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Emmer Optimistic About GOP Prospects in the Coming Campaign WASHINGTON, DC – In remarks on January 15th before a breakfast meeting of The Ripon Society, National Republican Congressional Committee Chair Tom Emmer (MN-6) expressed confidence about GOP prospects to win back control of the U.S. House of Representatives in the November election, and said that voters will have a clear choice to make when they cast their ballots this year. “We are going to flip the House for the first time in a two-year presidential cycle since 1952,” the Minnesota Republican boldly predicted. “You can’t overstate the importance of the 2020 election. Voters have a choice to make, and the choice is pretty simple -- do we want freedom, or do we want socialism? … Remember, we have people who were
elected in the last cycle, and they didn’t choose to use Bernie Sanders’ term of democratic socialism. They came in and proudly pronounced, ‘We are socialists.’ “If you have any concern whatsoever as to whether I’m credible in this regard, go look up the website for Justice Democrats. You will see that my grandfather’s Democrat Party -- the party that my grandfather loved so dearly -- is dying. They want to fundamentally change the Democrat party to the Socialist Party of America. “It is that big of a choice. As people are going in to cast their ballot, they need to understand that one side wants government to control your life, and the other side wants you to control your life. It’s that simple a choice.” Emmer was elected to the House in
RIPON FORUM February 2020
2014 and was selected by his colleagues to be Chairman of the NRCC in November 2018. In addition to recruiting candidates and raising funds, he said one of his main priorities during his first year in the job has been defining the Democrats for what they have become – a party that is drifting toward socialism, and being driven by the far left extremes. “Bernie Sanders is the gift that just keeps on giving because he refuses to give it up,” Emmer said, referring to the Socialist Senator who has a shockingly decent chance of becoming the Democrat Party’s 2020 presidential nominee. “These Socialist Democrats want government-run health care that’ll get millions of people off their insurance plans and leave us with higher costs, worse care, and no choice.