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2020 Unjust Magazine George Floyd Issue

Tribute To Honor George Floyd


The Hate that Trump Created

Police Brutality Unarmed Blacks Still Being Killed

COVID-19 Death Toll Rising


It has taken over 400 years of Black people fighting for injustice, the lost of many Black lives, and worldwide riots for white society to finally open their eyes and realize that Black lives matter and another innocent Black man by the name of George Floyd has died by the hands of another racist white police officer that should be sentenced to death for taking the life of George Floyd.

As of the writing of this issue of Unjust Magazine on 6/13/2020 another innocent unarmed Black man by the name of Rayshard Brooks was killed yesterday by Atlanta Police on 6/12/2020 for sleeping at a Wendy's drive thru window.

I am still feeling the pain of two unarmed innocent Black women that were killed by racist police, and those two women were Sandra Bland and Breonna Taylor.

Black and Hispanic people have a long history of being targeted by Police because of their skin color and it's now time to take the power of the people back from all racist cops, all racist politicians, and all racist groups by any means necessary. George Floyd is one man that has made a difference in the struggle to prove Black Live Matter, and he has proven that one person can make a difference, so I ask you, will you continue to fight injustice to make a difference?

Greg X * Editor In Chief


George Floyd Honored:

A three-state, five-day final journey for George Floyd ended Tuesday in Houston, the city he called home for most of his life. Thousands of mourners, including longtime friends and family members, gathered for the final funeral services at The Fountain of Praise church. Many wore black face coverings and sat apart in the pews as pallbearers brought Floyd's gold-colored casket up the aisle. 6


Several dignitaries were in attendance including the Rev. Al Sharpton, U.S. Rep. Al Green, former Houston Mayor Annise Parker, Jamie Foxx, Channing Tatum and Houston Texans player J.J. Watt. Sharpton gave a fiery speech chastising leaders and police forces for their decades of discrimination against black Americans.

After the funeral, Floyd's body was taken to Houston Memorial Gardens in Pearland, and mourners gathered on the streets to watch the procession.



Things almost immediately escalate when Chauvin, who has multiple previous complaints against his name, pulls Floyd from the back of the car and onto the pavement.

8.20pm: Eyewitness footage filmed at 8.20pm shows Chauvin applying pressure to Floyd's neck with his knee. Kueng is applying pressure to Floyd's torso. Lane is applying pressure to Floyd's legs.

Thao stands by, keeping bystanders at a distance as the situation becomes increasingly tense.



Floyd is pronounced dead in hospital less than an hour after his body was driven away from the scene of the arrest.

But we know from a recorded phone call with paramedics that Floyd went into full cardiac arrest in as little as five minutes after he was loaded into the ambulance.

Chauvin has been charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. The other three officers who attended Floyd's arrest were also stood down.



The Hate That Trump Created


As protests spread to other cities, Trump threatens use of military force. On May 30, he blames "Antifa and the Radical Left" for violence.

On June 1, protesters in Lafayette Square, next to the White House, are forced outof the park shortly before Trump walks to St. John's Episcopal Church to be photographed holding a Bible.

On June 4, a video shows a Buffalo police officer shoving a 75-year-old protester to the ground. He is hospitalized with a head injury and two officers are suspended without pay and later charged with assault. 28

A number of retired four-star generals and admirals denounced Trump's threat to use the US active military to quell nationwide protests over the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, at the hands of Minneapolis police. The military leaders criticized the use of law enforcement and National Guard troops to aggressively disperse peaceful protesters outside the White House, so that Trump could walk over to the St. John's Episcopal Church across the street and pose with a Bible, some condemned the appearance of Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, accompanying Trump for the photo-op. Many of these military leaders have been critical of the President in the past. 29

For the left, President Trump is the fear, his narcissistic personality and unpredictable, unrestrained behavior makes him a dangerous Commander-in-Chief, one that is liable to get the U.S. into a game of nuclear chicken with countries led by similarly erratic leaders, like North Korea. Trump’s policies and willingness to please his most extreme supporters threatens the rights of all non White people, gays, transgender folk, and women across the country. The only thing liberals might fear worse than Trump himself is the sentiment he brings out in his supporters, which has already proved deadly in Charlottesville, Virginia. 35



Three LMPD officers -- Jon Mattingly, Brett Hankison and Myles Cosgrove -- all were placed on administrative assignment, per department protocol.

Police fired shots from the outside into the apartment through closed blinds.

Taylor was not armed.

Attorneys for Taylor said neither Taylor nor Walker had a history of drugs or violence.



If they had died of COVID-19 at the same rate as White Americans, at least 14,400 Black Americans, 1,200 Latino Americans and 200 Indigenous Americans would still be alive.


Collectively, Black Americans represent 12.4% of the population in the U.S., but they have suffered 24.3% of known COVID-19 deaths—i.e., they are dying at twice their population share. Black Americans are also over-represented in deaths in 30 states and Washington, D.C. In 16 states as well as in the District of Columbia, Black residents’ share of the deaths exceed their share of the population by 10 to 30 percentage points—extremely large disparities.


Arizona and New Mexico both contain portions of the Navajo Nation, which has been severely hit by the virus.

The convergence of racial and geographic disparities in COVID-19 mortality in Mississippi and New Mexico has resulted in more than 1 in 1,000 (not 100,000, as is typically reported) Indigenous residents who have died in those states—a very high loss of life.


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