her all the possibilities that our country has to offer. It was an honor, indeed.” b

Meg Schwemmer embraces First Lady Michelle Obama.



RIPON College

Fox News’ Chief Political Correspondent Carl Cameron meets with Gail Gitcho ’01 and George Gitcho ’67.

George Gitcho, center, and his friend, Stan Jorgensen, right, chat with CBS’ “Face the Nation” host Bob Schieffer.

Two Ripon generations share » thrill of Republican National Convention

It was the experience of a lifetime for father and daughter. George Gitcho ’67 of San Antonio, Texas, was the guest of his daughter, Gail Gitcho ’01, at the Republican National Convention in Tampa at the end of August. Gail served as communications director for Gov. Mitt Romey’s presidential campaign. George met many news anchors from FOX, CNN and MSNBC; Gail’s campaign associates; Executive Editor Al Hunt of “Bloomberg News”; Mark Halperin of “Time Magazine” and Andrea Mitchell of MSNBC. He also joined a guided tour of the FOX News facility by Chris Wallace. “Gail was scheduled to be interviewed live on FOX News Tuesday morning, so we went to the set with her and observed everything that it takes to make this happen,” George says. “It was awesome! We met Michael Clemente, executive vice president of news, Bill Hemmer, Martha MacCallum, Shannon Bream, Brian Kilmeade and Bret Baier. They all know Gail and love working with her.” Later, Gail and other Romney staff members did a live interview with Mike Allen, chief political correspondent for POLITICO News. George observed Ann Romney’s speech on the first night of the convention. “It was exciting to watch what was happening on stage as well as in the FOX News area below,” George says. “Ann Romney’s speech captured the attention of the entire Tampa Bay Forum.” On Wednesday, he heard Condoleezza Rice and Paul Ryan as the main speakers, and on Thurday, Gov. Romney spoke. He also watched as the Romney team prepared for a group photo. “Gail was able to join us for the Romney speech and relax somewhat,” George says. “Then the brushfire started

regarding Clint Eastwood’s appearance. She had proofed his original speech that afternoon, but he delivered some impromptu thoughts instead. How do you vet Dirty Harry?” After a mass of falling balloons highlighted the close of the convention, George joined Gail at the CNN Grill where Gail had a live interview with Piers Morgan. When Morgan was done interviewing for the evening, he joined the Gitchos at their table for some humorous “off-the-cuff” campaign conversation until 2 a.m, George says. On George’s flight back to San Antonio, he learned that the people seated next to him were Ann Romney’s brother, his wife, their daughter and son-in-law. “The preparation involved in creating this event was unbelievable,” George says. “Watching it evolve first-hand was amazing.” b

Falling balloons hail the close of the Republican National Convention.




If these walls could talk: »

Many have shared same spot on Smith Hall’s third floor

Ripon College’s original campus buildings have been witness to a variety of functions over the years. The now stately office of the vice president of advancement on the third floor of Smith Hall (formerly known as Middle Hall) is on the same spot that numerous alumni once called their Ripon home. Sam Dougan ’48 of Tucson, Ariz., was housed in that space for a time. “There was a study room and two bedrooms off of it,” Sam recalls. “We had a couple of upper classmen from Oconto or Oconto Falls. They had a smelt run there every year. They would bring back a huge washtub of smelt, and we would have a big beer party.” This was during “Hell Week,” and Sam recalls a lot of fraternity antics such as another washtub in the basement filled with “hot” liquid spiked with Tabasco sauce that they had to hold in their mouths. They would eat smelt and drink beer afterward. “The next morning there was the smell of stale beer and smelt, and we had to clean the place up,” he says. He also recalls everyone disassembling their beds once a year and creating hurdle races in the attic of Smith – but he is too polite to detail the specifics, he says. In the spring, he recalls, they climbed out the dormer windows and sunbathed on the roof. “And that crazy Evan Olson (’50 of Omaha, Neb.) would do a somersault off the roof,” Sam says. Olson doesn’t recall going off the roof, but he does recall a snafu when he first arrived at Smith Hall. “They didn’t have room for me, so they put a drape across one of the dormers in the sleeping quarters and put in a bed and a dresser. I lived up there for at least a semester!”

A few years later, James B. Landwehr ’56 of Glendale, Wis., was housed in the same space and fondly recalls “life at Smith Hall with a randy bunch.” He said the rooms then were designed to have two sleeping areas with a double bunk and clothes rack, and a study area. One of the rooms lost its sleeping area to make way for an exit to the fire escape. “The guys who were assigned got together and they took the room on the back side of the building next to the fire escape for a sleeping room,” he says. “Everyone slept there except me. I worked at Schneider’s Restaurant and had to be there at 5 in the morning. I slept in one of the sleeping rooms on the west. Then we had the big corner room for our recreation. They called it a study room, but I can’t remember doing much studying there. None of us really studied very hard, I don’t remember, but we were brilliant. “The study room was to ‘die’ in in an emergency, like being overly involved with beer or whatever. We took good care of the room – we always flipped our cigarette butts out into the hall. There were black spots all over the floor. I’m surprised we didn’t burn the place down.” Jim Thayer ’54, Bill Donaldson ’54 and the late Frank Bonfiglio ’56 were among the group who shared space there together. Thayer fondly recalls Bonfiglio and his affectionate Italian family from Milwaukee. Bonfiglio got into a bit of trouble when he participated in a prank at Lawrence University. He and accomplices painted their library columns Ripon red. Thayer, as student council president, was called in to President Clark Kuebler’s office and asked to deliver a check to Lawrence to cover damages.

Many transformations The second building constructed on the Ripon College campus, Smith Hall has gone through a series of name changes and served a variety of purposes throughout the years. Originally called Middle College, the building housed women students, classrooms, meeting rooms and the commons. It became a men’s residence hall after the completion of Bartlett Cottage in 1888. Before World War II, it was the house of Delta Sigma Psi fraternity (later Sigma Alpha Epsilon). In 1909, Middle College was renamed Smith Hall in honor of the generous Smith family. After the war and until the building of the Quads, it housed Delta Sigma Psi and Omega Chi (later Sigma Chi).



RIPON College

On Jan. 7, 1931, the interior of the building was consumed by fire. Rebuilding began immediately. The remodeled Smith Hall became the main administrative building in 1958 and was later renamed Middle Hall. It housed the office of the president and the dean of faculty until the College renovated the Carnegie Building in 2006. Now renamed Smith Hall, the building houses the offices of the vice president for advancement and vice president for finance, as well as offices for marketing and communications, financial aid, alumni and parent relations, and the department of communication. The duplicating department and business office are on the bottom floor. b

Thayer was able to talk President Kuebler out of suspending Bonfiglio over the incident. “Frank’s dad later came into that third-floor room in Smith and asked his son, ‘Who is the one who kept you in college?’ He said, ‘Jim Thayer, there.’ And his dad gave me a big Italian bear hug.” He says Bonfiglio later became the maître’d at the Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee. Thayer also recalls Jerry Rosen, who later stood up at Thayer’s wedding. A doting aunt continually sent Rosen cashmere sweaters. He would wear one and toss it in a corner of the room. When about 30 were gathered there, he took them to the dry cleaners. Another friend frequently borrowed money from Thayer to go gambling, and left the repayment on the dresser in the room. Donaldson, now of St. Charles, Ill., says two fraternities were housed in the residence hall then. “Our group was Delta Sigma Psi, and we occupied the third floor plus the sleeping attic – also a lounge in the basement. This was the site of continual sheepshead tournaments as well as an in-house pool

hall complete with billiard and pool tables to enhance our liberal educations and deplete our meager savings. “In the evening, when lights were low, it became a retreat for couples who couldn’t rely on sufficient privacy on the front steps of the tri-dorms or living rooms of the various sorority houses. As you might expect from a group of active young men, our housekeeping habits left a bit to be desired, but we occasionally banded together to sweep things out.” Beer was the beverage of choice for most of the residents, Donaldson says, although alcohol was not allowed on campus. “The water closets on our toilets served as make-do coolers,” he says. “This managed to keep our bottles of Chief Oshkosh and White Cap brew moderately cool but also led to occasional plumbing malfunctions. At least we knew how to fix the problem without relying on the maintenance staff. “Despite the fun-and-games aspects of life in Smith Hall, it provided a great place for a community of friends to build a lifetime of friendships while getting a first-class education.” Landwehr agrees. “We had some very good guys,” he says. “It was a lot of fun. It was a good room.” b

Jim Landwehr ’56 and Vice President for Advancement Wayne Webster look over “yesteryear” photos as they chat in the Smith Hall space they both have shared.




Memuna Z. Khan, left, Brazilian exchange student Abraao Calderano Rezende (partially shown) and Allison Schmidt ’14 check measurements on a tiny blue friend.

“I really enjoyed working on her bluebird project. I learned a lot about the birds, but I also gained experience in how to conduct scientific research. Dr. Khan is a great professor, and I look forward to working on the project again in the spring!” Allison Schmidt ’14

Memuna Z. Khan »

Associate Professor of Biology 2012 May Bumby Severy, Class of 1908, Award

As a child growing up in Brooklyn, Memuna Z. Khan developed a fascination and love for animals and the outdoors by devouring her “Ranger Rick” magazines each month. “I was one of those starryeyed kids who wanted to work with animals, and I found a way to do it,” she says. Memuna Z. Khan Now an associate professor of biology at Ripon, Khan found her calling when she took an animal behavior course and a field ecology course. While a biology major at the University of Chicago, she took a field ecology course that included a trip to study cattle egrets in Florida. “That’s where I figured out that birds were the best!” she says. “Doing field biology was pretty fun. That was the clincher that that’s what I wanted to do.” During graduate school at North Carolina State University, Khan studied and wrote about woodpeckers. After moving to Wisconsin, she says, she had to find a different wild bird population to study. Since 2007, that has been eastern bluebirds. “I picked bluebirds because they are a really good study system for the questions I am interested in,” she says. “Also, with bluebirds, you can create a research population fairly quickly because they nest readily in boxes that I set up. Then, I can find them, catch them easily and individually mark them so when I see them again, I know who they are.” 22


RIPON College

Several students help Khan with her bluebird research each year, and she finds this incredibly rewarding. Because Ripon is an undergraduate school and intimately sized, students get study opportunities that typically are available only to graduate students at larger schools. “Students help throughout the research process: submitting research grants, designing and implementing projects and presenting their work at conferences,” she says. “By far, the students have the most fun when they monitor the nest boxes from March through August. It’s always exciting when the first eggs appear, and the students love the opportunity to handle birds.” Khan and her students are studying the reasons some bluebird pairs attempt a second nest after successfully producing young. Students have examined the role of food availability, weather and competition with other species for nest boxes on the decision of a pair to attempt a second nest. Khan appreciates the interaction with students as much as they enjoy it. “I like teaching because it keeps me learning, and I like to learn,” she says. One way she keeps learning is by having her students report on the latest news publications relevant to the course she is teaching. “I like to see which topics they pick and what they get excited about,” she says. “Science is progressing and changing, and this is one way that we can experience the dynamic nature of science together.” b

Kurt R. Dietrich » Professor of Music and Barbara Baldwin De Frees Chair in the Performing Arts 2012 James Underkofler Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Kurt R. Dietrich has taught in the music department at Ripon for 32 years. “The thing that keeps musicians going is what you feel when you play, sing or even listen to music,” he says. “You can’t talk about it. If we could talk about music and get the same experience, we wouldn’t need music. It feels Kurt R. Dietrich different and communicates differently than anything you can read or write.” Asked about his teaching style, and how students perceive him, he believes that they would say that “I’m pretty demanding. I expect a reasonably high level of work from my students. It is the nature of what I do that the students and I are making music together. At every rehearsal, they’re actively involved the whole time. It’s the same thing when I’m teaching a lesson. I guide the lesson, but the student is doing the work.” Dietrich appreciates the kind of student who comes to Ripon. “What I love about the students is how open and guileless they are,” he says. “These are some of the nicest kids you’ll find anywhere. Some of our students come here and are not as well-prepared or trained as they might be. But the students here will work hard for me. I make them work hard, and they keep coming

back. You can tell you’re making a difference in those students’ lives, and it goes way beyond the music. There’s a great reward in that.” For Dietrich, the goal is doing his best to ensure that students succeed. “I want every student to do well.” During his long career at Ripon, Dietrich has received several teaching awards. While this pleases him, he says it doesn’t affect the steady, reliable teaching style that has earned him those honors. “You’d like to think you’re going to teach the same way no matter what,” he says. “If the awards come, great. If not, you hope you’re doing the best you can, teaching the way you think it’s supposed to be done.” Dietrich says all the faculty on campus strive to stay actively involved in their field. For him, that means doing research, writing and performing, “as well as showing up to class every day,” he says. Each year, he still plays 10 to 12 gigs a year, performs at campus events, substitutes with area orchestras and big bands, and guests at a couple of jazz festivals. “It’s juggling things,” he says. “You figure it out from day to day. It’s been a good fit for me here at Ripon. At a smaller school, you’ve got to be able to do a lot of different things and that’s the way I seem to work best.” Dietrich’s career has been all about making music and helping students to do the same. And, he says, “If you can share that, what’s better?” b

Sarah Moehrke ’13 and Kurt R. Dietrich

“Aside from his excellence in classroom instruction, Prof. Dietrich is always willing to go the extra mile for his students. He takes a great interest in the personal lives and goals of his students, and he is willing to help them plan their lives after graduation, no matter what their undergraduate major happens to be. His ability to be both professional and amiable makes him not only a great teacher, but a great person.” Dan Erickson ’13




Alex Reid ’13 and Jerry Kurek ’14



RIPON College

Fiscal Year 2012 Revenue $28,691,414.00 $15,000,000 12,000,000 9,000,000 6,000,000 3,000,000 0 -3,000,000

Student Tuition and Fees

Auxiliary Entreprises



Other Income

Fiscal Year 2012 Expenses $27,638,784.00 $12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 0 Instruction

Institutional Support

Auxiliary Enterprises

Student Services

Academic Support

Public Services




Board of Trustees 2011-2012 Officers Robert J. Kirkland ’81, chair Chicago, Ill. Dena G. Willmore ’67, immediate past chair Retired partner/ senior vice president Wellington Management Co. Buckland, Mass. Ronald R. Peterson ’70, vice chair Partner/Corporate Restructuring Jenner & Block Lake Forest, Ill. Mark J. Wright ’75, treasurer Wright Consulting Group Perry Hall, Md.

Stephanie Greene ’72 Retired vice president, retail change management JPMorganChase & Cos. New York, N.Y. Helen E. Hansen ’66 Associate professor emerita University of Minnesota School of Nursing Saint Paul, Minn. David G. Hartman ’64 Retired senior vice president and chief actuary Chubb Group of Insurance Companies New Providence, N.J.

Doreen Conforti Chemerow ’73, secretary Portland, Ore.

Guy R. Henshaw ’68 Managing director/partner Henshaw & Vierra Danville, Calif.

Members of the Board Thomas W. Abendroth ’81 Partner/attorney Schiff Hardin LLP Evanston, Ill.

Marcus D. Hoffman ’70 Director of business applications Ametek Philadelphia, Pa.

Victoria L. Bleise ’73 Retired Client Business Manager AT&T Saint Paul, Minn.

David A. Janssen ’81 Plastic surgeon Fox Valley Plastic Surgery, S.C. Oshkosh, Wis.

James R. Clark ’68 Attorney and partner Foley & Lardner LLP Mequon, Wis.

William C. Jordan ’69 Dayton-Stockton Professor of History Princeton University Princeton, N.J.

James P. Connelly Attorney and senior partner, Health Care Practice Foley & Lardner LLP River Hills, Wis.

David C. Joyce President (7/1 - 11/15) Ripon College Ripon, Wis.

Scott L. Dicks ’74 Managing partner Selling Forensics Group Middleton, Wis. Dennis G. Frahmann ’74 Executive vice president, marketing Sage Software Los Angeles, Calif. Mark J. Franzen ’83 Managing director Milliman IntelliScript New Berlin, Wis. Jane Runkel Frederick ’74 Consultant - higher education Shorewood, Wis.

Robb B. Kahl ’94 Executive director Construction Business Group Monona, Wis. Martin M. Lindsay ’87 treasurer The Middlebury Corp. Arlington Heights, Ill. William C. MacLeod ’73 partner Kelley Drye Falls Church, Va.

Susan S. Meier ’79 principal Meier and Associates Gaithersburg, Md. Gary R. Page ’84 president SDA Inc. Atlanta, Ga. Michael R. Reese ’65 Appleton, Wis. Cheryl K. Rofer ’63 Chief executive officer Nuclear Diner Santa Fe, N.M. Gerald E. Seaman Interim president (11/16 - 6/30) Ripon College Appleton, Wis. Joann Selleck ’73 Attorney/partner Cozen O’Connor San Diego, Calif. Pamela Price Smith ’68 President/owner Mathtyme Educational Services Fox Point, Wis. Scott L. Spiller Vice president, chief legal officer and secretary Alliance Laundry Systems LLC Oshkosh, Wis. Richard J. Srednicki ’73 Retired chief executive officer Chase Card Services, JP Morgan Chase Steamboat Springs, Colo. Katherine Stewart CUNA Mutual Group Madison, Wis. Matthew J. Umhoefer ’95 Senior project manager Aon Hewitt Hawthorn Woods, Ill. Robert J. Zimmerman’70 Retired partner Foley & Lardner LLP River Forest, Ill.

Special Graduate Trustees Leslie M. Sullivan ’11 Contact Center supervisor Enterprise Holdings Inc. Saint Louis, Mo. Paul G. Williams ’10 Executive team leader Target Corp. Greendale, Wis. Honorary Life Trustees Robert V. Abendroth ’51 Donald W. Anderson ’42 Thomas E. Caestecker Patricia P. Francis Robert L. Hanley Robert G. Lambert ’52 Audrey Lyke Samuel W. Pickard ’55 John A. Sturm ’58 Charles A. Van Zoeren ’53 K. G. Weiske ’50 Thomas R. Wyman ’50 J. Gibbons Zeratsky R. Douglas Ziegler Administration David C. Joyce President (7/1 – 11/15) Gerald E. Seaman Interim president (11/16 – 6/30) Vice president and dean of faculty (7/1 – 11/15) Russell L. Blake Interim vice president and dean of faculty (11/16 – 7/31) Mary M. deRegnier Vice president for finance Leigh D. Mlodzik ’02 Dean of admission Christophor M. Ogle ’80 Vice president and dean of students Steven M. Schuetz Vice president for admission and financial aid (7/1 – 8/12) Wayne P. Webster Vice president for advancement

Philip K. McCullough ’69 physician Philip K. McCullough, M.D., S.C. Woodstock, Ill.

Lists of donors by individual years were published in the Fall 2012 Class Letters. For a list of all donors, visit View the list by entering the password: honor12



RIPON College

Grammy Award winner Al Jarreau ’62 and his former coach “Doc” Weiske

PARTNERS IN THE LEGACY Partners in the Legacy was established in 1995 to recognize alumni and friends whose concern for the long-term future of Ripon College is manifested by including the College in their estate plans. Partners in the Legacy move the College toward greater fiscal stability through endowments and other gifts their estate plans provide. These individuals have made their commitment to enhancing the outstanding liberal arts educational experience for future generations of Ripon College students. 1909 Helen Hughes* 1911 Ruth F. Gower* Cora M. Manaton* 1916 Jean Talbot* 1918 Harrison E. Farnsworth* 1919 Lola Schultz Castner* 1920 Margaret Griffiths Maitland* Meta Schmudlach Williams* 1921 Frances L. Christison* 1923 Mildred Hotchkiss Banville* Guthrie B. Boon* 1924 Klara E. Dahlke* Cora Trautman Foulkes* Georgia Campbell Gebhardt* Eunice S. Lovejoy* Sylvia Rhyner McCumber* Elizabeth Lyon Peters* Bradford A. Williams* 1925 Pearl Pierce Dopp* Harold A. Engel* Chester K. Rosenbaum* 1926 Helen Klitzke Berndt* Elmer M. Burns* Dorothy Griffith Crist* Harley S. Jones* Jane Shaw Jones* Carolyn Parsons Kay* Marian Millard Sullivan* 1927 Ruth Pilger Andrews* Arthur W. Jorgensen* Arthur D. Lohr* Margaret Lambert Neumann* *indicates deceased members

1928 Alice Carter Brown* Chauncey C. Hale* Nila Schwartz Henry* Norman J. McCurdie* Grace Westenborg Oliver* 1929 Katharine Reuther Campbell* Fred V. Hein* Nina M. McCandless* Cora Gunderson Podell* W. Oscar Wilkinson* 1930 Marjorie Nielsen Gehner* Reinhold F. Gehner* Ellen Lowe Gormley* Neil F. Hein* Loren Oliver* Thelma Collins Rule* Verona Peters Van Ess* Lewis A. Walter* Dorothy Chesak Wiley* 1931 Lawrence A. Buckland* C. B. Wegner* Grant A. Wheeler* 1932 James H. Barbour* Gordon M. Bly* Kenneth B. Falconer* Robert J. Farris* Carleton W. Schwiesow* Helen I. Wahoski* Margaret E. Wernecke* Hazel Sherwood Williams* Lester H. Williams* 1933 Henry L. Brooks* Helen Wells Cooke* Ralph W. Cooke* Densmore R. Dickinson* Paul A. Freye* Justin H. Hazen* Russell Jackson* Milo W. Lindow* Ethel Hamburg Weaver* 1934 Rose E. Butler* Victoria E. Hargrave*

The more than 500 individuals listed here have remembered the College in the form of a bequest or a planned gift and have a special place in the College’s history. They also have supported ongoing programs and, in many cases, have endowed the College in specific areas, creating a personal legacy and a permanent record of their affection for Ripon College. We are grateful for the far-sighted planning by such dedicated alumni and friends.

1935 Charlotte Williams Freye* Dorothea Himmler* Margaret Treleven Novitske* Daniel D. O’Connell* Harry C. Washkoske* 1936 Roberta Stuart Boismenue* George S. Hoban* Margaret Chittenden Ruhoff * Frank W. Ryhlick* Raymond C. Westphal* 1937 R. E. McDonald* John B. Murray* Nellie Weiss Murray* Esther Jean Humphreys Page* 1938 Berdyne Butcher Eddy* R. Harry Evans* Lester H. Page* Elfriede Stobbe Ryhlick* Gilbert E. Strickler* Beth Hoveland Younggren* 1939 Thomas Alderson* Anonymous George H. Bechtel Claire Klein* Barbara Kinsley Koehler* Jean Thiele Stevens* 1940 William T. Gilkey* Herbert M. Haseltine* Mabel Schwiesow Lent* Verna Mace Zander 1941 Ann E. Ewing* Howard J. Gould* Dorothy Bertschinger Hoslett* Richard J. Parvis* John D. Roberts* John W. Roberts* 1942 Donald W. Anderson Matthew G. Bushner* Mary Jane Gordon* Charles E. Hoffman* Harry W. Knop, Jr.*

Robert S. Wilson* Helen Fossland Zippel* 1943 Frances Sischo Altheimer* Anonymous Albert S. Brodeur* James D. Cowan* Leonard G. Dahm, Jr. Mary Ann Livingston Jenneke* Alice Burns Mijanovich* Doris Damon Miller* Daniel F. Muehlstein* A. N. Renner* Ervin A. Zippel* 1944 Lottie Kucher Bierman* Robert V. Cadieu Frank G. Hess* Barbara Elert Kate* 1945 Marilyn Dixon Anderson* Anonymous Barbara Doehling Doran* Dean A. Emanuel Miriam Beilke Huth Dean S. Johnston Phyllis Lindsley Purnell* DeVere L. Vandervort 1946 Dorothy M. Evans 1947 William C. Holter* Jack T. Sneesby James C. Vebeck* 1948 Samuel W. Dougan John R. Hoffmann* Jean Hammond Otto* 1949 Anonymous George J. Becker* Jerome R. Blackstone Edward F. Deren* Donald P. Larsen James C. Pickard Phyllis Havens Van De Mark John C. Weiner Norma Palmer Weiner

1950 Leonard T. Keith* James E. Maley* James M. Reed Diane Fairbrother Syme Michael Tinkham* Beth Millhouse Weisberger* K. G. Weiske Thomas R. Wyman Earl R. Zamzow* 1951 Robert V. Abendroth Thomas C. Babcock* Richard J. Bailar Carlton L. Blochwitz Joanne Klawiter Cochrane Ann Irwin Hines Lois Hoeft Perrine 1952 Rosemary Klement Best* Evelyn Bernahl Black Mary Jane Bumby James F. Cochrane Jack Dekker* Robert G. Lambert Barbara Young Males Richard T. Martin* A. Paul Nancarrow 1953 Blanche Bartizal Babcock Thomas E. Bastis* E. Wayne Black* Gloria Philippi Churchill* Faye Backus Herbst H. W. Herbst* Andy M. Palm Charles A. Van Zoeren Joan Hurley Van Zoeren Arthur Wong Bernice Gardner Zamzow* 1954 Verne B. Churchill, Jr. James T. Cunningham Joyce L. Kiefer Rene H. Males 1955 Thomas A. Domencich Roxi-ann Parker Donovan Lyle L. Heide Kent O. Olin Samuel W. Pickard Robert W. Tagge*




1956 James P. Brost R. Keith Guise A. Dickson Hause* Patricia Underkofler Kegel* John A. Stoler 1957 Bruce P. Anderson Ray G. Besing Robert J. Fluhr Catherine Adamski Gant Samuel D. Holmes* Mary Anne Ryan Johnson* Judith Pallett Kaestner Paul L. Kegel Herrick S. Lauson* Barbara Zimay Riel* Lowell A. Weber 1958 Richard C. Barber John K. Clark Carol Diedrich Cooley Thomas E. Cooley J. Peter Jensen Steven J. Johnson

1962 John C. Diedrich Henry A. Holzkamper Judy Hughes Phillips Barbara Holt Wilson* 1963 Stephen K. Astmann Paul R. Berens Patricia L. Hayes* John Kirchgeorg Cheryl K. Rofer Mary L. Sfasciotti Frank L. Smoll Margaret Bisson Wheatley 1964 George C. Elliott III* Judy A. Fortmeier* William R. Haljun David G. Hartman David P. Schenck Donald L. Schober David C. Van Singel

1968 Linda Jensen Bohnen Mary LeFevre Chavez James R. Clark R. Gregory Dunn, Jr. Guy R. Henshaw Susan Siegel Henshaw Donna E. Kantner David M. Minor Judith Wilkinson Neill Jason Parker Pamela Price Smith Vicky Porth Tobias 1969 Anonymous Andrew E. Cook II R. Christian Dolloff Philip K. McCullough Cynthia Sanborn Nyquist Scott A. Nyquist Peter G. Porikos* Nicholas P. Retson John H. Wolfe 1970 Marcus D. Hoffman Sally Hand Mauson Robert W. Roth 1971 Dale E. Abrams

Bonnie Binkoff Riley ’68

Robert G. Laabs* William H. Popko John A. Sturm Jon P. Wilcox 1959 Ann Di John Anderson* Plato D. Kinias Michael A. Messenger* Roger D. Venden V. Gerald Woeste 1960 Georgene Klaner Koblenz Raymond H. Laub Barbara A. Lueck* Lynne Scherbarth Penicnak* Marilynn Deplewski Tykal Michael O. Willson 1961 Anonymous Robert C. Burress Werner W. Knuth Edwin A. Pfeiffer* Robert W. Tykal



RIPON College

1965 Anonymous Franklin C. Brewster, Jr.* Jeff C. Bumby James R. Christopher Craig T. Ferris Thomas A. Fischer Larry C. Lascody Michael R. Reese 1966 Peter R. Bird David H. Gebhardt, Jr. Helen E. Hansen P. Devers Weaver II* Gary G. Yerkey 1967 William J. Bohnen* Kathryn Santimays Dunn Pamela Hendricks Gazaway Barbara Berger Lascody Diane Vaughan Longcore Bruce M. McDonald* William A. Neill James E. Reed* John C. Ryberg Dena G. Willmore

1972 Thomas I. Altholz Anonymous Michael W. Farrell Joan M. Finsilver Susan Frederick-Clarkson Susan Mijanovich Key 1973 Suellen Reigle Altholz Victoria L. Bleise Edward W. Bumby Doreen Conforti Chemerow John P. Frederick Owen P. Gleason* William C. MacLeod Michael R. Mizen, Jr. David P. Titus 1974 Anonymous Douglas M. Cassell Linda Mohr Dicks Scott L. Dicks Thomas A. Fiedler Dennis G. Frahmann Jane Runkel Frederick Herbert P. Holcli* Mary Breese Ray David B. Wheeler Margaret E. Zellmer


James M. Curtis Ann W. Devenish-Cassell Mary Ellen Weis Doll Margaret Seelbach Mizen Suzanne Monroe Poulos Susan Schreyer Stander Marcia Wilson Wahoske Mark J. Wright

1976 Jeffrey P. Clark Richard A. Deck Gail L. Dobish Kelly G. O’Brien Sandy L. Ogden Hugh W. Whipple Margaret E. Wiff 1977 Anonymous Brian P. Downey Howard C. Draft Jack M. Heck Larry Malchow Richard A. Morrill* Kim Hinds O’Brien Michael D. Poulos Birgit Abromaitis Retson Marsha J. Toll 1978 Anonymous Robert R. Meyer Gregg E. Petersen

1986 Anonymous Kelly Sallee Jahn Robyn Hardt Schultz 1987 Anonymous 1988 Katherine S. Wade 1989 Anonymous Sarah Hemstock Robinson Patrick K. Schmidt Kathryn R. Schultz 1991 Laura M. Kreofsky 1992 Bret T. Reese Stephen D. Woolley 1993 Thomas C. Clapp

1979 Anonymous Mary C. Gavin Donald L. Mac Gregor Carla Drecktrah Nielsen Perry H. Robinson

1994 Jesse M. Estevez Sara E. Kleckner

1980 Katherine Pine Avery Margaret Gero DaValt Kathy E. Goodbout Mark A. Greene James D. Greenebaum David J. Remondini Susan Angell Schmidt Lynn Frisvold Williams

2000 Andre Miksha

1981 Thomas W. Abendroth Debora Border Arnold Mark B. Jacobs David A. Janssen Robert J. Kirkland Andrew W. Schmidt Kent E. Timm Seth F. Williams 1982 Dorian A. Des Lauriers Kevin R. Hall Linda A. Hall Kristin Kohles Janssen Christopher L. Shepard Paul J. Weeks Martha Spittell Ziegelbauer 1983 William A. Jahn 1984 Eric L. Lusty Gary R. Page 1985 Kenneth R. Carlson Julia Lynch Kummer Elaine Adkins Wilcox Jay P. Wilcox

1998 Joshua M. Satzer

2001 Dante A. C. Houston 2003 Bryan W. Gerretsen Paul B. Ranslow Stephanie W. Ranslow Daniel T. Trost David K. Williams Karen M. Berg Williams 2004 Amy Gabriel Gerretsen Nicholas A. Spaeth 2005 Paul M. Neuberger 2006 Andrew P. Kitslaar 2007 Amanda R. Liethen Tylor S. Loest 2009 Dustin R. Zuelke 2011 William R. Schultz

Parents and Friends Ann Abshier Anonymous Francis* and Georgia* Ariens Lois L. Arnegard* Barbara J. Arnold* Jeffrey D. Arnold Jane Shea Barclay Ruth-Alison Birch Bastis* James* and Jane* Bayer Ruth M. Becker* Horace M. Benstead* Donald L. and Anne A. Bentley Todd I. and Betty J. Berens Carol K. Blochwitz Carol E. Bly* Eloise F. Breitengross* Donna M. Bukowski Norma Cadieu Edward* and Mary Carbon Virginia L. Cassidy* James F.* and Gloria J. Clark Bill E. Clarkson Philip B. Clarkson Robert E. Collier Lyn Corder Leone Damon* Doris Dekker

Florence H. Dick* Nephele Wing Domencich Louis I.* and Helga C.* Drecktrah Russell* and Dorothy* Duket John Ebenreiter* Leo H. Eberhardt* Lorrie Emanuel J. Thomas* and Patricia Emerson Helen D. Engel* James S. and Katherine H. Erskine Nancy B. Ferris Deborah M. Fiedler Mary Chappel Fischer* Theodore H. Fortmeier* Patricia Parker Francis Yvonne A. Gardiol* William S. Gazaway Robert K.* and Patricia* Gerling Edna Jordan Gilkey* Marjorie Gould Vergene A. Graham* Nancy E. Hale Viola Hale* Robert and Heidi Hanley David L.* and Elizabeth W.* Harris

Kitty Hartman JoAnn Ellen Haseltine Louise R. Hayes* Louise Hielsberg Hazen* Vera Baum Hein* Carol Sears Hess* Yvonne Gatzke Holmes* Karen N. Hoyem Cornelia Loomis Hull* Roy W. Johnson* David C. and Lynne C. Joyce Erwin J. Kaiser* Curt* and Cora* Kanow Peter P. and Laurie Kasuboski Jean S. Keith Burton C. Kilbourne* Jason Kleckner Hugo John Kummer Wayne Larson Coye Allen Lindow* Michelle K. Lippart Nancy W. Livingston* A. Douglas* and Audrey Reichert Lyke Doris B. Mackay* Edna Joyner Martin* Arline* and Philip K.* McCullough, Sr. Gertrude McDonald*

Elizabeth Yates McGreal* Adela P. Melchert* Don and Ruth Miksha George H. Miller* Deborah A. Nancarrow Francis Neilson* Barbara S. Nelson* Vince and Ellie Palmer Kathleen S. Parvis* Clementine L. Peterson* Mitzi S. Pickard Susan R. Pierson* Harvey F. Podell* Paula Reed* Hanna Roberts* Helen A. Roberts Jody Dalton Roy Everett J. Rule* Ralph H. Ruppert* A. J. Ryberg Mary Jane Schenck Alex O. Schmidt* Lester O. Schwartz* Frank C. Shattuck* Melvin F.* and Hazel Haase* Siewert Robert L. Smith Harold Spelman* William R. Stott, Jr. Georgia Lurene Strickler* Lucille Swoboda*

James F. and Linda Tator Don F. Thomann* Bess A. Thomas* LaVerne A. Toussaint* William E. Tyree Kenneth H. Vanderford* Jean A. van Hengel* Bill and Paula Van Wie Manon R. Venden Maria A. Vittone Annie Washkoske* Carol A. Weber Theresa Weeks Elizabeth J. Wegner* Lois Weiske Arloine A. Wernecke* Barbara M. Wheeler* Jane Ann Wilcox Evelyn L. Wilkinson* Claricy W. Williams* Virginia Harris Williams* E. C. Winkenwerder* Rachel A. Woods* William J. and Jean G. Woolley John W. Wright* Newell A. Younggren* Gary J. Ziegelbauer R. Douglas Ziegler *indicates deceased members

1851 Club Members The 1851 Club recognizes alumni, parents and friends whose leadership of financial support helps secure Ripon College’s proud heritage and tradition of academic excellence, now and well into the future. Membership in the 1851 Club is offered to those who support the College at or above the $1,000 level in a given year or whose lifetime support is $50,000 or more. Founders’ Society ($25,000 or more) Robert V.’51 and Roberta Abendroth Thomas W. Abendroth ’81 and Terri Mascherin Julie B. Carlson ’76 David and Doreen Conforti Chemerow ’73 James R. ’68 and Martha Clark Robert E. and Patricia Francis Mark J.’83 and Janice Heinz Franzen ’83 Roxanne Sortino Gleason David G. ’64 and Kitty Hartman Steven J. Hopp ’83 William C. ’69 and Christine Hershey Jordan ’70 Robert J. Kirkland ’81 Martin M. ’87 and Heidi Walker Lindsay ’87 Audrey Lyke Ronald R. ’70 and Loretta Peterson Michael R. ’65 and Kaye Reese

Robert L. and Pamela Price Smith ’68 Richard J. ’73 and Ginny Srednicki Charles A. ’53 and Joan Hurley Van Zoeren ’53 Dena G. Willmore ’67 and Martha J. Thurber Presidents’ Society ($18,000 to $24,999) R. Gregory ’68 and Kathryn Santimays Dunn Jr. ’67 Robert E. Collier and Helen E. Hansen ’66 Marcus D. Hoffman ’70 William C. ’73 and Karen MacLeod Philip K. ’69 and Patricia McCullough Jeremiah W. Walcott Society ($10,000 to $17,999) Donald W. Anderson ’42 Anonymous Donor H. Dayle Balliett ‘39 Oscar C. and Patricia Boldt Sharolyn Howard Burkoth Robert G. Cruickshank ’55

Membership in the 1851 Club also is offered to young alumni who have supported the College at a level equivalent to $100 for each year post-graduation. For instance, for someone who graduated five years ago, a gift of $500 or more will qualify the alumnus for membership in the 1851 Club, and a gift of $600 or more would be needed to renew the membership next year. Italics signify lifetime members.

Joseph M. ’86 and Catherine McGinley Cullen ’89 Lynne DeBeck Cummins ’76 Scott L. ’74 and Linda Mohr Dicks ’74 Dennis G. Frahmann ’74 and Robert S. Tieman William K. Grieb ’70 Guy R. ’68 and Susan Siegel Henshaw ’68 Steven P. ’72 and Ruth Cape Kent ’73 Robert G. ’52 and Margaret Lambert Steven Mattiacci Gary R. ’84 and Mary Page Joann Selleck ’73 Frederick M. ’74 and Betty Lange Strader ’77 John A. ’58 and Peggy Sturm Thomas R. ’50 and Shirley Wyman Clarissa Tucker Tracy Society ($5,000 to $9,999) Jeffrey O. Anhaltzer ’83 Anonymous Donor Thomas A. and Mary E. Avery

Victoria L. Bleise ’73 James R. Christopher ’65 James F. ’52 and Joanne Klawiter Cochrane ’51 Andrew E. ’69 and Karen Cook Glenn R. and Karen Doshay Brian P. Downey ’77 Patricia M. Emerson Joseph M. ’87 and Tracy Endrizzi John P.’73 and Jane Runkel Frederick ’74 Stephanie Greene ’72 Robert V. and Neola Hannaford William A. ’83 and Kelly Sallee Jahn ’86 David A. ’81 and Kristin Kohles Janssen ’82 Andrea L. Johnson ’01 Susan Mijanovich Key ’72 William J. and Deborah Koch Gary L.’72 and Jean Kirkpatrick Lederer ’73 Lillian Long Timothy B. Mahoney ’63 Dee Moore Mahuna ’62

Chelsea Gawlik ’15 and Associate Professor of Philosophy Paul Jeffries Nedra Linville Martz Susan S. Meier ’79 James R. Mijanovich William E. Moore ’66 Thomas A. Neill Steven T.H. ’75 and Kelly Lo Ng Robert E. Nied Jr. ’66 Douglas A. and Lynn Northrop Ann Mijanovich Petersen ’75 Gregg E. Petersen ’78 and Shirley E. Reddoch




James C. ’49 and Gretchen Pickard Samuel W. Pickard ’55 Peter G. Roehl ’68 Cheryl K. Rofer ’63 Donna Veto Schulz ’68 Christopher L. Shepard ’82 Scott L. Spiller Robert W. Steffes ’52 Roger D. ’59 and Manon Venden Bruce L. Wickert ’75 Mark J. Wright ’75 and Marcia Wilson Wahoske ’75 R. Douglas Ziegler Robert J. ’70 and Leslie Zimmerman Orrin H. Ingram Society ($2,500 to $4,999) Michael J. Allan ’82 Bruce P. Anderson ’57 Anonymous Donor Jeff W. Bantle ’80 Ramzi B. ’86 and Margaret Lotacha Baydoun ’87 Dale E. Bikowski ’83 Michael J. ’69 and Susan Garrett Boyd ’69 John J. and Anchalee Bruce Patricia Carroll Carson ’60 Douglas Cassell ’74 and Ann W. Devenish-Cassell ’75 C. R. and Barbara Charlson Jr. Joel W. Cler and Marjorie A. Kenyon-Cler Andrew T. ’79 and Lori Knaak Dickson ’80 John C. Diedrich ’62 Mary Ellen Weis Doll ’75 Samuel W. Dougan ’48 Royce A. Dunbar ’79 David A. ’77 and Kay Eggert Peter H. Engelking ’67 David A. Fellingham ’60 Craig T. ’65 and Nancy Ferris Joanna Malenfant Fischer ’92 Peggy Fossett Susan A. FrederickClarkson ’72 Mark N. and Penelope Greene Daniel A. Henken ’02 Richard A. Johnson ’55 David C. and Lynne Joyce Robb B. ’94 and Jennifer Kitslaar Kahl ’95 Georgene Klaner Koblenz ’60 Joseph M. and Deborah Koenig Mark J. Kortebein ’83 Charles L. ’00 and Kersten Holm Larson III ’00 Martin A. Latsons ’61 Jack Meyer ’73 Connie Herbon Moser ’84 Janet E. Nelson ’82 Justin W. Niebank ‘78 Scott A.’69 and Cynthia Sanborn Nyquist ’69

Ellen Robishaw Otis ’65 Andy M. Palm ’53 Elizabeth Pecha-Poelker ’78 Eric F. Rieders ’79 Barbara Volk Rivera ’70 Donald L. Schober ’64 Daniel W. ’76 and Joanne Long Sherman ’76 Christopher M. ’67 and Colleen Durkin Small ’67 William C. Stege ’62 Katherine Stewart William D. ’62 and Linda Tichy Joseph M. ’81 and Anne Ullman Tolan ’83 William P. Tong ’70 James E. ’58 and Karlyn Webster Robert N. ’73 and Kathy Webster Dirk A. ’81 and Karen Johnson Wilken ’84 John H. Wolfe ’69 Stephen D. Woolley ’92 and Maria A. Vittone Richard W. Zuehl ’70 Wilfrid of Ripon Society ($1,000 to $2,499) Betsy Aaron Dale E. Abrams ’71 Karen Konrad Allan ‘62 Frederick W. Allen ‘45 Thomas I.’72 and Suellen Reigle Altholz ’73 D.C. Anderson Jr. ’52 Neil O. ’57 and Judith Rackow Anderson ’57 Anonymous Donor John F. ’88 and Alice Gallagher Archabal ’89 Robert C. ’71 and Peggy Johnson Arfman ’72 Paul A. Atkins ’69 Blanche Bartizal Babcock ’53 William M. Banks ’67 Michele Jarosz Battle ’81 Robert J. Bechard ’84 James W. Beisner ’71 Joseph P. Belanger ’75 Donald L. and Anne Bentley Todd I. and Betty Berens Karl A. ’65 and Diane L. Beres ’65 Ray G. Besing ’57 John M. ’67 and Jill Williams Bishop ’68 Jean E. Black ’77 Phillip J. Bolda ’75 Douglas A. Borer ’85 Nathan F. Brand ’59 Mary A. Brandt Robert G. Brennan ’73 William J. ’93 and Jennifer Doyle Brinkman ’90 Donna M. Bukowski Jeff C. Bumby ’65 Kenneth R. ’85 and Daedre Carlson Ronald M. Case ’62 Oliver Chan ’73 David D. Chase ’58 David M. Chiong ’69 Richard A. Christensen ’58

Verne B. Churchill Jr. ’54 David I. Cisar ’77 Michael O. Clarey ’68 Daniel P. ’87 and Jean Kellogg Clark ’85 John K. Clark ’58 John H. ’83 and Barbara Williams Clay ’83 Nancy Gerathy Cole ’69 Robert E. Corkery Jr. ’90 William B. ’68 and Barbara Paine Cramer ’68 James E. Czarnik ’89 Richard T. and Christine Damm Brian L. Davis ’80 Michael J. De Lany ’73 Gregory M. and Mary deRegnier Donald H. Dew ’73 Andrea Caballero Dilweg ’92 Joseph W. and Carol Rummel Dingman ’64 Jayne Blumenshine Dittberner ’45 Christopher S. Doherty ’74 Jon R. and Suellen Domencich Thomas A. ’55 and Nephele Domencich Megan M. Draper ’01 Pamela Roe Durham ’82 Thomas J. Ebert ’75 John A. Erich ’69 Charles E. Estberg ’75 Gary T. Evans Carol Pickhardt Fancher ’62 Michael W. Farrell ’72 Michael J. ’87 and Elizabeth Cummings Flaherty ’86 Joseph J. ’06 and Kaelin Butch Fontaine ’06 F. Scott and Eloise Frey Andrew J. Gaines David H. Gebhardt Jr. ’66 G. Jeffrey Gillis ’76 and Beth Galler Gillis ’78 Keith C. Grant ’84 Mark A. Greene ’80 Joseph A. and Clarice Santeralli Gregoire ’77 Michael J. ’83 and Elinor Peterson Guzniczak ’83

Arthur G. Hall Jr. ’51 Kevin R. ’82 and Linda Jensen Hall ’82 Thomas J. Hamilton ’65 Robert L. and Heidi Hanley Howard R. Hansen ’69 Richard A. Hansen Jr. ’67 Emily A. Hanson ’03 Lee J. ’52 and Rita Hartman Harrer Marion Murner Harten ’59 Elizabeth Helgeson Hauser ’82 Mary Stake Hawker ’65 Daniel R. ’98 and Kristin Jablecki Hawksworth ’97 Jack N. ’70 and Nancy Burrell Hays ’72 Lyle L. Heide ’55 Jill A. Hempen-Anthony ’97 Dorothea Wichmann Henry ’53 John N. ’68 and Susan Robinson Hermes ’68 Michael A. and Peggy Herrmann Larry B. Hollmaier ’75 Boyd W. Holmes ’52 John C. Hyde ’65 James A. Hynes Virginia Newton Jacobi ’77 Thomas G. Jayne ’73 Anna B. Johnson C. Richard Johnson ’62 and Katharine L. Bensen Cris G. ’69 and Barbara Lewis Johnson ’68 Steven J. Johnson ’74 Kathleen Burrall Justic ’92 Judith Pallett Kaestner ’57 Peter L. ’59 and Joyce Prout Kasson ’61 John H. and Linda Masson Kastendiek ‘66 Dean A. Katahira Paul L. Kegel ’57 Jean S. Keith Gail Carmichael Kimen Christopher S. Klimp ‘04 Kermit N. ’56 and Joyce Brownworth Klingbail ’57

Christine Pariso ’12 30


RIPON College

Henry W. ’70 and Susan Thomson Knueppel ’70 Werner W. Knuth ’61 Patricia Ostrom Kohnen ’64 Constantine and D. Janice Hume Konstans ’58 Phyllis Schaffer Kraft ’58 Howard R. Kratz ’38 Laura M. Kreofsky ’91 Richard D. ’67 and Lea Ann Kuehl H. John and Julia Lynch Kummer ’85 Dawn Benning LaBarbera ’82 Deborah Jensen Lahteine ’93 Charles L. ’65 and Karen Larson Mark A. ’70 and Linda Wohlschlaeger Larson ’70 Rebecca S. Larson ’97 Susan J. Larson ’69 James F. Laufenburg ’79 William W. Leiner Jr. ’74 and Mary Munro ’74 Robert A.’67 and Suzanne Baldwin Lennox Jr. ’67 Ned Lufrano ’54 Eric ’84 and Louise Lusty H. Andersen and Jeanne Lyke Joan Howard Maclachlan ’64 Mary Jo MacSwain ’77 Larry P. Malchow ’77 Rene H. ’54 and Barbara Young Males ’52 Susan Keller Matthes ’63 Michael L. McLaughlin ’84 Roger C. ’48 and Jane Fleming McLean ’48 Daniel T. McNaughton ’86 David K. Miller ’60 Larry H. and Betsey Miller Andrea C. Morris ’77 John W. Murray ’66 Philip R. Nack ’63 Mary Judith Neill William A. ’67 and Judith Wilkinson Neill ’68 Paul M. Neuberger ’05 Edward F. Norbery Jr. Donald A. Nunemaker ’69 Christophor M. ’80 and Sharon Rejman Ogle ’84 James J. Okray ’83 Kent O. Olin ’55 Thomas J. Oyster ’62 Walter G. Page ’82 Susan E. Palmer ’79 Jane A. Person ’65 Kirbie L. Petersen ’92 Kathryn J. Philipp ’47 Judy Hughes Phillips ’62 James R. Pierce ’76 Michael R. ’88 and Susan Pierson Walter W. Polley ’72 George W. Potter ’77 Mary Breese Ray ’74 Bret T. ’92 and Jennifer Hanson Reese ’94 Gregory T. Rieder ’82 Schuyler Riley

Judy Roberts ’75 John R. and Celia Roesch Sr. Gerald M. and Kathleen Rogers Richard J. M. Rorem ’81 Gerald J. ’55 and Arlene Rosen Richard A. Rowe ’77 Robb W. Rowe ’61 Jonathan Roy and Jody Dalton Roy Richard K. Russo Sr. ’76 Elliot M. Samuels ’66 Joshua M. Satzer ’98 Robert J. and Joan Schaupp Andrew W. ’81 and Susan Angell Schmidt ’80 George R. Schneider ’66 Merle W. ’53 and Helen Matteson Schotanus ’54 Leland R. ’60 and Kathleen Ewers Schroeder ’61 Kathryn R. Schultz ’89 Everett L. Schwalbe Jr. ’55 Gerald Seaman and Patricia Vilches Dean R. Sharpe ’71

Kokki Shindo ’53 David E. Shogren ’84 Robert C. Siegel Beverly Polzin Smiley ’72 David W. Smith ’59 Timothy P. Soliday ’69 Frank J. Sotosek ’58 Michael J. Spalding ’90 Peter R. ’80 and Charlotte Pohanka Sparrow ’80 Corinne Mueller Spaulding ’50 Barbara Tincher Stack ’87 Charles P. Stathas ’55 Gordon H. ’67 and Jacquelyn Stuit Steinbach ’69 Wayne L. Stevenson ’67 Patricia J. Sullivan Noel B. Taylor ’57 Norbert W. ’59 and Sandra Thieme John H. Thorngate ’57 John R. Thorson ’52 Vicky Porth Tobias ’68 Robert W. ’61 and Marilynn Deplewski Tykal ’60

Thaddeus A. Uczen III ’91 Doris Caballero Van Aken ‘45 Michael K. Vernier ‘71 Rudolf A. von Watzdorf ‘65 Julie A. Waldvogel-Leitner ’02 Janet Anderson Warrick ’52 David E. Weaver III ’62 Wayne P. and Sally A. Webster Wilda G. Webster James J. Weishan ’77 Hugh W. Whipple ’76 and Margaret E. Wiff ’76 Darlene Etchingham White ’62 Chris R. ’90 and Mary Jo Lindgren Wiedey ’89 Seth F. ’81 and Lynn Frisvold Williams ’80 George H. and Michele Baran Wittler ’76 V. Gerald Woeste ’59

Daniel R. ’69 and Joan Knutson Wolfgram ’69 Lisa M. Wollan ’78 Arthur Wong ’53 Steven G. ’82 and Kara Zartner Woods ’85 William J. and Jean Woolley David W. ’65 and Virginia Krikorian Worden ’66 Gary G. Yerkey ’66 Margaret E. Zellmer ’74 Peter D. ’71 and Joan Reinke Ziegler ’70 Richard N. Zimman and Valerie Cox George J. ’87 and Doretha Zornada William S. Brockway Society ($500 to $999) Elvy Leake Draft ’79 Jonathan C. Gausewitz ’06 Bryan W. ’03 and Amy Gabriel Gerretsen ’04 Andrew P. Kitslaar ’06 Tylor S. Loest ’07 Patricia A. Mazur ’08

Kent E. Timm ’81 K. G. ’50 and Lois Weiske Paul G. Williams ’10 Heritage Society ($150 to $499) Thomas J. and Renee Boldt Bruce ’10 and Julie Nelson Kukowski ’08 Gordon C. ’50 and Hazel Minch Robert G. and Joan B. Murray Kurt J. Roeder ’11 William R. Schultz ’11 Donors Patricia M. Determan ’11 Wayne Larson Amanda L. Peterson ’12 Caroline J. Rothrock ’12 Emily J. Sheeks ’12 Mary Lou Spink Spindt ’40 Leslie M. Sullivan ’11 Bryanne M. Tudor ’12 Robert E. Witt ’55

1851 Club Lifetime Members Lifetime 1851 Club Members have given a total of at least $50,000 to Ripon College. Robert ’51 and Roberta Abendroth Thomas W. Abendroth ’81 and Terri Mascherin Dale E. Abrams ’71 Thomas I. Altholz ’72 and Suellen Reigle Altholz ’73 Bruce P. Anderson ’57 Donald W. Anderson ’42 Blanche Bartizal Babcock ’53 William C. Baker and Kate H. Hadley H. Dayle Balliett ’39 Eileen Bauman Victoria L. Bleise ’73 Linda Jensen Bohnen ’68 Oscar C. and Patricia Boldt Thomas J. and Renee Boldt Alex and Svetlana Boulatov Michael J. ’69 and Susan Garrett Boyd ’69 Thomas E. Caestecker David and Doreen Conforti Chemerow ’73 James R. ’68 and Martha Clark James F. ’52 and Joanne Klawiter Cochrane ’51 Dr. R. Marshall and Arlene Colburn James P. and Christine Connelly Andrew E. ’69 and Karen Cook T. Ashley ’82 and Linda Cooper Terrence M. ’81 and Brenda Jones Cramer ’82 Robert G. Cruickshank ’55 Lynne DeBeck Cummins ’76

Leonard G. Dahm Jr. ’43 Scott L. ’74 and Linda Mohr Dicks ’74 John C. Diedrich ’62 Jayne Blumenshine Dittberner ’45 Thomas A. ’55 and Nephele Domencich Elvy Leake Draft ’79 Howard C. Draft ’77 R. Gregory ’68 and Kathryn Santimays Dunn ’67 Patricia M. Emerson LaReine R. Fedor Joan M. Finsilver ’72 Dennis G. Frahmann ’74 and Robert S. Tieman Robert E. and Patricia Francis Mark J. ’83 and Janice Heinz Franzen ’83 John P. ’73 and Jane Runkel Frederick ’74 Alexander L. Freed and Innessa Drabkin Roxanne Sortino Gleason Stephanie Greene ’72 Joseph A. and Clarice Santeralli Gregoire ’77 Robert E. Collier and Helen E. Hansen ’66 David G. ’64 and Kitty Hartman Thomas R. and Suzanne Hefty William F. and Eva Lee Hejna Guy R. ’68 and Susan Siegel Henshaw ’68 Marcus D. Hoffman ’70

Jeffrey D. ’78 and JoAnn Johnson William C. ’69 and Christine Hershey Jordan ’70 John H. and Linda Masson Kastendiek ’66 Paul L. Kegel ’57 Steven P. ’72 and Ruth Cape Kent ’73 Gail Carmichael Kimen Robert J. Kirkland ’81 William J. and Deborah Koch Patricia Ostrom Kohnen ’64 Chester L. Krause Geraldine Schmidt Krumwiede ’53 Robert G. ’52 and Margaret Lambert Wayne Larson Gary L. ’72 and Jean Kirkpatrick Lederer ’73 Robert A. ’67 and Suzanne Baldwin Lennox ’67 Martin M. ’87 and Heidi Walker Lindsay ’87 Audrey Lyke William C. ’73 and Karen MacLeod Mary Jo MacSwain ’77 Dee Moore Mahuna ’62 Nedra Linville Martz Philip K. ’69 and Patricia McCullough Roger C. ’48 and Jane Fleming McLean ’48 Jack Meyer ’73 A. Michael and Dorothy Mihaly

Gordon C. ’50 and Hazel Minch William E. Moore ’66 Robert G. and Joan Murray Stephen T. H. and Kelly Lo Ng ’75 Robert E. Nied Jr. ’66 Scott A. ’69 and Cynthia Sanborn Nyquist ’69 Lay Lee Ong Ellen Robishaw Otis ’65 Gary R. ’84 and Mary Page Andy M. Palm ’53 Ronald R. ’70 and Loretta Peterson James C. ’49 and Gretchen Pickard Samuel W. Pickard ’55 Oscar H. Plotkin II ’76 Bret T. ’92 and Jennifer Hanson Reese ’94 Michael R. ’65 and Kaye Reese Robert L. Reilly ’65 Schuyler Riley Cheryl K. Rofer ’63 Shirley B. Sather Robert J. and Joan Schaupp Donald L. Schober ’64 Donna Veto Schulz ’68 Joann Selleck ’73 Julie E. Sgambelluri Daniel W. ’76 and Joanne Long Sherman ’76 Robert L. and Pamela Price Smith ’68 Natalia Sokov Mary Lou Spink Spindt ’40

Richard J. ’73 and Ginny Srednicki Robert W. Steffes ’52 William R. and Margaret Stott Frederick M. ’74 and Betty Lange Strader ’77 John A. ’58 and Peggy Sturm Kent E. Timm ’81 Juris K. and Mara Ubans Charles A.’53 and Joan Hurley Van Zoeren ’53 Marilyn Schang Varas Marcia Wilson Wahoske ’75 K. G. ’50 and Lois Weiske Donat G. Wentzel Bruce L. Wickert ’75 Richard R. Willich ’64 Dena G. Willmore ’67 and Martha J. Thurber Barbara Z. Wilson Robert E. Witt ’55 Arthur Wong ’53 William J. and Jean Woolley Mark J. Wright ’75 and Marcia Wilson Wahoske ’75 Thomas R. ’50 and Shirley Wyman Fred M. and Sandra Young J. Gibbons and Katherine Zeratsky Margaret Gumm Ziegler Peter D. ’71 and Joan Reinke Ziegler ’70 R. Douglas Ziegler Anonymus donors




2011-2012 BENEFACTORS » A Lifetime of Philanthropy Ripon College names these alumni and friends as Ripon College Benefactors in recognition of their lifetime philanthropy and significant gifts. Their philanthropic efforts have played a pivotal role in the life of the College since its founding in 1851. The generosity of these Benefactors continues to assist generations of students and enhance the liberal arts mission and financial stability of Ripon College. We gratefully acknowledge and thank them for their altruism and tradition of caring for the College community. Marilyn Dixon Anderson 1945 and Donald W. Anderson 1942 Lois Ripley Arnegard Blanche Bartizal Babcock 1953 and Thomas C. Babcock 1951 The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation Sherlock Bristol William S. Brockway Thomas E. Caestecker Barbara Baldwin De Frees 1930 Densmore R. Dickinson 1933 Cornelius B. Erwin Catherine A. Falconer and Kenneth B. Falconer 1932

Harrison E. Farnsworth 1918 Shirley Farr Harold D. Foulkes 1924 and Cora “Coco” Trautman Foulkes 1924 The Ford Foundation Patricia Parker Francis Roxanne S. Gleason and Owen P. Gleason 1973 Viola S. Hale and Chauncey C. Hale 1928 Frank J. Harwood Edward D. Holton Orrin H. Ingram Irene Parcell Johnson and Herbert F. Johnson Curt and Cora Kanow Dr. Harry William Knop, Jr. 1942

Robert G. Lambert 1952 and Margaret M. Lambert Rollin B. Lane 1872 Mildred C. Schwiesow and Mabel E. Schwiesow Lent 1940 A. Douglas Lyke and Audrey Reichert Lyke George H. Miller Sir Francis Neilson and Helen Swift Neilson OshKosh B’Gosh Foundation Edgar E. Peters 1924 and Elizabeth Lyon Peters 1924 Gretchen “Mitzi” S. Pickard and James C. Pickard 1949

Samuel N. Pickard and Dorothea W. Pickard Samuel W. Pickard 1955 and Carmen K. Pickard Suzanne & Richard Pieper Family Foundation Ralph Hale Ruppert and M. Lenore Ruppert May Bumby Severy 1908 and Harold A. Severy Clarence A. Shaler Frank C. Shattuck S. Frank Shattuck and Ruth Harwood Shattuck Valeria G. Stone Marie Zarwell Uihlein Charles A. Van Zoeren 1953 and Joan Hurley Van Zoeren 1953

Jeremiah W. Walcott Elizabeth J. Wegner and Clarence B. “C.B.” Wegner 1931 The Todd Wehr Foundation Inc. Delmar D. Wensink 1916 and Stolper-Wensink Foundation Dena G. Willmore 1967 Rachel A. Woods Thomas R. Wyman 1950 and Shirley F. Wyman R. Douglas Ziegler The Ziegler Foundation Inc.

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD 2011-12 Officers Nicholas A. Spaeth ’04 President Director of admissions Lakeland College Plymouth, Wis. Andrew P. Kitslaar ’06 Vice president Grants & Development Coordinator Montgomery County, Pa. West Chester, Pa. Amy Gabriel Gerretsen ’04 Executive secretary Associate Director of Alumni Relations & Parent Programs Ripon College Fond du Lac, Wis. Board Members Ronald J. Balej ’53 Retired owner Minnesota Lapidary Supply Corp. Minneapolis, Minn. Michelle L. Buss ’95 Chair, advancement committee Assistant Director of Advancement Operations Concordia University Wisconsin Grafton, Wis. Kenneth R. Carlson ’85 Vice president, planning and business development Sauk Prairie Memorial Hospital Sauk City, Wis. David I. Cisar ’77 Attorney/shareholder von Briesen & Roper, S.C. Saukville, Wis.



RIPON College

Craig T. Ferris ’65 Retired bureau chief The Bond Buyer Newspaper Chevy Chase, Md. Ronald C. Gillard ’58 Retired chief operating officer and senior consultant Career Solutions Inc. New Berlin, Wis. Dante A. Houston ’01 Lead recruiter Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan Inc. Milwaukee, Wis. Laura M. Kreofsky ’91 Director, discovery and development Impact Advisors Portland, Ore. Charles L. Larson III ’00 Vice president of communications Milwaukee Admirals Hockey Team Menomonee Falls, Wis. James F. Laufenburg ’79 Co-chair, governance committee Executive director U.S. Army Distaff/Knollwood Alexandria, Va. Peter W. Lenz ’89 Reseach associate University of WisconsinMilwaukee Fredonia, Wis.

Richard J. Lewandowski ’75 Co-chair, governance committee Attorney Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek S.C. Madison, Wis.

Julie A. Waldvogel-Leitner ’02 Financial aid associate Moraine Park Technical College Ripon, Wis.

Kristen M. McCullough ’04 therapist Children’s Home + Aid Chicago, Ill.

Kevin L. Warmack ’79 Compliance specialist/president Unlimited Freedom Compliance Consulting Inc. Chicago, Ill.

William S. Miller ’92 Assistant professor of sports management University of Wisconsin-Parkside Cudahy, Wis.

John M. Zindar ’78 Partner The European-American Business Organization Inc. Jersey City, N.J.

Amy DeKeyser Padilla ’95 Human resources coordinator Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp. Sun Prairie, Wis.

Alumni Trustees Helen E. Hansen ’66 Associate professor emerita University of Minnesota School of Nursing Saint Paul, Minn.

Gregg E. Petersen ’78 Director, Tactical C4I Cypress International Inc. Columbia, Md. Joseph M. Tolan ’81 Senior account executive MetLife Saint Louis, Mo. W. Andrew Voigt ’97 Circuit court judge, Branch 2 Columbia County Portage, Wis. Katherine S. Wade ’88 Chair, Ripon Person Committee IT Support Kelly Services Inc. Glendale, Wis.

Susan S. Meier ’79 Principal Meier and Associates Gaithersburg, Md. Matthew J. Umhoefer ’95 Senior project manager Aon Hewitt Hawthorn Woods, Ill. Student Representatives Matthew P. Breuer ’12 Beaver Dam, Wis. Michael J. Enright ’14 Stevens Point, Wis. Hannah L. Erdman ’14 Jefferson, Wis. Sophia L. Kaounas ’14 Brookings, S.D.

Aris Wurtz ’12 and Associate Professor of Exercise Science Emeritus Bob Gillespie

2012 Reunion Coordinators 1952: 1957: 1962: 1967: 1972: 1977: 1982: 1987: 1992: 1997: 2002: 2007:

James F. Cochrane Joan M. Raymond Carol Pickhardt Fancher, Daniel W. Behring Kathryn Santimays Dunn Susan Mijanovich Key, Karen Teschner Dorn Alan N. Lawrence Catherine Lothrop Hager Rhea Bell Behlke Kathleen Burrall Justic Kristin Bazzoli Piotrowski, Stephanie Bosman Fernhaber Leigh D. Mlodzik, Julie Waldvogel-Leitner Elizabeth H. Leach, Stacy Krusa Teachout

2012 Class agents 1948 Samuel W. Dougan Tucson, Ariz. 1950 Joanne Klawiter Cochrane James F. Cochrane Lake Geneva, Wis. 1951 Joanne Klawiter Cochrane James F. Cochrane Lake Geneva, Wis. 1952 Joanne Klawiter Cochrane James F. Cochrane Lake Geneva, Wis. 1953 Ronald J. Balej Minneapolis, Minn. 1954 Sydney Rouse Green Lake, Wis. 1955 Arthur R. Lundeberg Tucson, Ariz. 1956 1957 Paul L. Kegel De Pere, Wis. 1958 Robert P. Humke Middleton, Wis. 1959 Roger D. Venden Hampton Falls, N.H. 1960 Deborah Johnson Van Slyke Scottsdale, Ariz. W. John Hammer, Jr. Reston, Va. 1961 Gary J. Kazmier Brookfield, Wis. 1962 Carol Pickhardt Fancher Naperville, Ill. 1963 1964 Patricia Ostrom Kohnen Dublin, Calif. 1965 John C. Hyde Conover, Wis. 1966 Helen E. Hansen Saint Paul, Minn. 1967 Kathryn Santimays Dunn Salisbury, N.C. 1968 Robert P. Martin Havertown, Pa. 1969 Scott A. Nyquist Naples, Fla. 1970 David A. Read West Chester, Pa. 1971 James W. Beisner Griffin, Ga. 1972 Stephanie Greene New York, N.Y. Susan A. Frederick-Clarkson San Ramon, Calif. 1973 Jean Kirkpatrick Lederer Zurich, Switzerland 1974 Janice Petrovski MacLeod Clarendon Hills, Ill. 1975 Jolande K. Gumz Scotts Valley, Calif. 1976 Julie B. Carlson Greenfield, Wis. 1977 Alan N. Lawrence Appleton, Wis. 1978 Gregg E. Petersen Columbia, Md. 1979 Susan Rigler Palmer El Dorado Hills, Calif. 1980 Jeffrey C. Penney Granger, Ind. Margaret Gero DaValt Columbus, Wis. 1981 Joan Pendergast Sangl Alexandria, Va. 1982 Catherine Lothrop Hager San Ramon, Calife. Peter E. Hintz Ripon, Wis. 1983 Barbara Williams Clay Eden Prairie, Minn. 1984 Christopher M. Enstrom North Aurora, Ill. Connie Herbon Moser Grayslake, Ill. 1985 Jeanne Tomlin Lawson Noblesville, Ind. 1986 Mary Mannebach Clegg Lansing, Mich. 1987 Christina C. Boydston Fremont, Neb. Jannan A. Roesch Platteville, Wis. Rosemarie Bell Behlke Fond du Lac, Wis. 1988 David L. Jonas Washington, D.C. Katherine S. Wade Glendale, Wis. 1989 Mitchell V. Rosin Chicago, Ill. Nicole Zens Lindberg Minneapolis, Minn. 1990 Christina L. Maggio-Kellerstrass Elmhurst, Ill.

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Robert E. Corkery, Jr. Samantha L. Bailey Tracy A. Maher Bonni Dembroski Fredrick Erin M. McCormack JuDee Stojsavljevic Fischer Marla K. May Kimberly Woolley W. Colin Dickerson Amy DeKeyser Padilla Angela L. Keith Vincent P. Padilla Jason L. Wood Kristin Bazzoli Piotrowski Stephanie Bosman Fernhaber Sarah Eng V. Leilani Kupo Michael J. Berens Trista L. Moffat-Larco Andre Miksha Dante A. Houston Nicole L. Baumann-Blackmore Corryn Siegel Greenwood Leigh D. Mlodzik Elayne Monnens Norweb Elizabeth M. Matelski Nicholas A. Spaeth Sara Matzdorf Dassow Amanda Zahn Przybyl Daphne Meyers Leigh Andrew P. Kitslaar Edward J. Hansen Nicole M. Klaas Adam R. Krueger Elizabeth H. Leach Lindsey M. Kreye Stacy Krusa Teachout Leah T. Hover-Preiss Stephanie Sommer Faulds Zachary A. Schwandt Angela C. Olivas Emily A. Meyer Leeanna M. Shultz Mary McDonald Leupold Meagan M. Kochel Paul G. Williams Ross R. Heintzkill April A. Agamaite Leslie M. Sullivan William R. Schultz Brandon J. Taylor Bryanne M. Tudor Katlyn M. Lee

Saunderstown, R.I. Kent, Ohio Walnut Creek, Calif. New Berlin, Wis. Raleigh, N.C. Racine, Wis. Madison, Wis. San Carlos, Calif. Seattle, Wash. Sun Prairie, Wis. Flagstaff, Ariz. Sun Prairie, Wis. Hoboken, N.J. Shorewood, Wis. Mooresville, Ind. Chicago, Ill. Bloomsburg, Pa. Port Orchard, Wash. Neenah, Wis. Noblesville, Ind. Milwaukee, Wis. Verona, Wis. Orland Park, Ill. Princeton, Wis. Miami. Fla. Milwaukee, Wis. Plymouth, Wis. Sheboygan, Wis. Ripon, Wis. West Allis, Wis. West Chester, Pa. Sycamore, Ill. Milwaukee, Wis. Brookline, Mass. Elmhurst, Ill. Savage, Minn. Waupun, Wis. Wisconsin Dells, Wis. Cottage Grove, Wis. Milwaukee, Wis. Lubbock, Texas Saint Paul, Minn. Beloit, Wis. Appleton, Wis. Racine, Wis. Greendale, Wis. Green Bay, Wis. Luxemburg, Wis. Saint Louis, Mo. Ripon, Wis. Berkeley, Calif. St. Paul, Minn. Monroe, Wis.




2012 PARENTS’ ADVISORY COMMITTEE Rita McGee P’12, P’13, P’15 President Ripon, Wis.

Donald Klingenberger and Mary Conrad P’14 Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Donald and Beth Pachniak P’13 Vice president, admission Oshkosh, Wis.

Richard Krueger Jr. ’80, P’13 Mayville, Wis.

Robert and Carol Burton P’13 Vice president, advancement Elkhorn, Wis. Jeffrey Anderson and Emily Hlavinka-Anderson P’13 Hartland, Wis. William and Kimberly Aumann P’14 Montello, Wis. Roy Jr. and Karen Barnes P’14 Waupun, Wis. James and Susan Beyer P’15 Park Ridge, Ill. John and Kelly Church P’15 Ellsworth, Wis.

Paul and Ruth Meese P’13 Longmont, Colo. John and Joan Mutschelknaus P’12 Hartland, Wis. Wayne and Elizabeth (Palmbach) ’79 Nemecek P’14 Neenah, Wis. Richard and Kristine Nogal P’14 Palos Park, Ill.

Mark and Penelope Greene P’15 Minneapolis, Minn. John and Deborah Groff P’14 Neenah, Wis.

John Pearson P’13 Columbus, Wis.

Steven and Jill Hagen P’15 Appleton, Wis.

David and Karen Peterson P’12 Menasha, Wis.

Gerard Hying P’12 Waterford, Wis. Jeanine Hying P’12 Waterford, Wis. Roger Jenisch P’12 Bloomingdale, Ill. Kostas and Hui Kaounas P’14 Brookings, S.D.


Scott and Kathy Markofski P’14 Oshkosh, Wis.

David and Joyce Nutting P’14 Wausau, Wis.

Donald Hausch and Joanne Thomson P’13 Madison, Wis.


Keith and Kathy Lamal P’14 Green Bay, Wis.

RIPON College

William and Denise Petkoff P’14 Delavan, Wis. Mark and Rebecca Petroski P’15 Green Bay, Wis. Rodney and Wendy Pichette P’13 Watertown, Wis. Sydney Rader P’15 Random Lake, Wis.

Louise Ransom P’12 Fond du Lac, Wis.

Daniel Sr. and Dela Smith P’15 Bowler, Wis.

David Redemann Jr. P’14 North Bend, Wash.

Scott and Natalie Sondalle P’11, P’14 Princeton, Wis.

James and Wendy Robinson P’12 Stevens Point, Wis.

Joseph Walsh and Anne Davies-Walsh P’14 Watertown, Wis.

Tony and Kristin Roy P’11, P’14 Fredonia, Wis. Arthur III and Ann Rumpf P’09, P’12 Oconomowoc, Wis. Annette Schatz P’12 Saint Peter, Minn.

Terry and Penny Wegner P’14 Waupun, Wis. Andrew and Kimberly Weyker P’12 Appleton, Wis. Terry M. Williamson P’13 Milton, Wis. Michael and Wendy Younglove P’14 Union Grove, Wis.

Paul Meuer ’13 at the Leadville 100 mountain bike race in Colorado

25 or More Years of Giving Alumni, parents and friends Alumni, parents and friends who made a gift in the 2012 fiscal year and have given for 25 or more years. Number of giving years is listed in red. 60 or more years Robert V. Abendroth ’51 62 Jane Fleming McLean ’48 62 Roger C. McLean ’48 62 *Helen Fossland Zippel ’42 62 Marilyn Fortnum Briese ’43 60 Marjorie Forster Gardner ’47 60 59 – 50 Years Mary Jane Bumby ’52 59 Blanche Bartizal Babcock ’53 58 Robert J. Henry ’53 58 Walter S. Hofman ’54 58 Ned Lufrano ’54 58 Doris Caballero Van Aken ’45 58 Charles A. Van Zoeren ’53 58 Joan Hurley Van Zoeren ’53 58 Robert G. Lambert ’52 57 Suzanne Lambert Marvin ’53 57 James C. Pickard ’49 57 Gerald P. Stelter ’54 57 Jane Furzland Stelter ’54 57 Arthur G. Hall, Jr. ’51 56 Dorothea Wichmann Henry ’53 56 Wilbur A. Nimmer, Sr. ’49 56 Andy M. Palm ’53 56 Samuel W. Pickard ’55 56 William F. Smith ’55 56 Nina Bade Sparks ’55 56 Robert W. Steffes ’52 56 Clayton C. Tinkham ’49 56 Florence Zick Tinkham ’48 56 D. C. Anderson, Jr. ’52 55 Robert V. Cadieu ’44 55 Paul L. Kegel ’57 55 Marvin W. Prellberg ’53 55 Arthur Wong ’53 55 John E. Fuchs ’53 54 Mary Holyoke Fuchs ’53 54 Boyd W. Holmes ’52 54 Barbara Young Males ’52 54 Rene H. Males ’54 54 Audrey Schroeder Brownlee ’52 53 Paul B. Cors ’53 53 Barbara Cottrell Larsen ’58 53 Mrs. Judith Larsen Larson 53 Constance Smith Linde ’54 53 Richard P. Linde ’54 53 *Robert W. Tagge ’55 53 Georgia Alcher Tillema ’60 53 Mr. John M. Tillema 53 Arthur Abt ’55 52 William R. Cadwell ’54 52 Neal M. Cason ’59 52 Kenneth W. Jacobs ’53 52 Robert M. Laske ’49 52 Arthur R. Lundeberg ’55 52 Carol Simpelaar Mathis ’53 52 Richard K. Neller, Jr. ’52 52 William H. Popko ’58 52 Mary Jane Werner Roberts ’50 52 Jane S. Sabin ’53 52 K. G. Weiske ’50 52 Mrs. Lois S. Weiske 52 Leroy A. Yeomans ’50 52 Barbara Bagemihl Anderson ’54 51 Verne B. Churchill, Jr. ’54 51

Jane Barber Emerson ’46 51 Jay N. Fues ’54 51 Karen Keyser Heuser ’56 51 Siegfried H. Heuser ’57 51 Mary Hockenhull Keedy ’45 51 Barbara Spalding Keller ’60 51 Nathan Kittleson ’53 51 Elizabeth Carman Lanzer ’49 51 Louis F. Lanzer ’49 51 Joan Dunham McCombs ’54 51 Barbara King McIntyre ’55 51 James A. Niederer ’53 51 Norman H. Schroeder ’60 51 Charles P. Stathas ’55 51 Louise Chamberlain Stevens ’53 51 John H. Thorngate ’57 51 M. R. Anderson ’54 50 James P. Brost ’56 50 Richard A. Christensen ’58 50 William B. Drake ’63 50 David A. Fellingham ’60 50 Lee J. Harrer ’52 50 Mrs. Reba H. Harrer 50 Judith Pallett Kaestner ’57 50 Joseph W. Kushner ’62 50 Joseph T. Larscheid, Sr. ’57 50 Donald P. Larsen ’49 50 Raymond H. Laub ’60 50 Patricia McCullagh Pyburn ’54 50 Inez Weber Strelow ’59 50 James H. Thayer ’54 50 49 – 40 Years Bruce P. Anderson ’57 49 Barbara Larsen Arata ’47 49 Richard D. Bartel ’58 49 Ruth Konow Birge ’43 49 Elise Werner Enk ’62 49 Gordon A. Enk ’62 49 Joseph R. Evans ’44 49 Betterae Elleson Ihssen ’53 49 William F. Ihssen ’55 49 Mary Holmquist Ingham ’49 49 C. Richard Johnson ’62 49 Mrs. Jean S. Keith 49 John M. Kubitz ’59 49 Thomas F. Lange ’58 49 Elizabeth Wilke Schutz ’49 49 Patrick A. Shannon ’56 49 Barbara Perrett Skubic ’53 49 Marilynn Deplewski Tykal ’60 49 Robert W. Tykal ’61 49 James E. Webster ’58 49 Mrs. Karlyn Reath Webster 49 Dorothy Walsh Aylward ’57 48 Mrs. Jeri B. Cushman 48 S. Marshall Cushman, Jr. ’52 48 *James B. Kohnen ’64 48 Patricia Ostrom Kohnen ’64 48 Walter E. Lehmann ’39 48 David W. Mawdsley ’61 48 Joseph E. Mazza ’51 48 Marcus A. McCorison ’50 48 Douglas L. Meyer ’52 48 Cheryl K. Rofer ’63 48 Helen Matteson Schotanus ’54 48 Merle W. Schotanus ’53 48

Mary Egerman Trembour ’45 48 H. Dayle Balliett ’39 47 Dr. James W. Beatty 47 Gerald H. Bethke ’57 47 Dr. Philip B. Clarkson 47 John O. Frisvold ’53 47 Alan L. Grant ’63 47 Robert G. Gysbers ’51 47 David G. Hartman ’64 47 Mrs. Kitty Hartman 47 Burton D. Jay ’59 47 Eva Eudy Jay ’60 47 *Robert G. Keeley ’48 47 Barbara Berger Lascody ’67 47 Larry C. Lascody ’65 47 Genevieve Hipke Leibham ’54 47 Dee Moore Mahuna ’62 47 Nancy Reno Meinel ’60 47 Carl M. Patterson, Jr. ’51 47 Lois Hoeft Perrine ’51 47 Helen Hoag Pfafflin ’52 47 Jerry W. Pfafflin ’52 47 Judy Hughes Phillips ’62 47 Mrs. John W. Roberts 47 Eugene D. Wallschlaeger ’49 47 William R. Winter, Jr. ’64 47 Daniel G. Anderson ’59 46 Ronell Bradbeer Anderson ’59 46 Anonymous 46 Elizabeth Tilden Beattie ’49 46 David A. Bengtson ’65 46 Frank N. Brockway ’57 46 Glen A. Buchholz ’53 46 Norma Clausen Buchholz ’55 46 Mary Alice Kohl Gibney ’40 46 Janet K. Hollatz ’66 46 Thomas F. Kuehl ’61 46 Edward H. Levi ’44 46 Joann Orcutt Marshall ’51 46 William E. Moore ’66 46 Marietta Morgan Paynter ’50 46 Lois W. Reed ’55 46 Henry T. Schintz ’50 46 Suzanne E. Shade ’63 46 Lynn Siebel Sundelius ’63 46 Thomas E. Wulling ’66 46 Neil L. Barber ’56 45 Robert B. Blair ’66 45 Andrea Walters Fritz ’62 45 Weimer K. Hicks, Jr. ’58 45 Pope Hoffman ’64 45 Abby Carlstrom Humphrey ’66 45 Andrew F. Jackson II ’67 45 Kenneth L. Kaliher ’67 45 Mrs. Bernice E. Koglin 45 Martin A. Latsons ’61 45 John W. Murray ’66 45 David S. Myers ’62 45 Philip R. Nack ’63 45 Judith Wilkinson Neill ’68 45 William A. Neill ’67 45 Mr. Douglas A. Northrop 45 Doug and Lynn Northrop 45 Kathleen Dopp Schaefer ’57 45 Ray Schiefelbein ’60 45 Donald L. Schober ’64 45 Judith Gruber Schrader ’63 45

Christopher M. Small ’67 45 Colleen Durkin Small ’67 45 Mara Latsons Warren ’61 45 Robert E. Witt ’55 45 Wayne W. Wolfgram ’63 45 Bille Hooper Young ’46 45 Mrs. Patricia R. Barry 44 Richard G. Barry ’68 44 Kay Labisky Bolick ’64 44 Dennis B. Collins ’68 44 Robert D. Dieringer ’62 44 George F. Erdman ’44 44 Kenneth E. Fenske ’53 44 Craig T. Ferris ’65 44 Elizabeth Butcher Fox ’53 44 Deborah Jacobson Freeman ’67 44 Chadwick B. Gibbons ’52 44 Jane Sizer Grota ’50 44 Guy R. Henshaw ’68 44 Susan Siegel Henshaw ’68 44 Lois Horn Holm ’51 44 Carolyn Scott Hudson ’58 44 Beverly Lloyd Kaap ’49 44 John J. Koch ’52 44 Bette Jane Parliament Kohn ’53 44 Mr. Robert B. Kohn 44 Mary Shirer Kroening ’65 44 Mr. Wayne Larson 44 J. Mark Lashly ’66 44 Susan Scott Lashly ’66 44 Alexander H. Levis ’63 44 Peter A. Mattiacci ’58 44 Richard R. McCourt ’51 44 John F. Newhard, Jr. ’65 44 James A. Sebben ’65 44 William C. Stege ’62 44 Vicky Porth Tobias ’68 44 Kathleen Kroll Todd ’68 44 Richard T. Todd ’67 44 Mrs. Fay K. Topetzes 44 Raymond F. Tutton ’63 44 Geraldine Konkle Wallace ’46 44 Lewis R. Wallace ’48 44 Mrs. Wilda G. Webster 44 Thomas R. Wyman ’50 44 Jacqueline Eady Alcorn ’65 43 Dorothy Whitner Backes ’52 43 Frank H. Backes ’52 43 Norman S. Behn ’63 43 Mrs. William R. Brandt 43 John T. Burrows ’65 43 Nancy Ostermeier Burrows ’66 43 John E. Casey ’69 43 Judith Stibbe De Leeuw ’60 43 Vanessa D. Dehne ’57 43 Kathryn Santimays Dunn ’67 43 R. Gregory Dunn, Jr. ’68 43 David H. Gebhardt, Jr. ’66 43 Craig A. Gieler ’66 43 Susan Mudge Gieler ’66 43 Francine Gross Grenlie ’60 43 Philip C. Holm ’65 43 Mrs. James A. Hynes 43 John X. Jamrich ’43 43 Richard A. Johnson ’55 43 Dr. John H. Kastendiek, Jr. 43 Linda Masson Kastendiek ’66 43




25 or More Years of Giving Alumni, parents and friends

Lois Zimmerman Kieser ’54 43 D. Janice Hume Konstans ’58 43 Robert A. Lennox, Jr. ’67 43 Suzanne Baldwin Lennox ’67 43 Forrest S. Moy ’56 43 Howard N. Myers ’61 43 Barbara Knights Porter ’69 43 Kenneth L. Porter III ’69 43 *Calvin L. Schieler ’54 43 Peggy Jess Schieler ’54 43 Douglas S. Seator ’62 43 David C. Smith ’68 43 Orson L. St. John, Jr. ’60 43 Carol Longley Stephenson ’66 43 Fanny Mathers Steward ’52 43 Mrs. Nancy B. Thompson 43 Steven J. Thompson ’69 43 Dr. Leonard Torres 43 Michael O. Willson ’60 43 Robert L. Ainsworth ’57 42 Roberta Niess Ainsworth ’57 42 Gary A. Alexander ’57 42 Barbara Suess Anders ’69 42 Franklin H. Anders ’69 42 Carole Coop Atherton ’65 42 John T. Benka ’60 42 Mrs. Sharolyn Howard Burkoth 42 Thomas W. DeSwarte ’59 42 Arlene Rose Graham ’67 42 Robert Z. Haugom ’62 42 Miriam Beilke Huth ’45 42 Randall P. Jefferson ’70 42 James R. King ’51 42 Russell T. Kittleson ’55 42 Kathleen Kranbuehl Krahnke ’67 42 Howard R. Kratz ’38 42 David R. Lee ’69 42 Susan Steger Lee ’69 42 Gordon C. Minch ’50 42 Nancy Fletcher Morgan ’67 42 Walter L. Morgan ’66 42 Cynthia Sanborn Nyquist ’69 42 Scott A. Nyquist ’69 42 Evan E. Olson ’50 42 Stephen H. Peters ’65 42 Susan Kreuser Redhed ’57 42 Nicholas P. Retson ’69 42 Bonnie Binkoff Riley ’68 42 Dennis L. Riley ’67 42 Harriet Bruckman Roop ’56 42 D. Winslow Ryder ’65 42 Mary Kijeski Ryder ’68 42 Corinne Mueller Spaulding ’50 42 Cynthia Klingel Spring ’69 42 Noel B. Taylor ’57 42 George M. Thoman ’49 42 DeVere L. Vandervort ’45 42 James M. Walsh ’70 42 Daniel R. Wolfgram ’69 42 Joan Knutson Wolfgram ’69 42 Lucy Brooks Wright ’67 42 Richard L. Wright ’67 42 Hock H. Yeoh ’61 42 Hannah Frankenstein Zacher ’51 42 Judith Rackow Anderson ’57 41 Neil O. Anderson ’57 41 Mary Jane Lorimer Baucom ’38 41 Anina Raddant Bearrood ’61 41 Mrs. Herman G. Borchers 41 Ronald M. Case ’62 41 * Now deceased 36


RIPON College

James R. Christopher ’65 41 Mrs. Kenneth C. Cink 41 Robert B. Clarke ’50 41 Robert G. Cruickshank ’55 41 Carol Rummel Dingman ’64 41 Mr. Joseph W. Dingman 41 Jeanne LaGrille Ernst ’71 41 John T. Fehlandt ’57 41 Robert Fernbach ’69 41 William L. Gebhardt ’69 41 Andrea Purdy Geisreiter ’55 41 Lyle L. Heide ’55 41 James M. Higgins ’58 41 Charles L. Larson ’65 41 *George W. Larson, Sr. ’41 41 Mrs. Karen Larson 41 Susan J. Larson ’69 41 Dorothy Dennee Lutz ’56 41 Hazel Smith Madigan ’59 41 Robert J. Madigan, Jr. ’59 41 Diane King Mikolyzk ’68 41 William B. Mikolyzk ’68 41 John E. Moffatt ’60 41 A. Paul Nancarrow ’52 41 Robert L. Nelson ’63 41 Margaret Kuney Plaskas ’65 41 Ruth Carwithen Satterthwaite ’65 41 Jean Ovitz Schick ’68 41 Daniel E. Schultz ’63 41 Peggy Wittenberg Thompson ’70 41 Robert P. Thompson ’71 41 Jerry J. Thornbery ’66 41 Mary Geiger Van Dyke ’70 41 Catherine M. Wagner ’67 41 Lowell A. Weber ’57 41 Carol Thrumston Webster ’50 41 Edwin C. Webster ’49 41 Arlan J. Welch ’53 41 Bruce R. White ’62 41 Donald A. Williams ’42 41 Marjorie George Williams ’64 41 Joan Reinke Ziegler ’70 41 Peter D. Ziegler ’71 41 Dale E. Abrams ’71 40 Karen Konrad Allan ’62 40 William K. Andrew ’64 40 Richard J. Bailar ’51 40 *Matthew G. Bushner ’42 40 Linda Houston Cannizzo ’69 40 David D. Chase ’58 40 James R. Clark ’68 40 Marjorie E. Davis ’69 40 Mrs. Nephele Wing Domencich 40 Thomas A. Domencich ’55 40 Mrs. Robert C. Esser 40 Lynne Horne Gasiorek ’72 40 William K. Grieb ’70 40 Christine Acker Haight ’70 40 John M. Haight III ’70 40 Allen K. Hall ’49 40 Mary Lou Becker Hall ’49 40 John N. Hermes ’68 40 Susan Robinson Hermes ’68 40 Judson C. Higgins, Jr. ’62 40 Marcia MacLeish Higgins ’63 40 Sherwood G. House ’56 40 John T. Howe ’62 40 W. Hayward Hulick ’72 40 Frederick B. Hussey ’69 40

Anne Sivright Jefferson ’72 40 Christine Lydon Jones ’70 40 Christine Hershey Jordan ’70 40 William C. Jordan ’69 40 Jane Steffen Kolakowski ’73 40 Peter R. Kolakowski ’72 40 Mrs. Lea Ann Henderson Kuehl 40 Richard D. Kuehl ’67 40 Carolyn Callahan Landwehr ’55 40 James B. Landwehr ’56 40 Dean H. Lemke ’50 40 Mr. Norman J. Loomer 40 Susan Boothroyd Loomer ’67 40 Robert P. Martin ’68 40 Dayle Miyamoto Osborn ’70 40 Lawrence E. Osborn ’69 40 Margaret Rossman Panagos ’62 40 Elenita Jackson Parker ’72 40 Edith Thompson Penick ’53 40 R. Ramona Fisher Potter ’51 40 Elizabeth Olsen Schaffnit ’73 40 Theodore W. Schaffnit ’70 40 Thomas J. Schmidt ’67 40 Gail Riddell Schneider ’72 40 Donna Veto Schulz ’68 40 Ronald M. Sterr ’53 40 James H. Thorsen ’65 40 Duncan W. Wiedemann ’52 40 Mr. Fred J. Wiest, Jr. 40 Lee Hussey Witt ’56 40 Mrs. Jean G. Woolley 40 Dr. William J. Woolley 40 39 – 30 Years Steven J. Adolphson ’66 39 David A. Bardwick ’72 39 Jerome A. Barr ’61 39 Mr. and Mrs. Oscar C. Boldt 39 Helen Kuhn Brennan ’55 39 William F. Brennan ’52 39 Robert L. Brothers ’55 39 Robert C. Burress ’61 39 Doreen Conforti Chemerow ’73 39 Marcella Christensen ’67 39 Malcolm L. Clay ’69 39 Richard J. Crowell ’52 39 John C. Diedrich ’62 39 Steven W. Dorman ’73 39 Vicki Hofbauer Dorman ’74 39 Karen Teschner Dorn ’72 39 Michael W. Farrell ’72 39 Alan D. Gasiorek ’73 39 Roger M. Greiling ’66 39 Lawrence E. Hamilton, Jr. ’63 39 Mary Stake Hawker ’65 39 Robert A. Hingston ’71 39 Frederic S. Hoffer III ’74 39 Katherine Williams Hoffer ’74 39 William M. Hopkins ’74 39 Lois Panetti House ’56 39 Doris Alford Jahnke ’48 39 Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Jayne 39 Peter R. Jochimsen ’61 39 George A. Julin III ’68 39 James G. Kalanges ’61 39 Susan Ritter Kalanges ’63 39 Joyce L. Kiefer ’54 39 Carol Harrison Kleiner ’68 39 John P. Kleiner ’66 39 William C. Knudson ’65 39

John M. Kristy ’68 39 Linda Wohlschlaeger Larson ’70 39 Mark A. Larson ’70 39 Ann Follett Liebert ’68 39 Kip C. Lubcke ’68 39 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lukanich 39 Scott C. Mathot ’68 39 Jennifer Lloyd Maxson ’65 39 Philip K. McCullough ’69 39 Jon E. Meyer ’70 39 Dr. and Mrs. Larry H. Miller 39 Dr. and Mrs. Larry H. Miller 39 Sharon Vizanko Miller ’66 39 Mrs. Leslie I. North 39 William C. North ’68 39 Andrew M. Obara ’55 39 Sophia Ogawa Obara ’55 39 William H. Pooley ’72 39 Leonard S. Rice ’72 39 Robert F. Rice ’66 39 David P. Schenck ’64 39 Gary E. Scheuermann ’69 39 Nancy Quick Scheuermann ’69 39 Mrs. Earle S. Scott 39 Mr. Walter H. Sievert 39 Kenneth R. Stair ’57 39 Geraldine Heal Stewart ’57 39 Peter M. Uhrig ’68 39 Roger E. Wheeler ’63 39 David W. Worden ’65 39 Virginia Krikorian Worden ’66 39 Marsha King Aalbregtse ’51 38 Carol Kahnert Andersen ’52 38 Anonymous 38 William M. Banks ’67 38 James W. Beisner ’71 38 Mrs. Barbara Carrier Best 38 Jill Williams Bishop ’68 38 John M. Bishop ’67 38 Michael J. Boyd ’69 38 Susan Garrett Boyd ’69 38 Russell C. Bremner ’53 38 John D. Brennan ’69 38 Rebecca L. Caldwell ’71 38 Patricia Carroll Carson ’60 38 Suzanne McKean Chamberlain ’68 38 Mr. David I. Chemerow 38 Sheila Stangel Christiansen ’65 38 Deborah Evans Clem ’74 38 James F. Cochrane ’52 38 Joanne Klawiter Cochrane ’51 38 Dennis J. Conta ’62 38 Robin Mathews Cox ’73 38 Linda Brassington Daniels ’72 38 Donald H. Dew ’73 38 Annette Solway Dhein ’46 38 Willard H. Dhein ’49 38 Linda Mohr Dicks ’74 38 Scott L. Dicks ’74 38 Donald M. Duncan ’52 38 John A. Erich ’69 38 Jane Runkel Frederick ’74 38 Bruce Gebhardt ’59 38 Paul A. Gelb ’69 38 Ronald C. Gillard ’58 38 Jolande K. Gumz ’75 38 Richard A. Hansen, Jr. ’67 38 Charles J. Hanson ’76 38 G. John Heyer ’67 38

Thomas G. Jayne ’73 38 Linda Jones Kammen ’69 38 Richard Kammen ’68 38 Duane L. Koplien ’57 38 Nancy Allen Kreuser ’68 38 Thomas P. Kreuser ’67 38 Gary L. Lederer ’72 38 Jean Kirkpatrick Lederer ’73 38 Louise Wood Liao ’74 38 Kevin L. Lovell ’72 38 Christine Beltz Maas ’70 38 A. J. Martin ’69 38 Margaret Castle Martin ’69 38 James F. Matthes ’64 38 Mary Lee Franke Matthes ’64 38 Mrs. Patricia N. McCullough 38 George I. Middleton ’54 38 Mrs. Judith Lewis Middleton 38 Betty Miller ’59 38 Walter M. Mortlock ’67 38 Richard L. Moschel ’64 38 Edward E. Mulhall ’50 38 Xavier M. Polanski ’74 38 Jeffrey M. Pomerantz ’71 38 Suzan Helgerson Pruiett ’66 38 Mrs. Kaye Reese 38 Michael R. Reese ’65 38 Timothy M. Reich ’74 38 John K. Rodgers ’69 38 Elliot M. Samuels ’66 38 Dr. Paul J. Schoofs 38 Mary Lou Spink Spindt ’40 38 Craig F. Splinter ’70 38 Phillip M. Steans ’65 38 Randi Solberg Steans ’66 38 Frederick M. Strader ’74 38 Duane A. Thornton ’64 38 Roger D. Venden ’59 38 Susan M. Vonder Heide ’74 38 Charles T. Wallschlaeger ’65 38 Mary E. Webb ’64 38 Lois A. Wilhelm ’67 38 Robert E. Algrin ’71 37 Lois Erickson Altmeyer ’50 37 Peggy Johnson Arfman ’72 37

Robert C. Arfman ’71 37 David A. Babler ’64 37 Leslie Smith Bachhuber ’71 37 Thomas D. Bachhuber ’71 37 Charles P. Barber ’65 37 Robert J. Bednarek ’49 37 Jerome R. Blackstone ’49 37 Phillip J. Bolda ’75 37 Robert L. Brandt ’49 37 Shirley Barnard Brandt ’47 37 Lawrence E. Bray ’48 37 Terrence L. Brown ’69 37 Jeff C. Bumby ’65 37 Julie B. Carlson ’76 37 Linda Mochalski Carpenter ’75 37 Edgar H. Case III ’69 37 Andrew E. Cook II ’69 37 Barbara Paine Cramer ’68 37 William B. Cramer ’68 37 Mr. Leonard J. de Rosa 37 Gail L. Dobish ’76 37 Dr. and Mrs. James T. Duncan, Jr. 37 Thomas J. Ebert ’75 37 Peter H. Engelking ’67 37 Carol Pickhardt Fancher ’62 37 Jo-Anne Fields ’64 37 Dennis G. Frahmann ’74 37 Susan A. Frederick-Clarkson ’72 37 *Reese E. Griffiths ’62 37 William W. Griswold, Jr. ’53 37 Anne Barber Hallock ’53 37 Richard G. Hallock ’53 37 Helen E. Hansen ’66 37 Anne Ernser Hanson ’78 37 Sandra Lee Heckman ’72 37 Ronald Scott Heiderich ’64 37 Gretchen Riepma Hewitt ’52 37 Beverly Moschel Hirsekorn ’72 37 Mary Ann Clauder Jesse ’61 37 Norman W. Jesse ’61 37 Geoffrey D. Johnson ’62 37 Andrew A. Kandutsch ’50 37 Nancy Thulin Kandutsch ’50 37 Lita Weislow Katz ’75 37

Lauren Butkiewicz ’16

Ruth Cape Kent ’73 37 Steven P. Kent ’72 37 Edward E. Kirkbride ’57 37 William W. Leiner, Jr. ’74 37 Donna Severance Lesker ’60 37 Judith Lawson Magdich ’62 37 Tomas M. Magdich ’61 37 Mary Munro ’74 37 Mrs. William J. Neill 37 JoAnn K. Nelson ’58 37 Flora Toms O’Hagan ’59 37 Donald R. Park II ’69 37 Jane A. Person ’65 37 Carol Beverly Pouros ’65 37 Claire R. Robinson ’53 37 Peter G. Roehl ’68 37 John K. Rogers ’62 37 Pamela Beekman Rogers ’66 37 Stephen C. Rogers ’65 37 Elsie Hargrave Sakiotis ’50 37 Arthur C. Scarlett, Jr. ’69 37 Sheryl Swennes Scarlett ’70 37 Robert C. Schneider ’64 37 Mrs. Gerald Secor 37 Daniel L. Siculan ’64 37 Lynn M. Spicer-Tucker ’72 37 Robert H. Uehling ’70 37 Christine Overly Wallace ’74 37 Joseph J. Wallace III ’74 37 John A. Wallen ’76 37 Hugh W. Whipple ’76 37 Jody Dewey Williams ’73 37 Dr. George H. Wittler 37 Michele Baran Wittler ’76 37 Margaret E. Zellmer ’74 37 Suellen Reigle Altholz ’73 36 Thomas I. Altholz ’72 36 Eleanor Healy Anderson ’48 36 John M. Ankerson ’64 36 Dorothy Runge Asboth ’77 36 Joseph P. Belanger ’75 36 John J. Bennett, Jr. ’71 36 Richard M. Borchers ’68 36 Elizabeth Winter Boschetto ’69 36 Susan Wege Brown ’71 36 Daniel V. Burk ’76 36 Nancy Gerathy Cole ’69 36 Mr. James W. Colletti 36 Susan Geyler Colletti ’68 36 Eileen Leander Cook ’57 36 Peter B. Cooper ’65 36 Alice McKeon Crabbe ’68 36 Jeffrey J. Crabbe ’66 36 Paul M. D’Amico ’69 36 Susan Kreuser Davis ’66 36 Lois Carson De Felice ’54 36 Cynthia Hayes Diemer ’73 36 Richard W. Diemer ’72 36 Karen Wendland Dix ’74 36 Kenneth S. Elliott ’73 36 Marcia Fruhman Elliott ’74 36 Lynne Handler Farmer ’72 36 John P. Frederick ’73 36 Ann Gunderson Freese ’74 36 Thomas H. Freese ’74 36 Carol Van Wagner Friedman ’75 36 David T. Fukuda ’66 36 Patricia Andrews Gander ’67 36 Pamela Hendricks Gazaway ’67 36 Gary S. Giesel ’76 36 Barbara Johnson Graham ’61 36 Marcus D. Hoffman ’70 36 Robert D. Hulshouser ’67 36 John C. Hyde ’65 36 Richard T. Jones ’77 36 Gustav G. Kaufmann ’71 36

Dennis L. Kempner ’70 36 Kay Ingerski Kempner ’70 36 Carol Shikoski Lawrence ’77 36 Diane Vaughan Longcore ’67 36 James M. Lukanich ’75 36 Anna McLean Mathy ’49 36 Sally Hand Mauson ’70 36 Bernadine Johnson McClements ’52 36 Jack Meyer ’73 36 David C. Miller ’39 36 Margaret Allen Milligan ’71 36 *Barbara L. Moe ’60 36 Gail Wiecki Moore ’75 36 Andrea C. Morris ’77 36 Donald A. Nunemaker ’69 36 Leon P. Pascucci ’75 36 Thomas E. Price ’67 36 Harry M. Quinn ’77 36 Ann Iberle Rak ’77 36 Daniel J. Rak ’75 36 Beth McMillan Ridpath ’62 36 Robert P. Ridpath Sr. ’60 36 John W. Robertson ’68 36 Robert P. Roll ’62 36 Bette G. Royce ’46 36 Janet D. Russell ’75 36 Judith Gonia Schaefer ’65 36 Richard W. Schiefelbein ’61 36 Ms. John J. Schuberth 36 Barbara Bradford Sewall ’65 36 Thomas E. Sewall ’66 36 William E. Shelton, Jr. ’58 36 Daniel W. Sherman ’76 36 Joanne Long Sherman ’76 36 Mary Raschka Sikora ’66 36 Richard L. Starkel ’49 36 Marjorie Miller Swartz ’52 36 Maynard C. Wiff ’76 36 Sue Rewolinski Wiff ’75 36 Dena G. Willmore ’67 36 Anonymous 35 Mary Alice Miller Balej ’55 35 Ronald J. Balej ’53 35 Richard Bennett ’65 35 Jean E. Black ’77 35 Victoria L. Bleise ’73 35 Deane Houlahan Carlborg ’51 35 Frank W. Carlborg ’50 35 Susan Chapman Carlton ’75 35 Douglas M. Cassell ’74 35 Carol Diedrich Cooley ’58 35 Thomas E. Cooley ’58 35 Lynne DeBeck Cummins ’76 35 James T. Cunningham ’54 35 Judith Reisinger Davis ’76 35 Ann W. Devenish-Cassell ’75 35 William B. Easter ’53 35 Charles E. Estberg ’75 35 Xavier C. Fendt ’57 35 Jill Jollie Fox ’73 35 Christopher Galton ’68 35 Susan Hecht Gebhardt ’70 35 Mrs. Heidi D. Hanley 35 Mr. Robert L. Hanley 35 John B. Henderson ’68 35 Mrs. Judith Herrick 35 Margaret E. Hill ’75 35 Jeanne De Hart Humpal ’51 35 Frank S. Hyer II ’56 35 Jane Graeber Hyer ’59 35 Mrs. Mary Ann Johnsen 35 Barbara Tsai Jones ’78 35 Louisa Gebelein Jones ’78 35 Mr. Daniel S. King 35 Thomas W. Klewin ’76 35




25 or More Years of Giving Alumni, parents and friends Joseph J. Lack ’71 35 Nancy Nebel Lack ’72 35 Edward W. Lenchard ’64 35 Gary E. Long ’66 35 Regis M. Lopata ’72 35 Mrs. Karen MacLeod 35 William C. MacLeod ’73 35 Mary Jo MacSwain ’77 35 Susan Keller Matthes ’63 35 Jonathan K. Muraskas ’78 35 James J. Nault ’74 35 Dean L. Olson ’77 35 Gregg E. Petersen ’78 35 William M. Pickering ’73 35 Karl P. Piotrowski ’60 35 Robert G. Post ’77 35 Mariann Cherry Powell ’52 35 Susan Lambert Quinn ’79 35 Mary Breese Ray ’74 35 Michael D. Rees ’75 35 Catherine Chapman Reynolds ’67 35 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Schaupp 35 Jane M. Schore ’73 35 Carolyn Calandra Selsor ’69 35 Thomas A. Selsor ’68 35 Barry E. Simon ’66 35 Mrs. Ginny Srednicki 35 Richard J. Srednicki ’73 35 John M. Steenport ’57 35 Betty Lange Strader ’77 35 William G. Stuart ’80 35 Evelyn Colucci Suzdak ’73 35 Mark L. Tannenbaum ’71 35 Nancy Berry Tolleson ’77 35 Carol Parkhurst Tullio ’73 35 Peter A. Tullio, Jr. ’73 35 Helen Billett Warren ’54 35 Diane Thorsen Whiteley ’68 35 Douglas E. Whiteley ’68 35 Margaret E. Wiff ’76 35 V. Gerald Woeste ’59 35 John H. Wolfe ’69 35 Ainsley Brook Wonderling ’74 35 Richard A. Wueste ’71 35 Richard W. Zuehl ’70 35 Kathleen LaBrot Angus ’66 34 Joan Prahl Arnold ’53 34 Stephen K. Astmann ’63 34 Francis J. Blaise ’53 34 Karen Krogh Blaise ’56 34 Elizabeth Tobin Brown ’76 34 Bruce A. Bursack ’57 34 Danni L. Caldwell ’78 34 Gerald E. Campbell ’68 34 Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Charlson, Jr. 34 George C. Clam ’71 34 Bruce A. Clauter ’73 34 Danny H. Davis ’78 34 Richard D. DeCock ’75 34 Brian P. Downey ’77 34 Douglas N. Duncan ’75 34 Mrs. Raymond W. Duwel 34 Elizabeth Willoughby Fitzsimmons ’69 34 Rick N. Fitzsimmons ’69 34 Victoria Specian Griswold ’69 34 Jack N. Hays ’70 34 Nancy Burrell Hays ’72 34 * Now deceased 38


RIPON College

Elizabeth Thomas Henson ’54 34 Alan P. Hodkiewicz ’78 34 Susan Higby Hodkiewicz ’77 34 Larry B. Hollmaier ’75 34 *Mrs. Yvonne Gatzke Holmes 34 Helen K. Holter ’78 34 Henry A. Holzkamper ’62 34 Heidi Schroder Hughes ’71 34 Paul J. Jakstas ’62 34 Christopher E. Jamieson ’75 34 Gordon O. Jensen ’48 34 Meredith Valentine Johnson ’78 34 Nanette Macknick Johnson ’66 34 Michael J. Julka ’71 34 Georgene Klaner Koblenz ’60 34 Judith Ellicson Kovarik ’63 34 Richard M. Kovarik ’64 34 Terry Hall Kuehlwein ’61 34 Alan N. Lawrence ’77 34 Rita Rafajko Lazarus ’56 34 Mark T. Ledger ’65 34 Karen A. Lowery ’73 34 Mr. Jerry Lueth 34 Timothy B. Mahoney ’63 34 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Morrissey 34 Chadwick R. Nelson ’65 34 Janice Fuchs Nielsen ’69 34 Joseph C. O’Sullivan ’78 34 Ellen Robishaw Otis ’65 34 Patricia Peck Perry ’43 34 Myron W. Peterson ’54 34 James R. Pierce ’76 34 Barbara Hughes Price ’67 34 Elizabeth Langer Quackenboss ’57 34 R. John Ricciardi ’69 34 Gregg D. Samelson ’75 34 Mary Jamieson Samelson ’76 34 Betty Liska Schweitzer ’58 34 Mrs. Henry J. Semrad 34 Andrew D. Singleton, Jr. ’76 34 Mary Kay Sommers ’74 34 Patricia Jenkins Steaffens ’53 34 Gordon H. Steinbach ’67 34 Jacquelyn Stuit Steinbach ’69 34 Wayne L. Stevenson ’67 34 Rodney V. Thieleke ’72 34 Marsha J. Toll ’77 34 Edward A. Tomczyk ’63 34 Gail Goodrich Tracy ’79 34 Michael E. Tracy ’79 34 Nancy Dorst Truesdell ’76 34 Marcia Wilson Wahoske ’75 34 Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Wege 34 Jon P. Wilcox ’58 34 John G. Winklepleck ’73 34 Connie Jess Zolkoske ’77 34 John C. Zore ’63 34 Rick J. Zucchero ’69 34 Helen Steinman Ackley ’63 33 John M. Ackley, Sr. ’62 33 Lori Michels Adams ’80 33 Katherine J. Babcock ’80 33 Carol Tinker Bainbridge ’69 33 Elizabeth Henderson Barratt ’74 33 Ellen J. Barth ’80 33 Diane L. Beres ’65 33 Karl A. Beres ’65 33 Karen Mendrek Bick ’80 33 Doris Fry Clark ’40 33

Dr. Robert E. Collier 33 Joseph R. Comfort ’62 33 Carl W. Dean ’68 33 Patricia Olson Descher ’66 33 William H. Descher ’66 33 Mary Ellen Weis Doll ’75 33 Karen Goetter Druliner ’64 33 Robert A. Fleck, Jr. ’65 33 Ruth Potts Fleck ’66 33 Patricia Lefler Fuksa ’67 33 Robert H. Furniss III ’80 33 Janet Bean Gaddis ’71 33 Robert L. Gaddis ’72 33 Patricia A. Gardner ’78 33 Elizabeth Steward Garner ’77 33 Mr. James E. Giedd 33 Jennifer Brengle Giedd ’79 33 Mary Wernecke Goeks ’51 33 Kathy E. Goodbout ’80 33 Clifford Gould ’64 33 Mark A. Greene ’80 33 Sladen W. Hall ’68 33 David J. Hanus ’78 33 Howard C. Hornig ’48 33 Lee D. Jess ’61 33 Mary Jo Piehl Jess ’62 33 Coburn Randak Johnson ’69 33 John Kirchgeorg ’63 33 Christine C. Kopec ’73 33 Alana Keyes Koutantzis ’68 33

Benjamin Hollander ’15 and Associate Professor of Art Rafael Francisco Salas

Richard T. Kreuser ’61 33 Kathy Ann Kurke ’75 33 Kim Gosso Laue ’79 33 Karen Andresen Leahy ’78 33 Debra A. Marnocha ’79 33 Mrs. Nedra Linville Martz 33 Lucia Lay Maxson ’48 33 Jane Russon McCarthy ’72 33 Gregory L. D. Mercier ’71 33 Pamela French Mercier ’72 33 Doretta M. Miller ’70 33 Melody Sher Nichols ’65 33 Michael P. Nichols ’67 33 Christophor M. Ogle ’80 33 Michael A. Ottenberg ’77 33 Phillip C. Ouellette ’80 33 Mrs. Helen M. Pagel 33 Duane E. Pepke ’54 33 Arthur C. Peters ’80 33 Ruth Hollinger Peters ’79 33 John F. Pickerel, Jr. ’68 33 Mrs. Jack C. Plano 33 C. Preston Poore, Jr. ’68 33 Gregory Potegal ’68 33 William C. Quistorf ’80 33 Diane Gotz Raniere ’60 33 Thomas L. Reinecke ’68 33 David J. Remondini ’80 33 Charles W. Roderus, Jr. ’68 33 Robb W. Rowe ’61 33

Richard K. Russo, Sr. ’76 33 Susan Angell Schmidt ’80 33 George R. Schneider ’66 33 Ellen Cole Smith ’76 33 Frank J. Sotosek ’58 33 John A. Sturm ’58 33 Jennifer Stambaugh Voorhees ’77 33 Christopher S. Wenckus ’67 33 Elaine Light Wenckus ’67 33 Karl R. Wilhelm ’71 33 Thomas L. H. Wing ’63 33 Kenneth V. Wolters ’58 33 Wilson N. Abbott ’71 32 Thomas W. Abendroth ’81 32 Kathryn Awalt Aichele ’80 32 Donald W. Anderson ’42 32 Debora Border Arnold ’81 32 Richard C. Bahr ’64 32 George H. Boothby, Sr. ’74 32 Louise Renier Boothby ’75 32 Mrs. Wayne S. Bradley 32 Mary D. Brockmiller ’80 32 Edward B. Campbell ’75 32 Philip M. Chase ’66 32 Edward L. Clapp ’63 32 Mrs. Martha Conrad Clark 32 Mary Rothe Curtis ’70 32 Caroline H. Davis ’72 32 Jean Spikings Davis ’54 32 William H. Denison ’74 32 Dr. Janice Y. Domanik 32 Richard A. Domanik ’68 32 Mr. Douglas W. Downey 32 Karen Egan ’55 32 David A. Eggert ’77 32 Mrs. Kay Scheunemann Eggert 32 Roberta Freund Evans ’71 32 Bridget Pender Fetter ’74 32 Deborah Clark Glenn ’80 32 John J. Gormican ’80 32 Marnee Johnson Grefe ’64 32 *Anne Olson Guenther ’44 32 *Kermit C. Guenther ’44 32 James M. Haney ’76 32 Margaret Pickard Harmon ’81 32 Jody J. Henderson-Sykes ’81 32 Lynn Willis Herman ’50 32 James M. Hintz ’72 32 William P. Huebner ’80 32 J. Peter Jensen ’58 32 Roger B. Johnson ’79 32 Galen H. Kawamoto ’68 32 Timothy K. Kingston ’77 32 Robert J. Kirkland ’81 32 Henry W. Knueppel ’70 32 Susan Thomson Knueppel ’70 32 A. Richard Konrad ’64 32 John R. Korbel ’60 32 Guy W. Lenardo ’80 32 Anne Millon Leonatti ’79 32 Catherine Masson Lewis ’73 32 Margaret Littlefield-Modl ’77 32 David R. Malec ’64 32 Robert R. Meyer ’78 32 Jeffrey G. Nelson ’78 32 Mrs. Katherine Van Opens Nelson 32 Mr. Eugene H. Neuendorf 32 Lawrence D. Neumann ’81 32 Lorraine Charlson Neumann ’32 32 Barbara Lloyd Nickels ’54 32 *Raymond L. Nickels ’54 32 Elizabeth A. O’Donnell ’81 32 Susan E. Palmer ’79 32 Ronald R. Peterson ’70 32

The Reverend Frederick W. Phinney, Sr. 32 Holly Kursar Pietrucha ’69 32 Barbara Janssen Pugh ’78 32 Stephen R. Pugh ’76 32 Edward J. Rak ’77 32 John C. Ryberg ’67 32 Andrew W. Schmidt ’81 32 Everett L. Schwalbe, Jr. ’55 32 Ann Willette Seifried ’80 32 Scott E. Skolnick ’76 32 Mary Beth Redman Smith ’81 32 Pamela Price Smith ’68 32 Dr. Robb V. Smith 32 Mr. Robert L. Smith 32 Peter J. Somers ’67 32 Beverly A. Spittell-Lehman ’78 32 Mr. Richard R. Sykes 32 Richard E. Thrumston ’47 32 Cynthia D. Traynor ’81 32 Mary Michie Udall ’44 32 Constance L. Usiak ’77 32 Peter P. Wickman ’77 32 Thomas G. Willard ’68 32 Tim H. Williams ’62 32 Marcia Homann Zaborsky ’66 32 Mr. R. Douglas Ziegler 32 Karen Soderstrom Zollar ’60 32 Sarah Lillard Adams ’73 31 Mary Macgill Agre ’70 31 Timothy T. Babcock ’82 31 Joan Anderson Bachus ’57 31 Leslie Spoon Balestracci ’78 31 Scott D. Barnes ’66 31 Sherie Kirshner Barnes ’65 31 Susan Nussdorfer Berg ’68 31 David P. Bienfang ’67 31 Mr. Hans O. Billerbeck 31 Sharon Nielsen Billerbeck ’64 31 Nancy Bock Black ’49 31 David A. Bunten ’73 31 Mrs. Glenn R. Butters 31 Nancy Cox Carter ’66 31 Lawrence A. Champion ’77 31 Robert A. Collins ’65 31 Mark R. Conrad ’73 31 Dianne Orndorff Dimond ’81 31 Robert J. Domann ’64 31 Sharon Hull Doxtator ’58 31 Pamela Roe Durham ’82 31 Lawrence K. Elton ’60 31 Joan Mucci Esposito ’78 31 Patience M. Falcon ’59 31 Roger F. Farleigh ’62 31 Mr. Martin F. Farrell 31 Elizabeth Follett ’68 31 Mrs Patricia P. Francis 31 Tena Schultz Franzen ’61 31 Sandra K. Gehler ’79 31 Kirk P. Gentling ’66 31 James D. Greenebaum ’80 31 Catherine Lothrop Hager ’82 31 Thomas J. Hamilton ’65 31 Daniel D. Harmon III ’54 31 Patricia Van Lanen Hausner ’58 31 Stanley S. Hayden ’67 31 James E. Hughes ’68 31 Norman L. Hull ’68 31 Robert A. Immoor ’67 31 Cheryl L. Iverson ’66 31 David A. Janssen ’81 31 Kristin Kohles Janssen ’82 31 Betty Burmeister Johnson ’62 31 Darrell L. Johnson ’61 31 Mrs. Robert B. Johnson 31

Randall K. Kawamoto ’69 31 Susan Mijanovich Key ’72 31 Richard A. Kime ’78 31 Barbara J. Kuter ’76 31 Dawn Benning LaBarbera ’82 31 Robyn Mackiewicz Lake ’74 31 William H. Lake, Jr. ’73 31 Jane Stallard Lorton ’60 31 Joan Howard Maclachlan ’64 31 Constance Jones Malone ’50 31 Andrea Topetzes Mann ’76 31 Patrick G. McCarthy ’80 31 Sarah M. McGowan 31 Mrs. Lynne P. Menson 31 Richard L. Menson ’65 31 Martin S. Morris ’73 31 Elizabeth Palmbach Nemecek ’79 31 Mr. Wayne F. Nemecek 31 Mrs. Janet Nichols 31 Robert J. Nichols ’69 31 Robert E. Nied, Jr. ’66 31 Scott T. Oliver ’69 31 Sara Wenzel Ottenberg ’77 31 Mary Ellen Sherman Papara ’65 31 Kathryn J. Philipp ’47 31 Donald W. Polzin ’43 31 Dennis S. Pordon ’74 31 Daniel C. Rajewski ’59 31 Bonnie E. Reid ’78 31 Gregory T. Rieder ’82 31 Perry H. Robinson ’79 31 Fredric E. Roeming ’55 31 Anne Templeton Romano ’77 31 Mrs. Arlene Jaffee Rosen 31 Gerald J. Rosen ’55 31 Rose Mary Syck Rowland ’58 31 Stanley L. Rowland ’58 31 David M. Runkel ’54 31 Joan Sampson Runkel ’55 31 Kathleen Coesfeld Ryan ’66 31 Dr. and Mrs. Sam M. Sasamoto 31 Dr. Richard G. Scamehorn 31 Mrs. Sandra S. Scamehorn 31 Penny Bucher Scheibach ’63 31 Mr. Steven R. Sorenson 31 Chris Bender Stargardt ’82 31 Jonathan C. Sterling ’80 31 Pamela Kempf Sterling ’81 31 Laurel E. Stewart ’82 31 Mrs. Jane C. Taylor 31 Thomas L. Teschner Sr. ’55 31 *Richard D. Threlkeld ’59 31 Kent E. Timm ’81 31 Jon R. Walterscheit ’59 31 Susan Pond Wojtasik ’57 31 Karen Rogers Young ’78 31 Mary Churinoff Zerjav ’80 31 Mr. Charles J. Zolkoske 31 Ms. Betsy Aaron 30 The Honorable Shirley S. Abrahamson 30 Tracy Ellsworth Alpern ’80 30 Andrew A. Armour ’80 30 Brenda Wisotzke Armour ’82 30 Paul A. Atkins ’69 30 Vincent C. Aye ’69 30 Mary Tillmann Baas ’83 30 Jeff W. Bantle ’80 30 Joseph E. Bares ’71 30 Daniel W. Behring ’62 30 Nancy Steeno Behring ’62 30 Mrs. Joan Berman 30 Phillip Berman, Jr. ’63 30 Ray G. Besing ’57 30 Daniel P. Bestul ’80 30

Sandra Vahle Bestul ’79 30 Bonnie Meyer Brooks ’60 30 Bruce A. Buchholz ’83 30 Barbara Burmeister Burtch ’58 30 Kenneth P. Campbell ’82 30 Neil M. Chisholm ’72 30 John C. Colwell ’77 30 Richard E. Cozad ’53 30 James M. Curtis ’75 30 Richard L. Dalton, Jr. ’69 30 Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Finkelstein 30 Martha Dorzweiler Finnegan ’77 30 Mrs. Robert B. Furman 30 Mary C. Gavin ’79 30 Kurt W. Hansen ’79 30 Jerry M. Hardacre II ’81 30 Mrs. Sarah Schalow Hardacre 30 James M. Harman ’70 30 Robert D. Hovey ’52 30 Diane C. Hron ’83 30 Mrs. Fern-Aileen Imse 30 Thomas C. Jackson ’80 30 Virginia Newton Jacobi ’77 30 Mark B. Jacobs ’81 30 Mrs. Denise M. Jones 30 Terry L. Jones ’78 30 Leonard D. Kachinsky ’75 30 Gary J. Kazmier ’61 30 Werner W. Knuth ’61 30 Mr. Donald S. Koskinen 30 Mary Pappas Krueger ’47 30 Kevin J. Leavitt ’78 30 Julie Fenwick Magrath ’73 30 Kenneth H. Magrath ’73 30 Michael S. Maloney ’69 30 Timothy D. Mayes ’72 30 Lyn Rosenberg McCarthy ’83 30 Ms. Carolyn Miesfeld 30 Rich J. Miesfeld ’73 30 Roland M. Miller, Jr. ’83 30 David F. Minne ’56 30 Michael J. Modl ’77 30 Howard H. Moffet ’78 30 Janet E. Nelson ’82 30 Molly C. Niven ’75 30 Richard J. O’Connor ’75 30 James J. Okray ’83 30 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt L. Olson 30 William E. Otto ’78 30 Carol Luensman Pearson ’59 30 Elizabeth Pecha-Poelker ’78 30 John H. Peot ’55 30 Janet K. Perkins ’81 30 Matthew H. Perry ’81 30 Jean Uetzmann Pordon ’77 30 Mark J. Porubcansky ’77 30 Sarah Jenks Porubcansky ’77 30 Kenneth J. Reinecke ’70 30 John E. Romberg ’64 30 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Rosenberg 30 Ms. Doreen E. Sakamoto 30 Molly McLendon Schubert ’59 30 Charlotte Sherman 30 Mr. Warren H. Sherman 30 Charlotte Welton Singer ’66 30 Richard K. Singer ’67 30 Mary K. Sorenson ’69 30 Susan Bradley Sorenson ’71 30 Debra A. Steaffens ’76 30 William G. Tontsch, Jr. ’61 30 Judith Zinda Trudeau ’61 30 Kenneth R. Tucker ’59 30 Mrs. Bethann Hielke Vaubel 30 Thomas M. Vaubel ’79 30 Alice C. Walter ’71 30




25 or More Years of Giving Alumni, parents and friends Dirk A. Wilken ’81 30 Mrs. G. Robert Wilkinson 30 David K. Williams 2003 30 Steven G. Woods ’82 30 Jean A. Zachariasen ’76 30 29 – 25 Years Elizabeth Robins Alex ’51 29 Sylvia L. Ashton ’64 29 Betty Trinrud Babb ’57 29 Evelyn Bernahl Black ’52 29 Douglas R. Bomberg ’80 29 Ms. Donna M. Bukowski 29 Grace Redman Calhoon ’79 29 Vilma Butcher Carlson ’51 29 Dr. Jack M. Christ 29 Barbara Williams Clay ’83 29 Gail J. Connelly-Baker ’71 29 Kathryn E. Culley ’80 29 Mary Meyer Davis ’70 29 Ada Brown Diedrich ’58 29 Richard C. Diedrich ’56 29 R. Michael Diles ’81 29 Bradley J. Dimond ’81 29 Samuel W. Dougan ’48 29 John W. Dresely, Jr. ’77 29 Jane Butenhoff Eiler ’79 29 Daniel Finkelstein ’81 29 Gary R. Forbess ’69 29 Mary O’Brien Forbess ’67 29 Thomas G. Frank ’83 29 Jacqueline Brown Gerth ’43 29 Mrs. Roxanne Sortino Gleason 29 Robert J. Gresenz ’59 29 Anna Jones Haines ’67 29 Pamela Hinds Heinrich ’81 29 Mr. Hans O. Helland 29 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Jaeger 29 Lynne Wakefield Jansen ’80 29 Mrs. Anna B. Johnson 29 Judith E. Jones ’68 29 Kimberly R. Kalli ’84 29 Elizabeth Osterman Kimberly ’81 29 Jean Miller Maddrell ’72 29 George D. Marcus ’82 29 Mary Kaestner Marcus ’84 29 Melba Rogers Margolis ’44 29 Lorelei Carson Marshall ’81 29 Raymond H. McLeod ’44 29 Donald B. McNeil ’68 29 David C. Meissner ’65 29 James R. Mensching ’84 29 Daniel J. Minnema ’74 29 Connie Herbon Moser ’84 29 Judith Anderson O’Connor ’73 29 Sandy L. Ogden ’76 29 Thomas J. Oyster ’62 29 Judy Koehler Peoples ’83 29 James W. Pierce ’60 29 LaVerne Wilson Pray ’40 29 Richard H. Rance ’49 29 David H. Redemann ’60 29 David W. Roberts ’81 29 David C. Robinson ’64 29 Mrs. W. Kent Robinson 29 Neil G. Rogers ’66 29 Dawn Smith Rudnik ’83 29 Jeffrey W. Sauer ’84 29 * Now deceased 40


RIPON College

Don O. Schueler ’43 29 Connie Mraz Schuler ’68 29 William H. Schuler, Jr. ’66 29 Janet Gillespie Seno ’80 29 Edward B. Smith, Jr. ’77 29 Timothy P. Soliday ’69 29 Charlotte Pohanka Sparrow ’80 29 Timothy P. Sullivan ’77 29 Cynthia Lambie Telage ’68 29 Joseph M. Tolan ’81 29 Marjorie Hill Truschke ’65 29 George F. Vesley ’62 29 Mary A. Walter ’64 29 Jane S. Welch ’73 29 Donald E. Wolf ’73 29 Jean Marnocha Wroblewski ’75 29 Mrs. Leslie Zimmerman 29 Robert J. Zimmerman ’70 29 Ruth Anne Gero Adams ’85 28 Kathleen Miller Allen ’82 28 Larry J. Anderson ’70 28 Mrs. Lori J. Anderson 28 Anonymous 28 Amy McGuine Armstrong ’85 28 John T. Ashman ’70 28 Sara Oberhauser Babcock ’83 28 Michele Jarosz Battle ’81 28 Cynthia D. Behnke ’85 28 Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Bentley 28 Beverly Grosskrueger Berry ’75 28 Janet Koujourian Black ’77 28 Carlton L. Blochwitz ’51 28 Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Brandenburg 28 Mary Meehan Breen ’60 28 William J. Breen ’59 28 William B. Brucato ’73 28 David A. Buhner ’70 28 Juvenna Chang ’64 28 John H. Clay ’83 28 Mrs. Elaine M. Coll 28 Mrs Karen K. Cook 28 Patricia Wagner DeWald ’60 28 Jayne Blumenshine Dittberner ’45 28 Martin J. Dwyer ’54 28 John B. Ebens ’85 28 Mrs. Mary Dozzi Finkelstein 28 Randall J. Garrity ’81 28 Michael H. Gibbs ’79 28 Joseph H. Goodrich, Jr. ’81 28 Leslie Abrams Goodrich ’82 28 Janet Nelson Grant ’57 28 Bruce A. Hamilton ’70 28 Mr. Thomas G. Heinrich 28 Lawrence D. Huebner ’83 28 John P. Jansen ’82 28 Steven J. Johnson ’74 28 James H. Kimberly ’81 28 David A. Leifheit ’67 28 Nancy Oliver Leifheit ’69 28 Patricia Clemick Marquardt ’66 28 Kelan J. McCann ’77 28 Mr. and Mrs. John R. McNaughton 28 Susan S. Meier ’79 28 Andreas A. Melas ’73 28 Anne Jeffries Miller ’78 28 Sharon Rejman Ogle ’84 28

Kent O. Olin ’55 28 Gary R. Page ’84 28 Greta Gluek Porter ’78 28 Michael D. Poulos ’77 28 Suzanne Monroe Poulos ’75 28 Marcia Johnson Randall ’68 28 William C. Reed ’56 28 Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Royce 28 Charmaine Weyer Schieler ’56 28 Robert D. Schieler ’56 28 Robert L. Schmaus, Jr. ’73 28 Jerome H. Semrad ’61 28 Margaret Schaupp Siebert ’79 28 David W. Smith ’59 28 Harry G. Snyder ’60 28 Peter R. Sparrow ’80 28 *Ellen Freitag Stone ’51 28 Bruce A. Tammi ’72 28 Gregory S. Thompson ’65 28 J. Timothy Trier ’69 28 Jeffrey K. Viken ’80 28 Laurie B. Wallace ’97 28 Dr. Robert L. Wallace 28 Mary E. Wiernasz ’83 28 Elaine Adkins Wilcox ’85 28 Jay P. Wilcox ’85 28 Karen Johnson Wilken ’84 28 Katherine Luhman Williams ’73 28 Patricia Keeley Winter ’50 28 Dr. and Mrs. Ralph K. Zech 28 The Reverend and Mrs. John H. Zimmermann 28 Frederick W. Allen ’45 27 Nancy S. Andrews ’75 27 Katherine Pine Avery ’80 27 Judith Gilbert Border ’82 27 Deborah Dahms Brejcha ’62 27 Richard R. Brockhaus ’68 27 Lisa A. Brunette ’79 27 Donald P. Buteyn ’46 27 Leigh Joy Carson ’83 27 E. Jay Coldwell ’79 27 Dr. Gary R. Coll 27 Calvin W. Coquillette ’71 27 Joseph M. Cullen ’86 27 Debora Edwards Davis ’79 27 Rebecca Linsky De Lisle ’84 27 Richard L. Edwards ’53 27 B. Clifford Eimon ’59 27 John B. Ferris ’76 27 Barbara Bechler Flynn ’74 27 Carol Maas Galginaitis ’44 27 Donald P. Giegler ’58 27 W. Mack Goldsmith ’57 27 Philo W. Goodrich, Jr. ’52 27 Stephanie Greene ’72 27 Clarice Santeralli Gregoire ’77 27 William R. Haljun ’64 27 Marion Murner Harten ’59 27 *James D. Helf ’49 27 Irene Gelhar Hochrein ’41 27 Kathy L. Holm ’81 27 *Dayle Dunham Holmes ’52 27 Mr. C. Hadlai Hull 27 William A. Jahn ’83 27 Susan Forrest-Lobb Jeffreys ’81 27 Joyce Prout Kasson ’61 27 Peter L. Kasson ’59 27 Mr. Daniel J. Krhin 27

Melissa Sward LeCann ’61 27 DeBorah M. Lenchard ’75 27 Larry P. Malchow ’77 27 Michael J. Matichich ’76 27 Allen W. McCue ’76 27 Clinton P. McCully ’69 27 Marianne Hey McGinn ’82 27 Geralyn Heinz McKelvey ’79 27 Elizabeth C. Melchert ’82 27 David K. Miller ’60 27 Gordon I. Miller, Jr. ’69 27 Ms. Myra Misles-Krhin 27 Charles H. Morgan ’60 27 Susan Leitmann Mulligan ’76 27 Linda K. Naegeli ’85 27 David F. Neubauer ’63 27 Charles F. Osgood ’64 27 Christopher M. Poch ’83 27 Walter W. Polley ’72 27 George W. Potter ’77 27 Richard J. Reiter ’78 27 Cheryl Kolb Roht ’65 27 Gary H. Schuberth ’78 27 Beverly Polzin Smiley ’72 27 Robert L. Spangler ’60 27 Jennifer K. Spoon ’81 27 William H. Starke ’73 27 Norbert A. Steinbach ’61 27 Carol Brandt Tichy ’64 27 James A. Tichy ’62 27 Sheryl Handt Traficano ’85 27 Patricia Scherin Tremper ’50 27 Lawrence M. Vandervelde ’42 27 *Joan Ioas Varellas ’51 27 Kathryn Young Vermoch ’78 27 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walton, Sr. 27 John M. Wheeler ’65 27 Bruce L. Wickert ’75 27 John L. Woodard ’84 27 Kara Zartner Woods ’85 27 Mark J. Wright ’75 27 Mary Rose A. Zingale ’81 27 Sharon Kasper Adams ’79 26 Michael J. Allan ’82 26 Calvin D. Allen III ’69 26 Anita Morland Arms ’72 26 Roberta G. Austring ’70 26 Robert G. Borger ’60 26 *Franklin C. Brewster, Jr. ’65 26 Richard G. Brown ’60 26 Connie Kempen Cady ’86 26 Terence L. Capes ’71 26 David M. Chiong ’69 26 Douglas L. Christensen ’83 26 Michael O. Clarey ’68 26 Gregory E. Cox ’82 26 Theresa Svitavsky Cox ’82 26 Christopher S. Doherty ’74 26 Todd C. Duval ’83 26 Andrew Feinstein ’63 26 Sid J. Frame ’63 26 Mr Robert E. Francis 26 Janice Heinz Franzen ’83 26 Mark J. Franzen ’83 26 Amy M. Geroso ’86 26 Theodora Lee Gregg ’62 26 *David R. Hargrave ’47 26 Alice Hall Hayes ’69 26

Ms. Karen N. Hoyem 26 Mary F. Kautzer ’79 26 Richard L. Kay ’53 26 Katherine Zech Kioshi ’86 26 John C. LaBracke ’87 26 Kiersten Kjensrud LaBracke ’87 26 John LaPotka ’42 26 Jeanne Tomlin Lawson ’85 26 Michael D. Lee-Chun ’72 26 Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Leonard, Jr. 26 Bil Lewis ’74 26 Eric L. Lusty ’84 26 Lorna L. MacLeish ’64 26 Patricia L. Mayes ’77 26 Amy Hollinger McAdams ’81 26 D. C. Ramsay McLauchlan ’84 26 Robert M. Merritt ’74 26 Kathleen A. Myers ’80 26 Gary E. Nei ’65 26 Laura Hannes Ness ’87 26 Allen M. Peters ’59 26 Patricia R. Porter ’52 26 Dr. Shirley E. Reddoch 26 Dr. Robert E. Reinert ’57 26 Steven C. Ruoff ’69 26 Carol Warren Sachen ’76 26 Sarah E. Schlesinger ’75 26 Donna Hansen Scymanski ’78 26 Kokki Shindo ’53 26 Paula Mast Siebold ’69 26 Kirby J. Smith ’79 26 Eric K. Sorensen ’74 26 Charles S. Southgate ’77 26 Marcy Billington Southgate ’77 26 Delana Singer Stanfield ’66 26 David G. Stankow ’65 26 Holly Holz Steinkraus ’87 26 Norbert W. Thieme ’59 26 Mrs. Sandra Osborne Thieme 26 Anne Ullman Tolan ’83 26 Thomas J. Troestler ’59 26 Robin D. Wagstrom-Arnone ’80 26 Jerry V. Whitford ’58 26 Lynn Frisvold Williams ’80 26 Mr. and Mrs. M. George Zornada 26 Eleanor Rader Alcock ’63 25 Anonymous 25 Mrs. Nancy J. Bestland 25 Dr. Russell L. Blake 25 Frederic T. Brandt III ’69 25 William S. Brooks ’60 25

Derek Saxon ’15

Marlene Heinz Brown ’64 25 Mr. Patrick L. Campbell 25 Jean Kellogg Clark ’85 25 Jane Crews Conway ’69 25 Alicia Howland Corvino ’86 25 Anthony C. Cremerius, Jr. ’57 25 Cheryl Schneiter De Corso ’77 25 Dr. Kurt R. Dietrich 25 Mrs. Maria K. Dietrich 25 Mary Froh Doers ’81 25 Alan R. Eggert ’71 25 Sara Foudriat Eggert ’72 25 Donald W. Fredbeck ’72 25 Sally Gronert Goodwin ’72 25 Barbara Cress Grandy ’48 25 Rebecca A. Hadley ’75 25 Kevin R. Hall ’82 25 Linda Jensen Hall ’82 25 Connie Jaye Harris ’70 25 Elizabeth Helgeson Hauser ’82 25 Mrs. Amelia Passi Haynes 25 Roderick S. Haynes ’78 25 Mark A. Hebda ’78 25 Richard R. Hefling ’60 25

Walter L. Henry ’74 25 Mr. David L. Indermuehle 25 Marilyn Kaiser Indermuehle ’64 25 Kelly Sallee Jahn ’86 25 Jean K. Janes ’76 25 Norman D. Jefferson ’67 25 David U. Jennings ’60 25 Petra H. Jones ’82 25 Donna E. Kantner ’68 25 Janice Nelson Karp ’61 25 Kelly T. Keiderling Clark ’82 25 Mrs. Gail Carmichael Kimen 25 Julia Lynch Kummer ’85 25 Elizabeth O’Brien Larson ’84 25 Steven J. Lehman ’79 25 Mrs. Audrey Lyke 25 Dr. Barbara A. McGowan 25 Janice Rackow Mell ’57 25 Paul S. Nancarrow ’78 25 Stephen T. H. Ng ’75 25 Nancy A. Oyster ’58 25 Richard S. Papke ’62 25 Mrs. Susan B. Papke 25 Judy Hurd Penticoff ’72 25

Heidi James Plotkin ’77 25 Dr. David E. Reichle 25 Donna Haubrich Reichle ’59 25 Cynthia Kasten Rodkin ’88 25 Richard J. M. Rorem ’81 25 Joann Selleck ’73 25 Dean R. Sharpe ’71 25 Paul S. Shlien ’83 25 David E. Shogren ’84 25 Stacy Heinrich Shuda ’85 25 Ann Megowen Stevens ’83 25 George Stevens, Jr. ’74 25 Mary Ann Sims Trombetta ’64 25 Mrs. Dorothy C. Walworth 25 James C. Walworth ’48 25 Mrs. Kathy G. Webster 25 Robert N. Webster ’73 25 David B. Wheeler ’74 25 Richard Williams ’68 25 Seth F. Williams ’81 25 Bronna E. Wollman ’73 25 Edward P. Zimmerman ’79 25 Mrs. Doretha Van Slyke Zornada 25 George J. Zornada ’87 25

25 or More Years of Giving Businesses, foundations, corporations and organizations Businesses, foundations, corporations and organizations that made a gift in the fiscal year 2012 and have given for 25 or more years. Number of giving years is listed in red. Alliant Energy Foundation 68 Kohler Co. 63 Greater Milwaukee Foundation 56 GE Foundation 51 Northwestern Mutual Foundation 49 IBM International Foundation 47 The O. L. Moore Foundation 46 S.C. Johnson Fund, Inc. 45 Motorola Foundation 44 Abbott Fund 43 ExxonMobil Foundation 42

The Prudential Foundation 42 BP Foundation, Inc. 41 General Mills Foundation 41 Sentry Insurance Foundation, Inc. 41 3M Foundation 40 Kimberly-Clark Foundation 39 Ripon Drug 39 Xerox Corporation 39 Ripon Printers 38 Honeywell 37

Diedrich Jewelry Co., Inc. 36 Johnson Controls Foundation 36 The Northern Trust Company 36 Ariens Foundation Ltd. 35 The Pfizer Foundation 34 Macy’s Foundation 33 Wells Fargo Foundation 31 Green Lake Bank 30 Texas Instruments Foundation 30 Wisconsin Energy Corporation Foundation, Inc. 30

The Allstate Foundation 29 American Electric Power 29 The Boeing Company 29 Eaton Corporation 29 Merck Company Foundation 29 MetLife Foundation 29 State Farm Companies Foundation 28 Rockwell Automation Charitable Corporation 27 LIFE Corporation 25




Alumni Who Have Given Every Year Since Graduation Number of giving years is listed in red. Robert V. Abendroth ’51 62 Walter S. Hofman ’54 58 Ned Lufrano ’54 58 Paul L. Kegel ’57 55 Georgia Alcher Tillema ’60 53 Joseph W. Kushner ’62 50 William B. Drake ’63 50 *James B. Kohnen ’64 48

Patricia Ostrom Kohnen ’64 48 Larry C. Lascody ’65 47 Janet K. Hollatz ’66 46 William E. Moore ’66 46 Thomas E. Wulling ’66 46 Andrew F. Jackson II ’67 45 Kenneth L. Kaliher ’67 45 Barbara Berger Lascody ’67 47

Cory Zimmerman ’13

Lists of donors by individual years were published in the Fall 2012 Class Letters. For a list of all donors, visit View the list by entering the password: honor12



RIPON College

William A. Neill ’67 45 Christopher M. Small ’67 45 Colleen Durkin Small ’67 45 Richard G. Barry ’68 44 Dennis B. Collins ’68 44 Guy R. Henshaw ’68 44 Susan Siegel Henshaw ’68 44 Judith Wilkinson Neill ’68 45 Vicky Porth Tobias ’68 44 Kathleen Kroll Todd ’68 44 John E. Casey ’69 43 Barbara Knights Porter ’69 43 Kenneth L. Porter III ’69 43 Steven J. Thompson ’69 43 Randall P. Jefferson ’70 42 James M. Walsh ’70 42 Jeanne LaGrille Ernst ’71 41 Robert P. Thompson ’71 41 Peter D. Ziegler ’71 41 Lynne Horne Gasiorek ’72 40 W. Hayward Hulick ’72 40 Anne Sivright Jefferson ’72 40 Peter R. Kolakowski ’72 40 Elenita Jackson Parker ’72 40 Gail Riddell Schneider ’72 40 Doreen Conforti Chemerow ’73 39 Steven W. Dorman ’73 39 Alan D. Gasiorek ’73 39 Jane Steffen Kolakowski ’73 40 Elizabeth Olsen Schaffnit ’73 40 Deborah Evans Clem ’74 38 Linda Mohr Dicks ’74 38 Scott L. Dicks ’74 38 Vicki Hofbauer Dorman ’74 39 Jane Runkel Frederick ’74 38 Frederic S. Hoffer III ’74 39 Katherine Williams Hoffer ’74 39 William M. Hopkins ’74 39 Louise Wood Liao ’74 38 Xavier M. Polanski ’74 38 Timothy M. Reich ’74 38 Frederick M. Strader ’74 38 Susan M. Vonder Heide ’74 38 Phillip J. Bolda ’75 37 Linda Mochalski Carpenter ’75 37 Thomas J. Ebert ’75 37 Jolande K. Gumz ’75 38 Lita Weislow Katz ’75 37 Daniel V. Burk ’76 36 Julie B. Carlson ’76 37 Gail L. Dobish ’76 37 Gary S. Giesel ’76 36 Charles J. Hanson ’76 38 Daniel W. Sherman ’76 36 Joanne Long Sherman ’76 36 John A. Wallen ’76 37 Hugh W. Whipple ’76 37 Maynard C. Wiff ’76 36 Michele Baran Wittler ’76 37 Dorothy Runge Asboth ’77 36 Jean E. Black ’77 35 Richard T. Jones ’77 36 Carol Shikoski Lawrence ’77 36 Mary Jo MacSwain ’77 35 Andrea C. Morris ’77 36 Dean L. Olson ’77 35 Robert G. Post ’77 35 Harry M. Quinn ’77 36 Ann Iberle Rak ’77 36 Betty Lange Strader ’77 35 Nancy Berry Tolleson ’77 35

Danni L. Caldwell ’78 34 Danny H. Davis ’78 34 Anne Ernser Hanson ’78 37 Alan P. Hodkiewicz ’78 34 Helen K. Holter ’78 34 Meredith Valentine Johnson ’78 34 Barbara Tsai Jones ’78 35 Louisa Gebelein Jones ’78 35 Jonathan K. Muraskas ’78 35 Joseph C. O’Sullivan ’78 34 Gregg E. Petersen ’78 35 Jennifer Brengle Giedd ’79 33 Kim Gosso Laue ’79 33 Debra A. Marnocha ’79 33 Ruth Hollinger Peters ’79 33 Susan Lambert Quinn ’79 35 Gail Goodrich Tracy ’79 34 Michael E. Tracy ’79 34 Lori Michels Adams ’80 33 Kathryn Awalt Aichele ’80 32 Katherine J. Babcock ’80 33 Ellen J. Barth ’80 33 Karen Mendrek Bick ’80 33 Mary D. Brockmiller ’80 32 Robert H. Furniss III ’80 33 Deborah Clark Glenn ’80 32 Kathy E. Goodbout ’80 33 John J. Gormican ’80 32 Mark A. Greene ’80 33 William P. Huebner ’80 32 Guy W. Lenardo ’80 32 Christophor M. Ogle ’80 33 Phillip C. Ouellette ’80 33 Arthur C. Peters ’80 33 William C. Quistorf ’80 33 David J. Remondini ’80 33 Susan Angell Schmidt ’80 33 Ann Willette Seifried ’80 32 William G. Stuart ’80 35 Thomas W. Abendroth ’81 32 Debora Border Arnold ’81 32 Dianne Orndorff Dimond ’81 31 Margaret Pickard Harmon ’81 32 Jody J. Henderson-Sykes ’81 32 David A. Janssen ’81 31 Robert J. Kirkland ’81 32 Lawrence D. Neumann ’81 32 Lorraine Charlson Neumann ’81 32 Elizabeth A. O’Donnell ’81 32 Andrew W. Schmidt ’81 32 Mary Beth Redman Smith ’81 32 Pamela Kempf Sterling ’81 31 Kent E. Timm ’81 31 Cynthia D. Traynor ’81 32 Brenda Wisotzke Armour ’82 30 Timothy T. Babcock ’82 31 Kenneth P. Campbell ’82 30 Pamela Roe Durham ’82 31 Catherine Lothrop Hager ’82 31 Kristin Kohles Janssen ’82 31 Dawn Benning LaBarbera ’82 31 Janet E. Nelson ’82 30 Gregory T. Rieder ’82 31 Chris Bender Stargardt ’82 31 Laurel E. Stewart ’82 31 Steven G. Woods ’82 30 Mary Tillmann Baas ’83 30 Bruce A. Buchholz ’83 30 Barbara Williams Clay ’83 29 Thomas G. Frank ’83 29 Diane C. Hron ’83 30

Lyn Rosenberg McCarthy ’83 30 Roland M. Miller, Jr. ’83 30 James J. Okray ’83 30 Judy Koehler Peoples ’83 29 Dawn Smith Rudnik ’83 29 Kimberly R. Kalli ’84 29 Mary Kaestner Marcus ’84 29 James R. Mensching ’84 29 Connie Herbon Moser ’84 29 Sharon Rejman Ogle ’84 28 Gary R. Page ’84 28 Jeffrey W. Sauer ’84 29 Karen Johnson Wilken ’84 28 Ruth Anne Gero Adams ’85 28 Amy McGuine Armstrong ’85 28 Cynthia D. Behnke ’85 28 John B. Ebens ’85 28 Linda K. Naegeli ’85 27 Sheryl Handt Traficano ’85 27 Elaine Adkins Wilcox ’85 28 Jay P. Wilcox ’85 28 Kara Zartner Woods ’85 27 Connie Kempen Cady ’86 26 Joseph M. Cullen ’86 27 Amy M. Geroso ’86 26 Katherine Zech Kioshi ’86 26 John C. LaBracke ’87 26 Kiersten Kjensrud LaBracke ’87 26 Laura Hannes Ness ’87 26 Holly Holz Steinkraus ’87 26 George J. Zornada ’87 25 Janet L. Bentley ’88 24 Cynthia Kasten Rodkin ’88 25 Calvin J. Bergman ’89 23 Kristin Larson Besler ’89 24 Catherine McGinley Cullen ’89 23 James E. Czarnik ’89 23 Kerry R. Gable ’89 24 Darlene Loyer Gerick ’89 23 Kris Pehle Grasse ’89 23 Pamela Nohr Harwood ’89 24 Sarah Hemstock Robinson ’89 23 Kathryn R. Schultz ’89 23 Timothy R. Wiedmeyer ’89 24 Katherine Bolz Korovets ’90 23 Christina L. Maggio-Kellerstrass ’90 23 Anne Schachtschneider Morello ’90 23 Julie A. Armatoski ’91 22 Samantha L. Bailey ’91 21 Brian L. Besler ’91 22 Brian W. Curtin ’91 21 Brian L. Frey ’91 21 Rachel A. Kemper ’91 22 Amy Stapelfeldt Kruk ’91 21 Charles P. Merwin ’91 22 Eric A. Peterson ’91 22 Willard J. Steinberg ’91 22 Lori J. Stich ’91 21 Karin Suesser ’91 21 David W. Thomas ’91 21 Thaddeus A. Uczen III ’91 22 Bradley W. Alberts ’92 William T. Baker ’92 21 Amie A. Doughty ’92 Joanna Malenfant Fischer ’92 Christopher J. Kruk ’92 Elizabeth Kruse McCrary ’92 21 Steven B. McCrary ’92 Bret T. Reese ’92 21 Katherine Gatchell Searles ’92 21

Stephen D. Woolley ’92 21 Judy M. Bartolett ’93 Julie Tillema Hernandez ’93 Melinda Trainor Hutchinson ’93 Martha Jacobs Peterson ’93 Jeffrey A. Schleusner ’93 Raymond J. Larson ’94 Penne S. MacNee ’94 Jennifer Hanson Reese ’94 Joy Bortz Schleusner ’94 Angela L. Keith ’95 17 Steven G. Kultgen ’95 18 Amy DeKeyser Padilla ’95 18 Vincent P. Padilla ’95 18 Stacy Tate Paleen ’95 17 Shelly Hein Schaefer ’95 18 Matthew J. Umhoefer ’95 18 Beverly S. Christ ’96 24 Kirsten Anderson Pankau ’96 16 Eric D. Wightman ’96 17 Andrea M. Wille ’96 17 Rachel A. Berk ’97 16 Brian S. Cahoon ’97 16 Andrew H. Drechsler ’97 16 Stephanie Jean Basel Goldapske ’97 15 Rebecca S. Larson ’97 16 Sonja Lee Meehan ’97 16 Joshua W. Neill ’97 15 Jeffery J. Pankau ’97 15 Kristin M. Patey-Wagner ’97 16 Nicole J. Prodoehl ’97 15 Claire Hansen Robinson ’97 16 Christina A. Schwengel ’97 16 Laurie B. Wallace ’97 28 Gail Halsey Bertram ’98 15 Daniel J. Curran ’98 15 Sarah Eng ’98 15 Ryan D. Ferchoff ’98 15 Anna K. Jordahl ’98 16 Erica Smith Kroncke ’98 14 Tamara Mertins Maier ’98 14 Megan Wolgamot Malvey ’98 15 Lynne M. Phillips ’98 15 Joshua M. Satzer ’98 15 Mary C. Schaper ’98 15 Natasha L. Torry-Morgan ’98 14 Matthew R. Adler ’99 13 Michael J. Berens ’99 13 Erin Callies Mayrand ’99 13 Heather L. Menne ’99 14 Whitney B. Bildsten ’00 12 Benjamin M. Joas ’00 13 Joshua J. Kindkeppel ’00 13 Charles L. Larson III ’00 12 Kersten Holm Larson ’00 13 Vicki Pape ’00 12 Julie Kaiserling Pfeil ’00 13 Teresa E. Starry ’00 12 Kathleen R. Voigt ’00 13 Nicole L. BaumannBlackmore ’01 12 Derek J. Blackmore ’01 12 Lisa Sharpe Elles ’01 12 Dante A. Houston ’01 12 Andrea L. Johnson ’01 11 Victoria L. Nytes ’01 11 Sean T. Riesenberg ’01 11 Andrew J. Attwood ’02 11 Erica L. Barry ’02 10 Jeffrey F. Bouzek ’02 11

Jessica Rosen Lively ’02 11 Leigh D. Mlodzik ’02 10 Zachary S. Morris ’02 11 Julie A. Waldvogel-Leitner ’02 10 Emmylou Hoeft Wilson ’02 10 Emily Battisti ’03 9 Michael S. Fitzgerald, Jr. ’03 9 Britt Steiger Frank ’03 10 Matthew A. Gehring ’03 10 Emily A. Hanson ’03 10 Toni Dahlin Knorr ’03 9 Curtis S. Maurer ’03 9 Karina M. Nordbak ’03 9 James R. Piotrowski ’03 9 Amanda Luttenberger Riesenberg ’03 10 David K. Williams ’03 30 Karen M. Berg Williams ’03 22 Margaret Kastein Wolfgram ’03 10 Elizabeth A. Zirk ’03 9 Joana H. Aggrey ’04 8 Laura J. Brodie ’04 8 Sara Matzdorf Dassow ’04 9 Adam R. Field ’04 9 Jennifer L. Fitzgerald ’04 9 Alice M. Friend ’04 8 Amy Gabriel Gerretsen ’04 9 Amanda Phillips Gross ’04 9 Elizabeth M. Huber ’04 8 Beth A. Hunter ’04 9 Jeremy E. Hyllberg ’04 8 Diane M. Keeling ’04 9 H. Maxwell Kelln ’04 9 Benjamin W. Klandrud ’04 9 Christopher S. Klimp ’04 8 Jenifer M. Koser ’04 8 Noah R. Leigh ’04 8 Kristen M. McCullough ’04 13 Tyler W. Schwirtz ’04 9 Nicholas A. Spaeth ’04 9 Michael A. Timm ’04 8 Michael J. Bickler, Jr. ’05 8 Jessica Reed Boccia ’05 7 Calah M. Goehring ’05 9 Amber Kind-Keppel ’05 8 Sarah McGill Larson ’05 7 Daphne Meyers Leigh ’05 8 Lisa M. Maisonneuve ’05 8 Paul M. Neuberger ’05 8 Colin W. Rafferty ’05 7 Andrea Breitkreutz Wilcox ’05 8 Kevin S. Wopat ’05 8 Julian D. Becker ’06 7 Michele R. Bergman ’06 7 Andrew J. Beswick ’06 7 Michelle A. Calder ’06 8 Zachary R. Chitwood ’06 7 Hayley A. Doyle ’06 7 Jennifer Millen Even ’06 7 Joseph J. Fontaine ’06 7 Kaelin Butch Fontaine ’06 7 Eric M. Gallagher ’06 8 Krista Cage Gallagher ’06 7 Jonathan C. Gausewitz ’06 6 Emily L. Giovanni ’06 6 Elizabeth Giedd Glans ’06 6 Edward J. Hansen ’06 7 Stephen J. Huebscher ’06 7 Andrew P. Kitslaar ’06 8 Nicole M. Klaas ’06 6 Brian J. Macak ’06 6

George F. McHendry, Jr. ’06 7 Courtney L. McNeal ’06 7 Rebecca L. Nowak ’06 6 Andrew M. Ross ’06 6 Amanda Breitenfeldt Wery ’06 6 Jessica Fuoco Beswick ’07 6 Drew B. C. Davis ’07 5 Michelle E. Ebert ’07 5 Mara G. Evans ’07 6 Robert B. Faulds ’07 6 Elliot C. First ’07 6 Kevin A. Goyert ’07 6 Kathryn G. Griffiths ’07 6 Kari B. Joas ’07 5 Matthew R. Kenny ’07 6 Patrick C. Kerstein ’07 6 Benjamin R. Konecny ’07 6 Lindsey M. Kreye ’07 6 Elizabeth H. Leach ’07 6 Amanda R. Liethen ’07 6 Kacie M. Louis ’07 6 Steven A. Miller ’07 6 Christopher Reed-Waddell ’07 6 Lacy T. Rourke ’07 7 Jolene A. Rueden-Schatzinger ’07 6 Hilary A. Smith ’07 6 Stacy Krusa Teachout ’07 5 Mark P. Wery ’07 6 Patricia J. Barker ’08 4 Jessica Chatmon Bednarek ’08 5 Arthur W. Bratton ’08 5 Matthew B. Bush ’08 5 Parissa S. DJangi ’08 4 Amy J. Dorman ’08 4 Stephanie Sommer Faulds ’08 4 Karen E. Hanadel ’08 5 Gina L. Heckl ’08 4 Leah T. Hover-Preiss ’08 4 Megan Krueger Ketter ’08 5 Kimberly M. Larson ’08 6 Kenneth R. Leiviska ’08 5 Patricia A. Mazur ’08 5 Cynthia A. Pinkus ’08 4 Zachary A. Schwandt ’08 4 Taiyi Sun ’08 4 Colette M. Unger ’08 5 Amanda Beers Wojtanowski ’08 5 Samantha Beard ’09 3 Sarah J. Brown ’09 4 Genevieve A. Covert ’09 4 Brian O. Felix ’09 4 Joshua D. Frey ’09 3 Will F. Gillis ’09 4 Hannah Emanuel Jahn ’09 3 Nicholas R. Krueger ’09 3 Jon D. Larsen ’09 4 Reesha M. Lopez ’09 4 Robert P. Ludwin ’09 3 Amanda Hoefner McHendry ’09 4 Emily A. Meyer ’09 4 Jeffrey D. Morrell ’09 3 Angela C. Olivas ’09 4 Jonathan D. Paretsky ’09 4 Ashley A. Skoczynski ’09 4 Matthew C. Stensberg ’09 4 Bruce J. Stephenson ’09 4 Eliza Cherry Stephenson ’09 4 Amelia E. Sternitzky ’09 3 Amy Hansen Sullivan ’09 4 Stephanie R. Troemel ’09 4 Tiffany J. Walker ’09 4 * Now deceased




Alumni Who Have Given Every Year Since Graduation Jeni A. Yaeger ’09 4 Sarah M. Anderson ’10 3 C. Vanessa Arboleda ’10 2 Helen Austin ’10 3 Andrew A. Bean ’10 3 Hollie A. Becker ’10 3 Molly E. Breitbach ’10 2 Lucy A. Burgchardt ’10 2 Cady M. Cummings ’10 2 Joseph W. Faulds ’10 3 Chelsey J. R. Foster ’10 3 Kirsten F. Gerek ’10 3 Lily D. Hanscom ’10 2 Jerry M. Hardacre III ’10 2

Ryan D. Jenkins ’10 3 Theresa M. Kedinger ’10 3 Ann K. Kenseth ’10 3 Melissa M. Klein ’10 3 Bruce T. Kukowski ’10 3 Mary McDonald Leupold ’10 3 Jonathan D. Palecek ’10 3 Bethany C. Patten ’10 3 Talya M. Petersik ’10 4 Thomas J. Rhodes ’10 3 Daniel M. Schick ’10 3 Danielle H. Scholfield ’10 2 Catherine R. Schuh ’10 3

Leeanna M. Shultz ’10 3 Katherine V. Stotis ’10 4 Kristen A. Swoboda ’10 3 Hannah J. WendLake ’10 2 Paul G. Williams ’10 3 Katerina E. Youngberg ’10 2 April A. Agamaite ’11 2 Andrew M. Ayers ’11 1 Elyse M. Beine ’11 2 Amanda L. Braga ’11 2 Patricia M. Determan ’11 3 Darren P. Fazzino ’11 1 Alan J. Hanson ’11 1 Kurtis J. Hardy ’11 2

Allison M. Jensen ’11 1 Cody S. Jolin ’11 2 Terrah M. Jones ’11 2 Taima M. Kern ’11 1 Christopher E. Kochanski ’11 3 Kathryn E. LaViolette ’11 1 Tyler D. Longsine ’11 1 Ross W. Lewis ’11 1 Jessica L. Martzahl ’11 2 Samantha J. Meidl ’11 2 Heather M. Nennig ’11 2 Benjamin M. Prager ’11 1 Allen J. Pujanauski ’11 2 Jamie L. Reese ’11 1

Laura F. Reuling ’11 2 Vincent M. Rocco ’11 2 Shane T. Roeber ’11 2 Kurt J. Roeder ’11 1 Prasoon Saurabh ’11 1 Cori E. Schimler ’11 2 William R. Schultz ’11 2 Sean J. Sippel ’11 1 Sara D. Sisco ’11 1 Samuel B. Sondalle ’11 2 Carlos J. Soto ’11 2 Leslie M. Sullivan ’11 2

* Now deceased Lists of donors by individual years were published in the Fall 2012 Class Letters. For a list of all donors, visit View the list by entering the password: honor12

President Zach P. Messitte at Alumni Weekend



RIPON College

We are at an important moment when people are questioning the importance of a liberal arts education. To all the specialists who chant, ‘We’ve got jobs,’ Zach and I would say, ‘Yes, but the men and women of Ripon College have futures.’ George Tenet, former CIA director

Thank you for helping to realize those futures! ANNUAL REPORT 2011-12



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F l a s h B A C K b 1903 Smith Hall, formerly known as Middle Hall and Middle College, has undergone many transformations over the years. Shown here are photographs from its 1903 incarnation as a residence hall. Today, the building houses staff and faculty offices. During a period six decades ago, many Ripon alumni lived in the space now occupied by Vice President for Advancement Wayne Webster. Alumni share their memories on Page 20.

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