2 minute read
Dan Steward – How Pre-Listing Home Inspections Benefit You and Your Clients
How Pre-Listing Home Inspections Benefit You and Your Clients
Commentary by Dan Steward
Apre-listing home inspection is an excellent way to get ahead of the game in this or any other market, and our home inspectors encourage sellers because they put them in a strong position. Even in today’s hot market, it makes sense for a seller to do a pre-listing home inspection, especially in light of the horror stories being shared by buyers who waived home inspections in the hopes of getting to the head of the line in the competition for a home.
A pre-listing home inspection is also an excellent way for the seller to evaluate their home and do some minor repairs before crowds of prospective buyers begin pouring in. No matter the market, the seller will want their home to present beautifully in order to attract top dollar, multiple offers and a quick, uneventful close. By choosing to fix a loose wire, a leaky faucet and other minor but noticeable items before showings are even scheduled, the seller will face fewer obstacles and fewer questions back and forth from one agent to another to deal with these smaller issues.
Pillar To Post Home Inspectors® has always advocated for pre-listing home inspections, but never more so than now in such a hot seller’s market. If you choose to do a pre-listing inspection, put the report out on the table when buyers come through during an open house or showing. Check off things that you’ve fixed and provide receipts of service on areas of concern. You’ll likely hear a big sigh of relief from prospective buyers, and as the seller or seller’s agent, you’ll feel a measure of relief as well. Taking the time to eliminate a part of the process that’s likely to become a major issue will go a long way toward showing both agents and their clients that the home has been cared for and well-maintained. Pre-listing inspections are most valued for the stress they relieve. Both buyer and seller can rest assured that the home they both love has been cared for and that there will be few, if any, negative surprises once the beloved home has changed hands. RE
Dan Steward is president and CEO of Pillar To Post Home Inspectors USA and has been lauded as an RISMedia Newsmaker (2019 - 2022). Pillar To Post Home Inspectors has been named No. 1 in category for nine years in a row on Entrepreneur Magazine’s Franchise 500® prestigious list ranking top franchise companies. For more information, visit www.pillartopost.com.