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Terri Murphy – Are You
Are You Winning or Losing?
By Terri Murphy
Now that we’re more than halfway through the year, it’s time to take a look at your business and ask yourself how you’re doing. Remember that detailed business plan you put together six months ago? What happened after that?
If your market is like most of the country, the whirlwind has hit with vigor! Inventory lasts minutes, and buyers are everywhere. It’s tough to stay focused, let alone execute on the activities and initiatives you planned at the start of the year. The question is, how do you get your business plan back on track?
The good news is that you have plenty of time to change your course if you deploy some highly effective initiatives right now.
1. Stop chasing lower-level leads. Invest more time, attention and resources on the people who know you. This includes your MVPs (most valuable people), past clients, strategic partners and others in your sphere of influence.
2. Get face to face with your MVPs. Find ways to provide value and forget about “asking” for business. Make a list of those you would refer to your family and friends should the opportunity arise. This is your target group. Focus on building relationships with those you really like and enjoy having in your life. You’ll also want to create fun ways to see them in person. • Consider inviting five to 10 at a time to join you for breakfast or coffee. • Arrange a wine and cheese event at a local art gallery and be sure to introduce your favorite people to one another. • Host a hot dog and hamburger party or a BBQ that incorporates a community charity event.
3. Update contact information. When you see your MVPs, ask for their updated contact information and add it to your CRM along with pertinent information about their lives so that you can connect on a more personalized level. You’ll also want to track birthdays, wedding and house anniversaries, information related to their children and pets, as well as hobbies and other special interests. When you connect more authentically, you open the door to building relationships that result in more referrals.
4. Set up your calendar with quarterly MVP/client events. Use each occasion to send a “Save the Date” invite for future get-togethers. For maximum impact, send a handwritten invitation, follow up with a video reminder and then send a text a few days prior to the event.
5. Rotate the type of connection you make with your MVPs monthly. While face-to-face meetings are most powerful, don’t skip out on events, direct mail and birthday cards. These will provide a more personal connection and make a positive impact.
When you deploy consistent nurturing with a concentrated effort with those who know the real you, the referrals will roll in. RE
Terri Murphy is an author, TED Talk speaker and master coach with Workman Success Systems. She is the author of five books and the founder of the Women’s Wisdom Network. Contact her at Terri@TerriMurphy.com.