Reception training

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Reception Training th 4

of June 2013 19h30

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Agenda •  Why Recep)on? •  Stages of Recep)on

–  Before Arrival –  On Arrival –  1ST week of the Internship –  During the internship –  End of the Internship

•  •  •  •

Resources Available Your Role MC Role Wrap-­‐up

What is Recep2on?

Recep2on – Before Arrival

Recep2on – Before Arrival •  •  •  •  •  •

Set Expecta2ons: Job Descrip)on, Country, etc. Send Informa2on Booklets Ask them to bring tradi2onal things Prepare a Recep2on Welcoming Package Allocate Buddies to the trainees Add trainees to Facebook groups (trainees /LC)

Ø  What have you already done? Ø  What are your key next steps?

Recep2on – On Arrival

Recep2on – On Arrival •  Pick them up at the airport / bus or train sta)on •  Take the interns home and give them the Recep)on Welcoming Package •  Guarantee the interns have food or know where to buy it •  Explain what will happen next: showing around, going to work, etc. Ø  What are the logis)cs you need to have in place?

st Recep2on – 1 Week

Show them around J

Recep2on – 1st Week

Global Village

Welcome Dinner!

st Recep2on – 1 Week

•  Guarantee the trainee is confortable – JDs / environment •  Accompany the trainees at their 1st day at work •  Walk the trainee around: supermarkets, etc. •  If needed, help them open a bank account •  This is the crucial week to make the trainees feel confortable in their new environment •  Make a recep)on dinner with your LC and show the trainees some tradi)onal Norwegian food •  Allow the trainee to show their culture Ø  What are the logis)cs you need to have in place?

Recep2on – During the internship

Organize Recep2on Ac2vi2es

Recep2on – During the internship •  Organize Recep)on Ac)vi)es •  Have frequent contact with the trainees •  Facilitate feedback thought their experience (to AIESEC and their rela)onship with their organiza)on, so that we can mediate it) •  Set priori)es clear with the trainees – work must be their #1 priority •  Follow-­‐up Ø  What are the ac)vi)es you planned? When?

Recep2on – end of the internship

Recep2on – end of the internship •  Organize an LC ac)vity/ goodbye party •  Make sure they know how to get to the airport/bus/train sta)on •  Have a goodbye package prepared (something for them to remember their )me in Norway) •  Ask for their feedback and connect their tes)monials – showcase impact Ø  What are the logis)cs you need to have in place?

Recep2on – Key things •  Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself •  Expecta2ons are 99% of recep)on and the likelihood that the intern will be a promoter •  Support the trainee •  Evaluate the experience the trainee is having – beginning, middle, end

Resources Available •  •  •  •

Recep)on Wiki -­‐ h]p:// Recep)on Package Recep)on Movie Na)onal Facebook Group

Recep2on WIKI

LC Role •  •  •  •  •

Guarantee a great internship Provide interns with a suppor)ve plaaorm Follow-­‐up during their experience Care Deliver on the promise

MC Role •  Guarantee compliance towards the Interna)onal Exchange Policies •  Consultancy towards LCs in quality cases •  Track Net Promoter Score and customer feedback •  Keep LCs accountable for a great delivery •  Provide suppor)ve infra-­‐structures: wiki, etc.

Customer Experience

•  What are your expecta)ons towards your project? •  What do you want your trainees to say once the project is over?

Ques2ons? Â

Thank you!! J

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