2 minute read

Bringing Value to Consumers in a Digital Space

by Paige Brown

Michael Murphy Aqua Award as a top company Associate Broker producer in 2019, he still Lake Homes Realty finds providing a great client Lexington, S.C. experience more gratifying. “I receive more satisfaction Though he has only been from the smiles at the closworking in real estate for the ing table than the awards and past three years, Michael Murphy financial gain.” Murphy instantly fell in love with help- Murphy has discovered the power ing people through the home-buying of marketing on social media and and -selling process. Lake Homes how it helps showcase who he is as Realty, the largest multi-state lake an agent and resource in his combrokerage in the U.S., has helped munity. “The major benefit of social Murphy grow his skillset and set him media, I have found, is not necesup for success with a strategic ap- sarily for directly gaining clients, but proach to their market needs and gaining the confidence of potential exceptional training for agents. customers by displaying my strong


With over 20 years in local sales, work ethic and how I will provide an marketing and customer service, a equally satisfying service for them,” Coast Guard license and a familiar- he says. ity with Lake Murray’s real estate Before becoming a member of market, Murphy is known as a “Lake RISMedia’s ACESocial, Murphy foExpert” who makes these typically cused solely on sharing his active stressful transactions fun. listings and recognized that valu-

“I am particularly proud of helping able non-listing content was very people do real things that affect their limited. With a growing social media family in a positive way,” says Murphy. presence, however, Murphy likes to Even after receiving the Central Caro- share the Lake Homes Realty expelina REALTORS® Association Circle of rience, including posts detailing loExcellence award in 2018 and 2019, cal events, informative articles and as well as the Lake Homes Realty points of interest.

Education and entertainment are two key factors that Murphy wants to bring to his social media, as viewers respond to this type of engagement best.

“We were looking for good, valueadded content that wasn’t just typical posts asking for business,” he explains. “We wanted to offer value to our followers, and the content from ACESocial has been great.”

While sharing unique, branded real estate and lifestyle content, Murphy can also easily promote his listings with the ACESocial platform across his social media accounts, as well as within the articles, for maximum reach and opportunity. Each listing that’s posted also includes a convenient lead generation form.

“With ACESocial, we can dedicate our attention to promoting listings and still have valuable articles posted with only a few clicks of the mouse,” says Murphy. “In addition, with the on-page listing display option, even a non-listing-related post becomes an opportunity to show off our properties.”

Murphy knows the importance of having a strong digital presence in order to set himself apart from other agents. Though social media doesn’t guarantee business success, the utilization of ACESocial has built up his confidence and allowed him to maintain a relevant and prominent reputation online and in his community.

“ACESocial is a valuable tool— very user-friendly, clean and easy for presenting your services professionally and with value,” he says. “ACESocial has given validity to my services.” RE

For more information, please visit lakemurraymichael.com and rismedia.com/acesocial.

Paige Brown is RISMedia’s content editor.

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