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Introducing Founders Day
The RISD community reflects on its roots andgives back to communities around the world.
Founders Day is a new spring tradition honoring the birth of RISD as an institution “for the purpose of aiding in the cultivation of the arts of design.” After establishing the school with a gift of $1,675 from the Rhode Island Women’s Centennial Commission, the founders persevered with their vision in the face of front-page editorials in the Providence Journal and the Evening Bulletin questioning the feasibility of founding a school with such a small sum that did not include a trust legacy.
Since its incorporation on March 22, 1877, RISD has challenged expectations and pushed the boundaries of creative learning. To honor the resilience of our founders— Helen Adelia Rowe Metcalf and the members of the Rhode Island Women’s Centennial Commission—the RISD community celebrated Founders Day by participating in events, a food drive and RISD Serves projects at community organizations across Providence.
The spirit of Founders Day spread far beyondcampus as alumni organized RISD Servesprojects in their home communities.
In China, Beijing alumni hosted an arts workshop for the children of migrant workers.
Alumni in Hong Kong visited a center for the elderly.
Alumni worked to improve human attitudes about animals in urban India by designing water bowls to provide multiple species of animals with access to clean water.
In Southern California, alumni (left) worked with Help California to clean up and rebuild properties devastated by the Woolsey and Hill fires and subsequent heavy rains.
Boston alumni assembed print/braille booksfor blind children in partnership with theNational Braille Press.