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GANGA, THE MOTHER IN A CURSE The World Wildlife Fund in March listed the Ganges among the world’s 10 most endangered rivers. In India, the river provides more than 500 million people with water for drinking and farming. More than 100 cities and countless villages are situated along the 1,568-mile river, which stretches from the foothills of the Himalayas to the Bay of Bengal, and few of them have sewage treatment plants. But recent reports by scientists say the Ganges is under greater threat from water pollution & even greater from global warming. According to a U.N. climate report, the Himalayan glaciers that are the sources of the Ganges could disappear by 2030 as temperatures rise. The shrinking glaciers also threaten Asia’s supply of fresh water. The immediate effect of glacier recession is a short-lived surplus of water. But
eventually the supply runs out, and experts predict that the Ganges eventually will become a seasonal river, largely dependent on monsoon rains. Arrangement at the Central Level The river cleaning program was started with Ganga Action Plan(GAP) in 1985 under the aegis of GPD established under the Ministry of Environment & Forest. A CGA under the chairmanship of the PM was constituted to finalise the policy framework and to oversee the implementation of GAP. The Chief Ministers of the concerned States, Union Ministers and Secretaries of the concerned Central Ministries and Experts were its members. The GAP was later extended to GAP II in 1993 and was broad-based in the form of NRCP in 1995. The GAP II was merged with NRCP in
December 1996. Since then a single scheme of NRCP is under implementation as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme. The CGA was renamed as National River Conservation Authority (NRCA) with a larger mandate to cover all the programmes supported by the NRCD. National Ganga River Basin Authority To face this challenge the Central Government by a notification on 20th February,2009, has set up the ‘National Ganga River Basin Authority’ (NGRBA) as an empowered planning, financing, monitoring and coordinating authority for the Ganga River, to ensure effective abatement of pollution and conservation of the river Ganga by adopting a holistic approach with the river basin as the unit of planning .The Authority will perform its function under the Chairmanship of the Prime WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 3
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Minister. It has as its members, the Union Ministers concerned, the Chief Ministers of the States through which Ganga flows viz., Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal, among others. The Authority may co-opt one or more Chief Ministers from any of the States having major tributaries of the river Ganga. The objective of the NGRBA is to ensure effective abatement of pollution and conservation of the river Ganga by adopting a river basin approach for comprehensive planning and management; and to maintain minimum ecological flows in the river Ganga with the aim of ensuring water quality and environmentally sustainable development. Key Functions of the NGRBA The NGRBA would be responsible for addressing the problem of pollution in Ganga in a bolistic and comprehensive manner. This will include water quality, minimum ecological flows, sustainable access and other issues relevant to river ecology and management. The NGRBA will not only be regulatory body but will also have developmental role in terms of planning & monitoring of the river conservation activities and ensuring that necessary resources are available. The NGRBA would work for maintaining the water quality of the river Ganga upto the acceptable standards. The pollution abatement activities will be taken up through the existing implementation mechanisms in the States and also through Special 4
Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) at the pollution hotspots. The NGRBA will ensure minimum ecological flow in the Ganga by regulating water abstraction and by promoting water storage projects. The NGRBA will plan and monitor programmes for cleaning of Ganga and its tributaries. To begin with , it will concentrate on Gangamain stem. The NGRBA would draw upon professional expertise within and outside the Government for advice on techno-economic issues. The technical and administrative support to NGRBA shall be provided by the Ministry of Environment & Forests. Role of State Government under NGRBA The State government will be at the forefront. Implementation will be at the level of State Government/ ULBs. The States may take up steps for comprehensive management of the river in the State through their respective State River Conservation Authorities. The State Government/ ULBs are expected to generate resources through taxes, levies, cess, user charges, etc., for abatement of pollution in the rivers and for proper O&M of the assets created. Funds thus raised may be utilized for infrastructure development including sewage works. During the finalization of the respective State Plans, the States should make adequate provisions in their budgets for meeting O&M expenditure. Compliance of the environmental norms by industries discharging
wastewater directly into the river is under the purview of the State Pollution Control Boards. The Boards will need to be strengthened for better enforcement and surveillance of polluting industries located on the banks of the rivers. The public funds for the capital and recurring costs may not be sufficient to meet the demand. The States will therefore have to introduce policies which may attract private sector investments, including from the financial institutions. Salient Features of the New Approach River Basin will be the unit of planning and management. This is an internationally accepted strategy for integrated management of rivers. Accordingly, a new institutional mechanism in the form of National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) will spearhead river conservation efforts at the national level. Implementation will be by the State Agencies and Urban Local Bodies. The minimum ecological flows for the entire Ganga will be determined through modeling exercises. NGRBA will take appropriate measures in cooperation with the States to regulate water abstraction for maintaining minimum ecological flows in the river. Attention would also be paid to the restoration of living parts of the river ecosystem for its holistic treatment to enable conservation of species like dolphin , turtles, fishes and other native and endangered species in the river.
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Measures Taken
Impact so far
To restore the ecological health and biological wealth of the river, projects on biomonitoring and bioconservation by having indicator species approach were initiated in the Himalayan segment, mahaseer followed by otters and crocodiles from Hardwar to Kanpur, major carps from Kanpur to Varanasi and dolphins in the stretch of Bihar have been identified as indicator species for these studies. Scientists of Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna University, Garhwal, Jivaji University, Gwalior, Central Inland Capture Fisheries research Institute, Barrackpur and Patna University are involved in carrying out the bio-monitoring and bioconservation studies.
Under GAP I, only about 35% of the total sewage generated presently in towns along the river has been tackled. On the other hand, the facilities created to tackle the targeted pollution load are not being maintained properly in States like UP and Bihar. Therefore, the impact of the completed works is not fully visible. However, with the implementation of GAP, the water quality of Ganga has shown improvement over the pre-GAP period quality in terms of both BOD & DO, two important parameters to assess the river water quality. Despite the problems of O&M in UP and Bihar, the improvement in river water quality can be attributed to diversion of large quantities of sewage in towns like Kanpur, Allahabad and Varanasi for irrigating the farmlands. Although the river water quality along Kanpur and Varanasi has improved significantly, it still does not meet the prescribed standard of BOD of 3 mg/l. This is mainly because:
In order to evaluate the results of implementation of the pollution abatement schemes under GAP, water quality monitoring in the state of UP, Bihar and WB is being carried out regularly at 27 monitoring stations with the help of reputed research institutes and universities. The selection of monitoring stations and the results are reviewed by experts from time to time. Amendments in WQM are provided by incorporating need based modifications.
8 Only 160 out of 425 mld at Kanpur and about 100 out of 160 mld of sewage at Varanasi has been taken up
for interception and diversion under GAP I. 8 The river stretch from Farrukhabad to Varanasi in general and Kanpur in particular is critical in terms of the availability of the desired minimum flow for dilution purpose. The quality of river water quality monitoring leaves much to be desired. There is lack of transparency and professionalism in this effort. Dolphin Conservation Dolphin is considered to be one of the major bio-indicators of the ecological health of Ganga. Accordingly it has been declared as a national aquatic animal. A working group for preparing on action plan for Dolphin conservation has been constituted. Resultantly, as we all know that we Indians treat river Ganges as Goddess & mother, we have to make sure that government take all the corrective & preventive measures to make Ganga clean and pure, and for this we all should also make valiant efforts as a sincere citizen, otherwise our next generation seldom get a chance to see the river Ganga and they will get to know about this only in stories and text books.
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GROWTH FOR ALL WITH SUSTAINABLE USE OF RESOURCES Today the main challenge in front of international community is to sustain and accelerate the process of poverty eradication and ensure food and energy security, particularly to developing countries while shifting gradually to a Green Economy. A green economy approach to development holds the potential to achieve greater convergence between economic and environmental objectives. Agriculture plays a critical role in determining food, water, ecological and livelihood security. Integrating the strategies and policies for a green economy into agriculture has to proceed with an absolute imperative of ensuring these and not forgetting the differentiated needs of subsistence agriculture and market-oriented crops. Also, transitioning to a greener model of agriculture will depend 6
on the expeditious provision of green technologies and financial support to developing countries for productivity enhancement, improved resilience and diversification of production systems.
integration of supply chains and strengthening of public distribution systems. Eradicating poverty is an indispensible requirement for sustainable development. A major cause aggravating poverty is the unsustainable pattern of
Sustainable development and management of agriculture would benefit from sharing of best practices including farm and nonfarm development, improved post-harvest management,
consumption and production. Poverty eradication remains an overriding objective of governments in developing countries, and efforts to build green economies should
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contribute substantially to realizing that objective. Integrating green economy strategies and policies into poverty eradication, food security and energy security is an imperative for sustainable development.Food security and access to affordable clean energy are both crucial to eradicating poverty and promoting social development.The issue of energy security and universal energy access is intricately linked with economic development and growth, and rising energy needs to meet it. Energy poverty coexists with inefficient energy use in much of the world, which – given continued heavy dependence on fossil fuels – has been a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Understanding the flexibility or lack of flexibility of each country to change this energy mix and devising innovative methods to secure energy security are the need of the hour without compromising on the need for high economic growth to meet the aspirations of the people, especially in developing countries. Energy security is a multi-faceted concept. In the current context, the primary focus is on poor people’s securing adequate energy supplies to raise their living standards, including through improved income generation, health and education. Renewable energy should be considered as an integral part of the solution to the energy needs of the poor, but that will only be feasible if it is affordable and technologically accessible. As affordability is a function in part of large-scale deployment and learning, the
strategy to address energy poverty needs to be linked to a broader alternative energy strategy as part of a green economy.With respect to energy security, rural energy access remains seriously deficient in many developing countries, with well over a billion people lacking access to electricity and clean cooking and heating fuels. At the same time, even in urban areas, electricity is often underprovided and unreliable, especially for urban poor communities. This exacerbates poverty and closes off escape routes by limiting income generation opportunities as well as educational opportunities especially for girls. What is Green Economy? A green economy is typically understood as an economic system that is compatible with the natural environment, is environmentally friendly, is ecological, and for many groups, is also socially just. These attributes are the conditions that must be imposed on an economy from the perspective of many green economy advocates. This conventional concept of a green economy may be alternatively described as “the greening of an economy”. Some fundamental criteria for meeting these conditions have been established since Rio, such as using renewable resources within their regenerative capacity, making up for the loss of nonrenewable resources by creating their renewable substitutes, limiting pollution within the sink functions of nature, and
maintaining ecosystem stability and resilience. A Green Economy is a system of economic activities related to the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services that results in improved human well-being over the long term, whilst not exposing future generations to significant environmental risks and ecological scarcities. Conditions for social justice may include: 1) not compromising future generations’ capability to meet their needs; 2) the rights of poor countries and poor people to development and the obligations of rich countries and rich people to changing their excessive consumption levels; 3) equal treatment of women in access to resources and opportunities; and 4) ensuring decent labor conditions. A green economy is one that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. A green economy is a economy or economic development model based on sustainable development and a knowledge of ecological economics.Its most distinguishing feature from prior economic regimes is direct valuation of natural capital and ecological services as having economics value and a full cost accounting regime in which costs externalized onto society via ecosystems are reliably traced back to, and accounted for as liabilities of, the entity that does the harm or neglects an asset.
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Green Economy defined by Karl Burkart is based on six mai n se ctor s,wh ich are as follows: 8 Renewable energy (solar, wind, geothermal, marine including wave, biogas, and fuel cell) 8 Green buildings (green retrofits for energy and water efficiency, residential and commercial assessment; green products and materials, and LEED construction) 8 Clean transportation (alternative fuels, public transit, hybrid and electric vehicles, carsharing and carpooling programs) 8 Water management (Water reclamation, greywater and rainwater systems, lowwater landscaping, water purification, stormwater management) 8 Waste management (recycling, municipal solid waste salvage, brownfield land remediation, Superfund cleanup, sustainable packaging) 8 Land management (organic agriculture, habitat conservation and restoration; urban forestry and parks, reforestation and afforestation and soil stabilization) UNEP Green Economy Initiative (GEI) The Green Economy Initiative launched by the United Nations Environment Programme in October 2008 is aimed at seizing the opportunities this modern 8
concept of a green economy has to offer. It seeks to accomplish two tasks. First, it tries to make a “beyond-anecdotal” macroeconomic case for investing in sectors that produce environmentally friendly or environmentally enhancing products and services (“green investment”). By a “macroeconomic case”, it mainly refers to the contribution of green investment to output and job growth. Second, the initiative tries to provide guidance on how to boost pro-poor green investment. The goal is to encourage and enable policymakers to support increased green investment from both the public and private sectors. The UNEP GEI activities include providing advisory services to countries interested in greening their economies; producing research products, such as The Green Economy Report, The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) series of reports, and the Green Jobs Report; and engaging partners to effectively promote and implement green economy strategies. Concept of Inclusive Growth Rapid and sustained poverty reduction requires inclusive growth that allows people to contribute to and benefit from economic growth.Inclusive Growth refers both to the pace and pattern of growth, which are considered interlinked, and therefore in need to be addressed together.
Inclusive growth by its very definition implies an equitable allocation of resources with benefits accruing to every section of society, which is a utopian concept. But the allocation of resources must be focused on the indented short and long terms benefits and economic linkages at large and not just equitable mathematically on some regional and population criteria.Utopia it is because it dreams of an ideal state which we all strive towards.The inclusive growth approach takes a longer term perspective as the focus is on productive employment rather than on direct income redistribution, as a means of increasing incomes for excluded groups. The inclusive growth definition is in line with the absolute definition of pro-poor growth, but not the relative definition. By focusing on inequality, the relative definition could lead to sub-optimal outcomes for both poor and non-poor households. Inclusive growth focuses on exante analysis of sources of, and constraints to sustained, high growth, and not only on one group – the poor. Key components of Inclusive Gr owth (IG )sh ould be as follows:8 IG focuses on economic growth which is a necessary and crucial condition for poverty reduction. 8 IG adopts a long term perspective and is concerned with sustained growth. (i) For growth to be sustained in the long
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run, it should be broadbased across sectors. (ii) It should also be inclusive of the large part of the country’s labor force, where inclusiveness refers to equality of opportunity in terms of access to markets, resources and unbiased regulatory environment for businesses and individuals. 8 IG focuses on both the pace and pattern of growth. 8 IG focuses on productive employment rather than income redistribution. 8 IG has not only the firm, but also the individual as the subject of analysis.
longer term perspective.With this longer term perspective, it is important to recognize the time lag between reforms and outcomes. Inclusive growth is about raising the pace of growth and enlarging the size of the economy, while leveling the playing field for investment and increasing productive employment opportunities. Policies for inclusive growth are an important component of any government strategy for sustainable growth and the frameworks for inclusive growth analytics are eclectic in spirit. Delhi Ministerial Dialogue, 2011
include sustainable management of sectors like agriculture, industry, energy and transport, urgent adoption of sustainable life styles and consumption patterns through reduction in per capita ecological footprint, appropriate population policies, equity concerns, poverty eradication and developmental imperatives. Designed properly, green economy policies and programmes can directly contribute to poverty eradication. The Delhi Dialogue is a step forward in preparations for the UNCSD, also known as Rio+20, scheduled to take place in June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It aims to provide a platform for international deliberations on the
8 IG is in line with the absolute definition of pro-poor growth, not the relative one. There are important lessons to learn from this approach including that development policy is country-specific, may involve just a few reforms that can be optimally sequenced to relax binding constraints, and it may lead to large positive welfare impacts.The main instrument for a sustainable and inclusive growth is assumed to be productive employment.The ability of individuals to be productively employed depends on the opportunities to make full use of available resources as the economy evolves over timeThe analysis distinguishes between self- or wage-employed, and further looks at employment by sector, size of firm, rural/urban, formal/informal, and other.The inclusive growth approach takes a
The Ministerial Dialogue on “Green Economy and Inclusive Growth” has taken place in New Delhi on 3-4 October. The event, organized by UN DESA and the Indian Government, is focusing on sustainable development initiatives in the lead up to next year’s UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro.The issues addressed at the two-day 2011 Delhi Ministerial Dialogue on ‘Green Economy and Inclusive Growth’
integration of green economy architecture and global challenges of poverty eradication, food security, and energy security. Eradicating poverty is an indispensible requirement for sustainable development. A major cause aggravating poverty is the unsustainable pattern of consumption and production. The Delhi Dialogue will be an opportunity for high level government officials and UN agencies to explore in depth the WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 9
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linkages of a green economy for poverty eradication and broadbased, inclusive growth. Integrating green economy strategies and policies into poverty eradication, food security and energy security is an imperative for sustainable development. Objectives of the Ministerial Discussion were:(i) To obtain a comprehensive update on the recent green economy developments within major international policy forums and through the UNEP-led green economy initiative;
(ii) To discuss how the concept of the green economy can be further implemented at the country level; (iii) To build on existing policies and processes that are supporting the shift to sustainable consumption and production and a green economy; Conclusively we can say,designed properly, green economy policies and programmes with inclusive growth mechanism can directly contribute to poverty eradication. Successful examples can offer lessons and possible models for
replication. For instance, India’s rural employment guarantee programme is at one and the same time an anti-poverty programme and an ecosystem restoration programme. Understanding the flexibility or lack of flexibility of each country to change this energy mix and devising innovative methods to secure energy security are the need of the hour without compromising on the need for high economic growth to meet the aspirations of the people, especially in developing countries.
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NATIONAL ISSUES Land Acquisition Bill, 2011 Ap pr ov ed The Land Acquistion, Relief and Rehabilitation Bill, 2011, was approved by the Union Cabinet on 5 September 2011. It aims to put in place a transparent and legal framework for land acquisition.The Bill calls for different land acquisition norms for rural and urban areas.The proposed law seeks to replace the 117-year-old Land Acquisition Bill, 1894 and for the first time integrates both land acquisition and Relief and Rehabilitation package. Key Features of Land Draft Bill 8 For land acquired in rural areas, the compensation will be four times the market value. The compensation
package for urban area however remains two times the market value. 8 Linear projects like Railways and Power lines will not be covered under the Bill. 8 Irrigated multi crop land can be acquired upto five percent. However, an equal area of waste land within the district will have to be developed. 8 In case the acquired land is not used for the stated purpose the land will not be returned to the original owner but will go to state. 8 States are free to have their own land acquisition law. 8 Public purpose has been defined as land use for strategic purpose, infrastructure and industry. 8 Consent of 80 percent people would be mandatory
in case the land is acquired for private project. Consent not mandatory when land is acquired by the government for its own use. 8 Urgency clause to be used in rarest of rarest case, such as emergencies or national calamity. 8 Compensation should be completed within three months of acquisition. Re settlement and rehab monetary part should be completed within 6 months. 8 Persons who have been dependent on the said land for at least three years will be eligible for compensation. Earthquake in Sikkim of 6.8 magnitude An Earthquake of 6.8 magnitude Hit Sikkim which resulted in the innumerable loss of human lives. WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 1 1
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The epicentre of the quake, the biggest in two decades, was located at Mangan and Sakyong areas, over 50 kilometres from Gangtok on the Sikkim-Nepal border. An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust that creates seismic waves. Magnitude 3 or lower earthquakes are mostly almost imperceptible and magnitude 7 and over potentially cause serious damage over large areas, depending on their depth. Earthquakes are measured on richter scale. PM visits Sikkim, Announces 1000 cr. Rupee Relief The Prime Minister visited Gangtok and made an aerial survey of the quake affected areas of the state of Sikkim. Dr. Manmohan Singh flew over the affected areas of Mangan, Chungthang, Lachen and Lachung and visited the injured at the Government Hosiptal in Gangtok. The Prime Minister after the visit said that he was deeply saddened at the tragic loss of lives, the injuries and the extensive damage caused by the earthquake.The Prime Minister said that a central team of experts will arrive in Gangtok in the next week to identify appropriate design for damaged houses to be reconstructed. These constructions will be funded entirely by the Central government and from the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund.He said the main access roads to Sikkim have been restored, the road form Mangan to Chungthang 1 2 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
will be restored by mid October, and work will continue to ensure that other roads are operational as early as possible. A special dispensation will be provided under the Centrally sponsored and central sector schemes for enabling the reconstruction of infrastructure like rural roads, school buildings, health centre buildings and anganwadi buildings. The Prime Minister assured the state that work on restoration of drinking water supply sources, reconstruction of irrigation channels, and construction of flood protection works will also be taken up under central schemes. He said that damaged national monuments will be restored by the Ministry of Culture.The Prime Minister said that keeping in view the extensive and unprecedented damage the Central Government is ready to provide assistance of 1,000 crore rupees for relief, restoration and reconstruction work. Tripartite Agreement Signed for Peace in Assam For Suspension of Operations (against ULFA), a tripartite agreement was signed between the Centre, the Assam state government and the outlawed United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) in New Delhi on 3 September 2011 with the objective of bringing permanent peace in Assam. ULFA had earlier agreed to abjure violence and to find a solution to the problems as perceived by the outfit through peaceful negotiations with the Union Government and the
Assam Government. The agreement would pave the way for putting an end to violence in the North-Eastern State of Assam and clear the decks for initiating the process of holding peace talks with the banned insurgent group.
The agreement is the harbinger of future talks and the pact will continue during the political talks and till a final agreement is signed. Members of the rebel group numbering around 600 - will be put in special camps which will be called Nabanirman Kendras. Geriatric OPD at AIIMS Dedicated to NPHCE On the occasion of the International Day of Senior Citizens, the Union Health and Family Welfare Minister Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad dedicated the geriatric OPD at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi to the National Programme for Health Care of Elderly (NPHCE). Geriatrics is a specialty that needs help and support of the medical fraternity to achieve its full potential. Ministry of Health and FW, Government of India has initiated a national programme in the name of “National Programme for Health Care of Elderly” which is being initially implemented in 100 most backward and remote districts of the country with poor
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health indicators, covering 21 states. Shri Azad also launched the NPHCE guidelines and said that the programme would be extended to all the 640 districts of the country over the 12th plan period. He added that National Institutes of Aging would be setup at AIIMS, Delhi and at Madras Medical College-Chennai.
The NPHCE programme envisages establishing geriatric wards, rehabilitation centers, and geriatric clinics at various levels of the district health care delivery system. The interventions are designed to capture the preventive, curative and rehabilitative aspects in the geriatric field. Regional Geriatric Centres in 8 regional medical institutions – AIIMS, Delhi, Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU, Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences- Srinagar, Govt Medical College-Thiruananthapuram, Guwahati Medical College, Madras Medical College, SN Medical College-Jodhpur and at Grants Medical College-Mumbai would be set up as part of the NPHCE. During last few decades life expectancy has increased substantially and, consequent to
this, the population of senior citizens has increased four fold since 1951. The number of senior citizens above the age of 60 was 76.6 million as per the Census 2001 which constituted about 7.5 % of the total population. At this rate of increase, it is projected to become 173 million by 2026.
National Frequency Allocation Plan Released The National Frequency Allocation Plan-2011 (NAFP) was released by Shri Kapil Sibal, the Union Minister of Communications and Information Technology to ensure its efficient and effective management. Speaking on the occasion, Shri Sibal said that in today’s society, radio spectrum is becoming increasingly important for all walks of life and needs to be managed rationally. While spectrum management has always been important, the complexity of the task has been compounded by the proliferation of both traditional and entirely new radio spectrum frequency-using services in recent years. NFAP-2011 is a policy document which contains spectrum allocation for various
radio communication services/ applications in different frequency bands. This document provides the basis for development, manufacturing and spectrum utilization activities in the country, both for government and private sectors.NFAP-2011 will come into effect from October 1, 2011. It contains International and National frequency allocation table, footnotes to international table of frequency allocations, India remark and channeling plan in different frequency bands. The key features of NFAP2011 are: 8 It is in line with the Radio Regulations of International Telecommunication Union (ITU). 8 It has been developed to cater to the needs of newly emerging technologies such as Ultra Wide Band (UWB), Intelligent Transport System (ITS), Short Range Devices, etc. 8 It has enabled provisions in few frequency bands for indigenous development and manufacturing. 8 The NFAP-2011 has taken due care to ensure protection of existing services. 8 It has kept in view the requirement projected by all stakeholders. Compensation should be given to Farmers for the Plantation on their Land The Supreme Court of India ruled that farmers, whose land is being acquired by the government, should be compensated not only for their land but also for the plantation on it.A bench WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 1 3
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comprising Justices V Raveendran, H L Gokhale and Gyan Sudha Misra, set aside the order of the Bombay High Court which had held that once the compensation is awarded for the land, there cannot be additional or separate compensation for the trees.The Apex Court ruled, if the land value has been determined with reference to the sale statistics or compensation awarded for a nearby vacant land, then trees will have to be valued separately.
to reconsider the mercy petitions of Santhan, Perarivalan and Murugan in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case.
petitions as the state Governor could not take a decision on a mercy plea rejected by the President.
The resolution moved by Chief Minister Jayalalithaa appealed to the President to commute the death sentences of Murugan, Santhan and Perarivalan into life sentences.The Madras High court ordered an interim stay on the death sentence after hearing petitions from the three convicts, who are scheduled to be executed on 9 September 2011. President Pratibha Patil rejected the mercy petitions of the three convicts on 11 August 2011, after the petitions were filed more than 11 years ago.Indian former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was killed in a suicide bombing at an election rally near Chennai, capital city of Tamil Nadu, on May 21, 1991.It should be noted that the President of India could reconsider the decision of rejecting the mercy
Training of Drivers by MOT
SC ordered Private Hospitals to Provide Free Treatment to Poor The Supreme Court on 1 September 2011 ordered Delhi’s private hospitals to provide free treatment to the poor. The court ruled that they cannot wriggle out of their responsibility. The SC ordered the city hospitals to reserve 25 percent of their outpatient department capacity and 10 percent of beds at the indoor level for free treatment of the poor.The court passed the order on a batch of petitions filed by ten private hospitals, which challenged a Delhi high court order to provide free treatment to the poor as per the land lease agreements between the government and them.There are 37 hospitals in Delhi, which were granted land by the government at concessional rates. Out of them, 27 hospitals provide free treatment to poor patients. Mercy Seeked for the Rajiv Gandhi Assassins Tamil Nadu assembly adopted a unanimous resolution on 30 August 2011, urging the President 1 4 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
A Scheme for Driver’s Training under H unar Se Rozgar initiative,launched by the Ministry of Tourism . The Scheme now launched draws upon the fact that drivers with skill and in adequate number are essential for sustaining tourism, and that in India where tourism is expected to emerge as a key economic driver, driving as an avocation has large employment potential. As in all the programmes and schemes launched as part of Hunar Se Rozgaar initiative, the Scheme now launched has a distinct leaning for youth belonging to economically weaker strata of the society. Open to young men and
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women in the age group of 18 to 28 years who are atleast 10th pass, the Scheme has the first preference for persons belonging to BPL category. The Scheme, by subjecting eligibility to an economic criterion, explicitly bars those who have the wherewithal to afford this training. Key features: (i) training to impart driving skills, and (ii) etiquette training. (iii) the Scheme will be delivered by the State Governments and the UT Administrations, which will select the driving schools following a transparent system. (iv) applications for the training programmes will be invited through open press advertisements, (v) the Central Institutes of Hotel Management in the State / UT will conduct the etiquette training under overall supervision of the State Government / UT Administration, (vi) certificates to trainees who successfully complete the training course will be awarded by the State Governments /UT Administration concerned. New National Policy on Senior Citizens under consideration The Union Minister of Social Justice & Empowerment Shri Mukul Wasnik has said that the Government is actively considering the recommendations of a committee set up to
formulate a draft New National Policy on Senior Citizens. Speaking at a function on the occasion of International Day of Older persons he said, the New Policy would address the changing needs of Senior Citizens and gear up for future Challenges. He said older persons are an integral part of our society as we need their expertise and wisdom. It is thus of paramount importance that we commit ourselves to the protection and promotion of their well being, their rights as senior citizens, particularly those who are in need of care. The Minister said the Government respects the rights and well being of the older people. The National Policy on Older Persons envisages State support to ensure food security, health care, social care, secure physical environment, equitable share in development, protection against abuse and exploitation, and availability of other services to improve the quality of their lives and we will go the extra mile to ensure that their rights are protected and promoted. Enactment of “The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007” is a major milestone in providing maintenance, shelter, health and security for senior citizens in the country. Amendments to NIMHANS, Bangalore Bill 2010 Pr op os ed The Union Cabinet of India on 15 September 2011 approved Amendments to the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences, Bangalore Bill,
2010. The Amendments are based on the recommendations of the Department —related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health arid Family Welfare. Th e ke y fe atu res of t he proposed amendments are as follows: (a) No change in Clause 4 (Incorporation of Institute) of the Bill is proposed in view of legal advice obtained from the Department of Legal Affairs. (b) As regards Clause 5 (Composition of the Institute), it is proposed that: (i) The President of the Institute shall be nominated by the Central Government from among the members other than the Director of the Institute. (ii) The Institute shall consist of the Chief Secretary or his nominee, not below the rank of Secretary, to the Government of Karnataka, ex-officio. (iii) The Institute shall consist of the following members namely: 1. Seven persons of whom one shall be nonmedical scientist representing the Indian Science Congress Association and one each from biological, behavioural and physical sciences of repute from any university to be nominated by the Central Government in such manner as may be prescribed; WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 1 5
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2. Four representatives of medical faculty of Indian universities of whom one shall be from NIMHANS to be nominated by the Central Government in such manner as may be prescribed; (c) Under sub-clause 7(1) (Powers and Functions of President), the following may be substituted: There shall be a President of the Institute who shall be nominated by the Central Government from among the members other than the Director of the Institute. Pictorial Warning on Tobacco Products Compulsory The Union government of India made it mandatory for tobacco traders, retailers, vendors to display the pictorial warning on all the tobacco related products at their stores.
The government did so according to the new regulation under Cigarettes and other Tobacco 1 6 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
Products Amendment Rules2011.The Health Ministry framed these rules on 11 August 2011 after releasing Gazette Notification No- GSR 619 (E). Under the new rule, all vendors who sell tobacco products must ensure to display board depicting pictorial warning, measuring 60x30 cm, at the entrance of the stores. Moreover, any tobacco product cannot be sold even through the automatic vending machine. Any shopkeeper who breaches the rule will be imposed a fine amounting 200 rupees. Ration and Voter Cards to Sex Workers should be provided The Supreme Court on 15 September 2011 recommended to the Centre and state governments to provide ration and voter cards to sex workers by relaxing the verification procedure. The court also recommended that the profession of sex workers should
not be mentioned in ration and voter cards.
Golden Jubilee for SCI
Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh has called for an accelerated pace of expansion in the shipping industry and the port sector through public private partnership. Addressing the valedictory function of the Golden Jubilee Celebration of Shipping Corporation of India in Mumbai today , he stressed that India’s growing economy offers an excellent opportunity for the maritime sector and there is an urgent need to develop the shipping sector in tune with the global economic environment. Since its inception in 1961, SCI has witnessed steady and robust growth in the last 50 years. Today SCI is a world-class shipping company having its footprint in most of the segments of the shipping industry serving India’s EXIM trade. Its modern fuel efficient fleet accounts for nearly one-third of the country’s tonnage.In the last two years 22 PPP projects have been awarded at an estimated cost of Rs.14178 crore. This includes the prestigious ICTT at Vallarpadam in Cochin, which was inaugurated by the Prime Minister. The first phase of the Fourth Container Terminal in JNPT for creation of a capacity of 4.8 million TEUs, which is one
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of the largest in the country, has been awarded recently. The Indian tonnage crossed 10 million GT last year and stands at 10.75 million GT as on date.The shipping sector has been facing many challenges in recent times. One of the biggest challenges is the rise in incidents of piracy off the coast of Somalia. The Shipping Ministry has been working in close coordination with the MEA, the Indian Navy and other International agencies to tackle this menace. Bill to Check Cow Slaughter in Gujarat The Gujarat Legislative Assembly on 27 September 2011 passed the Gujarat Animal Preservation (Amendment) Bill 2011. The bill seeks seven-year jail term for cow slaughter or even transporting the animal for that purpose. Although the slaughter of milch cattle below the age of 16 years was banned in Gujarat for decades, some cows are still slaughtered due to the loopholes in the law. As per the provisions of Gujarat Animal Preservation Act (GAPA) 1954, despite prohibition on cow slaughter is there, there is no provision in the Act to prevent transportation of the animal for slaughter.The Maldharis(Pastoral People) in Gujarat had been demanding stricter laws against cow slaughter and trade of beef for a long time. To Deal with Naxalism New Policy unveiled Prime Minister Manmohan Singh unveiled the new policy which aims at dealing with Naxalism
through a five year integrated plan while addressing the concluding session of the day long national workshop on development strategies in naxal affected districts in New Delhi on 13 September 2011.This programme is aimed at bridging the development deficit in the extremely backward areas that are affected left wing extremism. Lack of development often leads to alienation among the inhabitants of these areas.Establishing governance in the naxal-affected districts is the greatest challenge India faces. Left Wing Extremism poses a greater threat to the country than terrorism or insurgency. The Government is contemplating to bring 20 more naxal affected districts under the Integrated Action Plan. A specialised battalion is being raised to ensure security and development in these districts. NDMA Observed 7th Formation Day To reaffirm its commitment to make India Disaster Resilient, the National Disaster Management Authority observed its 7th Formation Day at NDMA Bhawan in New Delhi today. On 28th September 2005, the foundation was laid for centrestaging the disaster management into the governance of the country. Disaster Management concerns are institutionalized in the developmental process and the agenda is being reflected in the apex planning bodies at the National and State levels. The formation of NDMA was one of such efforts.
Rules of Reservation not Applicable to Upgraded Posts The Supreme Court of India held that Rules of reservation like SC,ST, OBC quota would not apply to upgradation of posts in Government establishments as the benefit could be extended only to promotional posts. The SC quashed the concurrent rulings of the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT), Chennai branch and the Madras High Court that rules of reservation would apply even to upgradation of posts.The court in its ruling stated that when there is a restructuring of some cadres, which results in creation of additional posts and filling of those vacancies by those who fulfill the conditions of eligibility, will attract the rules of reservation. On the other hand, where restructuring of posts does not involve creation of additional posts but merely results in some of the existing posts being placed in a higher grade to provide relief against stagnation, in that scenario the rules of reservation are not applicable. The candidate continues to hold the same post without any change in duties and responsibilities and simply gets a higher pay scale, observed the bench. The Supreme Court bench gave the judgment when BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited) approached it after being aggrieved over the orders passed by the Madras Bench of the Central Administrative Tribunal and approved by the Madras High Court that reservation would apply to upgraded posts in BSNL WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 1 7
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under the BCR (Biennial Cadre Review) scheme.The bench observed that as upgradation involves neither appointment nor promotion, it will not attract reservation. Upgradation involves mere conferment of financial benefits by providing a higher scale of pay. The court added that in case of mere upgradation of posts, as contrasted from promotion, reservation provisions would not apply. NCCF asked to Expend its Ne twor k Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution has urged the National Cooperative Consumer Federation (NCCF) to plan new strategies and expend its network to take advantage of the free and open economic environment in the country. Consumer cooperatives have played an important role in safeguarding the interests of consumers. During the time of scarcity, the private trade had frequently failed to render the required services to the consumers by adopting straight forward business practices. The consumer cooperatives were found the only answer to protect the interests of consumers during such time.The Minister for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution said that the NCCF has played a pioneer role in importing pulses and selling them to consumers at subsidized rates. It has also performed direct market intervention by selling wheat, pulses and onion in retail to check artificial price rise and to provide relief to consumers.He 1 8 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
expressed the hope that the NCCF will be entrusted the distribution of other PDS items also by the states to improve the functioning of PDS. The Minister also congratulated the NCCF for improvement in its sales and profitability in recent years. For Better Governance leverage synergies between IT and Telecom Information and telecommunication technologies offer tremendous untapped potential that can be leveraged to curb corruption and ensure good governance at all levels in public life, ASSOCHAM said. Mass adoption of technologies for egovernance and m-governance can improve the quality and speed of public services delivered to citizens in urban and rural areas.
Telecom infrastructure – especially towers located in remote locations – can also be used to promote various social and economic development initiatives, said The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM). With nearly 860 million mobile phones in the country, all government websites should be made mobile-compliant. The vision should be to touch and transform lives of citizens through the use of IT, and lead the nation into a globalised knowledge
economy, said secretary general D.S. Rawat. IT and mobile technologies can enhance transparency of government mechanisms like the Right to Information Act and grievance redressal. Service delivery services relating to health, education, employment, police, tax, judicial and legal systems along with information disbursal can also improve.States like Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh have already tested efforts to widen the reach of basic services to ordinary citizens through online sections in government offices, e-kiosks, eseva kendras, post offices, call centres and cooperative offices.A major issue in maintaining law and order in remote and rural areas is lack of real time information and reporting to the authorities. Complaints could be filed using mobile services and unique identification (UID) number. SMS can also be enabled for anonymous reports on crimes and wrong-doing by a police officer. Technology intervention could possibly make Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) implementation better for job seekers, common man and society at large. Mobile technology can be used for applying for job cards, enrollment for work and real time monitoring of work at sites. Rule of Law is an Integral Part of the Basic Structure of the Constitution The Supreme Court of India held that rule of law is an integral part of the basic structure of the constitution and cannot be
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abrogated by Parliament of India which is bound by it.The bench opined that any law which deprives a person of his private property for private interest, will be unlawful and unfair and undermines the rule of law and can be subjected to judicial review. In Kesavananda Bharati’s case, this Court enunciated rule of law as one of the most important aspects of the doctrine of basic structure. Rule of law affirms Parliament’s supremacy while at the same time denying it sovereignty over the Constitution.A five-judge constitutional bench headed by
Chief Justice SH Kapadia gave the judgment. In its judgment it stated that Rule of Law has been characterized as a basic feature of our constitution which cannot be abrogated or destroyed even by parliament in fact. It further added that Rule of law affirms Parliament’s supremacy while at the same time denying it sovereignty over the constitution of India. The bench, which also included Justices Mukundakam Sharma, K S Radhakrishnan, Swatanter Kumar and Anil R Dave passed the judgment while upholding the Roerich and Devika Rani Roerich
Estate Acquisition Act, 1996, enacted by the Karnataka legislature to protect the 465-acre estate of the famous Russian painter Svetoslav and his wife, in Bangalore.Svetoslav had sold a part of the estate to K T Plantation before his death. However, the state government took over the estate in 1996, through the act, to preserve the valuable trees, paintings and arts gallery of the artist couple.The Supreme Court dismissed the plea of KT Plantation on the basis that private land of individuals can be acquired for public purpose only and with due compensation.
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INTERNATIONAL ISSUES Right to Vote for Women in Saudi Arabia
The recent uprisings in the Arab world for the past nine months coupled with sustained demand for women’s rights and a more representative form of government in Saudi Arabia prompted the decision.Municipal elections in the kingdom will be held on 28 September 2011. In Suadi Arabia. Ban on Oil Imports from Syria by European Union
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia on 25 September 2011 granted women the right to vote and run in future municipal elections. In his announcement, the king said that women would also be appointed to the Majlis Al-Shura, a consultative council that advises the monarchy on matters of public policy. Women in Saudi Arabia endure strict gender separation, including a ban against driving. 2 0 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
The European Union on 2 September 2011announced a ban on oil imports from Syria. This step could strive away a major source of financial support for the government’s five month old crackdown on dissent. It will make it harder for the Syrian government to fund the effort against the protesters.The US had already banned Syrian oil imports. Europe buys most of Syria’s oil, spending 4.1 billion dollars in the
country in 2010.Western powers have mounted pressure on Syrian President Assad to step down and he is showing no signs of relenting. The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union of 27 member countries which are located primarily in Europe.In the intervening years the EU has grown in size by the accession of new member states and in power by the addition of policy areas to its remit. The Maastricht Treaty established the European Union under its current name in 1993. Expanded EU Bailout Fund approved by German Parliament Garman Parliament approved expanded powers for the EU’s main bailout fund. The Parliament voted in favour of an enhanced 440 billion euro European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF). Many Germans are against
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committing more money to prop up struggling eurozone members such as Greece.The approval by the Parliament means that it would allow the fund to buy bonds of distressed states and offer emergency loans to governments and offer emergency loans to governments. Earlier, Finnish parliament approved the proposed overhaul of the EFSF.The EU bailout fund must win the approval of all euro-zone members. US accusing Hakkani Terror Network for attack on US Embassy in Kabul The United States said that Hakkani terror network carried out the recent attack on the US Embassy in Kabul with the help of Pakistan’s ISI. Haqqani network was also behind the attack against the Inter-Continental Hotel in Kabul on 28 June 2011.The Haqqani network is an independent insurgent group originating in Afghanistan that is closely allied with the Taliban. Maulvi Jalaluddin Haqqani leads the Haqqani network, which is based in the Afghanistan–Pakistan border areas. For Reforms in the UN Security Council G-4 will Work together India and three other members of G-4 countries pledged to work together to bring about urgent reforms in the UN Security Council. This was done after the Ministerial meeting on the margins of the UN General Assembly in New York. G-4 countries called for enlarging the Security Council
in both permanent and nonpermanent categories. The G-4 countries reiterated their common vision of an enlarged security council for the 21st century, expansion in both permanent and non-permanent categories of membership taking into consideration the contribution made by the countries to maintainenance of international peace and security as well as the need for increase representation of developing countries in both categories.The other countries in the G-4 group are Brazil, Germany and Japan.The G4 is an alliance among Brazil, Germany, India, and Japan for the purpose of supporting each other’s bids for permanent seats on the United Nations Security Council. The G4’s primary aim is the permanent member seats on the UN Security Council. Indian Mujahideen Declared Terrorist Organization The United States on 15 September 2011 declared the Indian Mujahideen terror group as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) under Section 219 of the Immigration and nationality act as a specially designated global terrorist under section 1(b) of executive order 13224.
all property and interests in property of the Indian Mujahideen that are in the US, or come within the US, or the control of US persons. Indian Mujahideen is an India-based terrorist group with significant links to Pakistan. The group is responsible for dozens of bomb attacks throughout India since 2005. Indian Mujahideen has close ties to other US-designated terrorist organizations including Lashkar e- Taiba, Jaish-eMohammed and Harakat ul-Jihadi-Islami. India Took over the Presidency of the G-24 India on 22 September 2011 took over the presidency of the G-24 group of 24 developing countries after a gap of 28 years. Indian finance minister Pranab Mukherjee took over the Presidency of the group from South African finance minister Pravin J Gordhan. Egypt was elected the Vice Chair of the group. The last time India held the Presidency of the group was in 1983-84. Interestingly, Pranab Mukherjee was the Finance Minister at the time and thus chaired the G-24.G-24 was Established in 1971. It coordinates the position of developing countries on monetary and development issues, particularly issues on the agendas of the IMF and the World Bank. The group was formed to balance the influence of the G-10 economic grouping. NATO’s Mission in Libya extended by 3 Months
The consequences of this declaration include the freezing of
The NATO agreed on 21 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 2 1
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September 2011 to extend its mission in Libya by 3 months.The mission was mandated by United Nations (UN). The current operation mandate was due to expire on 27 September 2011 and it was the second 90-day extension to the mission to protect civilians. The NATO had taken over the mission in Libya on 31 March 2011.The mission was extended because Muammar Gaddafi, the ousted ruler of Libya is still at large. Gaddafi loyalists are holding the area called Bani Wahid and denying the new government a complete victory over the region. 7th ADB/OECD AntiCorruption Initiative on Asia and the Pacific The 7th Regional Conference of ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption initiative on Asia and the Pacific was inaugurated by the President of India Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil in New Delhi.The Conference is aimed at ‘building multi-disciplinary framework to combat corruption’. In her remarks, the President said that The ADB-OECD Initiative on Anti Corruption, which now has more than a decade of experience, is committed to move forward purposefully, in the fight against corruption. India has an elaborate legal and institutional framework for prevention and combating corruption in public services. The President said that any approach to combating corruption would need to be multifaceted, as the problem itself has a number of dimensions. Governments would have to constantly look at and 2 2 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
review existing laws, systems and procedures for ensuring their effectiveness. It would require strengthening institutions, removing loopholes, stringently implementing laws and making every institution more transparent in its functioning. All the stakeholders have to work together in all these initiatives. Experts from 28 member countries and economies of ADB/ OECD Anti-Corruption initiative and delegates/ eminent personalities including CVC, CIC from India are attendind the Conference. It also has experts from all the relevant disciplines – representing international organizations, leading enterprises and businesses associations, civil society, and multilateral and donor organizations.There are several serious challenges to achieving this collective aspiration but one overarching challenge that is relevant to us here today is improving governance and fighting corruption, he said. Asian countries must transform their institutions with an emphasis on transparency, accountability and enforceability. In this context, this conference’s focus on strengthening diverse institutional framework to combat corruption is very relevant and timely.This Conference will provide a forum on establishing and implementing in Asia-Pacific. Some of the key features of an effective multidisciplinary anti-corruption framework: (1) international cooperation in multijurisdictional corruption investigations; (2) measures to prevent and detect corruption in public procurement;
(3) corporate compliance, internal controls and ethics measures to fight corruption; and (4) strong citizen contributions to these frameworks. Additional smaller breakout sessions will delve further into more specialized areas of interest, such as effective international informationsharing in investigations; public procurement in high risk sectors; features of an effective corporate compliance programme; and strengthening citizens’ participation to increase integrity and transparency in government. $100 million Donation by Iran to Pakistan to Help Rehabilitate its Flood Victims Iran made the announcement on 11 September 2011 that it would donate USD 100 million to Pakistan to help rehabilitate its flood affected people in the country’s Sindh province.The announcement was made during a meeting between visiting Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and Iran’s interior minister Mostafa Mohammad Najar.Over 140 people have died and four million people have become homeless in floods triggered by rains in Pakistan’s southern Sindh province since August. 8th International Abilympics to be held in Seoul 8th International Abilympics, a vocational skill competition among
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the person with disability, is scheduled to be held in Seoul, Republic of Korea from September 25-30, 2011. An Indian contingent of 25 members including 15 contestants is to participate in this prestigious event.
1500 participants from 50 nations. An exhibition and demonstration of assistive devices/technology, handmade crafts and demonstrations of culture etc. of each participation will be held during this period.
The contestants belong to different regions of the country and have undergone an intensive training programme in Delhi prior to departure for Korea. The organizers expect approximately
The International Abilympics like Olympics is held every four years in different parts of the world. It started in 1981 to celebrate the United Nations’ “International year of the disabled persons” in
order to improve their economic conditions and to increase their rate of employment. India Contributed $1 Million to UN Women Budget The core voluntary budget of UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women or UN Women has received USD 1 million from India, for the year 2011.India donated 1 million US dollars to the core voluntary budget of UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women or UN Women, for the year 2011.Hardeep Singh Puri, India’s Permanent UN Representative handed the amount to Michele Bachelet, Under Secretary general and executive director of UN Women on 9 April 2011. India demonstrated its firm support to the promotion of UN efforts in the field of gender equality and the empowerment of women through its contribution. India is presently one of the members of the Executive Board of the UN Women.
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ECONOMY Approach Paper for the 12th FYP (2 012 -17 ) App rov ed The Union Government approved the Approach Paper for the 12th FYP(2012-17) on 15 September 2011, which seeks to attain second generation economic reforms, improving governance and raise annual economic growth rate to 9 per cent during impending five-year period. The Paper would be placed before the National Development Council (NDC) for its final approval in October 2011.The Approach Paper provides a broad framework of the government policy to be pursued in the fiveyear plan period to achieve the desired growth rate of 9 per cent was cleared by the Planning Commission on 20 August 2011. The theme of the Approach Paper to the 12th Five Year Plan is faster, sustainable and more
inclusive growth. Health, education and skill development, environment and natural resources and infrastructure development was pinted to be focus areas in the next Plan. The paper lay emphasis on inclusive growth. For the first time in the history of the Five Year Plans the Approach Paper has a chapter on governance and corruption. The approach paper’ key components are following: State Portal Including Applications & e-forms The functionality of the State Portal including Applications & eforms are as follows: 8 The portal will provide information about government departments, line ministries, and web links to the various departments. It will also provide information about
government structure in the state, service offerings, budget, key notifications, government schemes etc to the business and citizen community. 8 The portal would primarily be available in English but in due course it’ll also need to be available in Hindi and regional language. 8 The State portal will be single window to the Government to business (G2B) and Government to citizen (G2C) services. The service delivery would happen in integrated fashion using NeGps core infrastructure components – SWAN, SDC, CSC and SSDG 8 The paper suggested that the state proposals should include e-forms for respective departments. 8 Content personalization and WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 2 5
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content management should be a part of the proposal component and links to departmental websites should be included.
need to put least effort for web enabled of their legacy applications. 8 The gateway as the middleware will facilitate
Data Centre, will help in better centralized Administration, Monitoring, over all maintenance work and deployment of hardware of Web Site at optimal level. 8 Gateway has the capability to add additional functionality to support shared common services like Authentication, payment gateway interface, etc CDAC would provide the SSDG executables, centrally version control and provide technical assistance to the States in Proposal preparation (SSDG component), subsequent implementation and necessary.
8 A complete application for e-receipt of forms by the destination office, MIS, printing, accounting, status reporting, query service and payment handling should be provided. State Service Delivery Gateway (SSDG) The functionality of the State Service Delivery Gateway (SSDG) are as follows: 8 SSDG will enable audit management & time stamping which would result in better tracking (auditing) and security of each transaction. 8 With Gateway Server, legacy applications can be Internet enabled as Gateway server can act as a Web layer around them so Government Departments 2 6 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
easy inter-departmental data exchange. 8 The Gateway will also help the Departments backend workflow evolve gradually as the Gateway acts as a middleware de-linking the backends from the front end. Departments, which do not have the complete automation or work, flow at the back can still deliver eService to the citizens in a limited manner. 8 The placement of constellation of Gateway Servers at State Level will facilitate getting information and doing transactions by citizens of one State with Government Department of other States seamlessly. 8 The positioning of Gateway Server and building portal of all the departments at Central location, i.e., in State
Gap Infrastructure Identification of Gaps in Connectivity The functionality of Gap Infrastructure - Identification of gaps in connectivity the are as follows: GoI funding will include funding for minimal gap infrastructure for the departments which would enable interaction to get the printout of service requests from the central infrastructure. The State may need to prioritize the departments and services by taking into account following-High Volume Services – Services having high volumes of transaction so that there is maximum impact. IMMP Services – Services already identified under State MMPs where work is yet to start and which are not covered under High Volumes Services. Any other services which the State wants to include because of their high Citizen Relevance.
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Training The Approached paper talks of training 2 employees of the destination departments for processing of e-Forms, SSDG & Portal. Employees from each department whose service will be deployed on the portal, SSDG and e-form processing would have to be selected. Training would encompass State Portal Framework & website Design Guidelines, SSDG understanding and e-form processing. Manpower The Approach Paper states that provision should be built for technical Advice / Consultation from NIC State Unit as well as CDAC during implementation & Operation phase of the project. This can be built in consultation with State representatives of NIC & CDAC. The states would have to build internal capacities to support the department on on-going basis for e-Forms, new application integration, Service registration on SSDG and continuity when the Implementing Agency exits. Content Service Provider (C SP ) The paper proposed that the States extend the arrangement with the existing CSPs under India Portal for content support under this project. If the contract period was getting over in States where the CSPs are not in place, an Agency can be identified if
required to support the State for Contents. NIC would be responsible for Standardization of the Content Framework, State Portal Framework and Website Design Guidelines and provide technical guidance to the State for State Proposal preparation (State Portal component & application) and its development. India will have Growth Rate of 8.1 Per cent: UNCTAD The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) projected an economic growth of 8.1 per cent for India, the fastest rate of expansion in the world after China in midst of an anticipated global slowdown to 3 per cent in 2011.
investment as well as on the positive contribution of net exports. The report mentioned that slow down of global economy to 3.1 per cent from 4 per cent in 2010, would impact developing economies which would get affected by recession in the developed world. Even as the developing countries were expected to regain the pre-crisis growth rate of 6 per cent in 2011, economic expansion in the developed economies was likely to be only about 1.5-2 per cent. The South Asia region was likely to be among the best performers globally, with a growth of seven per cent in 2011. On the other hand, growth in the U.S. was to remain low on account of low domestic demand, stagnating wages. The European debt crisis is expected to act as a drag on the global growth. Lohia Panel Suggestions
According to the report, despite the slowdown in developed countries, the Indian economy is set to grow by 8.1 per cent in 2011 as against to 8.6 per cent in 2010. Surpassing India during the year would be China with a growth rate of 9.4 per, slightly lower than the 10.3 per cent posted in 2010.India, the report mentioned continues to pursue rapid economic growth (close to 8 per cent), based mainly on strong domestic consumption and
Panel headed by S.K. Lohia suggested an increment in the excise duty and registration costs on diesel-powered private vehicles. It also suggested a ban on hoardings on pedestrian walkways and cut down the taxes on buses and other public transport vehicles as part of measures to make cities and towns more socially and environmentally sustainable. The panel was formed to work out the parameters for the urban transport segment under the recently launched National Mission on Sustainable Habitat. It suggested an increase in the excise duty at the national level and registration costs at the State and city-levels WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 2 7
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for diesel-propelled private vehicles. It argued that increased use of diesel vehicles was only adding to the burden of particulate matter and nitrogen oxides, key pollutants of concerns in Indian cities, even while defeating the objective of improving the country’s energy security.
State and city governments could go in for cascade registration tax for owning more than one private vehicle.
The panel pointed out that hoardings on pedestrian walkways were posing major safety hazards. The State and city governments could, instead, earn their revenues by going for advertising on public service amenities such as buses, metro trains, commercial passenger vehicles, bus shelters, metro shelters, public toilets and public garbage facilities.The panel pointed that the total tax burden per vehicle km is 2.6 times higher for public transport buses than cars in India. It suggested that the
disciplinary body at the highest level to serve as a policy forum for credible and coherent policy initiatives in the manufacturing sector. The Union Government announced the reconstitution of the National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council (NMCC) under the chairmanship of V. Krishnamurthy on 26 September 2011. The council is to energise and sustain the growth of manufacturing industries and help in the implementation of strategies by the government. Following the reconstitution, the council will comprise the Planning Commission
National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council NMCC was set up by the government as an inter-
Member (Industry), Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion Secretary, Finance Secretary, Heavy Industry Secretary, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Secretary and the DirectorGeneral of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research from the government side, the President of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) President and Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) President will represent the apex industry organisations in the 28-member body. Finance Ministry Chief Economic Advisor Kaushik Basu and Indian Council for Research in International Economic Relations Isher Judge Ahluwalia are the two economists in the reconstituted body.The representatives of various industrial sectors included in the NMCC are Tata Group Chairman Ratan Tata, TVS Motor Company CMD Venu Srinivasan, S Kumars Group Chairman Mukul Kasliwal, Larsen & Toubro CMD A M Naik, ITC Ltd CMD Y C Deveshwar, Godrej & Boyce Ltd CMD Jamshyd Godrej, BHEL CMD B P Rao and HCL Infosystems Chairman and CEO Ajai Chowdhry. PMEAC revised GDP Growth to 8 Per cent in 2011-12 The Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council (PMEAC) lowered its forecast for GDP growth to around 8 per cent in 2011-12, from its earlier estimate of 8.2 per cent on 29 September 2011.The eastimate was lowered on account of persistently high inflation, slowing industrial
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expansion and global uncertainties posing a challenge to economic growth.C Rangarajan, chairman of PMEAC mentioned while speaking at a golden jubilee function of the Indian Economic Service the need for for reducing the country’s reliance on capital flows as a means to bridge the current account deficit (CAD), as well as the need to ensure that the CAD does not exceed 2.5 per cent of GDP.PMEAC cautioned on the perils of growing beyond 9 per cent as it would trigger inflationary pressures. It pointed out that if the country continues to grow in the range of 8-9 per cent, as projected in the 12th Five Year Plan, then a current account of deficit of 2.5per cent of the GDP will be created. The CAD is expected to exceed 2.5 per cent by the end of the 2011-12 fiscal. Highlighting the footloose nature of global capital, Rangarajan stressed on the need to contain CAD while lowering its dependence upon capital flows as a means of finance. India received dismally low capital inflows of about half-a-billion ($0.488 billion) till August-end in 2011-12 fiscal. Rangaranjan pointed out that there existed short-term concerns and medium-term constraints which would come in the way of achieving 9 per cent growth. There are three shortterm constraints- one is inflation, the second is balance of payment and the third area is fiscal consolidation. India’s GDP Growth will be 7.5-8% According to Mo od y’ s
Global rating agency Moody’s projected India’s GDP (gross domestic product) growth for the 2011-12 fiscal at 7.5-8 per cent on 5 September 2011. It also cited high domestic interest rates coupled with the current global uncertainties as the near-term factors that could affect its economic expansion.
Moody’s noted in its annual sovereign credit update on India that the cyclical slowdown was unlikely to alter its credit outlook. The rating agency is of the opinion that rising domestic interest rates and an uncertain global economic environment would possibly dampen India’s near term GDP growth. However, the report mentioned that a cyclical slowdown is unlikely to alter its credit outlook. Moody’s report pointed to the limited room for further fiscal stimulus, given the fact that the government targeted to cap the fiscal deficit at 4.6 per cent of GDP in 2011-12, down from 4.7 per cent last fiscal. Moody’s noted that its outlook on India’s Baa3
foreign currency government bond rating remained stable with a Ba1 rating on the country’s local currency debt. The gap between the Baa3 foreign currency debt and Ba1 local currency debt ratings reflects the potential likelihood that the government could prioritise its external obligations over its domestic obligations.
Export of Endosulfan allowed The Supreme Court of India allowed the export of more than one million tons of controversial insecticide Endosulfan on 30 September 2011, subject to strict monitoring and supervision by the Customs and Environment Ministry officials. The SC bench comprising Chief Justice S.H. Kapadia, Justice K.S. Radhakrishnan and Justice Swatanter Kumar opined that 1090.596 metric tons of Endosulfan could be exported to those countries from whom export orders have been received by the manufacturers in India.The SC decided on the issue after WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 2 9
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hearing a plea seeking a complete ban on production, sale, distribution and use of the agriculture insecticide accused of causing ailments in human beings.
compared to 127.59 million and 104.71 million during the same period last year, registering an increase of 2.10 per cent and 5.18 per cent respectively.
Railway Revenue Jumps up by 8.52%
MOU between India Post & NSE for Financial Awareness
The total approximate earnings of Indian Railways on originating basis during the period from 11th to 20th September 2011 were Rs. 2495.07 crore compared to Rs. 2299.20 crore during the same period last year, registering an increase of 8.52 per cent. The total goods earnings have gone up from Rs. 1497.40 crore during the period from 11th to 20th September 2010 to Rs. 1614.48 crore during 11th September – 20th September 2011, showing an increase of 7.82 per cent. The total passenger revenue earnings during the period 11th to 20th September 2011 were Rs. 780.38 crore compared to Rs. 713.47 crore during the same period last year, reflecting an increase of 9.38 per cent. The revenue earning from other coaching amounted to Rs. 71.15 crore during this period compared to Rs. 59.63 crore during the same period last year, showing an increase of 19.32 per cent. The total approximate number of passengers booked during the period 11th to 20th September 2011 were 240.40 million compared to 232.30 million during the same period last year, showing an increase of 3.49 per cent. In the suburban and nonsuburban sectors, the number of passengers booked during 11th to 20th September, 2011 were 130.27 million and 110.13 million 3 0 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
common public visiting post offices. This step will bring the financial market place closer to the people considering the importance and footfall at post offices. Besides publicizing products available in post offices, India Post will use the facility to train the postal staff. Showcasing information about market will help people develop live skills about finances and people will be able to manage their finances better. Additional Production of Pulses in Rabi 2011-12
Government has prepared a contingency plan for additional production of pulses in Rabi 201112 through area expansion and India post signed a Memorandum productivity enhancement. Pulses of Understanding (MOU) with covered under the scheme are National Stock Exchange (NSE) pigeon pea, gram, pea and lentil. here today for deploying LCD TV It is targeted to achieve an screens in selected post offices additional production of Rs. 2.78 across the country.This MOU is MT during the ensuing Rabi aimed at creating financial season and offset the loss of awareness among the public. To Kharif season. Additional begin with LCD TV screens will allocation of Rs. 80 crore has be deployed in 50 post offices been made for this purpose under across the country. These LCD NFSM- Pulses programme. StateTV screens shall be utilized for wise allocation of additional funds disseminating financial awareness for increasing crop production and and awareness on various postal productivity of pulses are as products and services for the under: S ta t e Additional allocation(in Rs. crore) A.P. Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Haryana Jharkhand Karnataka MP Maharashtra Orissa Punjab U.P.
8.23 3.78 3.20 8.80 5.32 4.55 8.88 7.56 7.83 7.20 2.73 11.92
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Gujarat and Tamil Nadu will meet the expenses of additional area expansion from their normal allocation under NFSM-Pulses. As per the current coverage of area under pulses during Kharif 2011, there is a shortfall of 10.89 lakh hectare as against area coverage during last Kharif season. Less acreage during Kharif 2011 may lead to shortfall of 0.70 MT as per 1 st Advance Estimates of Production. The production and productivity of pulses have increased during last three-four years from 14.20 MT in 2006-07 to 14.66 MT during 2009-10. Likewise the productivity of pulses has also increased from 612kg/ha during 2006-07 to 630 kg/ha during 2009-10. As per 4th Advance Estimates of Crop Production, the production of pulses has increased from 14.66 MT (2009-10) to 18.09 MT during 2010-11. Productivity of pulses has also increased from 630 kg/ha during 2009-10 to 689 kg/ha during 2010-11. Cropped Area Acreaged up As per data received from States, rice has been sown in 381.32 lakh hectare as on today. It represents an increase of 33.54 lakh hectare over last year’s acreage on this date. Higher area coverage has been reported from West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Oilseeds have been sown in 178.60 lakh hectare, 5.58 lakh hectare more than last year. Higher area coverage has been reported in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. The cropped areas as on today are as follows:
This year’s area [as on 23 rd September]
Rice Maize Jowar Bajra Total of coarse cereals Arhar Moong Urad Soyabean Groundnut Total oilseeds Sugarcane Cotton
Last year’s area [as on23 rd September]
381.32 75.36 26.28 80.82
347.78 75.19 30.50 86.30
200.19 38.64 23.93 23.37 109.41 103.36 43.28 178.60 50.93 120.03
210.89 45.54 27.95 24.86 120.30 93.20 49.46 173.02 49.44 109.92
Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Bill, 2011 The Government constituted a High Level Committee (HLC) in 2006, which suggested for evolving a mining code adapted to the best international practices, streamlining and simplifying procedures for grant of mineral concessions to reduce delays, etc. Based on the HLC recommendations, the Government had announced National Mineral Policy (NMP) on 13 March 2008. To give effect to the policy directions in NMP, the Government has now evolved a new Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Bill, 2011, after several rounds of consultations with the stakeholders including State Governments, concerned Ministries and Departments of Central Government, Industry and Civil Society. The MMDR Bill, 2011 was referred to a Group of Ministers (GoM) on 14 June 2010 and which has now, after five
rounds of discussion, had recommended the draft Bill to the Cabinet. The GoM in its meeting held on 7 July, 2011 has recommended the draft MMDR Bill, 2011 for introduction in Parliament. The Union Cabinet approved the proposal to introduce the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Bill (MMDR Bill), 2011, in terms of National Mineral Policy, 2008 in Parliament and to repeal the existing Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957. The Key Features of New MMDR Bill, 2011, are the Following: 8 States may call for applications in notified areas of known mineralization for prospecting based on technical knowledge, value addition, end-use proposed ore -linkage etc. and to invite financial bid; 8 States may grant of direct mining concessions through WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 3 1
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bidding based on a prospecting report and feasibility study in notified areas where data of minerals is adequate for the purpose; 8 State Government may set up a minimum floor price for competitive bidding; 8 Special provisions for allowing mining of small deposits in cluster, where cooperatives can apply; 8 National Mining Regulatory Authority for major minerals - State Governments may set up similar Authority at State level for minor minerals; 8 Imposition of a Central cess and a State cess, and setting up of Mineral Funds at National and State Level for capacity creation; 8 For the purpose of sharing the benefits of mining with persons or families having occupation, usufruct or traditional rights in mining areas, and for local area infrastructure, creation an amount equal to royalty in case of mineral other than coal, and 26% of net profits, in the case of coal, has been proposed to be credited each year to district Level Mineral Foundation; 8 Sustainable and scientific mining through provision for a Sustainable Development Framework; 8 Consultation with local community before notifying an area for grant of concession, and for approval of Mine Closure Plans; 3 2 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
8 Enhanced penalties for violation of provisions of the Act, including debarment of person convicted of illegal mining for future grants and termination of all mineral concessions held by such person; and 8 Establishment of Special Courts at the State level for speedier disposal of the cases of illegal mining. The new draft MMDR Act would have financial implications in the creation of an independent National Mining Tribunal and National Mining Regulatory Authority at the Central Level, and the expenditure involved in the capacity building of the Indian Bureau of Mines. The funds for this expenditure are likely to be met from levy of cess at the rate of 2.5% on the basis of Customs/ Excise Duty. YH Malegam Panel’s Suggestions YH Malegam panel in September 2011 proposed that the existing well managed co-operative credit societies meeting certain financial criteria like profits, capital adequacy and NPA proportion be given priority for granting licences as urban co-operative banks (UCBs) particularly in unbanked or inadequately banked centres.
The panel acknowledged the importance of urban co-operative banks for financial inclusion and
suggested that new entrants should be encouraged to open banks and branches in unbanked or inadequately banked area. UCBs play a useful role and the panel felt a need for a greater presence of UCBs in unbanked districts and in centres having population less than 5 lakh. It was also considered necessary to discourage new entrants from opening branches in districts and population centres which are already adequately banked. As far as capital requirement is concerned, the panel suggested minimum paid up capital of from Rs 50 lakh to Rs 5 crore depending on the area of operation. The panel has recommended a minimum paid-up capital of Rs 5 crore for UCBs that wish to operate in more than one state after five years of successful operations. It also suggested that there should be segregation of the ownership of the UCB as a cooperative society from its functioning as a bank.The RBI had announced in the Annual Policy Statement 2010-11 its intention to set up a committee comprising all stakeholders for studying the advisability of granting new urban co-operative banking licences. Agro Advisory Services The agro advisory services continue to serve 50 Agro Advisory Services units against the largest of 600 during the month of last July. The services have been extended to 21, 00,000 users through mobile services.During this period, an
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exclusive ocean state forecast service for the southern districts of Kerala state (Trivandrum, Kollam and Alapuzha) has been inaugurated this month.
The forecasts are disseminated in local language , i.e. Malayalam through website of Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services, Hyderabad. An electronic display board also has been installed at the harbour. The system provides 3-day forecasts of wave, wind, tide and currents characteristics for the coastal waters of Kerala as well as location specific forecasts for the harbours/fishing harbours in the state. Digital Current Weather Indicating System (DCWIS ) has been upgraded at Gondia Airport ( Maharashtra) to report surface pressure and temperature for altimeter setting for safe landing of aircraft. High Wind Speed Recorder (HWSR) has been installed at Veraval & Dwarka for cyclone monitoring.Under the Numerical Weather Prediction & Data Assimilation system, the radar data (radial wind and reflectivity) from nine radar stations received through Global Telecommunication System (GTS) are included in the high resolution (9 km) WRF-VAR assimilation system over Indian region. The utilization of ASCAT scattero-meter winds have been developed.
Review of Mineral Concession Regime in India The quarterly meeting of the Central Coordination-cumÂŹEmpowered Committee (CEC) on monitoring and minimizing delays in grant of approvals for mineral concessions was held under the chairmanship of Shri S. Vijay Kumar, Secretary, Ministry of Mines.The Committee reviewed the position regarding various important aspects of the mineral concession regime in the country, and took decisions aimed at bringing about more efficiency and transparency in the system. Some of the important issues that came up for discussions and review in the meeting were: action taken to curb illegal mining including use of satellite imagery; improving monitoring of the mineral system through a State Empowered Committee and District level Task Forces; plugging loopholes in the royalty collection system; strengthening governance by gearing up the State Mining Directorates; expediting approval including forest clearance cases to clear long pending mineral concession applications. Maj or d ecis ions included:
tak en
(i) Action Plan to be prepared to increase capacity of State Mining Directorates. (ii) End-to-end accounting system for mineral transaction to prevent and detect illegal mining through an All Indian Online System. (iii) Ensuring proper exploration in leasehold areas in a timebound way to enable execution of Mining Plans in a scientific manner.
8 Core Infrastructure Industries registered 3.5 % Growth As per the provisional data released on 27 September 2011 by the Commerce Ministry, the 8 core infrastructure industries registered an output growth of 3.5 per cent in August 2011 lower than the 4.4 per cent growth witnessed in the corresponding period in 2010. The eight core industries includecrude oil, petroleum refinery products, natural gas, fertilizers, coal, electricity, cement and finished steel. The eight core industries have a total weight of 37.90 per cent in the Index of Industrial Production (IIP).The cumulative growth rate of the eight industries during the AprilAugust period of 2011-12 stood at 5.3 per cent, down from the 6.1 per cent in April-August period of 2010. RBI hiked Repo Rate by 25 basis points The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in a move to contain persisting inflationary pressure, hiked the short-term policy rate (repo rate) by 25 basis points from 8 per cent to 8.25 per cent on 16 September 2011. The reverse repo rate as a result got automatically adjusted to 7.25 per cent and the marginal standing facility (MSF) rate to 9.25 per cent.Repo rate is the rate at which banks borrow from the central bank and reverse repo is the rate at which banks park their funds with the RBI. The central bank raised rates for the 12th time since March 2010. WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 3 3
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FDI Limit for FM radio up to 26%
Export Price (MEP) of US$ 475 per tonne.
need to migrate to Euro pay MasterCard Visa (EMV) chip and
This is exactly the position that was prevailing on 8th September 2011, immediately before the ban on the export of onions was imposed on 9th September 2011. The MEP will be reviewed every fortnight and a close watch would be kept on domestic arrivals, total exports, overall domestic availability and domestic prices.
PIN based cards from the present magnetic strip cards as the magnetic strip card is vulnerable to skimming and cloning. The need for a complete migration to EMV chip and PIN based cards could be considered based on the progress of Aadhar (Unique Identification Card) in 18 months time frame. The RBI directed banks to strengthen the existing payment infrastructure and future proofing system along with adoption of fraud risk management practices within a period of next 12-24 months. An imperative need was felt to secure card based transactions as well to protect the interests of the card holders. In the circular issued in this repect the central bank directed banks to implement improved fraud risk management
The Union government increased the foreign direct investment limit for FM radio from 20 per cent to 26 per cent on 30 September 2011.The government also exempted the education sector and old-age homes from the conditions imposed in the construction sector.The FDI limit in terrestrial broadcasting and FM radio was approved by the Cabinet in July 2011. TRAI in 2010 had made necessary recommendations arguing that increasing the limit will help the third-phase for FM radio, which will see 806 FM stations across 217 cities.FDI into construction activities in the education sector and old-age homes has been exempted from the conditionalities imposed on FDI in the construction development sector. This would mean that schools, universities and colleges would not have to meet minimum area and built-up area requirement, minimum capital requirement, minimum capitalisation requirement and lock-in period. The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) mentioned that the educational institute and old-age homes have their own special requirements which do not fit these conditionalities. Ban on the Export of Onions Lifted The Government has decided to lift the ban on the export of onions.Onions can now be exported subject to a Minimum 3 4 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
Fraud Risk Management Practices will be Implemented The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) directed banks to implement various safety measures related to credit card and debit card usage over a period of next two years in order to eliminate cases of fraud and ensure security of transactions on 22 September 2011.The RBI emphasised on the
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practices by 30 September 2012 and secure the technology set up by 30 September 2013. MOU between IIFCL, LIC and IDFC for TFS A MoU was signed in Mumbai between IIFCL, LIC and IDFC in Mumbai.The Union Finance Minister Shri Mukherjee said that in this Scheme,IIFCL can take out debt up to 20% of the Total Project Cost after the COD of the project with certain limitations.He said that there was felt need for higher take out. MoU between IIFCL and LIC & IDFC will provide for takeout upto 50% of the Total Project Cost in the ratio of 20:20:10 by these institutions respectively.Shri Mukherjee said that he expects this mechanism will help financing to the tune of 30,000 crore under the Scheme.Take out finance is essentially a mechanism designed to enable Banks/ Lenders to avoid asset liability mismatch that may arise out of extending long tenor loans to infrastructure projects. Under this arrangement, Banks that extend credit facility to infrastructure projects enter into an arrangement with a financial institution for transferring the loan outstanding in the Banks books to the books of the financial institution who take out the loan.Subsequent to the announcement in the FY 2010-11 general budget, Government of India (GoI) entrusted India Infrastructure Finance Company Ltd. (IIFCL) with the task of introducing the Takeout Finance Scheme (TFS).
This will facilitate banks to take more exposure in new projects, which in turn will help in bridging the gap in infrastructure financing to a great extent the Finance Minster added. Details of the MOU are: 1. Identified project Lender(s) will offer eligible infrastructure projects for availing takeout financing to IIFCL in respect of mutually agreed accounts in accordance with IIFCL’s Takeout Finance Scheme. 2. In respect of aforesaid mutually agreed accounts of infrastructure financing LIC, IDFC and IIFCL will agree to give takeout finance (a) enter into a quadripartite agree-ment, which will be the Takeout Agreement as mutually agreed between the Parties, (b) LIC, IIFCL and IDFC will take out/ buy-out in the ratio of 20:20:10 respectively and take out debt upto 50% of the project cost. 3. Earlier IIFCL could take out debt upto 20% of the Total Project Cost. With this MoU in place, the take out of debt upto 50% of the Total Project Cost will be possible. This will facilitate banks to take more exposure in new projects, which in turn will help in bridging the gap in infrastructure financing to a great extent. Sa lien t Fe atur es advantages of TFS :
a nd
1. Enhances the availability of long tenor debt finance for
infrastructure projects 2. It enables availability of cheaper cost of finance available for the borrower 3. Addresses sectoral / group / single party exposure issues of Banks/ Lenders who are providing long term debt financing to infrastructure projects. 4. Addresses Asset-Liability mismatch (ALM) of Banks arising out of financing infrastructure projects and also to free up capital for financing new projects. Terms of Reference extended of the Nilekani Panel The Union government extended the terms of reference of the Nilekani task force on direct transfer of subsidies on 20 September 2011.The extended terms of reference is to include an Aadhaar-enabled unified payment infrastructure. Considering the expansion the government enlarged the task force by adding five new members.The new members is to include a representative from the Reserve Bank of India, a representative from the Indian Banks Association, Director of the National Informatics Centre, the Controller-General of Accounts in the Finance Ministry or one of his representatives and the CEO of the National Payments Corporation of India. Set up by the Union Finance Ministry under the chairmanship of Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) chief Nandan WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 3 5
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Nilekani in February2011, the task force was asked to recommend and implement a solution for direct transfer of subsidies on kerosene, LPG and fertiliser to the intended beneficiaries.In tune with the decision to expand the terms of reference the panel was asked to recommend an architecture for ebanking through inter-operable business correspondents and examine the alignment of current standards for devices that will be deployed by them. The panel was also asked to suggest one to align the recommendations of the InterMinisterial Group (IMG) on a Framework for the Delivery of Basic Financial Services using mobile phones with Aadhaarenabled payments infrastructure. The panel is to recommend: 8 A solution that incorporates a robust customer support and grievance redress mechanism
harmonise various exercises related to opening bank accounts for financial inclusion and electronic benefit transfers, the panel should also identify and recommend amendments which it felt was required required to enable direct subsidy transfers.The task force is to submit its final report on the extended Terms of Reference within 3 months of the extension of the Terms of Reference.The task force had submitted its interim report on 5 July 2011 and the suggestions therein were taken up by Ministries on a pilot basis under its supervision of the task force.The interim report had suggested direct cash transfers through banks, ATMs or even mobile banking to beneficiaries of kerosene, LPG and fertiliser subsidies. $1 Billion ECBs in Yuan allowed
China on 15 September 2011.For the first time yuan, (equivalent of $1 billion) was allowed as an acceptable currency under the ECB. So far, the government had allowed firms to raise external commercial borrowings (ECBs) only in US dollar, Japanese yen, euro and British pound. The decision to allow companies to raise ECBs in yuan is expected to benefit infrastructure firms such as ADAG Group company Reliance Power and Lanco Infratech.The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs did not raise the overall ceiling of ECB, which is now at $30 billion.The decision would help companies across all segments to access higher quantum of overseas funds. For the services sector, the ECB limit under the automatic route had been doubled to $200 million and for NGOs from $5 million to $10 million.
8 The feasibility of extending the solution architecture to include payment instruments apart from bank accounts and post office savings bank accounts to facilitate the fostering of e-commerce oversee and evaluate the implementation of the solution proposed on a pilot basis. 8 A common framework to adopt it for all government welfare schemes involving disbursements to individual beneficiaries. Solutions devised by the panel should ensure that the entire country can leverage the same payments platforms. while recommending an approach to 3 6 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
The Union Government decided to allow corporates to raise External Commercial Borrowings (ECBs) in yuan (Renminbi) equivalent to $1 billion to help companies who are trading with
Post Offices to Provide Visa Related Services India Post has signed a Memorandum of Understanding
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(MOU) with M/s VFS Global to provide visa related services for different countries through Post Offices. Memorandum of Understanding between India Post and M/s VFS Global was signed in Delhi on 30 August 2011. The MOU sets out broad understandings and intentions of both the parties to provide visa related services at places where they are not currently available.Post Office counters will be used for fee collections, providing visa applications forms, dissemination of visa information, biometric enrollment and other visa application process related services. India Post and VFS are also planning to cooperate in utilizing India Post’s courier service, Speed Post for movements of passports to VFS offices and concerned embassies, and their delivery back to the applicants. Both the parties will also explore to provide any other service that India Post may want to provide through VFS global network on mutually accepted terms.M/s VFS Global is in the business of visa application services and is working with 35 governments across the world with over 450 offices in 50 countries. Fiscal Deficit Surged to Rs 2.73 lakh crore According to Comptroller General of Accounts data released on 30 September, the government’s fiscal deficit surged nearly twofold to Rs 2.73 lakh crore during the first five months (AprilAugust) of the current fiscal 2011-12 due to low revenue
realisation.Deficit was Rs 1.5 lakh crore in April-August period of 2010.The higher deficit in the April-August, 2011 was attributed to slowdown in net revenue collection following higher refunds and moderation in economic growth rate. The government decided to increase 2011’s borrowing target by an additional Rs 53,000 crore anticipating slower tax collections and lower disinvestment proceeds.The deficit in the AprilAugust period was 66.3 per cent of the target originally estimated at the beginning of the 2011-12 fiscal for the whole year.Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council (PMEAC) chairman C Rangarajan pointed out that the target to cut fiscal deficit to at 4. per cent of the GDP for the current financial year would be missed.Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee had lowered the fiscal deficit target to Rs 412,817 crore or 4.6 per cent of the gross domestic product from 4.7 per cent achieved during 2010-11. Public Private Partnership for Infrastructure Projects The finance ministry released the draft national public-private partnership (PPP) policy aimed at creating a framework for implementing infrastructure projects across sectors on 27 September 2011.The development follows the announcement made by the Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee in the Budget. The draft of PPP policy was released in pursuance of government’s commitment to improve the level and quality of economic and social
infrastructure service.The Policy seeks to expand the scope of the PPP scheme. It aims to develop governance structures to facilitate competitiveness, fairness and transparency in procurement and attaining appropriate public oversight and monitoring of PPP projects. India’s Spending on Green IT & Sustainability Initiatives to Double to $70 billion in 2015 According to a report H ype cycle for green IT and sustainability in India, 2011 by leading IT research and advisory company Gartner, India’s spending on green IT and sustainability initiatives will double from $35 billion in 2010 to $70 billion in 2015.The report pointed out that India’s information and communication technology (ICT) industry will be an early adopter of green IT and sustainability solutions as India is one of the fastest-growing markets in terms of IT hardware and communications infrastructure consumption. Apart from the ICT industry, the banking and financial services, hospitality, manufacturing (such as automobiles), pharma, and other industries that have significant exposure to the export markets, will join the green IT and sustainability trend early in India.As per the report awareness of green IT and sustainability issues is low in Indian organisations. However the increasing global focus on energy efficiency, energy security and green IT and sustainability issues is will not only raise awareness WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 3 7
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but also cause the executive leadership in the technology sector to track, report and manage sustainable and resource-efficient business practices.
spectrum in 2008 to be between Rs 5500 crore and Rs 9500 crore. It complained that the auction route not being taken by the government proved to be a stumbling block in its inquiry.
Committee Set up by TRAI Submitted Report
The International Railway Equipment Exhibition -2011
A three-member expert committee, set up by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India and meant to determine the precise value of spectrum during 20012008 submitted a report In the report the committee compalined of a tricky exercise plagued by data deficit.The panel stressed on the importance of adequate and good quality data in an estimation of the loss.The task of estimating the data become further complicated because it involved going back in time during which there was unexpected and unprecedented growth of the telecom industry.The report recommended auction of spectrum as the ideal method.The report estimated the value of
The International Railway Equipment Exhibition (IREE) organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in association with the Ministry of Railways, Government of India, is the only international event in India for the Railway industry and its allied sectors.IREE has always been organized in association with the Indian Railways and they participate in a big way, displaying their capabilities and future requirements.We are presently staging the 9th Edition from 28-30 September 2011. The first edition of IREE was held in 1990 in Kolkata. The exhibition turned biennial in 2003.The 9th IREE 2011 received an overwhelming response from both
domestic and international participants. Over 200 exhibitors from 22 countries are participating in India’s largest railway show.IREE-2011 is also hosting an international rail with the theme “Rail Transportation in India: Moving to the Next Orbit” will focus mainly on future of rail transportation in India, rolling stock- emerging trends and technologies including diesel and electric locomotives, high speed trains, system components, rail infrastructure including Track modernization, Integrated Rail management, Advances in Signaling and Telecom, Dedicated Freight Corridor, Upgradation of Railway Bridges, Propulsion technology, PPP, finance, investment, Operations, Maintenance, logistics and the changing face of urban transportation in India. The obj ecti ves conference are:
t he
8 To showcase the large-scale business opportunity in India’s railway sector, 8 To discuss the Indian Railway’s vision in adopting next- generation policy, procedural and regulatory initiatives needed to attract investments in the sector, 8 To provide a platform for exchange of views, ideas and business opportunities among the global / domestic industry and Indian railways, 8 To discuss the state of development and trends in benchmarking for the Indian railways in operation parameters and to highlight the railway’s vision in freight management and passenger services.
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Mahmohan Singh and Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in Dhaka on 6 September 2011.The agreement in itself is historic,
after signing agreements, Indian Prime Minister said that signing of the protocol on land boundary will resolve all issues relating to undemarcated boundary areas, enclaves and land under adverse possession. During the visit of Manmohan Singh to Bangladesh, India and Bangladesh signed the following agreements: (i) Framework Agreement on Cooperation for Development (ii) Protocol to the Agreement concerning the demarcation of the Land Boundary between India and Bangladesh and related matters
India and Bangladesh signed a historic protocol on land boundary agreement following the talks between Prime Minister 4 0 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
because for the first time India will have a fully demarcated boundary with one of its neighbours.In a joint statement,
(iii) Addendum to the MOU between India and Bangladesh to facilitate Overland Transit Traffic between Bangladesh and Nepal
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(iv) Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation in Renewable Energy (v) Memorandum Understanding Conservation of Sunderban
of on the
(vi) Protocol on Conservation of the Royal Bengal Tiger of the Sunderban (vii) Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Fisheries (viii) Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between Doordarshan and Bangladesh Television (ix) Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between Jawaharlal Nehru University and Dhaka University
Minister Manmohan Singh. During his visit, Manmohan Singh announced to remove 46 textiles lines, of interest to Bangladesh, from India’s negative list for the least developed countries under the South Asia Free Trade Area Agreement (SAFTA). Import duties on these items from Bangladesh will be eliminated with immediate effect.
trade relations. This augurs well for enhancing mutual trust and understanding.
At the invitation of the Commerce Minister of India, Shri Anand Sharma, the Commerce Minister of Pakistan, Makhdoom Mohammad Amin Fahim visited India from 26th September to 2nd October, 2011.
The Ministers agreed to jointly work to more than double bilateral trade within three years, from current levels of 2.7 Billion US dollars per annum to about 6 Billion dollars. This goal shall also be facilitated through the Memorandum of Understanding signed today between the India Trade Promotion Organization and the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan. The MoU shall foster better trade promotional activities, for the benefit of business communities of both countries.The Ministers mandated their Commerce
After more than three and a half decades, this is the first visit by a Pakistan Commerce Minister to India. The official level discussions were held on 28th September between the Commerce Ministers and their respective official delegations. Both Ministers noted with satisfaction that India and Pakistan are entering a new phase of full normalization of bilateral
Secretaries to pursue with vigor the task of fully normalizing bilateral trade relations. They agreed that their countries would cooperate for a high ambition of preferential trade relations under the framework of the South Asia Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA). They noted with satisfaction the joint and collaborative efforts already being made by India and
(x) Agreement of Cooperation between National Institute of Fashion Design (NIFT), India and BGMEA Institute of Fashion Technology (BIFT), Bangladesh Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina described the land boundary agreement as a historic moment in bilateral relations and added that the framework agreement on cooperation and development is a visionary document that looks not just on the reality today but also the potentials of tomorrow.India and Bangladesh also agreed to remove all barriers and improve infrastructure like road, port and rail links for enhancing bilateral trade. This was agreed after a two-day successful visit by Prime
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Pakistan to liberalize trade in goods and services under SAFTA. They agreed that all mutual obligations contracted under SAFTA would be implemented with full sincerity. The Ministers appreciated the progress made and roadmap laid for trade liberalization in the April 2011 meeting of the Commerce Secretaries. They further mandated their respective Commerce Secretaries that when they meet in November, 2011 they shall lay down specific timelines to normalize all trade relationships including dismantling of all non-tariff barriers. Full implementation of SAFTA obligations was also mandated. Both Ministers agreed that joint and concerted efforts will be made in all areas to create an enabling environment for trade and to encourage greater engagement between the business communities of both countries.
could be for a period up to one year.The Ministers expressed the hope that such a new visa regime would rapidly expand the vistas of bilateral commerce.They emphasized that a more secure regional environment would progressively help both countries to keep liberalizing the visa arrangements for businesspersons. The Ministers agreed that the bilateral trade liberalization process should be uninterruptible and irreversible.
environment.India and China also agreed to strengthen cooperation on energy efficiency and conservation, as well as on environmental protection. In order to promote sustainable development, the two sides agreed to cooperate in the renewable energy sector.
They affirmed that both countries would cooperate and work in close coordination at multilateral forum, such as WTO and SAARC, to support each other, thereby strengthening their economies.
Through this dialogue, both nations could share their experience to achieve economic development. Although the bilateral trade crossed 61 billion US dollars in 2011, India was left with deficit of over 40.9 billion US dollars due to accelerated exports from China.
The two sides agreed to host the next SED in 2012 in India.Strategic Economic Dialogue will increase mutual understanding and trust between India and China.
They agreed to further promote greater intra-regional connectivity through road, rail, shipping and air. This meeting has been an important milestone in identification of issues impeding trade (in sectors such as cement, textiles, surgical instruments) as perceived by the business communities of both countries. Customs arrangements have also been significantly synchronized and both sides are vigorously addressing issues of infrastructure, to further promote bilateral trade through the land route of AttariWagah. The new business visa regime would allow multiple entry and 4 2 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
India and China held their first Strategic Economic Dialogue in Beijing on 26 September 2011. India and China agreed to deepen bilateral investment cooperation, further open up markets to each other and improve the investment
INDIA AND USA Minister of Power Shri Sushilkumar Shinde visited United States of America to take part in the 8th India Investment Forum in New York.The India Investment
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Forum had distinguished gathering of top ranking India centric investors, captains of Indian and US Industries,especially those from power sector, senior government representatives, Fund Managers and Analysts.
Calling upon the American investors to invest in Indian power sector, Shri Shinde said that India has taken several measures to make the power sector investor friendly in a fast growing competitive environment, he said that an independent regulatory framework in India now provides business confidence to power companies and a fairly lucrative rate of return on equity of 15.5 per cent per annum. Highlighting the reforms in the power sector the Minister said that the Electricity Act 2003 allows the sector to align itself with market dynamics and clears the roadblocks especially in the way of greater participation by the private sector.Shri Shinde said that while the present installed generation capacity in India is about 1,81,000 MW, more than 80,000 MW of new power
capacity is under construction. He informed the gathering that the 12th Plan aims at a capacity addition of nearly 100 thousand MW. The Minister said that in the 11th Plan period from 2007 to 2012, the funding requirement in
Indian Power Sector had been estimated at USD 230 billion, and the similar investment is anticipated for 12th Plan. Allaying the apprehensions of investors on the availability of fuel, Shri Shinde said India is working on increasing imports as well as domestic production of coal. He said a Group of Ministers has been formed to quickly address the coal shortage issue. The Minister added that in order to increase the availability of gas, India is working on an RLNG pooling mechanism.On the policy front, Shri Shinde said that the National Electricity Policy, 2005 and the Tariff Policy, 2006 have paved the way for renewed interest amongst both developers and investors. He said the bidding documents have been standardized and the competitive bidding route is slowly becoming
the norm. Shri Shinde said as of January 2011, all power to be procured is mandated through the competitive bidding route. He said 100% Direct Foreign Investment has been allowed for sometimes now in all segments of the power sector including power trading. The Minister said that investor confidence has returned to the sector which is amply borne out by the fact that all projects of the 11th Five Year Plan and 78,000 MW for the 12th plan have achieved financial closure. Shri Shinde informed that 16 Ultra Mega Power Projects (UMPPs) and 14 Inter State Transmission schemes have been identified for development by the private sector on competitive bidding route. Stating that while the bidding of four Ultra Mega Power Projects and six transmission projects have been completed, Shri Shinde said that more than 5 UMPPs are in the pipeline, for which Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) have been created by the PFC. Regarding Hydro power Shri Shinde said that estimated potential in hydro sector in India is 1,50,000 MW out of which only 30,000 MW has been harnessed. The remaining capacity needs to be developed which provides the investors an opportunity. To enable the project developer in the Hydro Sector a reasonable and quick return on investment merchant sale of up to a maximum of 40% of the saleable energy has been allowed, making investments in the sector more attractive. The Minister said that India is actively pursuing a low carbon WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 4 3
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growth strategy which includes Super Critical Technology in Thermal Plants, the rapid induction of Clean Coal Technologies and a sharper focus on renewables.He said that international majors like Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Hitachi, Alstom and Ansaldo have already started the process of partnering with Indian manufacturers to set up Super Critical Manufacturing facilities in India. He also highlighted India’s commitment towards renewable energy and said that India plans to add 20,000 MW of solar power by 2022. He said that the State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs) are mandating a minimum Renewable Purchase Obligations (RPOs) to Discoms and a mechanism for trading of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) through power exchanges has also started working in India. He said that an investment of Rs. 74,000 crores ($ 15 billions) would be required for energy efficiency initiatives in India. He said that in order to improve confidence among the Financial Institutions, a robust and transparent energy audit system has been created. Sharing that both the Partial Risk Guarantee Fund and the Venture Capital Fund are being created for boosting investments in the area of energy efficiency, the Minister said that a National Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency is under implementation.During the visit Shri Shinde also addressed CEO’s meet organised by USIBC. Shri Shinde was on a five day visit 4 4 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
to the USA which aimed at enhancing cooperation between the two countries in the power sector.
International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy & New Materials (ARCI) Hyderabad of India and the Fraunhofer Society of Germany has signed a path breaking cooperative R&D agreement in the field of automotive technologies. This partnership is a result of the dialogue between the Indian Core Group on Automotive R&D (CAR) and German Fraunhofer Society (FhG) some time ago.CAR is a major initiative of the Government of India to promote collaborative R&D among Indian Industry, R&D Institutions and Academia for the benefit of the automotive industry. The CAR programmes were initiated by the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India. The Department of Science &
Technology as the nodal agency has funded the projects developed by DST-TIFAC under the CAR programme. The ministries of Heavy Industry, Electronics and Road Transportation have been
the other members of the CAR apex committee and provided funds where necessary. FhG is a leading industrial R&D organization in Europe. With a view to exploring the possibility of collaboration between CARFhG workshops were held in India and Germany. Distinguished experts drawn from Indian academia, national laboratories and industry and Fraunhofer institutes participated in the workshops and identified projects under four broad themes: Materials, Manufacturing, Automotive Electronics and Propulsion in short-term, mediumterm and long-term categories. The first of the collaborative projects “MultiJoin” is the basis of the agreement signed today between the German and Indian sides.A special feature of this
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project arises from the way R&D projects were identified. “Multijoin” project priority was industry-driven and Government supported. “MultiJoin” project aims at enabling light weighting of automotive body through hybrid designs involving multi-materials. Four Indian institutions, ARCI Hyderabad, IISc Bengaluru, IIT Madras and ARAI Pune; four Fraunhofer institutions IWU, IWS, IFAM and IZFP; with participation of Indian automotive OEMs will work on evaluation of four different joining techniques to join aluminium, steel and plastic in dissimilar combinations leading to development of design guidelines for incorporation of the newly generated knowledge into automotive body designs. Optimal technology concepts including appropriate quality control strategies based on a cost benefit analysis will be implemented in production by interested industries.
INDIA AND SOUTH AFRICA India and South Africa agreed to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the MSME (micro, small and medium enterprise) sector. South Africa houses many prominent centres of learning and excellence. The MSME sector accounts for a large share of industrial output, employment and exports in both countries. There are immense opportunities of cooperation and strategic alliances in MSME sector, which could be in the form of joint ventures, technology collaborations or marketing tieups.
The total trade between the two countries in the financial year 2010-11 was 10.6 billion US dollars, higher than bilateral trade target of 10 billion US dollars by the year 2012, set during the visit of South African President Jacob Zuma to India in June, 2010. A revised bilateral trade target of 15 billion US dollars has been set for the year 2014. South Africa is India’s 2nd largest trading partner in Africa. There is, however, ample scope of diversifying the existing trade basket by bringing in many more manufactured goods. There is active contact between India and South Africa in multilateral fora, particularly at the NAM, Commonwealth, G-77, G-20, NAASP and WTO. Both countries are part of the IBSA trilateral initiative. Both countries are currently non-permanent members of the UN Security Council (2011-2012). SA rendered pro-active support in the
NSG decision to enable full civil nuclear cooperation with India. SA recently participated in the BRICS summit held in China in April, 2011.
INDIA AND MYANMAR India and Myanmar on 27 September 2011 agreed to set a 3 billion US dollars as trade target. The trade target will be achieved by 2015. At present, the bilatral trade between India and Myanmar is 1.5 billion US dollars. This was decided at a fourth meeting of joint trade commission which was attended by the Union Commerce Minister, Anand Sharma and the Myanmar’s Minister of Commerce, U. Win Myint.India and Myanmar also agreed to build a Land Custom Station at IndiaMyanmar Border (Mizoram) to facilitate the movement of vehicles and goods entering and leaving Mizoram. Both nations noted that the border trade point at Moreh on the Indian side and WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 4 5
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Tamu on the Myanmar side had huge potential for normal trade. It should be noted that one third of India’s imports of pulses and one-fifth of India’s imports of timber are from Myanmar. At present, pulses and wood products accounts for 97.5 percent of Myanmar’s total exports to India while pharmaceuticals and buffalo meat accounted for 45 percent of India’s total exports to Myanmar.India and Myanmar implemented the India-ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Free Trade Agreement (FTA) on 1 September 2010. India had also implemented the Duty Free Tariff Preference (DFTP) scheme for Myanmar in January 2009, under which Myanmar would gain market access for 94 per cent of India’s products at zero duty.India and Myanmar have also increased the list of items for border trade from 22 to 40.
INDIA AND ISRAEL India and Israel have decided to enhance cooperation in Tourism Sector. This was decided at a meeting between Stas Misezhnikov, Tourism Minister of Israel and Union Tourism Minister, Subodh Kant Sahai held in New Delhi on 5 September 2011.Both the countries have decided to consider exchanging experience in destination management and promotion. Manpower development will be another area of cooperation between India and Israel. Exchange programme for teachers, students, and exchange of information on teaching 4 6 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
modules will be considered by the two countries.
2011. The-two-day joint secretary level talks between
Tour operators and travel agents of both the countries will interact with each other in order to promote two-way tourism between India and Israel. The possibilities for promoting package tours in either of the countries will also be explored by the travel trade of two countries.
India and Nepal was resumed after a gap of four years. The last one was held in New Delhi in 2007.Besides information sharing and security issues, India and Nepal also discussed about construction of the Nepal Police Academy at Panauti with Indian assistance of 5 billion Nepali rupees. The two nations also deliberated on border management and trans-border crime, human trafficking and smuggling of fake Indian currency through the open border.Although India-Nepal agreement to hold joint-secretary level security talks every six months is in place, the security talks were not held for the past four years. India and Nepal share 1800 km long border between them.
Tourist traffic from Israel to India was 40581 in 2009, which rose to 43539 in the year 2010. An agreement between India and Israel on cooperation in the field of tourism was signed in New Delhi in May, 1993. Both the countries have rectified this agreement. India Tourism Office located in Frankfurt is responsible for promoting India as a tourist destination in the Israeli market.
INDIA AND NEPAL India and Nepal resumed bilateral talks on security issues in Kathmandu on 22 September
INDIA AND URUGUAY The Government of the Republic of India signed a Double Taxation
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Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) with the Oriental Republic of Uruguay for the avoidance of double taxation and for the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income and on capital on 8th September, 2011.The DTAA provides that business profits will be taxable in the source state if the activities of an enterprise constitute a permanent establishment in that state. Such permanent establishment includes a branch, factory, etc. Profits of a construction, assembly or installation projects will be taxed in the state of source if the project continues in that state for more than six months. Profits derived by an enterprise from the operation of ships or aircraft in international traffic shall be taxable in the country of residence of the enterprise. Dividends, interest and royalty income will be taxed both in the country of residence and in the country of source. However, the maximum rate of tax to be charged in the country of source will not exceed 5% in the case of dividends and 10% in the case of interest and royalties. Capital gains from the sale of shares will be taxable in the country of source and tax credit will be given in the country of residence.The Agreement further incorporates provisions for effective exchange of information including banking information and assistance in collection of taxes between tax authorities of the two countries in line with internationally accepted standards including anti-abuse provisions to ensure that the
benefits of the Agreement are availed of by the genuine residents of the two countries.The Agreement will provide tax stability to the residents of India and Uruguay and facilitate mutual economic cooperation as well as stimulate the flow of investment, technology and services between India and Uruguay.
Government of India and Canada agreed that residual issues with regard to Foreign Investment Protection Agreement (FIPA) and Bilateral Social Security Agreement (SSA) between the two countries have been resolved and both agreements could now be signed at an opportune time. Mr. Edward Fast, Minister of International Trade of Canada also confirmed that the Canadian side has delinked the SSA from FIPA. India’s Commerce Minister Anand Sharma raised the issue of constrained supply of Potash from Canada to the Indian buyers.He said that the Government of Canada should view this matter from a strategic perspective and urge the Canadian businesses to
enter into long term agreements with the Indian buyers on commercial terms. The two Ministers took stock of the current status of trade and commercial linkages between India and Canada. They also discussed steps to be taken by both sides to intensify the interaction between the government and the private sector stakeholder on both sides.Minister
Sharma underscored the need to convene the meeting of the IndiaCanada CEO Forum at an early date so that the agenda for positive engagement between the businesses of the two countries could be furthered.Minister Sharma strongly raised the problems being faced by professionals of the Indian IT industry in obtaining appropriate visas for Canada. He said that this was limiting services trade between the two countries. In this regard, he asked Minister Fast to sensitize the relevant Canadian authorities to remove impediments to the movement of IT professionals from India to Canada. Minister Fast said that the Canadian government had WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 4 7
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recently changed its policy and under the revised guidelines Canada was giving appropriate multiple entry visas if the passports were of 10 year validity.
recently gave humanitarian assistance of 1 million dollars to Libya.
India and Zimbabwe agreed to expedite the ratification of BIPA ( Bilateral Investment Promotion
India announced support for Libya’s Transitional National Council in the UN on 17 September 2011.The Union government of India supported the acceptance of credentials of the delegation of the TNC, to attend the 66th session of UN General Assembly in New York. The TNC delegation was headed by its President Mustafa Abdel Jalil.India participated as an observer in the Libyan Contact Group meeting in Istanbul in July 2011. India’s charge d’ affaires to Libya, at present based in Tunis, formally established contact with the TNC mission in Tunis. India
and Protection Agreement) between India and Zimbabwe for further strengthening the investment and trade ties between the two countries. This was one of the important outcomes of the bilateral meetings between Hon’ble minister of state Commerce and Industries Mr. Jyotiraditya M. Scindia and his counterpart minister from Zimbabwe Government. Mr. Scindia was on a visit to Zimbabwe accompanied by a business delegation.He offered India’s full support in the development of telecom, highways and railways sectors. In
particular, in the rail sector where India had gained considerable expertise in laying of tracks and development of rolling stock, IRCON and RITES could assist Zimbabwe in the expansion and rehabilitation of its rail infrastructure. In the aviation sector also India could provide technical assistance to Zimbabwe.Mr. Scindia informed his Zimbabwe counterpart that it had been decided to further strengthen the India-Zimbabwe bilateral ties by setting up Rural technology Park and Food testing laboratory in Zimbabwe. Mr. Scindia stressed that there is scope for significant diversification of Indian exports to Zimbabwe, and Zimbabwean exports to India, and to substantially increase the present low level of bilateral trade of US $ 125 mn registered in 2010-11. He highlighted the fact that in the coming years maximum growth will be from south-south trade amongst the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. The minister also appreciated the contribution of 10000 strong Indian Diaspora in Zimbabwe to the economy of Zimbabwe. Speaking about the potential areas of cooperation between the two countries, he mentioned that Zimbabwe has the world’s largest platinum reserves and also possesses large reserves of gold, coal, asbestos, copper, nickel and iron ore.Indian mining companies could partner Zimbabwean mining majors in key value-added activities. He also mentioned about other business sectors, such as renewable energy, where Indian and Zimbabwean
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companies could strike project partnerships. India is helping Zimbabwe in capacity building and assisting in developing its own research and knowledge base by sharing experiences in various sectors such as SME, Power, Agriculture etc. Zimbabwe will soon join other African countries that are benefiting from the Pan-African eNetwork, a project that will connect all 53 countries of the African Union (AU) with a satellite and fibre optic for sharing India´s expertise in education and health. Government of India also provides assistance to Zimbabwe under the ITEC programme for capacity building.
INDIA AND TURKEY India and Turkey agreed for future cooperation in coal related areas during the meeting between Sriprakash Jaiswal, Minister of Coal, Government of India and Taner Yildiz, Minister for Energy and Natural Resources, government of Turkey on 12 September 2011.The meeting took place at Istanbul, Turkey on the sidelines of the 22nd World Mining Congress inaugural session. India and Turkey discussed about the energy situation in the two countries, particularly in the field of coal mining. India offered technical cooperation to develop coal and lignite deposits and coal washing in Turkey. Turkey is planning to set up some 15000 MW coal based power generation plants and requested Indian companies to participate in the tenders.
IIDEM platform in India. Quraishi agreed to that and offered to train
India and Bhutan signed a Memorandum of Understanding for a period of five years to facilitate exchange of knowledge and experience, information, material, expertise and technical knowhow, training of personnel and development of human resources in electoral matters and also for taking up joint initiatives and providing assistance to others.The MoU was signed during the visit of Chief Election Commissioner SY Quraishi to Bhutan on 16-18 September 2011.The Chief Election Commissioner of India offered to create a SAARC Resource Centre at the India International Institute of Democracy and Election Management for preserving and nurturing election related documentation in relation to SAARC countries.The Chief Election Commissioner of Bhutan asked for training of their newly inducted officers through the
Bhutanese election officials during the process of forthcoming State elections.
INDIA AND UGANDA The government-run Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) setup its first overseas campus in Kampala, Uganda to assist students of African nations understand the nuances of globalisation and capacity-building in the continent.The new institute, named India-Africa Institute of Foreign Trade (IAIFT), is being set up as a part of the Indian government’s initiative to help develop a higher education system in African countries in specialised fields.It will be a panAfrica institute-part of India’s commitment for capacity-building in Africa. Established in 1963 by the government of India, During the India-Africa Forum Summit in 2008, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had announced that India would help establish 19 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 4 9
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educational institutions in Africa. IIFT is one of them and the African Union wanted it to be set up in Kampala.
INDIA AND ESTONIA India signed DTAA (Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement) with Estonia on 19 September 2011 and forged a pact to work with it in the field of information, communications and technology
(ICT).The DTAA and the pact on ICT was signed during the visit of communications and Information Technology Minister Kapil Sibal to Estonia. Estonia is a state in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. Kapil signed the DTAA with Estonian Minister of Finance Jurgen Ligi.India will also set up a Chair on Cyber Security in Tallinn University and a Chair on Indian languages, history and literature in
another of Estonia’s universities.The government of Estonia also announced 20 scholarships for Indian students that enroll with Estonian universities for accredited doctoral programme leading to a PhD degree in information and communication technology, environment technology, biotechnology, material technology power engineering or health.
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SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY BOEING’S P-8I COMPLETED FIRST FLIGHT IN SEATTLE Boeing’s first long-range maritime reconnaissance and anti-submarine warfare aircraft P-8I for the Indian Navy completed its initial flight at the Boeing Field in Seattle,USA on 29 September 2011.Test pilots performed airborne systems checks including engine accelerations and decelerations and autopilot flight modes during the flight. The plane was taken to an altitude of 41,000 ft and stayed airborne for two and half hours.India awarded a $2.1-billion (around Rs9450 crore) contract to Boeing in January 2009 for eight such planes to replace the ageing fleet of Soviet-era Tu-142s.Poseidon is internationally acknowledged as the benchmark in maritime
patrol.It marries a tried and tested sensor and weapons suite with a specially developed Boeing 737 aircraft. Given that reliability and endurance are crucial, it was logical to base the Poseidon on the world’s most widely flown airliner (a 737 lands or takes off somewhere in the world every three seconds). The Poseidon is a 737-800, specially modified with a 737-900 wing. The P-8I is built by a Boeing-led industry team that includes CFM International, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Spirit AeroSystems, BAE Systems and GE Aviation.The CFM-56 engines power the Poseidon. These are modified with larger generators that churn out the power needed for the MMA’s sensors and control systems. In addition, there is an auxiliary power unit that provides electricity even when the main engines are switched off.
Boeing was instructed by the Indian Navyto install certain capabilities not provided for the P8A. This includes aft-looking radar, custom-designed by US company Telefonic, which functions like an electronic rearview mirror, scanning the water behind the aircraft. NPCDCS : Managing NonCommunicable Diseases India is experiencing a rapid health transition with a rising burden of Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs). Overall, NCDs are emerging as the leading causes of death in the country accounting for over 42% of all deaths (Registrar General of India). NCDs cause significant morbidity and mortality both in urban and rural population, with considerable loss in potentially productive years (aged 35–64 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 5 1
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years) of life.It is estimated that the overall prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, Ischemic Heart Diseases (IHD) and Stroke is 62.47, 159.46, 37.00 and 1.54 respectively per 1000 population of India. There are an estimated 25 Lakh cancer cases in India. National Programme on Prevention & Control of Cancer, Diabetes, CVD & Stroke Considering the rising burden of NCDs and common risk factors to major Chronic Non – Communicable Diseases, Government of India initiated an integrated National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancers, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS). The focus of the programme is on health promotion and prevention, strengthening of infrastructure including human resources, early diagnosis and management and integration with the primary health care system through NCD cells at different levels for optimal operational synergies. National Cancer Control Programme, an on-going programme, has been integrated under NPCDCS.The programme is being implemented in 100 districts spread over 21 States during 2010-11 & 201112) at an estimated outlay of Rs. 1230.90 crore (Rs.499.38 crore for interventions on diabetes and cardiovascular diseases & stroke and Rs.731.52 crore for cancer control) on a cost sharing basis between the Centre and the States at the rate of 80:20. These districts have been selected keeping into account their 5 2 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
backwardness, inaccessibility & poor health indicators. A. Cancer: 8 Common diagnostic services, basic surgery, chemotherapy and palliative care for cancer cases at 100 district hospitals. 8 Support for Chemotherapy drugs at each district hospital 8 Day care Chemotherapy facilities at 100 district hospitals. 8 Facility for laboratory investigations including Mammography at 100 district hospitals
districts. 8 Opportunistic Screening for diabetes and high blood pressure to all persons above 30 years including pregnant women of all age groups at 20,000 Sub Centres. 8 Home based care for bed ridden cases in 100 districts. 8 Support for contractual manpower and equipments at the 100 district hospitals & 700 CHCs for management of NCDs including health promotion activities. Achievements so far
8 Home based palliative care for chronic, debilitating and progressive cancer patients at 100 districts.
8 Human Resource under National NCD Cell in place.
8 Support for contractual manpower and equipment for management of cancer cases at the 100 district hospitals.
8 Signed MOU Received from 11 States.
8 Strengthening of 65 centre Tertiary Cancer Centres (TCCs) B. Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD), Diabetes & Stroke 8 A Cardiac care unit at each of the 100 district hospitals. 8 NCD clinic at 100 district hospitals and 700 Community Health Centres (CHCs) for diagnosis and management of Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD), Diabetes & Stroke. 8 Provision for availability of life saving drugs, to each district hospital in 100
8 Human Resource under State and District level in process.
8 Setting up of State and District NCD cells in process 8 Operational Guidelines developed. 8 Training Modules developed for Health Workers and Medical Officers. 8 Funds for implementation of NPCDCS in 27 districts across 19 states were released in March 2011 for opportunistic screening, establishment of ‘NCD clinic’ at CHCs and District Hospitals. 8 Funds for conducting training workshops were released to NIHFW and Indian Nursing Counsel. 8 Pilot Project on School based Diabetes Screening
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Programme initiated in 6 districts 8 Proposal for surveillance of NCD risk factors is under submission 8 Efforts are being taken to increase awareness for promotion of healthy lifestyle through Mass media. The programme, thus, attempts to achieve behaviour change in the community to adopt healthy life styles including dietary patterns, enhanced physical activity and reduced intake of tobacco and alcohol resulting in overall reduction in the risk factors of common Non-Communicable Diseases in the country. New Laser to help Detect Roadside Bombs
A new laser developed by the researchers at Michigan State University, which can accurately detects roadside bombs and helps identify Improvised Explosive
Devices(IEDs).The laser combines short pulses that cause molecules in the explosive to vibrate.Every kind of molecule has different vibrational frequencies that uniquely find the substance.However, the new laser can make these distinctions even for quantities as small as a fraction of a billionth of a gram.The laser has the sensitivity and selectivity to look into large areas and detect improvised explosive devices, which cause 60 percent of coalition soldiers’ deaths in Afghanistan. First Planet Orbiting Two Stars NASA’s Kepler mission made the first unambiguous detection of a circumbinary planet - a planet orbiting two stars - 200 light-
years from Earth,on 15 September 2011.The planet is cold, gaseous and not thought to harbor life, but its discovery demonstrates the diversity of
planets in our galaxy.Previous research has hinted at the existence of circumbinary planets, but clear confirmation proved elusive.Kepler detected such a planet by observing transits, where the brightness of a parent star dims from the planet crossing in front of it.Kepler is the first NASA mission capable of finding Earth-size planets in or near the habitable zone, the region in a planetary system where liquid water can exist on the surface of the orbiting planet.Scientists detected the new planet in the Kepler-16 system, a pair of orbiting stars that eclipse each other from our vantage point on Earth. When the smaller star partially blocks the larger star, a primary eclipse occurs, and a secondary eclipse occurs when the smaller star is occulted, or completely blocked, by the larger star. This showed the third body was circling, not just one, but both stars, in a wide circumbinary orbit.This discovery confirms that Kepler-16b is an inhospitable, cold world about the size of Saturn and thought to be made up of about half rock and half gas. The parent stars are smaller than our sun. One is 69 percent the mass of the sun and the other only 20 percent. Kepler-16b orbits around both stars every 229 days, similar to Venus’ 225-day orbit, but lies outside the system’s habitable zone, where liquid water could exist on the surface, because the stars are cooler than our sun. WISE Captured Black Hole’s Wildly Flaring Jet NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) captured WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 5 3
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rare data of a flaring black hole, revealing new details about these powerful objects and their blazing jets.Scientists study jets to learn more about the extreme environments around black holes. Much has been learned about the material feeding black holes, called accretion disks, and the jets themselves through studies using X-rays, gamma rays and radio waves.But key measurements of the brightest part of the jets, located at their bases, have been difficult despite decades of work. WISE is offering a new window into this missing link through its infrared observations.The black hole, called GX 339-4, had been observed previously. It lies more than 20000 light-years away from Earth near the center of our galaxy. It has a mass at least six times greater than the sun. Like other black holes, Observing the jet’s variability was possible because of images taken of the same patch of sky over time, a feature of NEOWISE, the asteroid-hunting portion of the WISE mission. WISE data enabled the team to zoom in on the very compact region around the base of the jet streaming from the black hole. The size of the region is equivalent to the width of a dime seen at the distance of our sun.The results showed huge and erratic fluctuations in the jet activity on timescales ranging from 11 seconds to a few hours. The observations are like a dance of infrared colors and show the size of the jet’s base varies. Its radius is approximately 15000 miles (24140 kilometers) with dramatic changes by as large as a factor of 5 4 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
10 or more.The new data also allowed astronomers to make the best measurements yet of the black hole’s magnetic field, which is 30000 times more powerful than the one generated by Earth at its surface. GRAIL to Study Moon from Crust to Core NASA’s twin lunar Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) spacecraft lifted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on 10 September 2011 to study the moon in unprecedented detail.
GRAIL-A is scheduled to reach the moon on 31 December 2011, while GRAIL-B will arrive on 1 January 2012. The two solarpowered spacecraft will fly in tandem orbits around the moon to measure its gravity field. GRAIL will answer longstanding questions about the moon and give scientists a better understanding of how Earth and other rocky planets in the solar system formed. The straight-line distance from Earth to the moon is approximately
250000 miles (402336 kilometers). The science collection phase for GRAIL is expected to last 82 days. JPL manages the GRAIL mission. A Plant Discovered that Sows its Own Seeds A team of Scientists from Rutgers University in Brazil discovered a tiny plant which they say bows down and sows its own seeds. The plant has pink and white flowers. Scientists found the plant in rural northeastern Bahia, Brazil, one of the world’s most biologically diverse areas. The discovery was reported in Live
Science.When the plant’s fruits form, the plant slowly bends its small, fruiting branches down, depositing the seed capsules carefully onto the ground. The plant sometimes buries them in the soft cover of moss. The team of scientists named the new species Spigelia genuflexa, because of the plant’s dexterity. Laccognathus Embryi Scientists discovered fossilised remains of a large predatory fish
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with a fearsome mouth which prowled North American waterways some 375 million years ago. The fossil was found on Ellesmere Island in the Nunavut Territory of Arctic Canada. The findings are published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.
Major Histocompatibility Complex Scientists discovered genetic factors that make frog immune to the fungal disease chytridiomycosis. This could improve captive breeding
However, the frogs from the other two locations survived and fought off the infection completely.The researchers traced the difference back to regions of DNA that form part of the immune system called the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC).It is likely that the two populations whose members survived infection in the lab are the ones that had been most strongly exposed to the fungus in the wild since it was detected in Arizona in the 1970s. Perfomax
The lobe-finned fish, now called Laccognathus embryi, grew to about five to six feet long and had a wide head with small eyes and robust jaws lined with large piercing teeth. The predatory fish preyed on armoured placoderms and lungfish. The beast was likely a bottomdweller, waiting on the seafloor to pounce at prey passing by, the researchers said.In the past, the researchers also discovered Tiktaalik roseae, a transitional animal considered a missing link between fish and the earliest limbed animals, side-by-side with L.embryi at the same site. That suggests the two lived side-byside as well, the researchers believe.
schemes. Chytridiomycosis is slowly spreading across the world and has already sent a number of species extinct.Chytridiomycosis kills by damaging the skin of the living being, which eventually results into cardiac arrest. Frogs and other amphibians that had no resistance succumbed quickly. For their experiment, Scientists collected lowland leopard frogs (Lithobates yavapaiensis) from five places in Arizona. In the lab, they infected the animals with the chytrid fungus (Batratochytrium Dendrobatidis, or BD). All the frogs collected from three of the locations died.
A composite herbal formulation named ‘Perfomax’ launched, that has been developed by DRDO and has been found to improve physical and mental performance in High Altitude and Hypoxic Conditions at a function held in Leh, Ladakh today. The formulation is rich in antioxidants and other bioactive compounds that improve performance of brain, heart, kidney and lungs and improves blood circulation. Universe is Bound by Cosmic Thread Planetary Scientists discovered that the universe is bound by cosmic thread. Scientists have got evidence of the vast filament of material connecting the Milky Way galaxy to nearby clusters of galaxies, which are similarly interconnected to the rest of the universe.According to the scientists, there were two types of matter that made up the Universe; the dominant, enigmatic dark matter and ordinary matter WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 5 5
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in the form of galaxies, stars and planets.Unlike a sponge, however, gravity draws the material over these interconnecting filaments towards the largest lumps of matter, and the scientific findings show that the globular clusters and satellite galaxies of the Milky Way trace the cosmic filament. Our Galaxy’s Spiral Arms Caused by its Crashes with Dwarf Galaxy Scientists stated that the two powerful collisions with a dwarf
galaxy in the past two billion years was the cause of the spiral arm structure of the Milky Way.In trying to explain the shape of our own galaxy, the Milky Way, with its prominent spiral arms rooted in a central bar, scientists had earlier dismissed the influence of outside forces.However, in the new study, scientists focused on the nearby Sagittarius dwarf galaxy, much of which had been ripped apart by the gravitational pull of the Milky Way, leaving debris that formed a large but very faint stream of stars around our
galaxy.This dwarf galaxy might have once been 100 times more massive.This dwarf galaxy’s collision with the Milky Way triggered the formation of our galaxy’s spiral arms, caused the flaring seen in the outermost disk and influenced the growth of its central bar.The impact could have generated ringlike structures wrapping around the Milky Way, similar to ones actually seen in our galaxy, such as the Monoceros ring.
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SPORTS CRICKET Australia Won Test Series against Sri Lanka
Test series against Sri Lanka 1-0 when the second test concluded on 20 September 2011 Tuesday. It was Clarke’s first Test tour as captain. In the first test Australia
a rain-affected draw. The victory saw Australia and Sri Lanka exchange positions in the official Test rankings, with Clarke’s men moving to fourth place and Sri Lanka dropping to fifth. ICC Rankings for ODI Team Ranking 16 S E PT E M B E R 2011 Team Australia Sri Lanka
Australia under the captaincy of skipper Michael Clarke won the
Points Matches Rating 30 28
3894 3327
130 119
South Africa 19 England 30 India 34 Pakistan 29 New Zealand22 West Indies 19 Bangladesh 26 Zimbabwe 27
2197 3383 3804 2931 1973 1475 1648 1200
116 113 112 101 90 78 63 44
won 125-run victory in Galle. The second Test in Pallekele ended in WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 5 7
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B A T S ME N R A N K IN G Rank N a me
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
H.M. Amla A.B. de Villiers S.R. Watson I.J.L. Trott K.C. Sangakkara M.S. Dhoni M.J. Clarke M.E.K. Hussey V. Kohli T.M. Dilshan
Rating 867 804 760 750 747 734 730 729 725 690
B OW L E R R A NK IN G Rank N a me
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
G.P. Swann D.L. Vettori M.G. Johnson D.W. Steyn M. Morkel D.E. Bollinger Saeed Ajmal R.W. Price L.L. Tsotsobe S.L. Malinga
Kochi Tuskers’ Contract Terminated Kochi Tuskers’ contract was terminated by Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) on 19 September after N Srinivasan, the newly-appointed president of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), took over . The contract was terminated after the Indian Premier League (IPL) franchise defaulted on a Rs 156 crore annual payment it was to make.The decision was announced after the 82nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the BCCI.The BCCI decided to encash the bank guarantee of the Tuskers in their possession and also terminate the franchise for an alleged non-payment of annual 5 8 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
Rating 728 701 680 663 661 659 658 653 652 639
fee.The franchise was bought by a consortium comprising some Gujarat-based businessmen for a whopping Rs 1,550 crore in 2010. According to the rules, franchises have to pay the amount in 10 equal installments. Dominic Cork Announced Retirement Former England all-rounder cricketer Dominic Cork on 22 september 2011 announced his retirement from cricket at the age of 40. Cork played 37 Test matches and 32 One-Day Internationals during a career.Cork made his England debut in a OneDay International against Pakistan in 1992, and his Test debut in 1995 against West Indies at
Lord’s.He played his last matches for England in both forms of the game against India in 2002.He took a hat-trick in only his third Test as England scored a sixwicket win over the West Indies at Old Trafford.
TENNIS US O PE N C ROWN MEN Novak Djokovic used his superior return game, defense and speed to defeat the 10-time Grand Slam champion Nadal, 6-2, 6-4, 6-7 (3), 6-1 and win his first career US Open crown and fourth Grand Slam title.With the victory Djokovic pushed his record on the year to an amazing 64-2 and 6-0 over Nadal. With the win he also became just the sixth man in the Open Era to win three Grand Slam titles in the same year. He had won both the Australian Open and Wimbledon (over Nadal) earlier in 2011. Nadal in 2010 was being celebrated as the next King of Tennis, with nine Grand Slams (Now 10, counting this year’s French Open). He needed a few more tournaments to match Federer, who holds the record with 16 gand Slams. However in 2011 he is on a six-match losing streak to Djokovic and all of them in finals. WOMEN Australia’s Samantha Stosur defeated Serena Williams to win the US Open crown and her first grand slam singles title.Stosur became the first Australian woman in 38 years to win the title
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when she beat Williams 6-2 63.Williams, a 13-times grand slam singles champion, had won four of her six previous matches against Stosur.Stosur, seeded ninth, became the first Australian woman to win the U.S. Open title since Margaret Court in 1973. The last Australian woman to win any grand slam was Evonne Goolagong-Cawley at Wimbledon in 1980. Stosur, who for the early part of her career was better known as a doubles player, emerged as Australia’s best prospect when she made the final at the French Open last year but lost to Italy’s Francesca Schiavone.
crossed the line in 2hr 7min 38sec, nearly two-and-a-half minutes ahead of teammate Vincent Kipruto — the biggest winning margin in World championships history. Ethiopia’s Feyisa Lilesa took bronze. Berlin Course Marathon Kenyan Patrick Makau shattered the world men’s marathon record by 21 seconds when he clocked two hours three minutes 38 seconds in Berlin course on 25 September 2011.
Kimaiyo (Kenya ) in the third position. Makau’s team mate Florence Kiplagat, the world halfmarathon champion, won the women’s race in 2:19:44 in her first completed marathon. Gebrselassie who had won the Berlin marathon four times, headed the leading group until just before the 27-km mark when he pulled up in obvious pain. He bent over double but then stepped back on to the road within a minute but was unable to finish the race.
ATHLETICS W O RL D A TH L E TI C S CHAM PI ON SHIP S -Jamaica’s Usain Bolt won the Men’s 4x100 Relay final and set a world record at the World Athletics Championships in Daegu, South Korea on 4 September 2011.Usain Bolt and his Jamaican team smashed the 4x100m relay World record.It was Bolt’s second gold of the World championships after winning the 200m crown. On the second day of the competition Bolt was disqualified following a false start thereby shattering his dream of 100m gold. -Mo Farah of Britain ended the championships on a high when he won the 5,000m gold.He had earlier in the competition lost the 10,000m title. He crossed the line in 13min 23.36sec, just 0.28sec ahead of his American rival. -In yet another show of distance running power by Kenya, Kirui
Makau ran alone for the final 12 kms to break the previous mark of 2:03:59 set by Ethiopian Haile Gebrselassie on the same course.
51st National Open Athletics Championships
It was the fifth time the men’s world record fell on the 42.195km race through the heart of the German capital.Patrick Makau is a former halfmarathoner, who broke the 60-minutebarrier mark a record eight times. His previous best marathon mark was 2:04:48 in Rotterdam in 2010.Patrick Makau (Ken) 2hr 3min 38sec was followed by Stephen Kwelio (Kenya) in the second and Edwin
On the opening day of the 51st National Open Athletics Championships, Preeja Sreedharan won the gold medal in the 10000m race on 10 September 2011 in Kolkata. Competing for Railways, Sreedharan had earlier won the 10000m race in the Guangzhou Asian Games with a national record of 31.50.47. Her track rival Kavita Raut (35:56.13) WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 5 9
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finished a fraction of seconds behind to earn ONGC a silver medal.In the men’s 10,000m final ONGC’s Suresh Kumar clinched the gold with a timing of 30:18.16.
BADMINTON J A PA N O PE N Chen Long claimed his second title in two weeks on 25 September 2011 when he shocked World No. 1 Lee Chong Wei to win the men’s singles badminton title at the Japan Open.The Chinese fourth seed had earlier emerged victorious at the China Masters.He dashed the Malaysian’s defence of the title with a 21-8, 10-21, 21-19 victory. In the women’s singles final, Chinese World champion and No. 1 Wang Yihan whipped the eighth-seeded Juliane Schenk of Germany 21-16, 21-14 in 43 minutes to regain the title she won in 2008 and 2009. All-India Ranking Senior Badminton Championship Sai Praneeth, the second seed defeated top seed and Petroleum teammate Saurabh Varma 21-13, 10-21, 21-16 to win the men’s singles crown in the IFCI all-India ranking senior badminton championship on 5 September 2011.Sai Praneeth also won the men’s doubles partnering Nanda Gopal (AAI).The duo defeated top seeds Pranav Chopra (PSPB) and Akshay Dewalkar (AI) in three well-fought games 22-20, 14-21, 21-15. The women’s singles was a disappointment. Tanvi Lad failed to produce the form that carried 6 0 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
her into the final and was defeated by Sayali Gokhale who kept it simple and cruised through. Sayali won over her Air India teammate 21-16, 21-17 in about 45 minutes.
Salgaocar defeated East Bengal 31 in the final of the 33rd Federation Cup at the Salt Lake Stadium in Kolkata on 29 September 2011.Salgaocar became the first non-Kolkata club to win the premier domestic cup competition in Indian football since Mahindra United in 2005.Early goals from Edeh Chidi and Francis Fernandes gave Salgaocar a 2-0 lead in the game.East Bengal tried to come back in the second half but Ryuji Sueoka scored the third to ensure Salgaocar’s fourth Fed Cup title. Baichung Bhutia Announced Retirement Veteran Indian footballer Baichung Bhutia on 24 August 2011 announced his retirement
from international soccer.He however will continue to play for his club that he is currently associated with,Sikkim United.Baichung Bhutia made his debut as a substitute in the 1995 Nehru Cup in Calcutta. In his career spread over 16 years he scored 42 goals in 107 international appearances.
Nicknamed the Sikkimese Sniper, he is currently contracted by the club he owns, United Sikkim. He has thrice in the past been named Indian Player of the Year. His international footballing honours include winning the Nehru Cup, LG Cup, South Asian Football Federation (SAFF) Championship (three times) and the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Challenge Cup. He is also India’s most capped player, and in the 2009 Nehru Cup he received his 100th international cap.He has a stadium named after him- Baichung Stadium in Namchi, the district headquarters of South Sikkim district in the state of Sikkim, India. He was honoured with the Arjuna award in 1995 and Padma Shri in 2008.
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MOTOR RACING I TA L IA N G RA ND P RIX Red Bull’s Sebastian Vettel won the Italian Grand Prix.The victory marked his 18th career win. He is currently one race away from being crowned world champion for the second year in a row and at the age of 24. Victory at Singapore Grand Prix is to guarantee him the title.The victory was his eighth win of 2011.It was Vettel’s 18th career win, his second at this circuit and Red Bull’s first at Monza.Vettel currently leads the championship by 112 points, with 150 remaining. If he scores a win in Singapore he will be the 2011 world champion and the youngest ever two times champion at the age of 24.McLaren’s Jenson Button finished second, while Alonso was placed third.
time that signalled the longest and most arduous race of the year.The victory marked Vettel’s ninth win in this season and the 19th of his career.Force India’s di Resta finishes career-best sixth and Adrian Sutil was palced eighth List of winners:1.Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull-Renault);2.Jenson Button (McLaren-Mercedes); 3. Mark Webber (Red Bull-Renault).
GOLF E U ROP E A N M A STE RS Denmanrk’s golfer Thomas Bjorn on 4 September 2011 secured back-to-back titles for the first time in his career after winning the European Masters.
man playoff at Gleneagles, Scotland. Global Green Bangalore Open Sri Lankan golfer Anura Rohana completed pole to finish victory in the Global Green Bangalore Open on 17 September 2011 thereby ending a decade-long wait for a title on Indian soil.He wobbled a bit but steadied his nerves in authoritative style.Leading by a comfortable five shots from Mukesh Kumar overnight, Rohana overcame a minor blip to finish with three-under 69 for the round, and a card of 12-under-276 for the competition. Mukesh finished second (282) after shooting twounder 70.
Singapore Grand Prix Red Bull driver Sebastian Vettel of Germany on 25 September 2011 won the Singapore Formula One Grand Prix on the Marina Bay City Circuit in Singapore. Red Bull’s Sebastian Vettel who held off a charging Jenson Button to win the Singapore Grand Prix is currently one point away from becoming Formula One’s youngest double World champion.The 24year-old German led from pole to flag and despite a spirited challenge over the final five laps from Button, held on to move 124 points clear of the Briton with just 125 available from the five races remaining.Vettel won in one hour, 59 minutes and 6.757 seconds, a
Bjorn’s 9-under 62 helped him finish with a 20-under total of 264, four shots clear of Germany’s Martin Kaymer.He thus earned the 333,333 euro ($473,000 U.S.) winner’s prize.The victory at the European Masters won him the third title in a year.The victory came to him a week after he had won a five-
HOCKEY A S IA N C HA M PI ONS T R OP HY India defeated Pakistan 4-2 in the penalty shoot-out in a nervewrecking final to clinch the inaugural Asian Champions Trophy hockey tournament on 11 September 2011. Goalkeeper S. Sreejesh played a crucial role in WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 6 1
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securing victory as he managed two crucial saves for India. Indian hockey team is coached by Michael Nobbs.
Chinese archers in the World Cup title race. Each got ten points in the first two arrows. Cheng made the decisive shot with a 9 while her opponent only got an 8.
Russian champion and one of the highest-ranked players in the world. He defeated strong competitors like American Gata Kamsky and Urkainian Ruslan Ponomariov earlier in the competition.With the victory Svidler won a $96000 prize money and a ticket to the 2012 world championship matches.Russia holds the No.1 spot on the World Chess Federation’s top-10 list.
Rajpal Singh, Danish Mujtaba, Yuvraj Walmiki and Sarvanjit Singh scored for India in the penalty shootout while Muhammad Rizwan and Waseem Ahmed sounded the board for Pakistan after both the sides were locked goalless in the regular and extra time.Malaysia bagged bronze by defeating Japan.
ARCHERY/SHOOTING W ORL D C UP A RC HE RY F INA L S India’s Deepika Kumari of India settled for a silver on 25 September 2011 after being defeated by China’s Cheng Ming 5-6 in the tie-breaker of the women’s individual recurve summit clash at the World Cup archery finals in Istanbul.Deepika had earlier overcome Berengene Schuh 6-0 to enter the final. She had defeated Alejandra Valencia of Mexico 6-4 in the quarterfinals.It was a very good start for the Indian and the 6 2 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
Kumari’s performance was hailed by the Tata Archery Academy and Jharkhand Archery Association.The Archery Association of India (AAI) in the meanwhile announced a prize purse of Rs 4 lakh for a four-day trial for the 17th Asian Archery Championship.The men’s title on the other hand was won by the reigning World No 1, Brady Ellison of the US, defeating Dia Xiaoxiang of China 6-2.
CHESS C H E SS W O RL D C UP Russian grandmaster Peter Svidler won the Chess World Cup title on 20 September after winning a four-game final against his compatriot Alexander Grischuk. Khanty-Mansiysk (Russia) an industrial town hosted over 120 world’s greatest chess players from 40 countries who fought for the title. Svidler is a six-time
Star Indian boxer Vijender Singh won gold and also bagged the Best Boxer award at the World Police and Fire Games in New York. Indian pugilists finished off a reasonably successful campaign with two golds, two silvers and a bronze at the World Police and Fire Games in New York.Both Vijender (75kg), an Olympic and World championship bronze medallist and Dinesh Kumar (81kg) won gold.
KABADDI A SIA N K A BA DDI T ITL E The Indian kabaddi team lifted its first-ever Circle Style Asian kabaddi title on 27 September 2011 by defeating arch-rivals Pakistan 53-38 at Tabriz in Iran.India and Pakistan were almost on even terms at the halftime score of 24-22, but in the second half India dominated proceedings leeading to a huge 15-point difference.It is for the first time that the championship was played outside India. Eight
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nations participated in the championship.
BILLIARDS/SNOOKER IBSF W ORL D M E N ’ S S NOOKE R C H A M PI ON SH IP IN B A N G A L O RE International Billiards & Snooker Federation (IBSF) aanounced on 28 September 2011 its decision to shift the venue for IBSF World Men’s Snooker Championship from Bahrain to Bangalore. IBSF World Men’s Snooker Championship is scheduled to be held from 28 November to 3 December 2011.
Due to prolonged crisis in some parts of Middle East Asia, the IBSF decided to move the tournament out of Bahrain and grant the hosting rights to India. The IBSF held a lot of discussions with the Chinese federation, trying to work out the schedule of the tournament but due to clash of dates with SEA Games, Arab Games and the proposed IBSF World 6-Red Snooker in India, the association finally had to
amend the proposed 6-Red Snooker and decided to hold the event only in the men’s category. IBSF however assured that since the competition will not be held in Women and Masters categories this 2011, it will give an extra slot to these sections in the 2012 World Championships.
VARIOUS N A TIO NA L I N ST ITU TE OF S PORTS S C IE NCE S & M E DIC INE Union Minister of State (I/C), for Youth Affairs & Sports Shri Ajay Maken announced the decision to
set up the National Institute of Sports Science and Medicine (NISSM).Premised at the Jawahar Lal Nehru (JLN) Stadium in the Capital, the Institute will aim at fostering the much needed disciplines of Physiology, Psychology, Nutrition, Biochemistry, Biomedical, Anthropometry and Sports Medicine, with the purpose of providing cutting edge excellence to Indian Sports and athletes. Modeled on the lines of China Institute of
Sports Sciences (CISS), the NISSM, apart from other inputs, emanates from a series of bilateral endeavors between India and China over the past year and a half. On 23rd September, 2011, Shri Maken met with Mr. Liu Peng, Director of State General Administration of Sports at the headquarters of State General Administration of Sports in Beijing and discussed the areas for further enhancing the bilateral relations & increased cooperation in the field of sports as envisaged in the MoU signed between two countries.A clear road map with date lines has been prepared to establish this Institute, at the estimated cost of Rs. 200 crore. Apart from this Rs. 100 crore will be provided for strengthening the existing Sports Science and Medicine infrastructure at various SAI Centres and augmenting linkages with them. Shri Maken said that NISSM is expected to cater to integration of Sports Sciences into coaching curriculum and teaching of sports coaches through its inter-disciplinary studies departments and Quality Assurance wing.He also stressed the need to include Certificate courses and bridge programmes for sportspersons. This Institute would be headed by a Director, equivalent to a Vice-Chancellor of a Central University. A Search Committee will be appointed to identify and recommend the name/s of person to Head this Institute. The NISSM will work in close partnership with national and international partners from UK, USA, China, Australia, Germany, Korea and South Africa.It will be function under WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 6 3
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the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports. National Institute of H oc ke y Shri Maken also informed that the SAI had prepared the concept paper for establishing the National Institute of Hockey at the Dhyan Chand Stadium and works to this effect will start at the earliest.The Institute will interact with the best Hockey/Sports Institutes in the world and will also follow the training regime of the Olympic Medal winner athletes in the world. After collecting intelligence about their training schedules and play strategies, the Institute would design customized training, coaching and recovery programmes for our top athletes. The Institute will also try to imbibe such innovative and modern advancement in recovery techniques which are still not known to us. It will also work on the development of cost effective sports equipment and goods specially suited to the physical parameters of our athletes.
Agreement with AIFF to Develope J.L.N. Stadium as Football hub Similarly, the JLN Stadium, New Delhi will be developed as a Football Hub and Stadium with specialized pitch/ turf in its central periphery. To this effect the Sports Authority of India (SAI) will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the All India Football Federation (AIFF) on October 5, 2011 in the presence of Shri Ajay Maken and the President, AIFF and Minister for Heavy Industries, Shri Praful Patel.Apart from other things, the MoU will provide for AIFF laying the turf and using the stadium for 40 days in an year for hosting of international tournaments, national tournaments and coaching camps and clinics relating to Football. In this regard the Ministry has given in principle approval to the proposal of AIFF to host the forthcoming SAF football tournament during 2nd to 13th December, 2011 at JLN stadium.
Come & Play Scheme Nationwide Launched After the successful launch and implementation of the Come and Play Scheme at the SAI Stadiums in the Capital, which witness more than 12000 children and sports lovers benefitting, it has been decided to launch the Come and Play scheme nationally on October 9, 2011. Having tested the success of the scheme here in Delhi, the same is being replicated across the nation through all the regional/sub-centres/institutions/ STCs and SAG Centres of Sports Authority of India (SAI).The scheme which will be launched by Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment at the Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium in the Capital. There will be close monitoring of performance and children with promise will further be inducted to the various schemes as per the defined selection criteria thereby creating a pool/nursery of talent to be further caste into International Athlete.
Coming Son
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The 44th Jnanpith Award for 2008 was presented to renowned Urdu poet Professor Akhlaq Mohammad Khan Shahryar for his distinguished contribution in
enriching Indian literature. He was presented the award by actor Amitabh Bachhan in a glittering
ceremony organised by the Bharatiya Jnanpith in New Delhi on 18 September 2011.Born in 1936, in Anwala district in Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh, Prof Shahryar
received his Ph.D degree in Urdu from Aligarh Muslim University. He taught at the AMU Urdu Department and retired as professor and Head of Department in 1996. He made a memorable contribution to Urdu literature as a teacher, critic and creative writer.Considered one of the foremost writers of ghazal and nazm, Prof. Shahryar has published 10 collections of poems in Urdu. His actual name is Akhlaq Mohammed Khan and ‘Shaheryar’ is the pen name. His first poetry collection Ism-e-azam was published in 1965. The third collection titled Hijr ke mausam released in 1978 was his most celebrated work. Khwab Ka dar band hai released in 1987 and won him the Sahitya Akademi Award in Urdu for the year.He became the fourth Jnanpith winner in Urdu. Firaq Gorakhpuri was the first Jnanpith winner in Urdu. Firaq WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 6 5
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Gorakhpuri had won the prestigious award in 1969 for Gul-e-Naghma. 45th & 46 th Jnanpith for 2009 & 2010 Eminent Hindi authors Amar Kant and Shrilal Shukla was chosen for India’s highest literary honour Jnanpith Award for 2009, while renowned Kannada litterateur Chandrasekhar Kambar won it for 2010. The selection board chaired by noted writer and Jnanpith award winner Dr Sitakant Mahapatra - made the selections for the 45th and 46th Jnanpith awards.Octogenarian Amar Kant is a leading author whose famous novel Inhin Hathiyaron Se earned him the Sahitya Akademi Award in 2007.Shrilal Shukla is an eminent novelist and a satirist,whose works threw light on the falling moral values of the Indian society in the postIndependence era. His noted works include Raag Darbari, Makaan, Sooni Ghaati Ka Sooraj, Pehla Padaav, Agyatvas, and Bisrampur Ka San. Shukla’s Raag Darbari, one of the best selling Hindi novels, had also been adapted for a TV serial. Shukla is the winner of several awards, including the Sahitya Akademi Award and the Vyas Sammaan. In 2008, he was awarded the Padma Bhushan for his contribution to Indian literature and culture. Chandrasekhar Kambar who won the Jnanpith Award for is a novelist and playwright. His noted works include Takararinavaru, Saavirada Neralu, Chakori (poetry); Jokumaraswamy, Chalesha, 6 6 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
Jaisidanayaka.He is also recipient of the Sangeet Nataka Academy Award and the Sahitya Academy Award.
Dr Garikapati Narahari Sastry (CSIR Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad).
Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize
E ngineering Sciences
CSIR honoured 11 scientists with the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Science and Technology for the year 2011 on 26 September 2011.Dr Samir K Brahamachari, Director General, Council of Scientific Research and Industrial development announced the names of scientists at the celebration of CSIR foundation Day.The Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Science and Technology was first given in 1958. It is regarded as the country’s highest award in science is named after the founder director of CSIR, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar.It is given to a scientist up to 45 years of age and carries a prize of Rs 5 lakh.
Dr Upadrasta Ramamurty (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)
The list of the recipients in the different categories are:
Mahtematical Sciences Dr Mahan Mj (Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, Howrah)
Dr Sirshendu De (Indian Institute of Technology, Dharagpur)
E arth , A tmosphere , Ocean & Planetary Sciences Dr Shanker Doraiswamy (CSIR National Institute of Oceanography, Goa) B iological Sciences Dr Amit Prakash Sharma (International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, New Delhi) Dr Rajan Sankaranarayanan (CSIR Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, Hyderabad).
Medical Sciences Dr Kithiganahalli Narayanaswamy Balaji (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) CSIR Young Scientist Awards 2011
Dr Palash Sarkar (Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata)
Physical Sciences Dr Shiraz Minwalla (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai) C hemical Sciences Dr Balasubramanian Sundaram (Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore)
CSIR Young Scientist Awards were instituted in 1987. CSIR Young Scientist Awards seek to promote in- house excellence in various fields of science and technology. CSIR scientist, below
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35 years of age, as reckoned on 26 September (CSIR Fondation Day) of the preceding year, is eligible for the Award.Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) on its Foundation Day celebrated on 26 September 2011 presented the CSIR Young Scientist Awards 2011 that seek to promote in- house excellence in various fields of science and technology.These awards are given annually in the fields of Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Planetary Sciences and Engineering Sciences Physical Sciences (including instrumentation).Each award consist of a citation, a cash prize of Rs. 50000/- (Rupees fifty thousand only) and a plaque. CSIR Young Scientist Awardees are also entitled to a research grant of Rs. 5.0 Lakhs (Rupees five lakh only) per annum for a period of five years and an honorarium of Rs. 75000/- (Rupees seven thousand and five hundred only) per month till the age of 45 years. The list of the recipients in the different categories are: C hemical Sciences Dr Bikash Kumar Jena from CSIR Institute of Minerals and Materials. Dr Dattatraya Hanumant De and Dr Rahul Banerjee E arth , A tmosphere , Ocean and Planetary Sciences Dr Arun Singh of CSIR National Geophysical Research Institute. Dr Rajeev Saraswat of CSIR National Institute of Oceanography
E ngineering Sciences Dr Amol Arvindrao Kulkarni and Dr Kaushik Biswas. Apart from these CSIR Diamond Jubilee Invention Award for School Children 2010 were also given.In order to enhance creativity amongst school children, CSIR announced for the first time Diamond Jubilee Invention Award for School Children on 26 April , 2002 the day celebrated as WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY DAY throughout the world. The objectives of this competition are: to capture creativity and innovativeness amongst school children and create awareness about IPR.There are 60 awards to be given each year. The first prize winner becomes eligible for WIPO’s Young inventor’s Award, carrying a medal and a certificate besides cash prize of Rs. 50,000/ -CSIR instituted a Gold Medal in 2004 in the fond memory of Prof. G N Ramachandran, a pioneer of protein chemistry and the sounding father of structural biology in India, for recognizing excellence in the interdisciplinary subject / field of Biological Sciences & Technology. Vayoshrestha Samman, 2011 Vayoshrestha Samman,2011 for Institution of Service -Kinnera Welfare Society, Mehdipatnam, Hydrabad; Best panchayat -Prashant Nagar Gram Panchayat, Medak, Andhra Pradesh; Lif etim e Ach ieve ment -Dr. Vinod Kumar, New Delhi;
Cre ative Art -Sh. C.S.N. Patnaik, Vishakhapatnam; Spo rts P erson -Dr. (Wing Commander) Ashish Roy, New Delhi; Economic Leadership -Sh. Om Prakash Gupta, New Delhi; Hridaynath Award Legendary playback singer Lata Mangeshkar was honoured with the first Hridaynath award for her contribution to Indian music on 28 September 2011. On 28 September, which also happened to be Lata Mangeshakar’s (82) birthda, she was presented a cheque of Rs one lakh, a trophy and a shawl by megastar Amitabh Bachchan.The award has been instituted by Hridayesh Art, a Mumbai- based socio-cultural organisation in honour of Lata Mangeshkar’s brother, Hridaynath Mangeshkar. 63rd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards The 63rd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards ceremony was organised on 18 September 2011 at the Nokia Theatre in Downtown Los Angeles, California. The awards ceremony to honour the best in primetime television programming from 1 June 2010 to 31 May 2011 was hosted by actress Jane Lynch, who hosted the Emmys for the first time. British shows triumphed at the annual Hollywood show, the Oscars of the small screen, with Kate Winslet leading a string of British performers. The list of recipients of the 63rd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards are as follows: WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 6 7
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8 Best drama: Mad Men 8 Be st co me dy : Modern Family 8 Best miniseries: Downton Abbey 8 Best variety or comedy show: The Daily Show 8 Be st a ctr es s, dr am a: Julianne Margulies, The Good Wife 8 Best actor, drama: Kyle Chandler, Friday Night Lights 8 Best actress, miniseries: Kate Winslet, Mildred Pierce 8 Be st act or, min ise rie s: Barry Pepper, The Kennedys 8 Be st le ad ac tre ss in a co medy : Melissa McCarthy, Mike & Molly
assessment. Maulana Azad Dental Institute is the first dental institution, catering to more than 2.5 lakh patients annually across the country.The parameters which went on to decide the winner were initiatives and outcomes reflecting innovation, academic research and training, accreditations, environmental conservation and patient satisfaction.The FICCI health care operational award aims at felicitating organisation for their contribution to the industry by innovating for increased efficiency and improved performance of health care at large. Rajiv Gandhi International Prize
8 Best lead actor comedy: Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory 8 Supporting actress in a co medy : Julie Bowen, Modern Family 8 Su pp ort in g a ct or in a co medy : Ty Burrell, Modern Family. 8 Be st di rec ti on in a comedy: Michael Spiller, Modern Family. 8 Best reality competition: The Amazing Race FICCI Excellence Award The Maulana Azad Dental Institute bagged the FICCI Excellence Award on 8 September 2011. The health care operational award was given away by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry after rounds of 6 8 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) on 28 September 2011 conferred the Rajiv Gandhi International Prize for Technology in Education and Development to the Azim Premji Foundation.The award instituted by the university in its silver jubilee year was presented to Azim Premji by Communications and Information Technology Minister Kapil Sibal.Azim Premji, upon receiving the award stressed on the need of integrating IT with mainstream education which would then prove far more useful
in disseminating education among adults than children. Azim Hashim Premji is an Indian business tycoon and philanthropist who is the chairman of Wipro Limited. He founded Azim Premji foundation in 2001.Azim Premji Foundation is a not-for-profit organization, operational since 2001, with a vision to significantly contribute towards a just, equitable, humane and sustainable society. The Foundation has been active in supporting the primary education sector. It has partnered with state governments across India to pilot initiatives that have the potential for systemic reform to enhance the quality of elementary education within government run school systems.The award comprising of Rs.five lakh cash and a citation is given to individual or institution that contributed significantly in education, particularly educational technology, for development in developing countries across the world. Best Performance Award by Government The awarded by the government for best performance in different categories were given to ONGC, Coal India (CIL) and NMDC on 20 September. The Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) Secretary, Bhaskar Chatterjee gave away the awards. Best finan cial p erform ance awa rd in Maharatna and Navaratna category was given to ONGC. In Miniratna category, the best financial performance award award has been given to Goa Shipyard.
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Good Corporate Governance awa rd in Maharatna and Navaratna category was also given to ONGC.
Good Corporate Governance award in Miniratna category, the same award was given to Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd. K Balachandan MD, CPCL received the award.
Th e co mpan y o f th e ye ar award in Maharatna category was given to CIL. The same awards for the Navaratna category were given to NMDC and Oil India.
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IN THE NEWS APPOINTED Helle Thorning-Schmidt Danish opposition leader Helle Thorning-Schmidt emerged victorious in the elections held on 15 September 2011 and will take over as the country’s first female Prime Minister. She belongs to the Social Democrats party. The result ended the center-right government’s 10 years in office. Thorning-Schmidt succeeded Lars Lokke Rasmussen who submitted his resignation to Queen Margrethe on 16 September 2011.Helle Thorning-Schmidt became a social democrat during her studies in Belgium and joined the Danish Social Democrats in 1993. From 1994 to 1997 she led the secretariat of the Danish delegation of social democrats in the European Parliament. After her time in Brussels she worked as 7 0 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
an international consultant with the Danish Confederation of Trade Unions until being elected MEP in 1999.She was a Member of the European Parliament in the 1999–2004 period. During the five year term, she was a member of the Employment and Social Committee and the Constitutional Committee of the European Parliament. She also co-founded the Campaign for Parliament Reform (CPR).
democratic state with an active role for women in New Libya. In his maiden public speech, AbdulJalil stated he would not accept any extremist ideology, on the right or the left. Mustafa Abdul Jalil was Minister of Justice under Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi. During the 2011 Libyan civil war, Abdul Jalil was identified as the head of the National Transitional Council.
Mustafa Abdul-Jalil
Major General (retd) BC Khanduri
The head of Libya’s National Transitional Council, Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, delivered his first public speech in the capital Tripoli on 12 September 2011, outlining his plans for the country.Thousands of Libyans gathered to hear his speech in the central square in the city.He emphasized the need for a modern
Major General (retd) BC Khanduri was appointed the sixth Chief Minister of Uttarakhand. He replaced Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank who resigned on 11 September 2011. Nishank was asked to resign by the Bharatiya Janata Party as it was alarmed by the state government’s sagging image due to several allegations
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of corruption. The decision was taken keeping in view the forthcoming elections in the state in 2012.
Champions League Twenty20 will be participated by more than 100 players who have experience at the international level.
Dinesh Kumar Likhi SAIL’s general manager (Business Planning) Dinesh Kumar Likhi was appointed as director (Production & Marketing) of Mishra Dhatu Nigam Ltd, another public sector undertaking. Likhi had played key role in formulating and implementing corporate plans in SAIL, such as the Investment Plan in 1995, Turnaround Plan in 2000 and the Corporate Plan-2012.
DEATH Wangari Maathai
Khanduri returned as CM two years after he stepped down following the 2009 general elections, when the BJP lost all five Lok Sabha seats in the state. Khanduri, a former army officer, has the image of a honest and nononsense leader who commands a lot of respect among retired defence personnel in Uttarakhand. Shah Rukh Khan ESPN-STAR Sports, the official broadcaster and commercial partner of Nokia Champions League (NCL) Twenty20, announced Shah Rukh Khan as the face of the tournament. The announcement was made on 9 September 2011. Nokia, the title sponsor of Champions League Twenty20, also announced ambitious plans to promote its association with the tournament. The third edition of Nokia
Anil Kumar Chaudhary State-run Steel Authority of India (SAIL) on 1 Septemebr 2011 announced the appointment of Anil Kumar Chaudhary as its director, finance. He succeeded Soiles Bhattacharya who retired on 31 August 2011.Prior to being appointed as Director (Finace), he served as the Executive Director (Finance & Accounts) at SAIL’s Bokaro Steel Plant. After completing his graduation in commerce from Delhi University, Chaudhary joined SAIL Corporate Office in New Delhi in 1984 as Junior Manager (F&A), and rose to the rank of Executive Director (F&A).An Associate Member of the Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India (ICWAI) & Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI), Chaudhary is an alumni of Faculty of Law Studies (FLS), from where he completed his bachelor’s degree in law.
Kenyan environmentalist & Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai died on 25 September 2011 in Nairobi. The first African woman to win a Nobel Peace Prize, Wangari Maathai had began a movement to reforest her country by paying poor women a few shillings to plant trees. The Green Belt Movement organization founded by her in 1977 mentioned that she had been treated for ovarian cancer in the past year. Wangari Muta Maathai was born on 1 April 1940, in Nyeri, Kenya.She won a scholarship to study biology at Mount St. Scholastica College in Atchison and received a degree in 1964. She earned a master of science degree from the University of Pittsburgh.She went on to obtain a doctorate in veterinary anatomy at the University of Nairobi, becoming the first woman in East or Central Africa to hold such a degree. Dr. Maathai, one of the most widely respected women on the continent, played many roles like WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 7 1
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that of environmentalist, feminist, politician, professor, rabblerouser, human rights advocate and head of the Green Belt Movement.The mission of Green Belt Movement was to plant trees across Kenya to fight erosion and to create firewood for fuel and jobs for women. The movement helped to plant more than 30 million trees in Africa and has also helped nearly 900,000 women, according to the United Nations, while inspiring similar efforts in other African countries.She won the Peace Prize in 2004 for what her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace. It was a moment of immense pride in Kenya and across Africa. Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi
Former Indian cricket captain Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi nicknamed Tiger Pataudi died in New Delhi on 22 September 2011.Mansoor was born to Iftikhar Ali Khan Pataudi, 8 th Nawab of Pataudi and his wife Sajida Sultan, second daughter of the last ruling nawab of Bhopal in 1941. Pataudi was the ninth and last Nawab of Pataudi until 1971, when the Indian government abolished royal entitlements 7 2 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
through the 26th Amendment to the Constitution. He went on an impaired eye to become a visionary and pioneering captain of the Indian Test team. He was the youngest to become captain at the age of 21. Tiger Pataudi made his debut on 13 December 1961 in the test match against England played in New Delhi. In 1962 he scored his maiden centuary (113) in his third Test against England in Chennai. On 23 March 1962 he lead India in his fourth Test, in Barbados and thus at 21 he became Test cricket’s youngest captain. Pataudi played 46 Tests between 1961 and 1975. He led India in 40 Tests and had a successful career. Pataudi scored 2793 runs at an average of 35 and made six centuries, the biggest of which was an unbeaten 203 against England in Delhi in 1964.He was honoured with the prestigious Arjuna Award in 1964. He was conferred upon the Padma Shri in 1967.Since 2007, bilateral Test series between India and England have been contested for the Pataudi Trophy, named after his family for their contribution to Anglo-Indian cricket. Burhanuddin Rabbani Former Afghan President Burhanuddin Rabbani was killed by a suicide bomber killed in Kabul on 20 September 2011. As head of Afghanistan’s High Peace Council, Rabbani shouldered responsibility to find a political solution to the 10-year war with the Taliban. Rabbani was given the dangerous and difficult job of guiding the negotiations between
the government and its opponents, including the Taliban. His death will impact the future of the war in Afghanistan. Gursharan Singh (Bhajji) Leading Punjabi playwright and theatre personality Gursharan Singh popularly known as bhajji died on 28 September 2011. Gursharan Singh was known to have developed the character of Bhai Manna Singh through his plays.Well known theatre personality Singh in his lifetime had penned around 70 plays.He started the tradition of theatre in Punjab and was known as Baba Bohar (towering personality) of Punjabi theatre.He worked relentlessly for an egalitarian society, gender eqaulity and workers’ rights. He served as a chairman of the theatre group Pulse Manch. Gursharan Singh won several awards from Kalidas Samman to Kala Ratan awarded by the National Sangeet Natak Akademy. C Achuthan Former presiding officer of the Securities Appellate Tribunal C Achuthan passed away in Kerala on 20 September 2011 following a massive cardiac arrest.After earning Masters degree in Economics and a degree in law from the Bombay University, Achuthan started off with the Indian Legal Services and served as a legal advisor to the Central government. He also served on the Company Law Board, before being promoted as the SAT’s sole presiding officer from 1997 to 2003. Achuthan’s term as the SAT
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presiding officer for a five-year period from November 1997 which was by a year expired on 3 November 2003. After retirement from the SAT, he worked as partner with a Mumbai-based law firm Corporate Law Chambers. Vasant Sathe Congress veteran and former Union minister Vasant Sathe died on 23 September in Gurgaon. Vasant Sathe was a senior party leader known for his frank views . A lawyer by training, Sathe was the Union minister for information and broadcasting in Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s cabinet.He had touched on many issues like a debate on Presidential form of governance and demand for Priyanka Gandhi’s entry into active politics.He was Born on 5 March 1925, in Maharashtra.He took active part in the freedom movement and removed the British flag and unfurling the Indian tri-colour at the district court in Nagpur during the Quit India Movement.
advanced music training under the legendary Musiri Subramania Iyer. In 1949, he joined the Central College of Music, Chennai and was guided by great musicians such as T. Brinda. He was a specialist in Purandara Dasa compositions.The Music Academy in Chennai had conferred the title of Sangita Kalanidhi on Sri T. K. Govinda Rao in 2000. The award carried Rs. 10000, a citation and an insignia.
during the 80s and 90s and also experimented in film making and writing screen plays. Making celebrity portraits was Rajadhyaksha’s specialty and he went on to become an iconic figure in the industry. In 1992, he wrote his first screenplay for the film, Bekhudi, which launched actor Kajol’s career. In 1997, he released a coffee table book titled FACES, containing 45 film personalities.
Sathe made his debut in the Lok Sabha from Akola in 1972 and later represented Wardha constituency from 1980 to 1991. T.K. Govinda Rao Veteran musician, musicologist and revered guru T.K. Govinda Rao passed away on 18 September 2011.A highly regarded musician and practioner of Carnatic music Govinda Rao received his initial training under Chembai Vaidhyanatha Bhagavathar and much of his
Gautam Rajadhyaksha pas sed Bollywood’s legendary photographer Gautam Rajadhyaksha passed away in Mumbai on 13 September 2011. Born in 1950 in Mumbai, Rajadhyaksha went on to become synonymous with Bollywood portrait photography
Ganapati Sthapati Eminent sculptor Ganapati Sthapati died on 6 September 2011 in Chennai. He had sculpted the famous Tiruvalluvar statue in Kanyakumari and Buddha statue in Hussainsagar.Professor Sthapati was the chief architect of the 133feet-tall statue of Tiruvalluvar, the Tamil saint who penned the Tamil treatise, WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 7 3
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Thirukkural. The statue is erected on a rock in the Indian Ocean in Kanyakumari. The Telugu Desam founder N.T. Rama Rao had engaged him for several of his pet projects during his stint as chief minister including the tallest Buddha statue, sculpted by Sthapati from a monolithic rock.After completing his graduation with a degree in mathematics he became a Sthapati (Hindu traditional architect) at Palani Murugan Temple, Palani, TN, India. He resigned after the death of his father, who had served as principal of the School of Architecture and Sculpture at Mamallapuram from 1957 to 1960. He succeeded his father as the Principal of the Government College of Architecture and Sculpture, Tamil Nadu.Sthapati has authored a number of books on the science and technology of Vastu Shastra and conducted numerous seminars.
Economics in Pune. He was also a research fellow at the University of Pennsylvania and was associated with Nobel laureate L.R. Klein. Professor Sastry started his career with a short stint at the Indian Institute of Economics in Hyderabad
RESIGNATION/ REMOVAL Justice Shivaraj Patil
city. Media exposé showed irregularities in the allotment of two residential plots to him and his wife.Patil and his wife, Annapurna, owned three plots of land in violation of Bangalore city laws, which mentions that a family cannot buy more than one housing site through a housing society. Patil bought a plot of land though he already owned a house in Bangalore and was also allotted a plot in 1994, a 9,600 sq ft site from the Karnataka Judicial
Books he has wrote include Iconometry, Temples of Space Science: The Building Architecture of Sthapatya Veda and Commentary on Mayan’s Aintiram. He was honoured with the Padma Bhushan in 2009. D.U. Sastry Eminent industrial economist, D.U. Sastry passed away on 5 September 2011.Shastri received his early education in Economics at Mysore University and at Amherst College in Massachusetts, United States. He spent some time as a research scholar under D.R. Gadgil at the Gokhale Institute of Politics and 7 4 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
Karnataka Lokayukta Justice Shivaraj Virupanna Patil resigned from his post on 19 September 2011 over charges of violating co-operative housing society laws. Charges are that he owned two residential sites in Bangalore
Department Employees’ House Building Cooperative Society. According to the cooperative housing society rules, people who own a plot or a house in a city are not eligible for a plot from a housing society as the plots are
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sold at prices much below the market price for members of the society. Tim Nielsen Tim Nielsen stepped down as Australia’s coach after helping the side to a series victory in Sri Lanka. Nielsen, who took over from John Buchanan in 2007, made the announcement after Australia managed a draw in the final Test at the SSC in Colombo.
September 2011 in Sau Paulo, Brazil.Lopes is a business management student in Great Britain, where she was crowned Miss Angola UK on 8 October 2010, the official representative of the Angolan community in the United Kingdom to the 2011 Miss Angola pageant.Lopes, Angola’s first winner, out did 88 other competitors to win the title during the 60th anniversary of the world’s biggest beauty pageant. pageant
outstanding contribution in the field of shooting and cricket respectively, and their commitment to the Army on various occasions. Bindra had won the only individual Olympic gold medal for India at the Beijing Olympics in 2008.Dhoni led India to World Cup victory in 2011 and was instrumental in taking the team to the No 1 spot in Test rankings for the first time ever. Prior to them senior cricketers Kapil Dev and Sachin Tendulkar who have been conferred with
The first runner-up was 23-yearold Olesia Stefanko of Ukraine and the second runner-up was Priscila Machado of Brazil.
honorary ranks in the armed forces.Kapil Dev is an Honorary Lt Col in the Territorial Army, while Tendulkar is an honorary Group Captain in the Indian Air Force.
Abu Salem The Portuguese High Court ordered termination of extradition of underworld don Abu Salem for breach of agreement by India for slapping offences which attract death penalty. The Portugese court said that in view of the new charges against Salem which entail death penalty, the authorisation granted for his extradition has been terminated.Salem tried in eight criminal cases including the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts was also charged with MCOCA (Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act) for allegedly making extortion calls to a Delhi-based businessman. Salem and accomplice Monica Bedi, were extradited to India on 11 November, 2005, after a tortuous legal process in Portugal lasting three years.
HONOUR Miss Universe 2011, Leila Lopes Leila Lopes from Angola was crowned Miss Universe on 12
Abhinav Bindra & MS Dhoni Olympic gold medallist shooter Abhinav Bindra and Indian captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni were conferred with the rank of honourary Lieutenant Colonel in the Territorial Army by President Pratibha Patil on 13 September. The honour was bestowed on Bindra and Dhoni for their
Eddie Murphy American stand-up comedian, actor, writer, singer, director, and musician, Eddie Murphy was chosen to host the 84th Academy Awards/ Oscars in February 2012. The hosting of the Oscars in 2011 by the dramatic actors WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 7 5
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Anne Hathaway and James Franco had fallen flat with critics and viewers.Murphy who made his film debut in 1982.The comedian Eddie Murphy’s films range from Beverly Hills Cop to voicing the smart-mouthed donkey in Shrek. Eddie Murphy had earned his Oscar nomination for his supporting role in
Dreamgirls in 2006. Box office takes from Murphy’s films make him the second-highest grossing actor in the United States. He was ranked 10 on Comedy Central’s list of the 100 Greatest Stand-ups of All Time.He received Golden Globe Award nominations for his performances in 48 Hrs, Beverly Hills Cop
series, Trading Places, and The Nutty Professor. In 2007, he won the Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor and received a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his portrayal of soul singer James Thunder Early in Dreamgirls.
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Answer Figures:
General Intelligence Directions (1-10): Select the related word/letter/ figure/number from the given alternatives. 1. Mechanic : Spanner : : Carpenter : ? (a) Tree (b) Wood (c) Furniture (d) Saw 2. Fish : Gills : : Min : ? (a) Ears (b) Eyes (c) Lungs (d) Nose
+ +
Answer Figures:
+ +++ +
+ + +
++ ++
7. Question Figures:
Directions (11-18): Select the one which is different from the other three responses.
10. 15 : 220 : : 100 : ? (a) 600 (b) 620 (c) 625 (d) 650
6. Question Figures: +
9. 16 : 49 : : 100 : ? (a) 85 (b) 121 (c) 144 (d) 169
5. DMVE : ? : : HQZI : JSBK (a) GOXF (b) FOXG (c) GOXG (d) FNWG
8. Question Figures:
4. AZBY : CXDW : : HSIR : ? (a) JQKP (b) KPLO (c) YBXC (d) TGSH
Answer Figures:
3. Grain : Warehouse : : Water : ? (a) Drink (b) Dam (c) Canal (d) River
11. (a) Son (b) Niece (c) Grandson (d) Grand-daughter 12. (a) January (b) (c) July (d) 13. (a) Intelligent (b) (c) Stupid (d) 14. (a) ZXVT (b) (c) OMKI (d) 15. (a) MONJK (b) (c) GMRGS (d)
February December Precis Comprehensive RPNL HFDC ACAZV METEI
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16. (a) 19 (c) 16 17. (a) 26, 119 (c) 10, 27 +
(b) (d) (b) (d)
25 49 35, 513 17, 65
× (a)
+ ×
+ (c)
19. (a) 6 – 13 – 24 (b) 12 – 19 – 30 (c) 18 – 25 – 34 (d) 24 – 31 – 42 20. A series of figures is given which can be grouped into classes. Select the group into which the figures can be classified from the given responses:
(a) (b) (c) (d)
3,5,1; 3,4,1; 1,4,9; 8,5,4;
1,4,6; 5,7,9; 3,6,8; 3,2,1;
7,8,9, 2,8,6 2,5,7 7,6,9
Directions (21-25): In each of the following questions, arrange the following words in a meaningful order: 21. 1. Neonate 2. Child 3. Infant 4. Embryo (a) 1, 3, 2, 4 (b) 4, 1, 3, 2 (c) 4, 3, 2, 1 (d) 3, 1, 4, 2 22. 1. Plastering 2. Painting 3. Foundation 4. Walls 5. Ceiling (a) 3, 4, 1, 2, 5 (b) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (c) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (d) 3, 4, 5, 1, 2 Directions (23-30): A series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given one that will complete the series.
23. Z3a, W5a, T8g, Q12j, ? (a) M16n (b) N17m (c) N16k (d) K17n 24. DGJ, FLN, HKN, JMP, ? (a) LON (b) LOR (c) LOQ (d) LOM 25. 321, 301, ?, 181, 21 (a) 281 (b) 161 (c) 241 (d) 261 26. 2816, ?, 176, 44, 11 (a) 704 (b) 1408 (c) 352 (d) 2640 27. Question Figure
Answer Figure
28. Question Figure
Answer Figures:
29. Question Figures:
? Answer Figures:
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30. Question Figures:
certain system. On the same basis, find out the correct answer from amongst the four alternatives for the unsolved equation:
72 × 96 = 6927 58 × 87 = 7885
Answer Figures:
79 × 86 = ? (a) 7689 (c) 6897 (c)
31. In a row of children, Harish is eleventh from the left and Mangesh is seventeenth from the right. When they exchange their places, Harish will be thirteenth from the left. Which of the following will be the new position of Mangesh from the right? (a) Eleventh (b) Twenty-first (c) Nineteenth (d) Twenty-ninth 32. A is the son of B, while B and C are sisters to one another. E is the mother of C. If D is the son of E, which of the following statements is correct? (a) D is the maternal uncle of A (b) E is the brother of B (c) D is the cousin of A (d) B and D are brothers 33. Question Figure :
Answer Figures
37. If ‘+’ means ‘×’, ‘–‘ means ‘+’, ‘×’ means ‘–’, ‘+’ means ‘÷’, then what will be the value of the following? 20 + 4 × 6 – 5 = ? (a) 28 (b) 32 (c) 34 (d) 36 Directions (38-40): Select the missing number from the given responses. 12
16 110
? 84
38. 10
(a) (c)
35. If D = 4 and READ is coded as 7, then what is HEAR coded as? (a) 32 (b) 33 (c) 7 (d) 8 36. Some equations are solved on the basis of a 8 0 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
11 14
(b) 12 (d) 18
39. 144 (132) 121 64 (?) (a) 70 (c) 85 40.
100 (b) 80 (d) 90
45 22 27 35
60 30 40
25 ? 35
(a) (c)
34. If BOMBAY is coded as FSQFEC, which word could be coded as QCWSVI? (a) MANDYA (b) MANDAL (c) MYSORE (d) MYSOER
(b) 8976 (d) 6978
36 45
(b) 33 (d) 60
41. In an imaginary mathematical operation ‘+’ means multiplication, ‘×’ means subtraction, ‘÷’ means addition and ‘–’ means division. All other rules in mathematical operation are the same as in the existing system. Which one of the following gives the result of 175 – 25 ÷ 5 + 20 x 3 + 10 ? (a) 160 (b) 2370 (c) 77 (d) 240 42. Rana travels 10km North, turns left and travels 4 km and then again turns right and covers another 5 km. He then turns to right—hand side
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and travels another 4 km. How far is the from the point of starting of his journey? (a) 5 km (b) 4 km (c) 15 km (d) 10 km 43. Four position of a dice are given below. Identity the number at the bottom when top’s number is 6: 3
(a) (c)
5 3
1 1
44. Among the four answer figures, which figure can be formed from the cut pieces given the question figure? Question Figure:
Answer Figures:
45. The diagram gives the number of candidates who failed in Chemistry, Electronics and English in different tests. The total number of candidates appeared was 600. What is the percentage of candidates who failed in at least two subjects? Chemistry
10 28
22 90
(d) 12
46. Find out which of the diagrams as given in the alternatives correctly represents the relationship among Employers, Doctors and Women
(b) 1 (d) 4
47. In this question, a statement is give followed by four alternative inferences. Select the one which is most appropriate. Statement: A large number of language specialists write novels. Inferences: (A) Some language specialists do not write novels (B) A novelist need not be a language specialist (C) Language specialty is highly helpful to write novels (D) All novelists are language specialists 48. In this question, a statement is given followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follow(s) from the given statement. Statement: Industries destroy the natural resources. Conclusions: I. All natural resources are destroyed by industries. II. No industries, no environmental pollution. (a) Only I follows(b)Only II follows (c) Neither I nor II follows (d) Both I and II follow 49. Which answer figure will complete the pattern in the question figure? Question Figure:
(b) 1.25 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 8 1
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Answer Figures:
(a) (b) (c) (d) (c)
50. From the given answer figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/ embedded? Question Figure:
Answer Figures:
PAPER-II General Awareness 51. Which of the following is not the source of the revenue of central Government? (a) Income Tax (b) Corporate Tax (c) Agricultural Income Tax (d) Excise Duty 52. ‘Operation Flood’ is associated with– (a) milk production (b) wheat production (c) flood control (d) water harvesting 53. Who has the sole right to issue paper currency in India? (a) The Government of India (b) The Finance Commission (c) The Reserve Bank of India (d) The Central Bank of India 54. A fall in demand or rise in supply of a commodity8 2 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
increase the price of that commodity decrease the price of that commodity neutralises the changes in the price determines the price elasticity
55. Planning Commission of India was established in (a) 1947 (b) 1950 (c) 1951 (d) 1949 56. How many types of emergencies are envisaged by the Constitution? (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 57. Who calls the Joint Session of the two Houses of the Parliament? (a) The President (b)The Prime Minister (c) The Lok Sabha Speaker (d) The Vice-President 58. In which year, Gandhiji established Sabarmati Ashram in Gujarat? (a) 1916 (b) 1917 (c) 1918 (d) 1929 59. No confidence Motion against the Union Council of Minister can be initiated (a) in the Rajya Sabha only (b) in the Lok Sabha only (c) in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha (d) in the State Assemblies 60. Which constitutional Amendment deleted the Right to Property from the list of Fundamental Rights? (a) 42nd Amendment (b) 62nd Amendment (c) 44th Amendment (d) 43rd Amendment 61. Most of the Chola temples were dedicated to (a) Vishnu (b) Shiva (c) Brahma (d) Durga 62. Where was the First Session of Indian National Congress held? (a) Bombay (b) Madras (c) Calcutta (d) Delhi 63. In the Gupta period, the largest number of coins were issued in (a) gold (b) silver (c) copper (d) iron
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64. The tax which the kings used to collect from the people in the Vedic period was called(a) Bali (b) Vidatha (c) Varman (d) Kara
(a) (b) (c) (d)
From brow to blue-black From brown to orange-red From blue to pink From pink to blue-green
65. Buddha preached his first sermon at(a) Gaya (b) Sarnath (c) Pataliputra (d) Vaishali
73. How many values does a human heart have? (a) Four (b) Three (c) Two (d) One
66. Which one of the following is not the result of underground water action? (a) Stalactites (b) Stalagmites (c) Sinkholes (d) Fiords
74. The cells which are responsible for the production of antibodies are (a) red blood cells (b) neutrophils (c) lymphocytes (d) platelets
67. Grassland is called “pampas� in(a) Africa (b) South America (c) the United Kingdom (d) the USA 68. The coastal part of water bodies of the oceans which is structurally part of the mainland of the continents is called (a) isthumus (b) oceanic ridge (c) continental shelf (d) continental slope 69. Anemometer is used to measure (a) wind direction (b) wind velocity (c) pressure gradient (d) wind speed and time 70. Marina Trench is found in (a) Atlantic Ocean (b) Pacific Ocean (c) Indian Ocean (d) Arctic Ocean 71. Which cells in our body have the least regenerative power? (a) Brain cells (b) Muscle cells (c) Bone cells (d) Liver cells 72. A potato tuber has been cut into two halves. A few drops of iodine solution are placed on the cut surface of one of the halves. What colour change will be noticed?
75. The source of the enzyme, diastase is (a) salivary gland (b) stomach (c) liver (d) pancreas 76. Mycoplasma is associated with a disease that affects the organs of (a) respiration (b) excretion (c) reproduction(d) digestion 77. Which one of the following has the highest value of specific heat? (a) Glass (b) Copper (c) Lead (d) Water 78. The device used for locating submerged objects under sea is. (a) sonar (b) radar (c) laser (d) maser 79. The metal whose electrical conductivity is more, is (a) copper (b) aluminum (c) silver (d) lead 80. What happens to a liquid, when the vapour pressure equals the atmospheric pressure? (a) The liquid cools (b) The liquid boils (c) No change (d) The liquid evaporates 81. Seaweeds are important source of (a) fluorine (b) chlorine (c) bromine (d) iodine 82. In nuclear reactor, heavy water is used as (a) coolant (b) fuel (c) moderator (d) atomic smasher WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 8 3
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83. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched? (a) Tetanus-BCG (b) Tuberculosis-ATS (c) Malaria-Chloroquin (d) Scurvy-Thiamin 84. Tear gas used by the police to disperse the mob contains (a) carbon dioxide (b) chlorine (c) ammonia (d) hydrogen sulphide 85. Correct expansion of the term ‘http’ in Internet address is (a) higher text transfer protocol (b) higher transfer text protocol (c) hybrid text transfer protocol (d) hypertext transfer protocol 86. Which of the following is a Navaratna PSE? (a) Steel Authority of India Ltd. (b) MMTC Ltd. (c) National Aluminum Company Ltd. (d) Oil India Ltd. 87. ‘World AIDS Day’ is observed on (a) 1st January (b) 1st April (c) 1st September (d)1st December 88. Who was (is) the first lady recipient of Dada Saheb Phalke Award? (a) Nargis Dutt (b) Uma Devi (c) Devika Rani (d) Sulochana 89. Out of the following artists, who has written the book, Meandering pastures of Memories? (a) Shovana Narayan (b) Saroja Vaidyanathan (c) Yamini krishnamoorthy (d) Geeta Chandran 90. Out of the following Indian States, which State does not have any maritime boundary? (a) Gujarat (b) Goa (c) Rajasthan (d) Maharashtra 91. With which brand of product, is the slogan ‘Just do it’ associated? 8 4 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
(a) (c)
Bata (b) Power Wood land (d) Nike
92. With which of the following books, is Dr. S. Radhakrishnan associated? (A) An Idealist View of Life (B) Bhagavad Gita (C) Conquest of self (D) Hindu View of Life (a) A, B, and C only (b) B, C and D only (c) A, C and D only (d) A, B and D only 93. The Headquarters of International Court of Justice is located in (a) Paris (France) (b) Geneva (Switzerland) (c) New York (USA) (d) The Hague (Netherlands) 94. ‘Subroto Cup’ is associated with which game/ sports? (a) Hockey (b) Football (c) Basketball (d) Badminton 95. The first talkie film in India was (a) Raja Harishchandra (b) Alam Ara (c) Chandida (d) Jhansi Ki Rani 96. Who holds the record for scoring the highest number of runs (individuals) in One-day Cricket World Cup Tournaments? (a) S. Gnaguly (b) S. Tendulkar (c) B. Lara (d) G. Kirsten 97. Which is the field in which Ustad Bismillah Khan has distinguished himself? (a) Sitar (b) Guitar (c) Shehnai (d) Hindustani Music (Classical-Vocal) 98. Where is the Baba Imambara located? (a) Agra (b) Lucknow (c) Patna (d) Allahabad 99. What does the open market operation of the RBI mean? (a) Buying and selling shares (b) Auctioning of foreign exchange (c) Trading is securities (d) Transaction in gold
UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs :
100. ‘Consumer Day’ is celebrated every year on (a) 1st April (b) 23rd April (c) 15th March (d) 5th December
PART-III English Language Directions (101-105): In the following questions, some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is your answer. If there is no error, your answer (4) i.e. No error. 101.(a) (b) (c) (d) 102.(a) (b) (c) (d) 103.(a) (b) (c) (d) 104.(a) (b) (c) (d) 105.(a) (b) (c) (d)
They agreed to repair the damage freely of charge No error When Darun heard the news that his father had been hospitalised he cancelled his trip and returned back to his village No error The Governing Board comprises of several distinguished personalities No error My uncle does not spend so much money on that house unless he thinks of moving in soon No error Neither my sister nor my brother are interested in moving to another house No error
Directions (106-110): In the following sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with the appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four. 106. If I ____ a doctor, I would serve the poor. (a) am (b) had been (c) were (d) was 107. He is weak ____ he does a lot of work. (a) and (b) yet
(d) so
108. Mahesh showed an ____ for sports at a very early stage. (a) attitude (b) aptitude (c) imagination (d) intuition 109. For ____ sake don’t tell it to others. (a) haven (b) heaven (c) heavens (d) heven’s 110. Napoleon’s army ____ to the Russian soldiers without any flight. (a) evaded (b) decimated (c) capitulated (d) cordoned Directions (111-115): In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word. 111. Supersede (a) suspend (c) repeal
(b) enforce (d) set aside
112. Perilous (a) monstrous (b) dangerous (c) cautious (d) dubious 113. Affluence (a) richness (c) influence
(b) difficulty (d) awkwardness
114. Bifurcated (a) dissected into pieces (b) divided into two (c) thoroughly evaluate (d) verbally abused 115. Consensus (a) unanimity (b) equanimity (c) magnanimity(d) proximity Directions (116-120): In the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word. 116. Salient (a) correct (c) central
(b) insignificant (d) convenient
117. Dormant (a) strong (c) disguise
(b) reveal (d) pretended WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 8 5
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118. Camouflage (a) hide (c) disguise
(b) reveal (d) pretended
119. Latent (a) primitive (c) potent
(b) evident (d) talented
120. Ample (a) meagre (c) sufficient
(b) quantitative (d) tasty
Directions (121-125): In the following questions, four alternative are given for the idiom/phrase underlined in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/ phrase. 121. He is always praised for his gift of the gab. (a) being lucky (b) getting something free (c) talent for speaking (d) great skill 122. The teacher’s extra hours of coaching went a long way in improving the student’s performance. (a) took great effort (b) spent a lot of time (c) extended widely (d) helped considerably 123. The administration found it difficult to cope with the striking employees. (a) move (b) compromise (c) handle (d) subdue
correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, your answer is (4). 126. He was released from the hospital yesterday (a) let out (b) discharged (c) dismissed (d) No improvement 127. The colours softened as the sum went down. (a) brightened (b) deepened (c) mellowed (d) No improvement 128. The new manager is soft – spoken and is considerable to all. (a) conceited (b) considerate (c) constricted (d) No improvement 129. He hanged his portrait is the main hall. (a) hang (b) hung (c) had hanged (d) No improvement 130. We were unable to call on you because of the rains. (a) help (b) invite (c) visit (d) No improvement Directions (131-135): In the following questions, a group of four alternatives is given. Choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/ sentences. 131. To feel or express disapproval of something or someone. (a) declare (b) deprive (c) depreciate (d) deprecate 132. Handwriting that cannot be read (a) ineligible (b) decipher (c) ugly (d) illegible
124. The criminal was pardoned at the eleventh hour just as the was about to be hanged. (a) at eleven o’clock (b) suddenly (c) at the very last moment (d) at midnight
133. Animals that can live on land and in water (a) anthropoids (b) aquatics (c) amphibians (d) aquarians
125. He spoke well though it was his maiden speech. (a) long speech (b) brief speech (c) first speech (d) emotional speech
134. Easily duped or fooled (a) insensible (b) perceptible (c) gullible (d) indefensible
Directions (126-130): In the following questions, apart of the sentences is underlined. Below are given alternatives to the underlined part at (1), (2) and (3), which may improve the sentence. Choose the
135. Fear (a) (b) (c)
of water claustrophobia hydrophobia insomnia (d) obsession
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Directions (136-140): In the following question, groups of four words are given. In each group, one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word. 136.(a) (c) 137.(a) (c) 138.(a) (c) 139.(a) (c) 140.(a) (c)
despondant (b) diaphanous (d) seperate (b) reference (d) reprimand (b) respositary (d) necter (b) puntuation (d) irrelevance (b) exuberance (d)
detrimental dilapidated confidance prosperous resplendant requisite necassary punjent maintence acquaintence
Directions (141-150): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. The fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Passage 141 the common 142, the ostrich does not bury its head in the sand to 143 danger. A ostrich can run 144 a speed of forty–five miles 145 hour, kick powerfully and 146 aggressively 147 its break. As the 148 and fastest bird in the world, it 149 need to 150 its head. 141. (a) In keeping with (b) As per (c) (d) Contrary to 142. (a) fact (b) (c) expectation (d) 143. (a) resist (b) (c) face d) 144. (a) with (b) (c) at (d) 145. (a) one (b) (c) a (d) 146. (a) peck (b) (c) push (d) 147. (a) on (b) (c) with (d) 148. (a) larger (b) (c) more large (d)
According to view belief avoid encounter for to per every play poke through by largest largest
149. (a) doesn’t (c) does 150. (a) put (c) shield
(b) (d) (b) (d)
did didn’t cover bury
PART- IV Arithmetic 2+ 3
151. If 3 = 1.732, is given, then the value of 2- 3 is (a) (c) 152.
11.732 12.928
(b) 13.928 (d) 13.925
2 + 7-2 10 is equal to
(d) 2 5
153. The number, which is to be added to 0.01 to get 1.1. is (a) 1.11 (b) 1.09 (c) 1 (d) 0.10 154. If n+ (a) (c)
2 1 n + n = 97 then the value of n is 3 2
40 44
(b) 42 (d) 46
155. 25, 50, 30, 45, 35, 40, ? (a) 30 (b) 35 (c) 40 (d) 45 156. [1 × 2 + 2 × 3 + 3 × 4 × 5 + 5 × 6 + 6 × 7 + 7 × 8 + 8 × 9 + 9 × 10 + 10 × 11] is equal to (a) 770 (b) 660 (c) 440 (d) 330 157. [(7-1 – 8-1)-1 – (3-1 – 4-1)-1 is equal to (a) 56 (b) 44 (c) 50 (d) 48 158. If x, y and z are real numbers such that (x-3)2 + (y-4)2 + (z-5)2 = 0 then (x + y + z) is equal to (a) -12 (b) 0 (c) 8 (d) 12 159. [22 + 32 + 42 + 52 +62 + 72 + 82 + 92 + 102] is equal to WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 8 7
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(a) (c)
385 540
(b) 2916 (d) 384
160. The value of
5 cm
(d) 4.8 cm
167. The circumference of a circle is 11 cm and the angle of a sector of the circle is 60o. The area of the sector is (use π=
137×137+137×122+133×133 137×137×137-133×133×133
22 ) 7
1 4
29 cm2 48
(b) 2
29 cm2 48
1 270
27 cm2 48
(d) 2
27 cm2 48
161. The product of two numbers is 120 and the sum of their squares is 289. The sum of the two numbers is (a) 23 (b) 7 (c) 13 (d) 169 162. Numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, …, 196, 198, 200 are multiplied together. The number of zeros and the end of the product on the right will be equal to— (a) 21 (b) 22 (c) 24 (d) 25 163. A takes twice as much time as B and thrice as much as C to complete a piece work. They together complete the work in 1 day. In what time, will A alone complete the work. (a) 9 days (b) 5 days (c) 6 days (d) 4 days 164. A and B together can do a place of work in 5 days and A alone can do it in 8 days. B alone can do the same piece of work in (a)
1 days 3
(b) 12
3 days 5
3 days 5
(d) 16
4 5
165. 2 men and 1 women together can complete a piece of work in 14 days, while 4 women and 2 men together can do it in 8 days, how much should a women get per day? (a) Rs. 400 (b) Rs. 450 (c) Rs. 480 (d) Rs. 360 166. If the lengths of the three sides of a triangle are 6 cm, 8 cm and 10 cm, then the length of the median to its greatest side is (a) 8 cm (b) 6 cm 8 8 WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM
168. The perimeter of a rhombus is 100 cm. if one of its diagonals is 14 cm, then the area of he rhombus is (a) 144 cm2 (b) 225 cm2 (c) 336 cm2 (d) 400 cm2 169. The surface areas of two spheres are in the ration 4 : 9. Their volumes will be in the ratio (a) 2 : 3 (b) 4 : 9 (c) 8 : 27 (d) 64 : 729 170. The height of the cone is 30 cm. A small cone is cut off at the top by a plane parallel to its base. If its volume is
1 of the volume of the cone, 27
at what height, above the base, is the section made? (a) 6 cm (b) 8 cm (c) 10 cm (d) 20 cm 171. The discount series 10%, 20%, 40% is equivalent to a single discount of (a) 50% (b) 56.8% (c) 60% (d) 62.28% 172. A train is travelling at the rate of 45krn/hr. How many seconds, it will take to cover a distance of 4 km ? 5
(a) (c)
36 90
(b) 64 (d) 120
173. A shopkeeper allows 4% discount on his marked price. If the cost price of an article is Rs. 100 and he has to make a profit of 20%, then his marked price must be (a) Rs. 96 (b) Rs. 120 (c) Rs. 125 (d) Rs. 130 174. If A : B = 3 : 5 and B : C = 4 : 7, Then A : B : C is
UPSCPORTAL Current Affairs :
(a) (c) 175. If
6 : 9 : 14 (b) 3 : 5 : 7 12 : 20 : 21 (d) 12 : 20 : 35
a b c a+b+c = = , then is equal to 2 3 5 c
(a) (c)
2 5
(b) 4 (d) 6
176. The ratio of the quantities of sugar, in which sugar costing Rs. 20 per kg. and Rs. 15 per kg. should be mixed so that there will be neither loss nor gain on selling the mixed sugar at the rate of Rs. 16 per kg. is (a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 2 (c) 4 : 1 (d) 1 : 4 177. A sum of Rs 86, 700 is to be divided among A, B and C in such a manner that for every rupee that A gets, B gets 90 paise and for every rupee that B gets. C gets 100 paise. B’s share will be (a) Rs. 26, 010 (b) Rs. 27, 000 (c) Rs. 28, 000 (d) Rs. 28, 090 178. Two types of alloys posses gold and silver in the ratio of 7 : 22 and 21 : 37. In what ratio should these alloys be mixed so as to have a new alloy in which gold and silver would exist in the ratio 25 : 62? (a) 13 : 8 (b) 8 : 13 (c) 13 : 12 (d) 6 : 9 179. The average of consecutive odd numbers is 53. The least odd number is (a) 22 (b) 27 (c) 35 (d) 45 180. The average age of group of 20 girls is 15 years and that of another group of 25 boys it is 24 years. The average age of the two groups mixed together is (a) 19.5 years (b) 20 years (c) 21 years (d) 21.5 years 181. Five years ago, the average age of P, Q and R was 25 years and seven years ago, the average age of Q and R was 20 years. The present age of P is (a) 36 years (b) 29 years (c) 24 years (d) 21 years 182. The average per day income of A, B and C is Rs. 450. If the average per day income of A and B be Rs. 400 and that of B and C be Rs.
430, the per day income of B is (a) Rs. 300 (b) Rs. 310 (c) Rs. 415 (d) Rs. 425 183. A man sold an article at a loss of 20%. If he had sold it for Rs. 50 more, he would have gained 5%. The cost price of the article was (a) Rs. 250 (b) Rs. 300 (c) Rs. 180 (d) Rs. 200 184. By selling 14 watches of equal cost price at the rate of Rs. 450 each, there is a profit equal to the cost price of 4 watches. The cost price of a watch is (a) Rs. 350 (b) Rs. 360 (c) Rs. 375 (d) Rs. 400 185. A person bought two articles A and B for Rs 5,500. He sold A at 20% profit and B at 10% loss. He thus gained 2% on his outlay. The cost price of A was (a) Rs. 3,000 (b) Rs. 2,500 (c) Rs. 2,000 (d) Rs. 3,500 186. If the total cost of 73 articles having equal cost is Rs. 5,110 and the total selling price of 89 such articles is Rs. 5,607, then in the transaction, there will be (a) a loss of 15%(b) a gain of 10% (c) a loss of 10%(d) a gain of 15% 187. What was the percentage increase of disbursement of loans of all banks together from 1997 to 1998 ? (a)
11 % 113
(b) 6 113 % 11
(d) 7 113 %
188. Nitin’s salary was reduced by 10% and then the reduced salary was increased by 10%. His new salary in comparison with his original salary is (a) the same (b) 1% more (c) 1% less (d) 5% less 189. The number of seats in a cinema hall is increased by 25%. The cost of each ticket is also increased by 10%. The effect of these changes on the revenue collection will be an increase of WWW.UPSC.PORTAL.COM 8 9
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(a) (c)
37.5% 47.5%
(b) 45.5% (d) 29.5%
190. A man spends 40% of his monthly salary on food and one-third of the remaining on transport. If he saves Rs. 4,500 per month, which is equal to half the balance after spending on food and transport, his monthly salary is (a) Rs. 11,250 (b) Rs. 22,500 (c) Rs. 25,000 (d) Rs. 45,000
(a) (c)
Rs. 8.16 Rs. 4.08
Directions (197-200): The pie-chart given below shows the marks obtained by a student in an examination. If the total marks obtained by him in the examination were 540, answer the questions given below based on this pie chart.
191. If 80% of a number added to 80 gives the result as the number itself, then the number is (a) 200 (b) 320 (c) 400 (d) 480 192. A bus moving as a speed of 45 km/hr overtakes a truck 150 meters ahead going in the same direction in 30 seconds. The speed of the truck is (a) 27 km/hr (b) 24 km/hr (c) 25 km/hr (d) 28 km/hr 193. A train crosses a pole in 15seconds and a 100 meters long platform in 25 seconds. The length of the trains is (a) 125 m (b) 130 m (c) 150 m (d) 175 m 194. In how much time, will a sum of money become double of itself at 15% per annum simple interest? 1 years 4
1 6 years 3
(b) 6 (d)
1 years 4
2 6 years 3
195. The difference between compound and simple interest on a sum of money for 2 years at 8% per annum is Rs 768. The sum is (a) Rs. 1,00,200(b) Rs. 1,30,000 (c) Rs. 1,20,000(d) Rs. 1,02,000 196. The difference between compound interest on 1 Rs. 5,000 for 1 years at 8% per annum, 4
according as the interest in payable half-yearly or yearly is
(b) Rs. 8 (d) Rs. 4
Maths 90o
Social Studies o 65
55 English
70o Hindi
197. In which subject, did the student obtain 105 marks? (a) Maths (b) Social studies (c) Science (d) Hindi 198. What is the central angle corresponding of Science? (a) 40 o (b) 80 o (c) 75 o (d) 60 o 199. How many more marks were obtained by the student in Maths than those in Hindi? (a) 30 (b) 20 (c) 10 (d) 40 200. How many marks were obtained by the student in Science? (a) 130 (b) 120 (c) 125 (d) 140
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ANSWER KEY 1. 11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61. 71. 81. 91. 101. 111 121 131 141 151 161 171 181 191
(d) (b) (b) (c) (c) (c) (b) (a) (d) (d) (c) (c) (c) (d) (d) (b) (a) (b) (a) (c)
2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 62. 72. 82. 92. 102. 112 122 132 142 152 162 172 182 192
(d) 3. (b) 4. (a) (b) 13. (c) 14. (d) (b) 23. (b) 24. (b) (a) 33. (d) 34. (c) (c) 43. (b) 44. (d) (a) 53. (c) 54. (b) (a) 63. (a) 64. (a) (a) 73. (c) 74. (c) (c) 83. (c) 84. (b) (d) 93. (d) 94. (b) (c) 103. (b) 104. (a) (b) 113 (a) 114 (b) (d) 123 (c) 124 (c) (d) 133 (c) 134 (c) (d) 143 (d) 144 (c) (c) 153 (b) 154 (b) (c) 163 (c) 164 (c) (b) 173 (c) 174 (d) (b) 183 (d) 184 (a) (a) 193 (c) 194 (d)
5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 65. 75. 85. 95. 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 185 195
(b) (a) (d) (d) (a) (b) (b) (a) (d) (b) (d) (a) (c) (b) (b) (c) (a) (a) (c) (c)
6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 66. 76. 86. 96. 106 116 126 136 146 156 166 176 186 196
(b) (a) (a) (c) (c) (c) (d) (a) (d) (c) (c) (a) (b) (d) (a) (c) (c) (d) (c) (a)
7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. 67. 77. 87. 97. 107 117 127 137 147 157 167 177 187 197
(b) (c) (d) (c) (c) (a) (b) (d) (d) (c) (b) (d) (b) (d) (c) (b) (a) (b) (b) (d)
8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. 68. 78. 88. 98. 108 118 128 138 148 158 168 178 188 198
(c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (b) (c) (a) (c) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (d) (c) (a) (c) (b)
9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 69. 79. 89. 99. 109 119 129 139 149 159 169 179 189 199
(d) (c) (d) (b) (c) (b) (b) (c) (a) (c) (d) (d) (b) (d) (a) (d) (c) (d) (a) (a)
10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. 80. 90. 100. 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
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