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From the Publisher
Leading in Unique Times
We started 2021 by honoring some of the industry’s most influential female leaders in our January Women in Real Estate issue, an extension of our ongoing online series. This year, we’ve also introduced our monthly Women in Real Estate magazine column as well as our Women in Real Estate panel discussions during our educational events. The opportunity for women to excel in leadership positions is greater than ever, and our front cover this month demonstrates just that. When Sue Yannaccone took the helm at the Realogy Franchise Group in November 2020, it wasn’t a career goal she had necessarily set her sights on, yet it was one she was perfectly suited for. As she says, “Everything I’ve done throughout my career has led to me sitting in this seat.” Sue stepped in as the head of Realogy at an incredibly challenging time—during the height of the pandemic and the subsequent market boom. But thanks to her leadership style, she couldn’t be better equipped to handle the unique dynamics of today’s real estate business. Sue and her leadership team share how they’re guiding Realogy forward in this month’s cover story on page 44. We also salute another outstanding female leader this month—Christy Budnick, the new CEO of HSF Affiliates and Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices (page 14). We are excited to watch what Christy brings to the firm and look forward to sharing her journey in the months to come. As we continue to bring you the stories of those making news in the real estate industry, don’t miss your chance to share the accomplishments of someone you know by nominating them to become an RISMedia 2022 Real Estate Newsmaker. Our annual Newsmakers program honors those from all walks of the industry for their achievements and contributions to the communities they serve. Nominations are now open at rismedia.com/newsmaker-nomination. Many of our Newsmakers will be among the speakers and panelists at our Real Estate CEO & Agent Leadership Exchange on Sept. 14, where we’ll discuss changing success strategies for the future. Register for this full-day virtual event at ceo.rismedia.com. We also hope to see you back in person at our annual Power Broker Forum and Power Broker & Newsmakers Dinner during the NAR Conference on November 12th . Until then, wishing you continued success,
John E. Featherston CEO & Publisher
Lee Goldstein
Broker/Owner, InTrust Realty Inc.
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CEO & Publisher John E. Featherston
EDITORIAL Executive Editor Maria Patterson Vice President, Online Editorial Beth McGuire Managing Editor Paige Tepping Content Director Caysey Welton Senior Online Editor Liz Dominguez Blog/Social Media Editor Jameson Doris Content Editor Paige Brown Associate Online Editor Jordan Grice Contributing Editors Lesley Grand; John Voket; Barbara Pronin; Keith Loria; Andrew King CREATIVE SERVICES & MARKETING Senior Vice President Kelli McKenna Marketing Director Philip Lodato Email Marketing Specialist Brit Owen Production Manager Susanne Dwyer Junior Designer Janet Yung-Balbin Digital Content Specialists Liz Ruggiero; Aidan Whalen CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT Senior Vice President Jay Featherston INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Chief Information Officer Edward T. Kingston C Senior Software Engineer Kal Salim M Web Designer Kevin Kirwan Web Developers Hema Yemmireddy; Firas Abbas Y Director, Client Solutions Peter Di Salvo CM Information Technology Manager James Jones MY CLIENT SERVICES & EVENTS MANAGEMENT Vice President, Client Experience Brett Johnson CY Senior Director, Client Services & Events Deborah Ryan CMY Director, Client Services & Events Darcy Sledge K SALES Senior Vice Presidents Kara T. Stripay; Anne Kraft Directors, Business Development; Ryan M. Rindom; Colleen Featherston HEADQUARTERS 69 East Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06851 RISMedia: (203) 855-1234 Fax: (203) 852-7208 www.rismedia.com www.rismedia.com/acesocial www.top5inrealestate.com PUBLICATIONS & SERVICES Real Estate magazine Annual Power Broker Report & Survey ACESocial (Automated Content Engagement) www.rismedia.com (Daily e-News) blog.rismedia.com (Housecall) RISMedia’s Real Estate CEO Exchange Power Broker Forum, Reception & Dinner Real Estate Newsmakers Reception & Dinner Real Estate’s Rocking in the New Year
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