1 minute read


Give us freedom; or beware...By Reggie Smith

I have always been close and protective of all my children. I have reared my children with different family life situations to consider. Many of us have extended and mixed families, with biological, non-biological and adopted children, with different fathers and mothers, different races, cultures, and religions. Parenting brings both challenges to expand our thinking, and opportunities to grow in unconditional love. We do the best we can to love our children and help them to feel safe, right? What are parents of either Black, Latino, or Muslim children supposed to do to protect them from the U.S. police, I.C.E., immigration laws, and the American (in)justice system? How far would you go to save your children? Would you be willing to go “John Q”?


READ MORE: http://bit.ly/2X2C4hs

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